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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 12

by Candace Blevins

  The waitress brought their food and they waited for her to go.

  “I need to ask some questions,” he said. “I know you haven’t had a whole lot of experience and I need to know a little more of what you’ve done. Okay?”

  Cassie nodded and he asked, “Anal sex?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’d like to…well, I don’t think I’m ready for the full monty, but I’d like to work up to it? Maybe?”

  He smiled. “As long as you’re open and honest, there are no right or wrong answers. Okay, next question — do you have any injuries, old or new, I should know about? A joint that doesn’t move the way it’s supposed to, or a recent bruise, or a strained muscle?”

  She shook her head, but said, “I’ve hurt my right knee a couple of times. It isn’t hurting now but it doesn’t take much to aggravate it.”

  “Perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Okay, final question for now — are you okay with bondage tonight, or do you want to hold off?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t want to put limits on how you structure the scene. If you think bondage is the way to go, then do it.”

  He eyed her a few seconds and said, “I know you’re new, and you’re safe with me, but I worry about you letting others to tie you up so soon. If you’ll let me take you to a club in Atlanta one weekend, I can introduce you to some people down there. If you like bondage it’s really the only safe way to play with new people, because there are others around who will make sure a safeword is respected.”

  Okay, now Cassie was starting to get annoyed. She took a breath, considered her words, and said, “I appreciate your concern, but I’ve talked to a friend in the lifestyle who says if Peggy vouches for you, you’re safe. I promise I won’t let random strangers tie me up, okay?”

  His smile was almost apologetic. “I’m sorry if I offended you. You’re a grown woman and can take care of yourself, but sometimes I feel a little protective. You’re just figuring out who you are and what you like, and I know you need to experiment around, and I worry. I like you and don’t want to see you hurt beyond the good kind of hurt.”

  “But, what if I want to know what that feels like? I don’t mean by an asshole, but in the construct of a scene? Like for punishment, and not pleasure?”

  “Let’s get through tonight and see how we do, and if you’d like then we can put our heads together and figure out what you’re looking for in those regards, and find a safe way to give it to you. But, for tonight I’d like to stick to the good stuff.” He took a drink of his water and added, “Speaking of which, I have some rules for the scene tonight, and consequences if you don’t follow them.” He smiled. “So, you may end up with a few hard swats, to give you a touch of what you’re looking for.”

  Cassie’s insides heated and she squirmed a little on her chair. Isaac’s smile told her he noticed, and she felt her face go hot.

  “You blush so pretty. Okay, rules.” He leaned forward. “You use a respectful tone of voice. I won’t require you to say Sir, though if you want to say it I love hearing it. The point is, you don’t bite my head off, or snarl at me, or use a disrespectful tone.”

  He went quiet as he looked into her eyes and waited for her response.

  Cassie took a breath, didn’t trust her voice, took another breath, and finally said, “Okay, Sir. I understand. What happens if I screw up?”

  “Depends on what we’re doing. If I’m already spanking you, I’ll probably deliver a few hard swats. If I’m playing with your breasts, I may twist and pull your nipples for ten or fifteen seconds. If I have to remind you too many times, I might introduce your tongue to a bar of soap.”

  Damn, Cassie wanted to start playing now. The idea someone would bother to hand out consequences so she had to obey or else, kind of like Cam — though nowhere near his level — was almost more than her body could handle.

  He seemed to be waiting for her response so she said, “I’m not terribly happy about the last, but I don’t have a problem with any of it.”

  Nodding, he continued, “Second rule. You tell me if I move from good pain to bad. You can use your safeword to stop the scene and tell me, but you don’t have to. The point is, tonight I’m going to focus on giving only pleasurable pain.” He grinned and amended, “Unless it’s a consequence, of course.”

  Cassie gave a small, nervous, laugh. “Of course.”

  “Okay then,” he said, “you’ll tell me if it’s a bad hurt. If I mean for it to be, I’ll tell you, and then you can use your safeword if you want it to stop. Okay?”

  She nodded and he and took a bite, chewed slowly as if considering, and finally said, “With experienced subs I don’t allow questions. With a new submissive, I do, but the questions don’t pause the action. Do you understand?”

  Cassie thought about it a few seconds and decided she didn’t. She shook her head and he smiled.

  “Good for you. Always be honest, and if you don’t understand let me know. Okay, if I tell you to do something, you have to do it or risk a consequence. If you want to know why, you can ask, but only after you’re moving to do as you were told.” He paused a moment and clarified. “You don’t ask the question, find out why I want you to do it, and then do it.”

  Okay, that made sense. She could ask, but couldn’t control the scene with her questions. She didn’t imagine Frisco had ever let Cam ask inside of a scene, and she liked Isaac even more for opening things up so she could.

  “Thanks. I mean, for making it so I can ask? It’s nice.”

  He smiled. “I’m a nice guy, what can I say?”

  Cassie laughed, but asked, “If I don’t do as I’m told, what will the consequence be? The same ones you listed in case I screw up? Or will it be worse if I actually disobey?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not big on structured consequences with new submissives. If it’s the first time you’ve broken the rule, the consequence will be quick and painful and over with before too terribly long. If you break the rule several times and I feel you need more reinforcement, I’ll provide it. However, we’ll cross those bridges if we come to them. Okay?”

  Cassie nodded and took a bite, not sure what to say.

  “Now it’s time for you to tell me what you’d like to see happen. Is there something you have in mind, and you’ll be disappointed if we get to the end and it doesn’t happen?”

  “Well, an orgasm would be nice this time.” She tried to make it a joke, but it didn’t come out that way and she felt herself blushing again.

  He laughed. “I think we can work something out. I’m talking about implements, or activities. Something you want used on you? Or done to you?”

  “Do we have to talk about this here?”

  He chuckled. “I asked for a table up here away from everyone else so we could speak freely, Sweet Thing.”

  She rolled her eyes and said, “I’ve watched the guys I’ve been playing with, and I’ve never like…done anal. I mean, anything at all. Not even a finger. It looks, interesting. And scary.”

  He smiled. “An anal virgin for everything? Well, anal sex won’t happen tonight, but we can give you some play.” He rubbed her leg with his and Cassie thought he looked perhaps a little too delighted. “I’m so happy you’re sharing; what else?”

  “Floggers? I know there are different kinds, and they all give different sensations?”

  “Not a problem. You’ve only had sensation play, no impact and pain play, right?” She nodded and he asked, “Any interests in canes or belts? Nipple clamps?”

  “I don’t know.” She was intrigued by nipple clamps, but too scared of them to actually ask. She shrugged and told him, “You’re the expert.”

  “How about bondage? Do you want to try a gag, or be bound a certain way?”

  “Oh. No gags. I have some issues with my jaw, so…”

  “Good to know. If there’s anything else you forgot to tell me, don’t hesitate to speak up when you remember, okay?”

  Isaac kept the conversation mostly on kin
k during the rest of dinner, and Cassie discovered she was more comfortable talking about it as they finished up.

  The drive to his house could have been awkward, but he once again kept her talking, though this time it was about kink in movies and television.

  Cassie hesitated on the bottom step of his front porch, suddenly terrified.

  “You okay?” His voice was soothing, compassionate.

  She took a breath and admitted, “Just nervous. I want to do this, I’m just…”

  One foot up the steps. The next foot up the steps.

  Isaac took her hand and walked her the rest of the way up. He stopped at the front door and pulled her to him. “Do you regret your spanking?”

  Cassie laughed. “No, Sir. Thanks. You’re right.”

  He kept one arm around her as he unlocked the door with a keypad much like Frisco’s, and led her inside.

  The house had looked fairly normal from the outside — a typical upper middle class home. However, the inside was clearly a bachelor pad, with leather sofas, oversized electronics, and not a lot of fabric or textiles. Almost none if you didn’t count the leather.

  “I don’t have a playroom, but I’m set up for play in the bedroom. C’mon, Sweet Thing. You’re nervous and the sooner we get started the sooner you’ll chill out.”

  No matter Isaac had his arm around her as they stepped into the room, her stomach dropped to her feet, her heart went into her throat, and her legs froze.

  His bed was fucking scary. Thick black steel with smaller pieces between them framed the bed in all directions, creating an industrial four-poster canopy bed that looked like a skyscraper without the skin.

  “Come on in, Cassie. It won’t bite.”

  She let him coax her in and she asked, “What’s it made of? It looks like the stuff you’d make a bridge with, or something industrial?”

  “That’s exactly right — they’re steel joists, coated with an epoxy to make them black.” He pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her, so she faced the bed as she leaned back against him.

  A few seconds later he turned her in his arms — facing him so she could no longer see the intimidating bed. “It’s just you and me, right?” he asked. “If I tie you to it so you can’t move and you decide it’s too much, you just have to say your safeword, right?”

  Cassie took a breath and nodded. She was being silly. Sure, it was scary looking, but this was Isaac and she trusted him. He’d spanked her and she’d loved it.

  Time to stop being a baby.

  “You’re right. Thanks for being patient with me; I’ll try to stop being so skittish. Where do you want me?”

  He stroked her cheek. “Just as equestrians put blinders on a skittish horse, I’m going to blindfold you. Okay?”

  Cassie relaxed and nodded. She’d loved it when Frisco blindfolded her.

  Isaac’s blindfold was so much softer than Frisco’s — luxurious fabric instead of leather, and with soft fur lining the outer rim of the part touching her cheeks and eyebrows.

  The fabric didn’t plunge her into total darkness but she couldn’t see anything in the room. She thought she might like the darkness better, but realized her eyes weren’t as likely to hurt when this one came off.

  Fingers touched her waist and moved to her dress pants. She took a breath as he pushed the button out of the buttonhole, and then slowly lowered the zipper. The fabric slid to the floor around her, and deft fingers worked the buttons on her blouse.

  She swayed a little and he placed her hand on his hip.

  “It’s hard to stand still when you’re blindfolded. It’s okay to touch me. We’ll get you strung up with rope securing you in place soon enough.”

  Her blouse slid off her arms and caught at her wrist, but he wrapped his arm around her and gently pulled it off her hand.

  “I’m going to walk you to the bed, and then I’ll drape your pants and blouse over a chair so they won’t get wrinkled.”

  Cassie let him walk her and was thankful he went slow. He placed her hand around one of the steel beams and let go of her in stages to be sure she was okay.

  He was only gone a handful of seconds, but he did more than just get her clothes off the floor because he enclosed her wrist in a padded cuff when he returned.

  “Okay, Sweet Thing, turn around so I can take this beautiful bra off.”

  She shifted and put both hands on the steel beam, now in front of her. Goose bumps erupted on her arms and shoulders, and her nipples practically itched for attention as he unfastened the back of her bra. Part of her wished she’d brought up the nipple clamps, but not enough to tell him now.

  He smoothed his hands from her shoulders to elbows and muttered. “So responsive. Such a sweet treasure. Let go for a second so I can take your bra off and toss it onto the chair with your clothes.”

  She’d worn a thong today and hoped he’d leave it on for now. She felt so damned naked. The blindfold helped, but… god, she wanted this but kept feeling as if she shouldn’t.

  When her bra was off, he encouraged her to hold onto the steel again by placing her right hand on it just above the level of her waist. She didn’t realize he was connecting her right wrist to it until it was too late to move it.

  He moved her several steps to her left until the rope was taut, and proceeded to stretch rope between her left wrist and the opposite beam.

  She couldn’t touch the bed’s columns anymore, but could hold onto the thick rope stretching her arms wide open between them.

  “Short hair has its advantages, like now when it won’t get in the way of the flogger.” His large hands massaged her neck and shoulders. “Just like with the spanking, I’ll start easy and work up. Are you comfortable? Can you stay like this a while?”

  Cassie nodded, licked her lips, and answered, “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  The flogger caressed her right shoulder, then left. No pain, just sensation.

  Several minutes into it, he stopped a few seconds and started again with a different flogger. This one smarted a little — more weight striking with just a touch of sting. She moaned in pleasure and Isaac chuckled.

  He moved to her bottom and thighs with this one as well, and when he switched floggers again she hoped for a little more pain. She wanted to feel it, wanted to beg and plead as Cam did sometimes.

  He moved through several floggers before she felt the need to scream, and she couldn’t have told him whether she was screaming in pain or pleasure.

  She just knew she wanted more and she didn’t want him to stop.

  When he finally pulled her thong down and off, she spread her legs and shamelessly stuck her bottom towards him as he teased her with his fingers.

  He stepped behind her and she could feel the texture of his clothes on her heated back and bottom, but it seemed right for him to be clothed while she was nude.

  He kissed the side of her neck, moved to the soft spot under her ear. “I think you’re ready for a paddle. I’m going to give you four swats of ten different paddles. If one is a bad pain let me know, but if you can take all four I want you to do it for me, and then tell me what you think of it. You’ll get two medium swats to your right and then left cheek, and then two hard swats.”

  Cassie nodded and murmured, “Yes, Sir.”

  He patted her bottom and stepped away.

  Her bottom exploded in a rush of beautiful pain, and she gasped at the first strike and gave a small cry at the second. There was no thud, and all sting, and she couldn’t wait for the next two.

  Thank goodness she didn’t have to, though she screamed at them both, given one after the other.

  His deep voice asked, “Love, like, whatever, dislike, or hate?”


  She quickly figured out he was moving from all sting to all thud. She loved the first four, liked the next four, and wasn’t a huge fan of the next to the last.

  She grunted at the first strike of the last, cried out at the next strike, and then begged, “No, please don�
��t make me take them harder! I don’t like this one!”

  “Don’t like it, or hate it?”

  “Don’t like it, Sir.”

  “Okay, I want to give you the next two. Say your safeword and we’ll move to the cane, don’t and you’ll take these final two before we move to the cane.”

  She considered it, and said, “I don’t want to say my safeword, Sir. I don’t want these last two, but if you want to give them to me I’ll take them and be happy to give you pleasure.”

  He caressed her bottom. “Such a sweet little thing. Two more with the paddle and then we’ll move back to sting, which it appears you’re going to prefer.”

  Cassie braced for the blows, and jumped when his hand caressed her bottom. “Don’t tense. Relax for me. Show me you want whatever I choose to give you.”

  Relax? Really? Shit!

  She tried, but her body rebelled and her butt muscles clenched and refused to let go. She took a breath, let it out, sent relaxing signals to her bottom again, wiggled her toes, and finally felt everything chill out.

  “Good girl.” He rubbed her back, her ass, her thighs, and then moved his hand between her legs and stroked up, and up.

  Fingers probed, entered, teased. Cassie’s breathing picked up even more, and she wiggled and squirmed and wanted to come so freaking bad.

  His fingers disappeared, the heat of his body was gone, and within seconds the paddle landed. Hard.

  Cassie screamed, and before she was through with her bellow the paddle landed again and knocked the breath from her, silencing her.

  She gasped air in, choked on her spit, and tears came to her eyes as she tried to learn to breathe again. Isaac’s arms were immediately around her, patting her back and then massaging it as he told her how brave she was and how well she’d done.

  She jumped a little as he spoke with a more authoritative voice than she was used to and said, “Lights Dim”. He rubbed her back and softened his voice. “I’m going to take your blindfold off a minute but I’ve dimmed the lights.”

  Her tears were from getting choked and not from the paddle, but with the blindfold gone a few escaped and trailed down her face. He soothed her, kissed the tear streaks with reverence, and gave her time to settle before replacing the blindfold and ordering the lights back to full strength.


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