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Righteous Reign Episode 3 - Rampant Rampage

Page 9

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Beta HQ entered the conflict when the enemy engaged at 16 Cygnus. But, they too were badly mauled. Shah no longer knew the condition or location of any Beta HQ contingents.

  Reports came in rapid succession. Each seemed worse than the one before. By the end of the third day, it was evident there was a direct route to Sol in mind. The trespassers had taken Kappa Pegasus, 79 Ceti, 109 Piscium, Theta Pegasus, Sigma Pegasus, HD197210, HD 1461, 94 Ceti, 16 Cygnus and BE Ceti, by then. It was a ninety-degree-wide column leading directly to Earth. All the while, he was sending reports to each HQ and the CIC hourly. In the last several he advised it was futile to throw more forces into the struggle until OFSA ships were fitted with improvements that would enable a more positive response. He suggested having all Commands attempt to disengage and move to safer positions.

  The C&C were in constant communication with each other throughout those early days. It was soon apparent that the Orion Federation had no protection against this enemy's weapons and no way to breach its defenses. So, it was decided to discontinue all resistance and fall-back; until a way could be found to counter the assault.

  None ever was. By the time things settled down, most remaining forces were outside Orion Federation Space with a small percentage scattered in hiding places throughout the territory. It had been a rout.

  From start to finish. It took the enemy less than a month to capture the entire realm.


  As the outbreak was unfolding, I was continuously updated in communications with other C&C or by being copied on direct reports. In turn, I kept my Command aware of what was going on as the Commission kept agreeing to new fall-back positions. We all felt that no purpose would be served by throwing ourselves into the action; if, we could not offer a solid defense. In George's words, "We need to save something to fight with after we find a way. Until then, it's just suicide."

  By the time it was over, we had found ourselves all the way back in HD 47186.

  Over time, we got back to considering the future. But, in the first days, it was not unusual to find people with tears in their eyes. On occasion, I even rounded a corner in a corridor to find someone leaning against a wall weeping uncontrollably. Everyone walked around like zombies, at first. We had been surprised and even thrown back in past battles. But, in the end, the OFSA had always prevailed. I believe we thought we were invincible.

  One thing was obvious to me. Since, the formation of Mobile Fifth RAC and IGB, the four original Quadrant Commands had become nothing more than police or patrol forces. With very little exception, they had not been involved in actually prosecuting a military action in a very long time. Epsilon was always the primary defender against invasions, and Zeta was its partner when help was required. For that matter, none of us had participated in anything more than minor skirmishes for the last five years. And ten years ago, we used to run regular inter-agency War Games where we would pit one Command against another. Since, the war with the Spiel, we had been so busy expanding, we had ceased this form of practice. We were all pretty rusty at handling our chief responsibility.

  Chapter 9 Out in the Boon Docks

  Friday, May 10, 2267

  "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." Abraham Lincoln

  When we made our escape, the remaining C&C all agreed to that idea with the proviso that we find separate hiding places unknown to the others. We also decided that we would not try to communicate for at least two months. We needed to ensure the security of our remaining forces; so, we would be able to launch a future counter attack.

  We found this place just a short distance from HD 47186 and settled in. It is positioned on a vector RA 90.60244 degrees by Declination -27.62231º, at a distance of one-hundred-twenty-three light-years from Sol, in Canis Major. There are two gas giants here; but, the outer one is Jupiter class and boasts nearly four dozen moons and a ring system. It is complex enough to hide our entire assemblage of almost one thousand vessels unless someone takes a very close look. We have even taken the step of parking in orbits matching those of this conglomeration of natural satellites to make us harder to detect.

  I left everyone to their own devices for a couple of days; while, I thought the situation over. It gave them all time to absorb the gravity of the situation. But, I did not want my son to feel the threat. So, I spent countless evening hours with him as if nothing happened.

  Two days after landing at our new station, I called in all my senior commanders.

  "How's everyone today?" I bellowed with a broad smile as I waved them into the space with my right arm; suggesting protocol did not matter - this time.

  There was a chorus of fines, greats, and so-so responses. Their tones were somewhat disheartened sounding.

  "Grab something from the bar. There are sandwiches, finger snacks, and pastries along with the usual assortment of beverages." I kept the congenial tone in my voice and the smile on my face.

  Everyone milled about to acquire that treat that would satisfy the current craving. The thought of how depression fosters bad eating habits flashed through my brain. They all finally found seats in the conversation pit.

  "We will post memos about all this, and I will transmit the orders to you. But, we need to talk, first. Can anyone guess what the topic of this meeting will be?"

  "What our defined responsibilities will be, now?" Tom Hurst inquired.

  "That and, how we find out what's going on." Greg Astinov injected.

  "I agree. And, I think we're going to have to plan on how we keep alive. I mean we'll need supplies, restocking, and refueling, at some time." Savign chimed in.

  "Yes, that's all true; but, we also need to think of intelligence. We need to know what's happening out there!" Andy Urquhart cut in with a wave of his right hand towards Orion Federation Space.

  "Not only all those things; but, we require a defensive picket around these moons. We must be able to at least slow those bastards down before they get here. We especially need a chance to live long enough to figure out how we're going to beat them." Anna Arce was very passionate.

  "You're all right on all counts. And, looking after those responsibilities would give us all a sense of purpose. Don't you agree?" I queried. A round of nodding heads with smiling faces confirmed I was on the right track.

  "So, what's the plan, boss?" Can Nguyen asked.

  "I'll lay it out in a nutshell.

  First, we cannot lose our traditions of discipline and hope. We have to reinforce that the Federation is not dead. We have to make our people understand that we will take it back. If our organization begins to break down, we're finished. So that is the primary objective. And all the tasks and responsibilities you mentioned will give people purpose and a reason to feel they are still part of the OFSA.

  IGB was always the investigative, enforcement, security and intelligence arm of the OFSA. But, it also had a defined tactical defense and protection role. Well, there isn't much to investigate, enforce or secure. But there certainly is a need for our other two responsibilities of guarding our people and space and executing military actions to repel invaders. So, until further notice, we are now a military operation only. And, our objectives are to free our people and eject these trespassers from our territory.

  As a means of achieving those goals, we need to be able to resupply. So, we will visit our old trading partners, the Spiel. I have a friend among them. We will ask for his help. We're okay for water and gasses. These moons will provide that. But, we will reach a point where we need food and materials for medicines and parts. If this takes long enough, we may even need incidentals like clothing and bedding. Whatever happens, I do not want any rationing to be required, for obvious reasons. Since that is all behind the lines, we will take a relatively large force to visit the Spiel.

  Third, we need security. So, each Theatre will take a turn at picket-duty for a week at
a time. El will build a plan and schedule everyone accordingly.

  Then, we need intelligence. That will be Savign's big chore. We need to assist the picket line with information on what's on the way in. We must know what's happening in the Federation. We should try to find out what's happened to the other surviving Commands. And, finding out what happened to the King, the Rigil C&C, and the Cabinet wouldn't hurt, either. Knowing the positions and strengths of the enemy would help. And, finding stragglers or lone vessels to attack would be a step in the right direction.

  Otherwise, we ought to stay relatively silent for the next few months. The remaining C&C all agreed to that. We want the enemy to think they killed off any organized military. So, during that time, we'll require intelligence on installations being built or appropriated by the enemy that will not be so invulnerable. And, we have to plan missions to destroy or disable those facilities. So, as the SOCC information arrives, we will work on proposals we can execute when its time to come out in the open.

  So, first, there will be a memo to post on all notification screens on all ships. Then, I will send you all orders to make it all official. What do you think?" I finished as I looked each squarely in the eyes one at a time.

  Each officer gave a smiling nod as our eyes locked. We are back in business.




  From:Fleet Admiral K. Brubacher C&C / Commander Zeta Tier 1 Command

  To:All personnel in all Zeta HQ Commands

  C.C.No distribution outside of Zeta Command

  Re:Current disposition, goals, and objectives

  Date:May 8, 2267


  First, it has to be said that, we should not feel guilty about surviving the recent attack on our Federation. In fact, we should congratulate ourselves and each other that we have lived to fight another day. And, we will fight!

  Zeta Command (Inspector General Branch) is, first and foremost, the investigative, enforcement, security and intelligence arm of the OFSA and the Federation. But, our secondary responsibility has always been to protect and defend our sovereignty, our Constitution, and the Federation's citizens. Though our first three primary jobs have been temporarily eliminated, the others remain. It is our task to conduct defensive and offensive tactical operations and intelligence that will aid in ejecting the aggressor from our realm.

  To enable us to engage in and succeed at our current obligations, without the assistance of the Federation, we will be conducting trade negotiations with neighbors who freely and friendly exchanged with us, in the past. We will not permit our stores to be depleted. No one will go hungry, and we will not be without adequate weapons.

  And, to sustain some semblance of normalcy, we will maintain the use of Federation currency within our organization. A Tier level command carries considerable cash and precious treasures to enable us to continue operations and trade in troubled times.

  So, life will endure as before. You will be paid. You will be able to buy on board our ships. And you will be able to enjoy leaves on alien planets. We will buy back currency used abroad with other valuables. In other words, we have the capacity to guarantee the money for a lengthy period of time.

  And, we are not alone. Coming here to wait for things to cool off is part of a plan agreed to by Fleet Admiral Bryant, Fleet Admiral Nichols and me. Gamma, Epsilon, and part of Beta Command survived along with us. Our combined force is still considerable. We are nearly four thousand warships and five million people strong, still.

  Today, I will issue a series of orders to my subordinate officers and Commands that will redefine our current responsibilities and each operation's tasks, goals, and objectives. We will all continue to champion Zeta Command, and it will continue to support all of us.

  Thank you all for your cooperation.

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher.



  ENCRYPTED - Authentication Root I.D. ZETA-1-Z4867-505<?

  From:F. Admiral K. Brubacher Zeta HQ Commander

  To:Admiral G. Astinov Commander Zeta - T1

  C.C.Admiral A. Urquhart Commander Zeta - T2

  Re:Long Term Responsibilities

  Date: May 8, 2267

  Admiral Astinov,

  Our current situation is an abrupt alteration to the environment we typically operate in. It requires a change in long term, short term and immediate goals, responsibilities, and objectives. You are ordered and required to execute the following.


  All operations related to IGB regular duties of Investigation and Enforcement of Federation law are suspended, for the time being, unless you are ordered to resume them. Zeta T-1 will consider its primary function to be that of a tactical outfit ready to protect and defend the Constitution and interests of the Orion Federation and all other Zeta Command authorities. Its fundamental goal will be the eviction and elimination of the enemy currently occupying Orion Federation space. This should be your foremost consideration in all future actions you coordinate. You will also plan, direct, and execute Zeta T-1 operations in a manner that is consistent with, and supportive of, our current Marshal Law directive.


  Zeta T-1 will act as escort for all diplomatic missions. Two Fleets will always be made available for these excursions. We will be visiting trading partners and non-Federation friends continuously.

  Your team will assist in picket functions to secure our current haven. Admiral Elasima will prepare a duty schedule. You will rotate Fleets from your Commands into that task, as required.

  On the advice of Admiral Savign, Admiral Elasima will prepare a schedule of reconnaissance operations that will require protective assistance. You will rotate the appropriately sized force in and out of that obligation, as required.

  There is an immediate and essential requirement to obtain an enemy warship. Your objective will be to capture one based on the availability of single units while conducting actions described above in - "Immediate #3." You are authorized and required to attack individual units only, with overwhelming force.


  As intelligence information is received from Zeta SF - SOCC, Zeta T-1 will plan and execute raids against our antagonists, designed to disrupt and destroy enemy actions and assets. This is subject to improvements to hardware and tactics resulting from the capture of a vessel as outlined above in - "Immediate #4."

  In the interest of meeting the previously described clandestine tasks, Zeta 1 will continue to support SOCC as required by Admiral Elasima.

  All Zeta T-1 Commands will conduct drills to remain at peak level in anticipation of targets of opportunity. Zeta T-1 and T-2 will engage in monthly "war games" to enhance practice results.

  Zeta T-1 will remain ready to accompany Zeta Command on ambassadorial excursions.

  Long Range

  Zeta T-1 will continue to act as a show of force during consular type trips.

  Zeta T-1 will remain at a state of readiness to conduct defensive and offensive tactical operations.

  Fleet Admiral Kurt Brubacher

  C&C / Zeta Headquarters Commander

  Similar orders were issued to Admiral Urquhart. Savign's were different in that they referred to the exact reconnaissance requirements and objectives. Elasima's directives were aimed at coordinating most of the others.

  Over the next two weeks, I set out to negotiate agreements that would allow us the depth to continue functioning at optimum levels into the distant future. It was imperative we had ports of call to put into that would permit rest, relaxation, and resupply. And, those worlds were likely receiving information we could use. Travelers and traders visiting them often had plenty of news. The invasion of the Federation was a major topic of conversation.

  I always took the Examiner, my security flotilla, and two Fleets along. T
he show of force allowed our partners to understand we were not just a paper tiger. We actually have some teeth. This all permitted me the company of my son. And he has enjoyed meeting the species he never saw before. The size, power, aggression, and build of the Spiel scared him, at first. But, they have a side I had never seen, before. They love children. The tenderness and warmth they showed him proved they were not monsters, just different. And, it helped in my negotiations; though, I had never intended for him to be used in that fashion.

  The only significant change in my regular activities was the need to keep apprised of the value of our "precious assets." This was something I didn't usually think about. Both the Examiner and Interrogator vaults store significant amounts of gold, platinum, silver, palladium, and precious jewels and semi-precious gems. The Tier 2 and Tier 3 vessels do, also; but to a lesser degree. In all, we carry about five hundred metric tonnes of platinum and palladium, and seven hundred tonnes of each of the other precious metals, a million karats of diamonds and several million of other precious and semi-precious stones. Some or all are valued on every world we visit. In Federation terms, just the two Zeta Headquarter's Stations hold nearly thirty billion Sovereigns to trade and guarantee currency with. We also carry a considerable amount of cash for banking payrolls and buying within the Federation. There are nearly five billion digital sovereigns aboard to recirculate through our closed economy. On the occasional world that does not value our currency or these items, we are able to trade reactor grade fissionable materials at high values in small amounts. On some very arid planets, we even barter water which can be easily replaced. Tier 2 Headquarters carry about half the cash and valuables, and Tier 3 have about a quarter the tradable assets we do. Each Fleet is also endowed with valuables in the range of five percent of what the HQ holds. So, throughout Zeta operations, we can draw on around one hundred billion Sovereigns for exchange purposes. Water, gasses, and certain raw metals are easy to gather throughout space; so, we are never in want for those. As far as fuel goes, our fission reactors require core maintenance every fifteen years, but none are near due, at the moment. Fusion is achieved with deuterium and lithium. We have the ability to extract the first from seawater and can mine the other from a majority of heavenly bodies.


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