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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  “I’m all over the stage, so any place down front will be good.”

  “Are you still planning to try out for Giselle in Atlanta?”

  “Yes. I want to dance Albrecht in front of an audience. It’s my dream role.”

  Frisco sat up beside her and asked, “Can you handle practice in Atlanta and keep up your grades?”

  “Practices won’t start until a week after school is over. It’ll mean I’m in Atlanta for four weeks straight, but…” He sighed. “It’s my dream role, and I have to at least try while I have an opportunity so close to home.”

  “Once he gets a regular job,” Cassie told Frisco, “his options will be a lot more limited. He should do this while he can.”

  “No argument here. I’d love to go to Atlanta to see him perform.”

  Cassie looked at Frisco and kissed his cheek. “We all will.”

  Frisco stayed in bed with Cassie while Cam showered, dressed, and flew out of the house.

  “He didn’t eat breakfast,” Frisco said with a frown.

  “He almost never does before class.”

  “I made him, when he lived with me.”

  “He’s a free man, now.”

  Frisco sighed. “I know.”

  “Cam’s gone. It’s just you and me, and I’m sober.” Frisco looked at her in question and she said, “Make love to me? Please?”

  He smiled, shifted his body, and she felt his hard-on against her leg.

  “Mmmmm,” she said as she shifted her body against it and reached down.

  He pulled back. “No touching without permission, Sweetness.”

  Her hands flew away and up but she didn’t like the way it felt, so she brought them back to her stomach.

  “You’re fine,” Frisco assured her. “Remember last night, when you asked me to pull out? All you have to do is ask.”

  “I’m okay, just not sure how I’m going to do with orders and commands, but then, last night? I couldn’t come until you told me to. Both times.”

  “Well then, I’ll tell you to again today.” He caressed her cheek. “We’ll figure it out, and if something isn’t working, either shake your head or tell me.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Cassie smiled, though her insides were literally shaking.

  “Turn over.”


  “Because I asked you to? I’m not going to hurt you; I just want to make you feel good.”

  Cassie turned over, but felt so vulnerable as Frisco rose above her and sat on her bottom.

  Until his hands landed on her upper back and began kneading the muscles.

  “Oooohhhhh,” she moaned, unable to say or do anything else as every muscle in her body went slack.

  Frisco had magic hands, and by the time he made it to her butt muscles she was practically humping the bed. She tensed as he moved his body lower and spread her legs, but he must have sensed it, because he rolled to the side and situated her in front of him, also on her side. He lifted her top leg in the air and used his other hand to guide himself into her from behind.

  This wasn’t a position the men who’d assaulted her had used, and she found she could enjoy the sensation of him sliding in, opening her, taking her. She leaned her head back on his chest and moaned in pleasure, bliss, and…happiness.

  She was going to be okay.

  Frisco moved her leg at different angles until Cassie’s voice dropped and she thought she might die from pleasure as he scraped across her g-spot with every thrust in and back out.

  “Are you close, Sweetness? Do you want to come on my cock?”

  “God yes, please Sir?”

  “Then come. Don’t hold back on me, let me feel your pleasure.”

  He sped up, and was almost too rough, but not quite. It was the perfect mix of gentle caring and raw sex, and Cassie screamed her release.

  He slowed just as it became too much, moved her leg down a little, and said, “We’re not done. Do you feel me inside?”

  Suddenly she needed to know he’d pull out, and she pulled forward as she said, “No!”

  Frisco let her pull away from him, eased her leg down, and gently stroked her arm. “You’re okay. Can I hold you? I don’t want to pull you towards me, maybe you can come to me?” He touched her shoulder and added, “You’re safe.”

  Cassie felt like an idiot and backed up to him.

  “Yes, I am. Can you hold me a second, please?”

  Neither said anything, and Cassie finally lifted her leg and said, “Can we try it again?”

  He kissed the back of her shoulder and said, “Not in this position. I know you don’t like to be on top, but will you trust me?”

  “In this.”

  He hesitated a few seconds before running his hand down her arm and saying, “Thank you.”

  Cassie hadn’t been able to answer that she trusted him across the board, because she didn’t trust him with her heart. It had been so easy for him to just say “best of luck, now be gone with you,” and she wasn’t sure she could ever let him back into her life enough to give him the opportunity to so casually toss her away again.

  She did trust him with her body, though, so she followed his instructions as he had her go to all fours over the top of him with her knees near his armpits, and then sit backwards. She wasn’t sure how Frisco thought this was going to work, as it was a terribly awkward angle.

  However, when he pushed up and into her, she realized she couldn’t easily move up and down, but could only hover in place as he pumped her from below.

  She rested her cheek on his shoulder and groaned in ecstasy and bliss once again.

  Her heart melted at his cocky chuckle. She’d loved hearing him when he turned her on before, when he knew what he was doing to her and was so fucking arrogant about it.

  God, she loved him.

  The realization both scared her, and made her relax. To hell with playing it safe, she told herself. If he hurt her again she’d still have Isaac and Cam; she wouldn’t be left alone to deal with her pain. Isaac wouldn’t walk away again out of loyalty for his friend. He’d promised, and she trusted Isaac’s word.

  “I love you,” she finally told him.

  His hips slowed but didn’t stop. “I love you, too.”

  But… “I love Cam and Isaac, too.”

  “I know, Sweetness, but they aren’t here right now. We’ll work it out, I promise, but right now?” He pushed harder and faster, and his hands held her hips in place. She moved her lips away from his ear before she started screaming, and when he told her to come a few minutes later, her world detonated into sounds and colors as she soared sky high and kept climbing.

  When she finally came back to earth she collapsed on top of him.

  She was pretty sure he’d come, but needed to make sure.

  “Did you?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Can we just lay here the rest of the day?”

  “Works for me,” she said, more breathless than she intended, but she was still fighting for oxygen.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Frisco pulled into Isaac’s driveway and sat for a few minutes as he thought about what he needed to say.

  Isaac came outside and sat on his top step. Waiting.

  Frisco got out, walked down the sidewalk and stood below the porch looking up at his friend.

  “She loves you,” Frisco told him.


  Frisco shook his head. “No but. She loves you, and me, and Cam; and about an hour and a half ago I promised her we’d find a way to make it work with all of us. Please don’t make a liar out of me.”

  Isaac stood and motioned him up the steps. “Come inside.”

  Frisco watched as Isaac sat, turned a bottle of Glenfiddich up to pour a double shot, tossed it down, and poured another. After several minutes of this, Frisco asked, “Do I need to call someone?”

  Isaac paused long enough to glare at him and say, “I haven’t lost control since I was seventeen and I don’t intend to ever do so again. I’m fine.”

  “I haven’t seen you try to get drunk since she left us, and you came close to losing it then.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  He kept tossing them back, as fast as he could pour.

  “Are you getting anywhere?” Frisco noted several empty bottles of whiskey costing as much or more than this one.

  Isaac shook his head. “I’ve had a few minutes of a buzz, here and there.”

  “You can’t get drunk. Why are you drinking?”

  “Why didn’t she want me around last night?”

  “I don’t think she planned it.” He explained the lawyer coming and his bad news, her first time back to the dojo since Vegas, and then her accepting Frisco’s offer of dinner, and asking if they could drop her car off so she could get drunk. “I think she came up with kind of a spur-of-the-moment plan to get drunk and take something back. In this case? Her sex life.”

  He told him the whole story, and Isaac threw shots back one after the other as Frisco talked.

  When Frisco reached the part about asking her if he was only there to facilitate intimacy between Cassie and Cameron, Isaac put the whiskey bottle down and seemed to pay attention for the first time.

  He listened to the rest of the story, and then leaned back to drink straight from the whiskey bottle instead of bothering with the shot glass.

  Isaac should have been falling down sloppy drunk, but he seemed sober. Too sober.

  “What do you propose?” Isaac finally asked.

  Frisco shook his head. “It’s going to take a lot to get Cassie back to being okay, emotionally, but we need to take care of Cam now.”

  Isaac nodded. “He needs to know where he stands with both of us, and needs something in writing. Formal.” He set the empty whiskey bottle on the table. “Do you want to work out your own agreement with him, and I have another? Or do the three of us hammer out one contract we’re all a party to?”

  “The latter will be easier long term, but will be a bitch to work out.” Frisco finally asked the question burning him up inside. “Why did Cam come to you for a scene and sex, and not me?”

  “You’ll have to ask Cam. He asked and I didn’t turn him down.” Isaac’s eyes were hard. Challenging. He paused, thought a second, and lost the confrontational attitude. “When I originally told him to come to me if he needed anything, it was with the understanding Cam and Cassie are a matched pair, and if I wanted Cassie I needed to woo Cam.” He shook his head. “But that isn’t why I fucked him.”

  “Then why?”

  “Because I wanted to. Plain and simple. I think I have to stop saying I’m heterosexual, but flexible when it comes to BDSM scenes. I’m not sure I’m comfortable saying I’m bisexual, but…I may have to get comfortable with it. I’ve always had a little bit of affection for the boy, but I’m starting to really care for him. I want him in my life. My bed.” He looked up and asked, “Don’t you see the irony? Cam accepted you back, got close to you, but came to me for sex. Cassie accepted me, got close to me, but went to you for sex.”

  Frisco nodded as he realized why Cam had gone to Isaac. “You were safer. It was too dangerous to let me in. Cam was afraid of giving me power over him again.”

  Isaac considered Frisco’s words a few minutes and said, “Do you think it’s the same for Cassie? She was afraid to let me get close?”

  “Honestly? No. I think she wanted Cam to be part of it and she assumed Cam and I were already having sex.”

  “So, you still think she used you?”

  “Not used me, no. She showed me this morning she loves me, even without him around, but…” Frisco laughed. “I think we’re both going to have to accept how close the two of them are.”

  Isaac shook his head. “Okay, so where do we start with Cam? I assume he’ll continue to live with Cassie?”

  “I don’t want him calling me Master outside of a scene or the bedroom because I don’t want him to screw up and say it at work.”

  Isaac nodded. “I’m happy with Master anytime we aren’t in public, but should we try to be consistent? Or is it okay to have different rules with me than you? You’re more of a twenty-four / seven guy than I am.”

  “I think he’s going to have to be okay with us having different requirements — for some things, at least.”

  “I have a copy of your contract, from when you gave it to me when I kept him. Why don’t you, I, and Cam all go through it separately, write a version we’d be happy with, and then get together and see where we are?”

  “An excellent plan,” Frisco said. Sometimes he forgot Isaac was a well-known and respected Dom, just in different circles.

  “Okay, what about Cassie?” Isaac asked.

  “I think we’re gonna have to be okay with the knowledge we’re nothing more than Service Tops until she heals emotionally.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Isaac opened the door as Cam’s foot landed on the top step of his porch.

  Cam took a breath, stepped up, and said, “You asked me to use the front door and stay clothed. Why?”

  “Because we’re on equal footing until we negotiate the scene.”

  Cam followed him in, and kept following until they got to the kitchen.

  “Have a seat,” Isaac said as he sat, and pushed some paperwork towards an empty chair.

  Cam read through it, then read it again, his heart thumping in apprehension. He looked up and asked, “So, I can’t stop the scene, I can only turn the lights on and off for twenty minutes?”

  Isaac nodded. “I’ll keep a close eye on you, and if I think you’re panicking more than is acceptable, or hurting yourself beyond my ability to stop you, I’ll end the scene.”

  “Do you have any idea how much you’re asking me to trust you?”

  “I do, but since you were able to move through the dark to get upstairs when Cassie was in trouble, I believe you’re open to this. I think I can help you.”

  “Ten minutes.”

  “For a trial run? Sure. But, if it works and you can handle it, we need to give you a small break and go for another ten. We need a minimum of twenty minutes every time we do it.”

  Cam struck out the old time, wrote in the new with a possibility of doing another ten if he okayed it, and signed the bottom.

  He pushed it to Isaac and asked, “Can we do it now? If I have too much time to think about it I’ll chicken out.”

  Isaac signed it, took a picture with his cellphone, and pushed the paper to Cam. “This is your copy. Do you want to call me Master, or Sir?”

  Cam’s heart skipped a beat. “I’d love to call you Master, if you’ll allow it.”

  “I will, but for today’s purposes you can call me whatever you want. Master, Sir, Isaac, or even a fucking bastard.”

  “Sir, I would never!”

  Isaac chuckled. “Don’t make promises just yet. C’mon, boy.”

  Cam noted the heavy-duty shackles with super thick foam padding. Almost like they were hospital grade. Or maybe for mental patients.

  Isaac buckled them onto both wrists and then knelt on the floor and buckled them onto his ankles.

  “These cuffs are…different, Master.” Cam experimented with how it felt to call him Master, and liked it.

  “Yes. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” Isaac stood, fiddled with a remote, and said, “When I point at you, say ‘Lights On’, and when I point again, say ‘Lights Off’, okay?”

  A few minutes later Cam was stretched out and bound in place standing at the base of Isaac’s bed.

  Isaac wrapped something around the base of Cam’s cock, put electrodes on his balls, and had him stick his ass out so Isaac could slide a butt plug in.

  “I’ll start the program in a minute,” Isaac said. “When the lights are turned on, there’ll be pain. When the lights go off you’ll have two seconds of nothing, and then the plug in your ass will vibrate and I’ll wrap my arms around you and hold you.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You order the lights back on? I step away and the TENS c
omes back on. Every five seconds the lights are on, the pain levels go up. You’ll be entirely in control of whether the lights are on or off.” He caressed Cam’s arm. “The door is still open for now. Use the commands a half a dozen times to be sure the software will recognize your voice. I haven’t started the program, so there won’t be any pain yet, and the open door will keep it from being dark when the lights are off.”

  Cam said “Lights Off,” and then, “Lights On,” a dozen times before Isaac stopped him.

  Isaac’s footsteps reminded Cam of a movie he’d seen once, where the executioner walked a certain way, and the sound of his footsteps was terrifying. Cam’s insides were shaking as Isaac walked back to him after closing the door.

  “My command to turn them off will start the program,” Isaac told him. “After that, you’ll be in control.”

  Cam took a deep breath as Isaac wrapped his arms around him and then gripped Cam’s cock. His fist was slippery and he stroked him until Cam was nice and hard in spite of Cam’s fear. Or perhaps, in some demented way, because of it.

  “Lights Off.”

  The darkness was total, and Cam tried to breathe through it. Isaac was holding him, his hand no longer on his cock — just holding him. Supporting him. The plug in his ass vibrated and he tried to focus on it, but it didn’t work.

  Cam lasted as long as he could, and said, “Lights On.”

  Isaac stepped back and Cam felt a shock in his ass, another on his right ball, one to his cock, to his left ball, and then back to his ass. The program was on a random generator, and Cam had no way of knowing what order it would go. Sometimes it hit one body part three or four times before traveling. When the pain was too much Cam gasped, “Lights Off!”

  Isaac was immediately back and talking to him. “You’re okay. Just breathe through it. You can do it, boy. It’s just the dark. You know everything in the room. Nothing in here will hurt you while the lights are off.”

  And so it went for ten minutes that felt like an hour.

  When the lights came on and there was no pain, and Isaac asked if he could go another ten minutes, Cam planned to say no but instead asked, “How long should this take? I mean, how many sessions until it works?”


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