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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 10

by Candace Blevins

  He looked at Cassie as she turned towards him, and she thought he had a nice smile. Possibly a little scary, but nice.

  “I’m Isaac, and Peggy’s right, you are a sweet little thing.”

  Isaac was…large.

  So, fucking, huge.

  And his voice was like hot whiskey. The kind you wanted to put peppermint into and savor on the way down.

  He wore dress pants and a tie, but she could see his bulging muscles beneath the form fitting dress shirt.

  She thought she might even be imagining ripped abs.

  He was black, or African American, or whatever the correct terminology was this week. He wasn’t biracial, he was dark, dark, dark, black. She didn’t care, but wondered if perhaps it was why Peggy was giving her an out.

  She smiled at him and turned back to Peggy, unsure of what to say.

  “You can make your own decisions, Cassie,” Peggy said with a smile. “I’ll introduce you to Alex when he gets here. They’ll both respect your safeword, and if you’re honest about your starting point they’ll take it slow from there and help you figure out what you want.”

  When Alex arrived and she was introduced, he was possibly more attractive than Isaac, but she wasn’t as attracted to him. She couldn’t put a finger on why, but she gave her attention to Isaac. Between his intense eyes and rumbling voice, she couldn’t stop imagining what he’d be like in bed.

  Towards the end of the munch, Isaac asked her if she’d like to go to a nearby billiard club to talk for a while.

  When they walked into the cool dark everyone seemed to know him by name — bartenders, wait staff, and even many of the patrons. He herded her off to a table in a corner and asked what she’d like to drink.

  “Oh, I’m good with just some water.”

  “No, Sweet Thing. I’m buying. What’s your poison? Beer? Wine? Liquor? A mixed drink?”

  He said sweet thing as if he already knew how she tasted, and she crossed her legs to keep from squirming.

  She shook her head. “I’m driving. Just some water, please?”

  He sat back and looked at her a few seconds, as if observing and cataloguing. “This isn’t about following the rules; it’s about your own personal code of ethics, right?”

  She frowned, uncomfortable with him analyzing her choice of drink with so much detail.

  “Sweet Thing,” he said, leaning forward and taking her hand in his. “It’s your job to tell me what you want and who you are. It’s my job to figure you out, and to read between the lines of what you don’t say. I’m trying to work out whether you’re a rule follower, or one of those people who play by your own rules. I don’t think you’re worried about the legalities of drinking and driving here, but about your own personal moral code. You aren’t confident in your ability to drive when you’ve had a drink, so you don’t.”

  Her smile must have told him he was right, because he chuckled and returned her smile. “Okay, water with lemon it is, unless you want to hang out a few hours and play some pool?”

  She shook her head, he raised his arm, and a waitress was to them in seconds, almost as if she’d been awaiting his signal.

  “I’ll have the usual; the lady will have water with lemon.”

  When she left, he looked to Cassie and said, “You’ve told me a little about what the gentleman you’ve been seeing has and hasn’t done, now I’d like to hear what’s turned you on the most — either in real life, or online, or in books…what does it for you, Sweet Thing?”

  Cassie was tired of doing all the talking. Cam talked to her plenty, but she almost never heard Frisco’s motivations or turn-ons and she wanted to make sure Isaac wasn’t a carbon copy of Frisco.

  “You know what? I think I’ve been answering most of the questions. Can you tell me what turns you on?”

  His laugh was pure sex. Macho and virile and raw lust.

  “I like to watch a bottom turn red. I like to see a submissive squirm and beg, and get so fucking hot and bothered she’s begging me for more — more pain, more pleasure, more attention, more tongue, more cock, more fucking… just damned more.” He smiled and lifted her hand to his mouth to kiss it, and carefully put it back where he found it. “Playing with new submissives is fun, I like teaching them what feels good and helping them figure out their particular kinks. I’m also a fan of playing with experienced subs, and sometimes showing them how something they thought they hated can work for them, if approached correctly.”

  The waitress brought their drinks while he was talking, but paid no attention to what he was saying. She put the drinks on the table, nodded to him, and was gone in seconds. Apparently, his “usual” was a local craft beer, which he drank from the bottle. Cassie had noticed a mixture of polished and rough since she’d met him. He spoke with perfect grammar and was dressed as a businessman, but practically oozed bad-boy sexuality.

  Pulling herself back to their conversation, she decided his answer had been refreshingly honest, and it made her feel better about sharing. She just wasn’t sure exactly what to tell him.

  She hadn’t told Isaac about Cam because she wasn’t sure she could explain the relationship, or how she could be attracted to Frisco and Cam in such different ways.

  She’d merely told him the guy who’d been showing her the ropes was in a relationship with a man, had allowed her into their bedroom and playroom, and had given her some experiences with power exchange.

  She’d told him the specific things she liked though, and of course the leash was front and center of her list. In the four months she’d spent with Frisco and Cam she’d had experiences far and above her night at The Diamond Club, but she couldn’t get beyond her first experience with dominance and submission. No matter she’d only been an observer — the leash was still the symbol of power exchange, in her mind.

  But Frisco had given her lots of experience with a leash. She needed impact play, and wanted nipple clamps, and maybe even a butt plug.

  “I’ve already told you I was turned on by the leash, but as things have progressed I want to be spanked and flogged. I want to know I’ll be punished if I don’t follow the rules. Watching the difference in a punishment caning versus a pleasurable flogging session? The first terrifies me, yet I still want to experience it. And the pleasurable stuff…”

  She blushed and started to stammer a little, so she stopped, took a breath, and forced herself to continue in a normal voice. “I want to be spanked with a proper warm up, and maybe flogged.”

  He leaned forward and caressed her cheek. The gesture was so intimate, and yet controlling and dominant. Her heart skipped a beat and her breath caught.

  His perceptive eyes and warm smile told her he knew the effect he had on her, and his voice seemed to drop even deeper as he said, “I have an office in the back. It’s mostly soundproof, and Peggy already told you I’ll respect your safeword. If you want to go back, just tell me your safeword and we’ll go.”

  “You work here?”

  “I’m part owner.”

  She took in the information but could only think of so much at a time, and her brain went back to his offer.

  “What would we do? If we go back?”

  He eyed her speculatively a few heartbeats before saying, “No sex. You’ll bend over my lap and I’ll spank you with my hand until I’m ready to pull your skirt up. Once I have your skirt around your waist I’ll spank you over your panties, and if you aren’t wearing a thong I’ll make them look like one, but I won’t pull your panties down.” He smiled and leaned forward to caress her cheek again. “That’s it for today. A hand-spanking. I don’t get you off; you don’t get me off. If we like it, we can arrange for something more, somewhere else.”

  “Arabesque. My safeword is arabesque.”

  He tilted his head. “Are you a dancer?”

  “I was. In college.”

  Which wasn’t why she’d chosen the word, but she wasn’t prepared to talk to him about Frisco and Cam personally. He only needed to hear about her experien
ce with kink, not specifics about who she’d done it with. One didn’t speak with fondness about ex-boyfriends in the vanilla world, and she assumed the rules were the same regarding ex-Doms and their slaves in the BDSM world.

  He stood and offered his hand, which she accepted, and allowed him to help her up.

  She hadn’t told him about her martial arts skills, thinking if she needed them it’d be better to have the element of surprise. She found she trusted him, though, and didn’t expect to need them.

  His office was impressive, with lots of original art, a huge antique wood desk, old style expensive wood paneling, thick carpet, and no window.

  “You said you owned the fitness club next door?” Cassie asked.

  “I do, but I’m also a part owner over here. The man who owns the majority is a night owl and wanted a partner who could be available during the day when he prefers to sleep. He’s around during the busy times, but…” He shrugged. “We didn’t come back here to talk about business.” He sat in a straight back chair with no arms, almost as if it were here just for this purpose, and motioned for her to bend over his lap.

  Suddenly self-conscious, she took an involuntary step back before she realized she was moving. He chuckled and said, “It’s okay, Sweet Thing. You say the word arabesque and I’ll stop. Don’t get shy on me now; you were doing so well.”

  She’d come this far and wasn’t going to blow her chance. Taking a breath, she stepped to his leg but couldn’t convince her body to bend over. It just felt…wrong.

  And yet, her insides vibrated with arousal, and she wanted to know what his large hand would feel like as it struck her bottom.

  He put his hand on her lower back and his warmth soaked through her shirt. “This is the hardest part. Just bend over without thinking about it. We’re going to make it good.”

  Her body might not be inclined to do as she instructed, but had no problems obeying Isaac.

  The thick-piled carpet was a deep red, not quite burgundy, and her fingers practically disappeared into the rich texture.

  Goose bumps chased Isaac’s hand as he smoothed her long skirt over her bottom. She’d dressed casual for the munch, in a long cotton print skirt, flat sandals, and v-neck fitted tee.

  She straightened her legs, let them bend, and tried to get comfortable, but it wasn’t going to happen.

  His warm hand was large enough she felt it across her entire lower ribcage. He put enough pressure behind it to be clear he was holding her down, and her already rapid heartbeat sped even faster. “Okay, Sweet Thing. I’m going to hold you down so you can’t stand, and at this angle you’ll risk falling on your head if you reach your hands back. If you need me to stop, say your word. I’m holding you in place to keep you safe. You can fight and struggle if you want; I won’t mind a bit.”

  She braced for the first strike, expecting it to hurt, but it didn’t even sting. After four or five without pain she relaxed, and he rubbed her back with his other hand and said, “Good girl. Just relax and trust me.”

  His hand gradually spanked harder, and her bottom grew warm. When he stopped, she moaned in complaint, and he chuckled as he pulled her skirt up.

  She’d grown bored watching Frisco take forever to warm Cam up a few times, and was thankful that most of the time he didn’t take so long. Now, feeling it for the first time, it was so much more interesting to experience than watch.

  “You have beautiful legs, Sweet Thing.” He kept pulling at her skirt, and when she felt cool air hit her warm bottom she suddenly felt self-conscious again. She’d just met this guy and he was spanking her bottom in the back of a billiard club!

  She’d worn panties and not a thong, but he didn’t comment on her undies, just made an approving sound and said, “Mmmmm, and a gorgeous little ass.”

  With no further ado, his hand struck her bottom again, and she felt each impact so much more.

  She began to squirm, and wanted him to do more than spank her, but he’d told her this was it.

  In a way, she could twist and moan and act shameless without worrying he’d take things farther. Knowing things would stop here allowed her to enjoy it more because she didn’t have to worry about leading him on.

  Her body certainly wanted more, but her psyche wasn’t so sure.

  Isaac began to hit harder, and harder, and yet she kept holding her bottom up with her back arched, inviting him. Wanting each strike.

  Her moans turned into mini-shouts, and he assured her no one would hear.

  The rhythm of the strikes stopped long enough for him to pull her panties to the center of her bottom and bare her cheeks, and he started again.

  God, skin on skin. His big, massive, meaty hand struck again and again. Stinging, thudding, and shaking her to her core.

  She’d watched Frisco move paddles and canes around Cam’s bottom and thighs, but Isaac’s hand was so big it struck most of her bottom with each blow.

  And he wasn’t moving down to her thighs.

  Her bottom was so hot, and he was hitting hard enough now she could feel her skin giving way, feel the muscles underneath absorbing of the impact.

  And still, she wanted more.

  When he finished and stood her up, she wanted to beg for more, but didn’t.

  He remained seated, which put their heads at close to the same height. She gave him a bashful smile and hoped her red face could be blamed on having her head so close to the floor while over his lap.

  “Did you enjoy your spanking?” His voice was a gentle caress.

  She nodded but he said, “Use your words, Sweet Thing.”

  Cassie suddenly felt very submissive. There’d been fleeting glimpses of it with Frisco, but with Isaac, her desire to submit was a physical thing inside of her and she had to lock her knees to keep from dropping to the ground at his feet.

  “What should I call you?” she asked.

  “What do you feel comfortable calling me?”

  His voice simultaneously soothed and excited, and gave her the confidence to tell him the truth. “Would it be okay to call you Sir?”

  He nodded and smiled. “I’d be honored if you felt I deserved the title.”

  Remembering the strength Cam displayed in his submission, Cassie stood taller, lifted her chin a little, and felt the bashful grin blossom into a happy, self-confident smile. “I loved my spanking, Sir.”

  He stood and pulled her into his warm embrace. Her cheek rested on his chest and her body relaxed into the security of his arms.

  “Let’s go sit on the sofa so we can talk.” His deep voice articulated such casual authority, even his suggestions made her girl parts react as if she’d been given the most delicious order.

  He pulled her into his lap and kissed her cheek. “Would you be interested in going out on a date, and then having a scene at my house afterwards? Maybe dinner and then back to my house?”

  She considered it a few seconds and he said, “Peggy will vouch for me again, and I’ll give you any information you ask for. It’s important you feel safe.”

  Cassie smiled. “Between Peggy saying you’d respect a safeword, and the time I’ve spent with you today — I trust you.” She took a breath and added, “I was honestly just thinking about my calendar for the next week. I don’t think I can do anything until Friday night, and after that would be the next Tuesday.”

  “Well then, if you’ll give me your address, can I pick you up around seven o’clock Friday night?”

  He touched her chin — not enough to hold it in place physically, but enough to let her know he wanted her to keep her head up so he could see into her eyes. “We’ll talk about my expectations during a scene while we eat, and I’d like to hear some of yours as well.” He paused and tilted his head. “If you want to keep sex out of it we can do so, but it’ll mean neither of us gets off. If you want to include an orgasm into the mix you’ll need to let me know how you’re comfortable getting me off. I won’t require sex right off the bat, but we’ll need to be clear how far both of us are comfo
rtable going.”

  She nodded, unsure of how to answer, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

  “No need to tell me anything now, I just wanted you to be prepared to talk about it over dinner. Would Two-Twelve Market be okay?”

  “Yes,” she finally found her voice. “Great.”

  And then she had nothing else to say.

  Thankfully, he changed the subject. “With those legs and that pert little ass, I’m pretty sure you regularly work out. Where do you go?”

  She laughed. “Trying to drum up business?”

  “No, just curious. You don’t have to tell me.”

  She shook her head. “It isn’t a gym, like you’re probably thinking. I’m involved in a couple of disciplines of martial arts and I’m in the dojo a few times a week.” She shrugged. “I also take my dog on regular runs.”

  They talked about Jake a little, and the challenges of owning a super-smart German Shepherd.

  When Cassie felt like herself again she said, “I should go. You probably have work to do.”

  “I’ll just hang out at the bar when you go. You’re welcome to stay and talk until you’re ready to drive home.”

  “I’m ready, but thanks for giving me some time to come back to myself. I was almost…it was almost like I had a buzz, when you finished.”

  He nodded. “Yes, Sweet Thing. Your body releases all kinds of feel-good chemicals when you get that kind of spanking.” He stood when she did and said, “I’ll walk you to your car. Come on.”

  He didn’t just walk her out, he kissed her senseless before putting her into her car and watching her drive away.

  Cassie looked at the time and knew Cam would likely be with Frisco now, so she’d need to wait to text him in the morning.

  * * * *

  Instead of running, she walked Jake around the neighborhood to clear her head and then crawled into bed with her laptop.

  After reading her saved draft several times, she changed it and read it again.


  I need to know if you’re the only one who can give me orgasms, or if it’s just a matter of finding someone to Top me.


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