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Safeword: Arabesque (Safewords Book 9)

Page 27

by Candace Blevins

  “You lasted seven seconds in the dark the first time, and twenty-three seconds the last time.”

  What could he make it to, in another ten minutes? He was still alive. It’d been hell, but now that the lights were on and he wasn’t in danger of them going off? He felt silly.

  “Start it again. Ten minutes, please.”

  Isaac wrapped his arms around Cam and his deep voice said, “Lights Off.”

  When the program ended this time, Cam hung limp from the ropes, exhausted.

  Isaac released him from his bondage in seconds, walked him into another room, and pointed to a massage table.

  “Lie down. You did excellent and deserve a reward.”

  Cam collapsed onto the table and caught his breath as Isaac removed his wrist and ankle cuffs, situated him until he was comfortable, and said, “Music.”

  A relaxing, new-age type song came across the speakers, and Isaac began the massage.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Cassie pulled into Frisco’s driveway and just sat.

  Cam’s car was here, but Isaac’s wasn’t. She closed her eyes, rested her head on the steering wheel, and breathed.

  She heard a car but didn’t look. When it parked, she opened her eyes and got out.

  “You okay?” Isaac asked.

  “Yeah, just nervous. I adore all of you but I’m not sure about everyone at once.”

  “Which is why we’ll talk about what’s going to happen, first. No one wants to push you farther than you’re ready. We’re here to have dinner and discuss the possibilities, right?”

  “I read the contract you and Frisco signed with Cam, and I understand why I don’t have one yet.”

  Isaac touched her chin. “Tell me what you understand.”

  “I’m not ready. I can barely have sex without freaking.”

  “You haven’t tried it with me. Just Frisco.”

  She thought he probably meant it as a reminder, a statement of fact, but it came out a little defensive and she realized she’d hurt his feelings.

  “Oh, Isaac! Please don’t be jealous! It’s just the way it worked out. Maybe you and I should go to your house? Let Frisco and Cam have the night together, and maybe we try it with all four of us later?”

  He cupped her cheek in his palm. “I want whatever you think will work best for you.”

  Cassie looked at the house and back to Isaac. “I don’t want to go in there. I was sitting in the car, waiting as long as I could before I had to.”

  Isaac lifted his phone and said, “Text Frisco. Can the two of you come out here, please.”

  He looked at the screen, touched it, put it back in his pocket, and opened his arms.

  Cassie stepped forward and let him enfold her in his warm, strong embrace.

  Frisco was in jeans and an apron, Cam was naked with an apron, when they came out.

  “Our girl is a little nervous about the evening. She was sitting in her car when I arrived.”

  Cam rubbed her arm. “I was about to come check on you when Isaac pulled in. What’s up?”

  “I’m just not sure about all of us in bed at once? I’m…” She took a breath and admitted. “I’m afraid I’ll freak out on ya’ll.”

  Cam looked up to Isaac, and then to Frisco, as if he wanted one of them to have a magical solution.

  Frisco pulled Cameron to him and looked at Cassie. “We have a nice relaxing meal planned, and then why don’t I take Cam to the playroom while you and Isaac talk? You’ve had alone time in bed with Cam and I, but not Isaac. Do you think you’ll be okay with just the two of you?”

  She shook her head and said, “I think part of the problem is I’ve had time to get nervous about it. Maybe if there’s no expectation of sex? If Isaac and I just talk, or watch a movie, or something? Or even if the two of you play with Cam and maybe I just do the voyeur thing?”

  Isaac’s deep voice rumbled through his chest and vibrated her cheek. “I don’t expect anything from you, Sweet Thing, and neither does anyone else.” He looked up to Frisco and asked, “How long until dinner is ready?”

  “I pulled everything off the stove, but we should really get back inside. Maybe another ten minutes?”

  He nodded. “Ya’ll give her a hug and a quick kiss and run back inside. We’re going to talk a few minutes and see if she’s up to coming in to at least eat before deciding whether to stay and hang out, or whether I’m going to take her out dancing.”

  Cassie accepted a peck on the cheek and a hug from both men, and walked towards the river, assuming Isaac would follow.

  She sat on a large rock and pulled her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. She knew it was a defensive position but didn’t care at the moment.

  “I’m not sure there’s a way to ask this without sounding cocky, but are you hesitant about going to bed with me because of the size of my cock?”

  She rolled her eyes and squeezed her legs a little tighter. “I handled Frisco okay, but you’re so much bigger around. I don’t want to be scared, and I’m a little pissed at myself for it, but…shit. Yeah. I’m scared.”

  “Have you taken Cam?”

  She shook her head. “No, and he has the perfect cock for me — short and fat — but I’m scared of his, too.” She buried her face between her knees. “I know you’ll both be gentle, but if we try and I can’t, it’ll be worse than not trying.”

  “Can I touch you?”

  He’d sat behind her on the rock, and she leaned back and released her knees.

  “Yeah. Thanks,” she answered, snuggling into him and getting comfortable.

  “Someone had a dildo made from a mold of my cock a few years ago. It was a funny gag gift at the time, but when you’re ready maybe I could start with a small dildo and work up until you can accept the replica?”

  Cassie thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, I like that idea. I mean, I don’t want it to be weird, but I trust you to make it interesting.” She paused and added, “But I don’t want to have to think about it much before it happens. Do you think we can maybe get started tonight? After dinner?”

  “We can. I have a runner at the billiard club I trust. I’ll get him to go by the house and grab what I need, and bring it while we eat.”

  As they walked up the trail to the house Cassie asked, “Why do you wear dress pants and a tie so often? Everyone else at the billiard club seems to wear jeans and t-shirts.”

  He stopped and looked at her, and she stopped as well, suddenly sensing she’d been wrong to ask.

  “I’m sorry. Should I not have asked?”

  He pulled her to him. “Don’t apologize, Sweet Thing.” He kissed her cheek, took a breath, and gave her a truth she almost wished she hadn’t asked for. “I dress up because the general public sees a black man wearing a tie in a completely different way than a black man in jeans and a t-shirt.”

  Cassie backed up so she could look at him. “I don’t see you as…I mean, I know you’re black, but I don’t really think about it.”

  “I know you don’t, and it’s one of the things I love about you.”

  Not finished, she curled her fingers into fists. “You’re just Isaac, and it pisses me off to think of others judging you without getting to know you.”

  * * * *

  Dinner was exquisite — the steaks were heavenly, and the mashed potatoes real. Cam had peeled, boiled, and mashed them before Frisco folded a ton of yummy goodness into them, and Cassie went back for seconds, thirds, and finally fourths.

  “We’re going to have to limit how often you can make these for me,” she told Frisco as she piled them on her plate yet again.

  “I tried to make them a few weeks after he kicked me out, but they weren’t anywhere near as good.” Cam said.

  Cassie looked at him a few seconds, her stomach in her feet as she remembered him during those first weeks, broken and sad. “Yeah, I remember you making mashed potatoes from scratch and my asking you why. I remember they were good, but,” she took another bite and moaned
before finishing, “not even close to this.”

  Frisco wasn’t going to toss them away again.

  And if he did, Isaac would be there this time.

  Isaac excused himself and went outside, and Cassie walked to the kitchen window to look out. “He had someone bringing him something from his house. How did he know they were here?”

  Frisco shrugged. “Maybe they texted him?”

  “He didn’t check his phone.”

  “I don’t know, then. What did he forget?”

  Cassie’s face flamed hot. “Oh, he didn’t forget anything, but decided he needed something he hadn’t brought, based on our conversation.”

  Frisco opened his mouth to ask another question and Cam said, “Sir? She’s embarrassed. Can you maybe let it drop? If it’s something we need to be aware of then I’m sure she or Isaac will let us know.”

  Frisco looked to Cam and back to Cassie. “Of course. I’m sorry.” He swiveled back to Cam. “And even though I know your reasoning is mostly because you’re so protective of our girl, I’m still proud of you for speaking up.”

  Now it was Cam’s turn to blush, and Frisco tousled his hair and chuckled as the smaller man mumbled, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Isaac carried something to the back of the house and then went into the kitchen to put something in the refrigerator.

  He returned with a large, fancy glass and set it down in front of her, saying, “Frisco isn’t usually set up to make what he considers frou-frou drinks so I had my guy bring the ingredients for margaritas.”

  “Eventually,” she said as she licked the salt-crusted rim and took a sip, “I’m going to need to be able to have sex without getting drunk.”

  “True, but I have no issues with lubricating you every way I can, if it’ll help.” He sat in his chair with a smile and added, “But no pressure. I’m good with taking you dancing, streaming a movie, going downstairs and helping with Cam, or taking you to Frisco’s bed and fooling around.”

  When dinner was over the four worked together to clean the kitchen. Cassie was in charge of washing the pots and pans as Cam dried them and put them away, which was fine with her.

  Cam wiped everything down as they finished, and when the kitchen practically sparkled, Frisco hugged Cassie and said, “Tonight’s going to be intense for Cam. If the two of you come down, please do so quietly, and don’t intercede until I tell you what to do. If you don’t come down then when I bring him up it’s likely he won’t be verbal, so don’t try to talk to him. If you want to touch him or interact with him you’ll need to ask me first. Okay?”

  Cassie remembered how it had been before, so she nodded and said, “Thanks for reminding me. I’ll behave.” She tucked her head to Frisco’s chest and hugged him back before asking, “Can I give him a hug now, before you take him down?”

  Frisco kissed the top of her head. “Of course. Take your time.”

  She turned to Cam, who opened his arms and pulled her to him. They hugged for several long moments, and he put his mouth to her ear and said, “Isaac will take care of you. I wish I could be around, but it might be better if I’m not. Just trust him, okay?” He leaned back and his gaze met hers. “I trust him to take care of you without me around. I know he’ll do right by you.”

  Cassie gave him a nervous smile. “Yeah, I know he will, too, but this isn’t all about logic.” She leaned into him again. “I do trust him, and I’ll do my best to warn him before I go into a full-on panic.”

  Cassie watched Cam and Frisco leave the room and she turned to Isaac, suddenly nervous and awkward despite three large margaritas.

  “You enjoyed it outside earlier,” he said with a gentle smile. “Would you rather sit and talk, or go for a walk?”

  “A walk,” she said without hesitation. She laughed as she realized how it sounded and said, “I promise I’m not scared of you, I’m just…awkward?” She sighed. “Please don’t take it personally.”

  “I’m not, Sweet Thing. Let me grab a duffel bag from the bedroom and we’ll take a walk.”

  She was afraid to hear about what might be in the duffel, so she didn’t ask. He walked her down to the river and then onto a nice little wooded trail through the woods and away from the water.

  They came into a clearing with a large screened in room in the center, and Isaac urged her towards it.

  As they neared, she saw outdoor workout equipment — a climbing wall near the woods, a series of plum posts, horizontal bars, and a large section of what appeared to be adult sized monkey bars.

  She looked to Isaac and he said, “Frisco and his projects, but I really like this clearing. Come on and I’ll show you the room.”

  The large screened room held a few small sofas, a gorgeous chaise lounge, and several rocking chairs that looked like they should be on Cracker Barrel’s porch.

  Cassie wasn’t ready to go in yet, though. The chaise was easily big enough for sex. She walked to the plum posts and jumped up on the first, pulled one leg up, and almost fell.

  “Really?” Isaac asked. “You’re going to play Karate Kid after three very strong margaritas?”

  Oh. Yeah. She’d forgotten about that. She jumped down as gracefully as possible and shrugged. “Well, when you put it that way, maybe not.”

  The monkey bars looked like fun, so she wandered towards them, climbed as high as she could, and had to stretch to reach the first bar.

  She made it to the end and Isaac helped her put her foot on the bar to stand on the other side.

  “You need to be just a few inches taller,” he remarked as she turned and stretched to go back.

  This time she skipped bars, and had to stretch to reach. She dropped to the ground as she reached the end, and Isaac laughed as he said, “Impressive, but should you really be doing that with your shoulder?”

  She shrugged, unwilling to admit the second pass had been too much. “Probably not, but it was fun.”

  “Come sit on the chaise with me and I’ll rub your neck and shoulders.”

  He’d dropped the duffel bag on the steps, and now he picked it up and took it in with them, but settled it on a table without opening it.

  Fifteen minutes into the massage Cassie was putty in his hands, and was almost embarrassing herself with the moans coming out of her mouth.

  Isaac started out over her clothes, but gradually removed garments until she was nude.

  Strong fingers moved from her thighs, to her butt cheeks, and finally massaged his way to her pussy.

  Her bottom lifted, practically begging for his fingers, and when he finally inserted a single finger, she begged, “Please tell me to come!”

  “Mmmm, I will, Sweet Thing, but not yet.”

  She felt something else push into her, not a finger, and she turned to look at him. He’d taken his shirt off, and she moaned again when she saw his bare arms, shoulders, and chest.

  “Roll over and feel, Cassie.” His voice was enough to make her turn and obey without thinking, and her heartbeat was loud in her ears as the tiny dildo came out and a slightly larger one went in.

  Her insides accepted it easily, but she wanted more. “You can probably skip a few sizes, Sir,” she gasped.

  He chuckled and said, “Good to know.”

  The next size didn’t feel much bigger, and she pushed up to her knees. “Please, Isaac!”

  “What, no more Sir?”

  His voice was teasing and playful, so she responded with, “I’ll call you anything you want if you’ll make me come!”

  The next one was bigger and gave her the most delicious stretch. He worked it in her a while before removing it, and when she was empty for a handful of seconds she turned to see him putting lube on another.

  “Is that the one modeled after you?”

  He shook his head. “No, Sweet Thing, but it isn’t your job to worry about that right now. Lay yourself down and enjoy the process.” He stroked her back a few times, massaged her ass muscles, and slowly inserted the next dildo.

  Cassie sprea
d her legs, and when Isaac slowed, she pushed backwards onto it.

  By the time he made it to the next dildo she was desperate for release.

  When this one was in, spreading her oh-so-deliciously, he paused and said, “Okay, Sweet thing. This one is my size. Do you want me to get you off with the dildo, or with my cock?”

  “You, Sir! I want you!”

  She heard the condom wrapper, and seconds later he was up on the chaise behind her. He’d stripped out of his jeans a while back when she complained she wanted more skin contact, and less denim.

  He pressed in slow, his hands on her hips so she couldn’t push backwards onto him.

  The position was too close to the way Clemente had held her from behind, but instead of losing it she managed to ask, “Can you put your hands on my back or shoulders? Just…not there, please?”

  He immediately moved his hands, with one on her right shoulder and the other wrapped around her torso as he leaned over her protectively. “You okay? We can stop at any time, just say the word.”

  “If you stop now I’ll never forgive you. This is perfect. Please make love to me, Isaac?”

  He brought her off three times before he leaned back, holding her to him so she was sitting on his cock, though he held her up to keep her from sliding all the way down on it.

  “I’m going to go a little faster and a little harder. Let me know how you’re doing, okay?”

  “I’m good. God, Isaac, I can’t believe I still need to come! Can I play with my clit?”

  He kissed her cheek from behind. “Of course you can, Sweet Thing, and I love hearing you ask permission.”

  He pounded her from below, the little bit of discomfort a delicious spike to the carnal frenzy of sensations. When he finally told her to come, her world imploded and her screams echoed through the trees as her ecstasy catapulted into the skies and beyond.

  The two fell onto the chaise together and rested in each other’s arms, content and sated. Cassie was close to drifting off when Isaac’s deep voice brought her back. “I can carry you in if you fall asleep, but if you’d rather walk we should probably go now.”


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