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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 25

by Candace Blevins

  “I can hear you, asshole. Get your clothes off. I’m not gonna be nekkid by myself.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Frisco said with a smile, and he gladly stripped his shirt off before unbuckling his belt.

  “Wait,” Cam said, looking at him. “No hard-on. We’re just cuddling and talking, at least for now. Understand?”

  Cassie looked at Cam, then Frisco. She glanced down to his crotch, up to his eyes. “We’re being bossy, do you mind? It isn’t like you to do as you’re told.”

  “Oh, Sweetness, tonight I’ll do just about anything you ask.”

  Cassie cracked up, and almost couldn’t breathe as she asked, “Really? Will you stand on one leg and cluck like a chicken?”

  Frisco glanced at Cam, who was holding his breath while trying not to crack up. He looked back to Cassie and asked, “Why don’t we get Cam to do it, instead?”

  Cam laughed for real now, and took her yoga pants with him as he backed off the bed, held one leg up, moved his arms and head exactly like a chicken, and started clucking.

  Only Cam could make clucking like a chicken look so damned sexy. You could see the dancer in him as he moved, even though he probably had no idea his muscles shifted around in their own erotic dance. If Cassie wanted Frisco to hold her without a hard-on, they needed to get Cam back into bed. Wait, maybe that wouldn’t help, either.

  Frisco tried to ignore his growing erection and laughed with Cassie, who held her arms out for Cam to join her in bed again.

  “I think I’ll keep my panties on,” she said, “but I’d like both of you to be nekkid.”

  Frisco looked at Cam, who shrugged, stood, and shucked his pants and underwear before sliding under the covers. Frisco wanted to see his marks but didn’t know if Cassie should see them, so he didn’t bring them up.

  Frisco turned, took his jeans and boxer briefs off, and slid into bed at an angle so hopefully no one would see his partial erection. If she saw it, should he tell her it was for Cam and not her? Or just tell her to ignore it?

  He didn’t know.

  Luckily, she knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it, tonight.

  “Frisco, if Cam puts his head on my chest, will you kiss him, so I can see?”

  Frisco’s eyes went to Cassie’s chest, and she laughed, “Okay, yeah, maybe my breasticles get a little kissing, too?”

  Frisco looked at Cam in question, and Cam laughed as he said, “Rhymes with testicles? Hell if I know. We probably just need to go with it.”

  “I can still hear ya’ll.” She looked at Cam. “Did you say you made me some ginger tea?”

  Cam looked at Frisco, held his hand out, and Frisco lifted the glass from the table and handed it over.

  “Sit up, Cass.” Cameron helped her up and carefully handed her the glass. She drank most of it in one gulp and handed it back to Cam, who handed it to Frisco, who put it on the side table.

  Frisco decided maybe it was time he took a little control.

  “Lie back, Sweetness, and let Cam and I kiss you a minute.”

  She looked at him a few seconds, deciding, and fell back onto the pillow, though her happy smile was replaced with an unsure expression.

  He kissed her eyebrow, her temple, her cheek, and worked his way down the outside of her throat.

  Thankfully, Cam saw his intention and did the same on his side, and when they met in the middle of her chest, they kissed each other.

  “Mmmmm,” Cassie said. “That is so, fucking, hot.”

  Cassie stroked Frisco’s cheek and shoulder, and made an erotic sound that shot straight to Frisco’s cock.

  “Cam, kiss your way down her body and pleasure her with your mouth.” It wasn’t a request, and he hoped Cam didn’t balk but didn’t look to see if he’d follow the order. Frisco moved his mouth to Cassie’s neck, kissed his way up it, and made his way to her mouth.

  He was gentle, suggesting she open her mouth and let his tongue in instead of demanding, and it worked.

  He could see Cam working his way down her body in his peripheral vision, and when the boy finally settled between her legs, she opened wider and let Frisco in more.

  Within minutes he could tell she was close, and he pulled away from the kiss and ordered, “Come, Sweetness. Let Cam taste you, see how sweet you are.”

  She started orgasming and he held her and encouraged her until she relaxed, and Cam lifted his head with a smile.

  Cassie looked at Frisco and then down to Cam. “Come here. Let me taste?”

  Cam moved up her body and kissed her, and when she broke off the kiss she looked at Frisco and said, “Make love to me? Please?”

  Cam scooted to the side, reached for a condom, and tossed it to Frisco before leaning back to Cassie for another kiss.

  Frisco moved between her legs and fondled her inner thighs. He didn’t tell her how to stop him or ask if she was sure. She was wounded and hurt, and depending on him and Cam to get her through this.

  He put the condom on and then teased her inner thighs and outer labia until her hips moved in invitation. He leaned forward, lined up, and pressed inside in super-slow motion.

  Cam moved to her breasts, and Cassie’s eyes locked on Frisco, begging for more. This wasn’t how he’d envisioned making up with her, and he wasn’t even sure she was agreeing to let him back in her life. As Isaac had warned, it was possible this would be an excuse to push him even further away. However, she’d gone elsewhere to get her needs met when he refused her before, and he wasn’t going to make the same mistake. He thought she wanted to take this part of her life back, reclaim it, even if she had to get drunk to do it. If he could help, he would.

  “Tell me what you want. I’ll give you whatever is in my power to do.”

  Her eyes watered and she begged, “Just make it good? Please?”

  Frisco’s heart shattered, but he smiled and said, “Of course.”

  * * * *

  Cassie knew she was drunk, knew she’d never be able to do this sober, and didn’t give a flying fuck. She had Frisco’s cock inside of her, and it felt so good, but…shit.

  She had to go and start thinking and fuck everything up.

  Her breathing hitched and she reminded herself she could stop this if she wanted. Cam was here, and Frisco. They would take care of her.

  “Can you pull out just a minute, please?”

  Frisco immediately pulled out and caressed her cheek, and Cam stretched out beside her and held her as he did at night.

  “You’re safe, Cass,” Cam told her. “It’s all good. We can stop, we can keep going. Whatever you want.”

  Yeah. She was safe.

  She looked to Frisco and said, “Thanks. I’m okay. Just needed to be sure?”

  Frisco leaned forward, situated at her entrance without pushing, and asked, “Do you want to be on top? Will it help?”

  “I hate the fucking top. I’m a bottom girl, remember? Just be easy with me, please?”

  Frisco pressed back in and Cassie’s eyes rolled back in her head. God, his cock was magic. And the way he rolled his hips — like he knew how to stir her just right, like one of his recipes.

  Cam held her from the side now, and she snuggled into him as Frisco rocked in and out of her, oh-so-slow, and oh-so-gentle.

  Cassie opened her eyes and Frisco’s gaze crashed into hers. He was holding himself in check, going slow, and she could tell it was driving him crazy.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can handle you going crazy on me tonight, but maybe speed up enough to get me off, and then let me watch you fuck Cam?”

  Frisco leaned down to kiss her, and she opened her legs even more as her mouth opened and his tongue invaded. She moved her hips, and Frisco changed tempo and hit the spot.

  Cassie’s voice dropped a couple of octaves as she kept repeating “oh-god, oh-god, oh-god.”

  Just when she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to come with Frisco being nice, she heard him say, “Come, Sweetness. Let it go. Let me feel you coming on my cock.”

  She grabbed for Cam, and he held her as her body let go, saying, “That’s it Cass, let him make you feel good. You’re safe; it’s good. He’s still moving, you can keep going, ride the wave Cass. Ride it.”

  Cam sucked on her nipple and Cassie yelled and writhed and forgot to think as the climax drowned her in sensations.

  When she remembered who and where she was, she looked up to Frisco, and over to Cam, and said, “God. Thank you both. Now, I want Cam on all fours over me.” She looked at Frisco and said, “Cam is going to have an orgasm tonight. You said you’d give me what I wanted.”

  Frisco pulled out of her, oh-so-slow, and she could feel he was still hard as a rock.

  “Thank you.” She told Frisco.

  “No need to thank me. You want me to do Cam while he’s over you?”

  “Yeah, I want to see his face as you fuck him.”

  “You need to ask Cameron.”

  * * * *

  “No.” Cam held Cassie and looked at Frisco. He knew she was vulnerable now, having just had sex and an intense orgasm, and he wanted to be sure she was okay. But, Frisco was right — the two men needed to talk.

  “She doesn’t need to ask me anything,” Cam told Frisco. “It isn’t exactly as I imagined, but I’m good if you are.”

  “I taught you to stand up for yourself if the situation warranted it.”

  “You did, and I’ll always thank you for the things you taught me.” He kissed Cassie’s cheek and looked back to Frisco. They needed to get the talking over with before Cass picked up on a possible problem.

  “Will you please fuck me, Sir? I want you to fully claim me again, and I know this won’t do it, but can we look at this as a promise we’ll talk and negotiate another contract?”

  Frisco’s body relaxed a little and he smiled before saying, “Grab the lube and come here.”

  Cam’s cock was already erect, but it pulsed even harder at Frisco’s Dom voice.

  Frisco pulled Cam into a kiss as he neared him, and Cam melted as the older man took control. When Frisco released him, he said, “I believe the lady wanted you on all fours?”

  Cassie had pulled her legs together, so Cam positioned his knees on either side of her, and then leaned forward on his elbows to give her a quick peck on the lips.

  “Does this work? Is it what you wanted?” he asked her.

  She nodded, and Cam groaned and closed his eyes as slick fingers massaged the outside of his hole.

  “Keep looking at me?” Cassie asked. “I want to see into your eyes as he penetrates you, and as you come at the end.”

  Unlike Isaac, Frisco took his time stretching Cam to get him ready, and Cam was close to an orgasm before Frisco finally pressed his cock inside.

  No sex in months, and then two men in the same day. Isaac hadn’t been gentle and Cam was so fucking sore, but Frisco went easy and the extra sensitivity made him feel every millimeter of Frisco’s cock as it entered him, spread him, owned him.

  Cam tried hard to look at Cass, but his eyes kept rolling up into his head, and she started pinching his nipples to get him to look back at her.

  “You won’t come until I say, will you boy?”

  It wasn’t an order, but Cam could only promise, “I’ll try my best, but it’s been so long since I’ve had you in me, Sir!” He managed to hold off for Isaac, but he wasn’t sure he could with Frisco’s cock in him, and Frisco’s voice speaking to him, Frisco’s hands on him.

  “Wait,” Cassie said beneath him, finally grasping the truth. “Ya’ll have been…haven’t you?”

  Cam made a shushing sound and leaned forward to kiss her lips before saying, “We’ve been skating around each other. Thanks for making it happen.”

  Her eyes showed her distress. “You’re sure?”

  “Positive. I’ve wanted him in my ass, but was just too damned afraid to give him a position of power over me again.” He leaned down to kiss her again and noted Frisco eased up on pushing in when he leaned down.

  Cam planted his arms, so he had better leverage to hold himself off her, and braced backwards a little. Frisco seemed to understand, because he pulled out and pushed in harder, then a little harder, and finally pounded him the way they both needed.

  “God, Sir! Please let me come! I’m so close!”

  He saw Cass look around him, and he dropped his head so she and Frisco could look at each other.

  Seconds later her warm hand touched his cheek. “Thanks, but I want to see your eyes, Cam.”

  Cam looked at her with desperation. He loved Frisco, loved being filled with him, but wasn’t sure he could hold off much longer and didn’t want to disappoint him.

  He opened his mouth to breathe better, but managed to hold eye contact with Cass.

  She tilted her head, changed her look a little, and said, “Come, Cameron. Let me feel it hit my stomach and chest. Get it all over me.”

  He had to fight to keep his eyes open, and they closed a few times for a brief second, but he did as Cass asked and let her see him.

  He’d never felt so naked in his life.

  It wasn’t until Frisco started coming that he realized there was no condom. He should have realized it earlier, as he loved the feel of skin on skin and disliked the sensation the condom left.

  He wanted to collapse, but didn’t dare with Cass under him. Frisco must’ve known, because he put his arm under Cam and helped move him to the side, and then went down with him beside Cassie.

  * * * *

  Frisco made sure the two lovebirds were snuggled in before he rose to get cleanup started. He washed his cock in the sink with soap and water first, and then wet two washcloths with warm water, grabbed two dry hand towels, and returned to the bed. He handed one damp cloth to Cam and told him to clean Cassie’s stomach, and then proceeded to clean Cam’s ass and put the dry cloth down to make sure the sheets stayed clean.

  He made sure Cassie was clean and dry, walked the three towels back to the bathroom, and returned. He settled in behind Cam and put his arm across the smaller man so he could rest his hand on Cassie’s stomach.

  “I love you both.”

  Cam wiggled his butt into Frisco’s leg, leaned forward and kissed Cassie’s cheek, and said, “I love you both, too. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.”

  Cassie looked up at the two of them and focused on Frisco. “Cam knows I love him, and I’m working on getting back to a place where I can tell you I love you, but I’m not there yet.”

  Frisco’s heart broke, but he caressed her stomach and said, “Fair enough. I hurt you and I need to earn your trust back. I’m happy you entrusted me with your body, now I just need to prove I can be trusted with your heart.”

  She smiled and said, “Can you stay the night? I’ll probably go into work an hour or two late. I’ll need to call in and let them know, so the alarm is still set for freakishly early, but…”

  “If you want me to stay, I’m here.”

  Jake jumped on the bed, sniffed Cassie’s stomach, and glared at Frisco.

  “Hey, it’s Cam’s spunk, why is he glaring at me?”

  Cam laughed, pet Jake, and asked, “Do you need to go out before we turn in, boy?”

  Jake jumped down and headed out the bedroom door.

  “I’ll take him,” Frisco said. He didn’t know what he was going to have to do to get the dog to like him again. Jake no longer growled, but his pointed glares made it clear the large dog didn’t approve of Frisco in his house.

  Chapter Thirty

  Cassie awoke to the alarm, and mumbled, “Thanks,” when Cam shut it off.

  Frisco snuggled into her other side and she just wanted to sink back into her warm, comfortable, bliss.

  But, she had something to do first.

  “Hand me my phone?” she asked Cam.

  He felt around on the table and passed it over.

  The bright light of the screen hurt her eyes but she managed to send a quick text to HR, letting them know she needed a few hours this morn
ing to handle a legal issue and she’d be in when she could. It wasn’t entirely true, but since the legal issue had made her want to get drunk and now she was nursing a hangover? Close enough.

  She handed the phone over, put her head back on the pillow, and a wave of nausea hit.

  “Was there any ginger tea left?”

  Cam was up and to the kitchen in no time, and returned with a glass. Cassie drank it and immediately felt better.

  “God, what would I do without you?”

  “Puke your guts up for an hour?”

  She handed him the glass and said, “Yeah, I’m better. Thanks. Now get back in bed and hold me.”

  Cassie was forced back to reality when Cam’s cellphone alarm went off an hour and a half later. God, she hated that damned vintage alarm clock sound. There’s a reason people didn’t use them anymore.

  “Rule number one,” came Frisco’s sleepy voice. “I never have to hear that alarm again.”

  “I knew there was a reason to keep you around,” Cassie agreed.

  “And here I was worried it was just because you needed someone to facilitate intimacy between you and Cam.”

  Cassie blinked, processed his words, and woke up a little more. She turned towards him, touched his cheek, and asked, “Is that really what you think?”

  “No, but,” he touched her hand on his cheek, “it would be nice to hear it’s something else.”

  She thought about how she’d met Cam, how the leash had interested her, and how she hadn’t been interested in Frisco until she’d seen him holding such an interesting human on the end of a…


  Was she only interested in Frisco because of Cam? Would she have had sex with him last night if Cam hadn’t been here? She wasn’t sure.

  “Cam’s going to have to get up and leave for class. Can you stick around, so we can talk when he’s gone?”

  Frisco nodded, and straightened her neck so she looked up to the ceiling again. “Cam, can you get me, Frisco, and Isaac good seats for your performance next weekend? I’ll pay for them, I just need you to make sure we’re in a good spot to see you.”


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