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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 11

by Candace Blevins

  I know the whole purpose of my getting tested was so I could play with you and Cam without a condom, so I’m letting you know I have a date this weekend, and we’ll probably be back to using condoms again next week.

  As you keep telling me, you and I aren’t in a relationship, so I don’t owe you an explanation or even the information I’m going out with someone else. However, I do have a responsibility to let you know when I become sexually active with someone else. I haven’t yet, but fully intend to.


  Chapter Fourteen

  Frisco awoke, fucked Cam without allowing the boy an orgasm, and cooked breakfast.

  “You’ll stay hard while we eat, boy. You have permission to stroke yourself if needed, but if your cock doesn’t stand proud the entire meal, I’ll put the spike strip in your jailbird today.”

  Frisco watched as Cam kept himself hard throughout breakfast, and when they finished he went to take a shower while his slave cleaned the kitchen.

  The boy reported to him once his morning chores were finished — still rock hard, as ordered.

  Frisco settled on his bed, grabbed his laptop, and opened it as he casually told Cam to “Stroke yourself close to an orgasm, but don’t let yourself come.”

  The boy would be in orgasm denial until Friday evening, when he’d be forced to have an orgasm every waking hour until he couldn’t manage another. Frisco would start it late enough there would only be five orgasms Friday evening, and they’d see how long he could last Saturday.

  Cam wasn’t a stranger to this training, and knew the faster he came the less sore he’d be, but by Saturday afternoon he’d likely be an exhausted mess, his cock raw from so much stroking. They’d start with twenty-five days of chastity, and every hour he could manage an orgasm would be one day subtracted from the length of time he’d be denied. His record was eleven orgasms, which had meant fourteen days of orgasm denial.

  For now, Cam didn’t know when he’d be allowed another orgasm, and had no idea Friday evening would begin another orgasm marathon training period.

  Frisco opened Cassie’s email first, and his heart fell to his feet as he read. He went over it several times, as if the contents would change if he read it again. They didn’t, and he closed his laptop without looking at any of his other mail.

  He glanced at the clock, saw they had some time before Cam needed to get ready for class, and said, “Get the mirror.”

  Cam’s face showed a few short seconds of his displeasure, but he quickly schooled his face and walked to the armoire without arguing. He retrieved the large hand mirror with the three-and-a-half-inch circle drawn in the middle with a permanent marker, and Frisco motioned for him to put it on the floor but didn’t give instructions. Cam knew what to do, and he dropped to his knees and started stroking.

  “You have ten minutes,” Frisco told him as he started the timer on his phone. It generally took Cam between five and fifteen minutes to fill the circle — Frisco wasn’t giving him an impossible time limit.

  Frisco turned his cellphone so they could both see the face as the time counted down, and sat back to watch.

  When the boy had some precum built up he leaned forward and used one arm to prop himself as he rubbed his cock on the mirror with the other hand. He’d have to mark the entire circle with precum before time was up or he’d be in trouble.

  This assignment forced Cam to edge himself close to orgasm over and over, and he was almost never allowed release when tasked with this exercise.

  Frisco watched the boy struggle through, Cam’s breathing ragged as he jacked himself just to the edge of an orgasm and held himself oh-so-close long enough to fill the circle.

  “If you orgasm, you’ll wear the medium sized sharp spikes in your jailbird today. Fail to fill the circle and you’ll wear the large, blunt spikes.”

  The sharp spikes would be uncomfortable when soft, and excruciating with an erection. The blunt spikes would bother him a little when soft and would hurt when hard, but nowhere near as bad as the sharp ones. If Cam had to choose between the two, he’d elect to not have an orgasm and fail to fill the circle, but the boy hated the spikes and would do his best to keep from having to wear even the blunt ones.

  Cam looked at the countdown timer as he said, “I understand, Master,” and jacked himself a little faster.

  Frisco let himself think of Cassie as he watched the slave edge himself. For a while, Frisco had contemplated a future with Cassie living here, sleeping in his bed every night. A few times he’d even considered offering Cameron a long-term contract, but had quickly nixed the idea. Frisco’s family didn’t think anything of him renting out the space over the garage to college kids as long a different one moved in every year as the previous occupant’s “lease” was up, but if one stayed forever it’d be hard to explain. One of Frisco’s sisters had commented on the fact he always rented the space to boys in their early twenties, but he’d told her he didn’t want to have to deal with female melodrama so he always chose males. She’d been irritated enough to forget her original observation, which was what he’d been going for.

  Cassie had done him a favor by pulling away. He liked his life and had no desire to screw with it — he had all the sex he wanted from the boys he trained, and when it was time to choose another he generally had at least a dozen hopeful slaves submitting to him and begging to be chosen. He loved the week he kept the three or four top contenders at the house. No way would he want to deal with so many slaves for long, but when they were on their best behavior and willing to do just about anything to be chosen? It was quite a rush, and a very fun week.

  He hadn’t gone through the normal selection process with Cam, though. He’d seen the boy at a play party and had been intrigued enough to invite him home. The two had agreed on a contract without Frisco auditioning anyone but him.

  His thoughts returned to Cassie and his heart hurt, but the pain only convinced him that getting her out of his life was the best plan of action.

  Whatever slave he was training kept Frisco’s cock serviced, and when he wanted the soft touch of a woman, he never had trouble finding one who was more than happy to land in his bed after a lavish date.

  He might miss Cassie for a short time, but in the long run, this was better.

  Frisco watched the timer and saw Cam eyeing it as well. When the clock reached zero the circle was only about eighty percent filled.

  “Time to go soft, boy. You have two minutes.”

  “Master, please give me five more minutes?”

  Frisco shook his head and reached for his phone. “Two minutes starting now.”

  The rims of Cam’s eyes turned red and he sat back and looked at the ceiling, willing his cock to go soft. However, when the timer went off at the end of his time he still had a semi-erection.

  “Get the ice water and come back. In a bowl,” he specified, “you’re going to hold yourself at the bottom of a push-up.”

  Cam held his cock in the ice water, his arms bent and his body straight as a board until he was soft. Other than a small scream as his cock immersed in the frigid water, the boy gave no indication he was upset about his orders. He wasn’t enjoying it and didn’t want to do it, but Cam still moved with poise and grace, and held strong in the push-up with his body in perfect form.

  Frisco made his boy assemble the blunt spikes in the chastity device, place it on his cock, and finally kneel at Frisco’s feet and ask to be locked in.

  “Come by the restaurant before you go to the studio and I’ll swap it out for your belt. You’ll be okay in shorts over your tights today?” The device was removed for rehearsals, but Frisco had found a belt Cam could wear when he danced. It showed under tights but was okay under shorts, and supported his cock while locking it away so there was no pain when he jumped, twisted, and moved.

  “Shorts will be fine today, Master.”

  Frisco tousled Cam’s hair with affection. “I know you aren’t happy with me, but you moved with grace and beauty, and followe
d orders without arguing. You’re going to make a fine slave for someone, but today you’re still mine.” Frisco motioned towards his cock. “Get me the rest of the way hard with your mouth and then bend over the bed.”

  Cam was required to keep himself slick and ready at all times when in the main house while his Master was home. Frisco often lubed himself as well, but he chose not to today, and he didn’t give the boy any prep at all. He was rough with the boy, and Cam grunted and yelped a few times but otherwise stayed quiet and worked his ass muscles the way he knew his Master liked.

  Frisco kept an eye on the clock; he had ten minutes until the boy needed to get in the shower, and he intended to use all of it.

  He managed to come in his slave’s ass about thirty seconds before Cam needed to leave, and when he pulled out, he slapped his boy’s ass, ordered him to turn for inspection, and grimaced as he saw Cam’s semi-erect cock already irritated and pink around the blunt spikes. As long as the boy stayed soft he’d be okay in class, though, so Frisco didn’t remove it.

  “Off to the shower with you.” He slapped Cam’s ass and saw his handprint form. “Get ready for class.”

  Cam went to his knees, leaned forward to kiss the top of Frisco’s foot, and returned to his beautiful kneeling pose with his eyes on the foot he’d just kissed. “Thank you, Master, for taking the time to train me. I may not be happy about the ice or the spikes, but it doesn’t mean I’m upset with you, Sir.”

  Speechless, Frisco watched the boy rise in the graceful, fluid motion Frisco would never tire of watching. He went to the window and watched Cam walk barefoot and naked across the lawn to the garage, up the outside staircase, and into his apartment to get ready for class. Frisco didn’t know if Cam knew he was being watched, but the boy’s posture was perfect the entire time.

  Frisco reflected on Cam’s words, and the fact he’d kissed Frisco’s foot before saying them. The boy had done it on his own to show respect, probably in response to Frisco saying he knew Cam was unhappy with him.

  It was perfectly normal to be angry with an Owner or Master at times, it just wasn’t acceptable to show it. The life of a slave could be tough, and it was up to the trainer to help them evolve from submissive to slave and prepare them for their chosen station in life. Frisco wasn’t sure he’d ever trained a boy who could go through Cam’s morning and not be the least upset with the person in charge, and Frisco’s heart swelled with affection for his boy. He’d have to be extra careful when finding a suitable Owner when the time came.

  Frisco’s laptop on the side table may as well have had a flashing light, because every time he looked at it he remembered he needed to respond to Cassie. He sat on his bed with a sigh and opened it to his email.

  Twenty minutes later he was still staring at the screen, and went downstairs to work out. He punched and kicked the heavy bag as he remembered all the times she’d asked him for more and he’d turned her down. Part of him had known it could only last so long; he shouldn’t be surprised.

  She’d wanted to talk about where they were going and he’d avoided the discussion.

  A small whisper told him to talk to her and try to salvage whatever the two of them had started, but the louder voice kept telling him turning her loose was for the best. He was hurting now, and cutting her out of his life for good was the surest way to keep her from hurting him again.

  When he finally came back upstairs, showered again, and returned to the laptop, he wrote:


  As I was only showing you the ropes so you would know what to look for when you went searching for a relationship, it would seem I’ve done my job.

  It will be nice to get back to just being friends and only seeing each other at the dojo.

  Best of luck, I hope you find what you’re looking for.


  * * * *

  Cassie couldn’t even begin to process Frisco’s response, so she put all thoughts of him out of her mind and focused on helping the staff make the two new residents feel comfortable in their new home. She ate lunch with her brother and a few of his friends, and was reminded there was one person who loved her more than anyone else on the face of the earth.

  However, after lunch she acknowledged she needed to work through her feelings a little, as she had plans to meet Cam for dinner before his rehearsal this evening and wanted to be able to talk without bursting into tears.

  Unsurprisingly, Cam had no idea she’d emailed Frisco, or that he’d responded. She let him read both emails, and told him about her experience with Isaac at the munch and then in his office.

  Cam’s eyes squeezed shut a few seconds and revealed his misery when he opened them. “I’ll miss you. I mean, a lot. It feels like you and I are breaking up, and I don’t…” He looked down and put his face in his hands. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  Cassie reached across the table, gently pulled one of his hands from his face, and held his hand in both of hers. “You aren’t going to lose me completely. We can still meet for lunch, and the occasional dinner when it works out with your rehearsal schedule like tonight.” Suddenly, she was scared maybe they couldn’t keep in contact. “Frisco won’t forbid it, will he?”

  Cam sighed. “He could. The contract says he can forbid me from spending my free time with people he deems a bad influence. He’s never actually done it, but he had a conversation with me once about someone he wasn’t sure I should be spending so much time with.” He shrugged. “He just talked to me about why I was hanging out with them, and whether it was helping me reach my goals, and I made the decision to back off.”

  Cassie shook her head. “Damn. I know you can’t sneak, and I know how serious you consider your training relationship. I don’t want to interfere but I’ll miss you, too.”

  “He hasn’t said anything at all, Cassie. I had no idea about the emails.” He moved his hands so he held hers, comforting her as she’d done for him. “I don’t think he’ll do it just to be an ass, he’d only forbid my talking to you if it were truly detrimental to my training, and I don’t see how it could be.”

  She nodded. “Okay, well, just don’t give him a reason to think it might be.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cassie was several levels beyond nervous as she shaved and prepared for her date with Isaac. Before Frisco, she’d just kept herself neatly trimmed, but he’d shaved her completely smooth with a razor once, and then told her if she ever showed up with stubble she’d get no orgasms.

  She began to realize Frisco really had taught her a lot, as she knew what to do to prepare.

  When her doorbell rang, she told Jake to heel and she opened the door. Isaac wore black dress pants, a deep indigo shirt, and a deeper indigo tie. He’d worn dress pants and a tie before, but this was dressier, and he looked… well, hot was an understatement.

  However, Jake wasn’t too sure about him, and lowered his ears and growled as Isaac walked in.

  Isaac pulled a dog treat from his pocket and squatted down to Jake’s level as he offered it, saying, “It’s okay, boy. I’m not a threat. We’re okay.”

  Jake sniffed the food and looked at Cassie, who said, “He’s a friend, Jake.”

  She touched Isaac’s shoulder, and Jake looked back and forth between the two humans a second before accepting the treat from Isaac’s hand.

  Isaac stayed stooped low as Jake sniffed him all over, and Cassie laughed as the dog looked at her as if to say, “You came home smelling like this man the other day. You cheated on me with him.”

  Cassie patted his head, and said, “It’s okay, boy. I still love you the mostest. Do you want to go out while I’m gone, or stay in?”

  Jake looked at her as he thought it over, and then turned and ran into her room.

  And, no doubt, jumped on her bed.

  Isaac laughed and stood. “You’re right; he’s very smart. Are you ready?”

  “Do you always bring dog treats to meet a new dog?”

  He shrugged. “A lot of dogs don’t know what
to think of a large black man coming into their house. I’ve found it best to get down on their level and have a peace offering.”

  They made small talk in the car and Isaac immediately put her at ease. She loved how he answered her questions instead of just asking her another.

  “So,” he asked once they were seated and had ordered, “did you go home and masturbate the other night?”

  Cassie looked down, unsure of how to answer. Sam had stressed how important the truth was in a lifestyle relationship, even the smallest details, so she said, “I don’t really know how to do that. I mean, I’ve tried, but it never works.”

  Isaac looked horrified. “Sweet Thing, do you mean to tell me you haven’t orgasmed since your spanking?” She shook her head and he reached across the table. “I’m so sorry. I’d have never left you in that shape if I’d known.”

  Cassie tilted her head. “You thought I’d go home and get myself off?”

  “Of course. I wish you’d let me know you couldn’t, but you didn’t know to tell me. It isn’t anyone’s fault, but I’m still sorry.” He smiled. “I’m assuming you’ll want to take things a little farther, tonight?”

  Sam had also told her these things were eventually easier to talk about, but she wasn’t there yet. Still, she took a breath and answered the question. “Yes, Sir. I don’t think I want to put any limits on you. I still want to be able to use my safeword in case I change my mind, but I’d like to give you the ability to construct a scene without my dictating what can and can’t happen.”

  He was quiet and she felt she needed to fill the silence. “You knew exactly how to spank me. I’m going to assume you’ll make it good, and know what to do if I get out of the way and don’t keep you from doing it.”

  He caressed her hand. “I appreciate and value your trust. However, I still need input from you, okay? I’m not a mind reader. You need to let me know what works, and what doesn’t work.”


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