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Beautiful Captivity (The Club #1)

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by Ashleigh Townshend

  I knock softly and Raven opens the door. The girl is on her bed, holding a sheet to herself. I can’t see much of her body, save for her creamy white shoulders, and the thin black strips of her nightgown.

  “Why is she being modest?” I ask.

  Raven turns to look and sighs. She moves to pull the sheet off of her, but I stop her. It’s safer for me this way probably. I can already feel my erection growing just from the sight of her shoulders.

  It makes no sense. All of the girls here are beautiful. That’s why we choose them. When pictures are sent, I usually can tell if they will be of interest to our clientele, but I pass along some that I’m unsure on. If we have enough interest, we buy them, but the profit is usually low. I’m a good judge of who will make us money, and I knew from one photograph that this girl would bring in a fortune.

  I think it’s her innocence. Although I know she’s a virgin, it isn’t just a sexual innocence. She’s young as well, and I’m glad they found her in a club because I prefer not to select anyone under eighteen. I know Raven was brought her before that age, as were several of the others, but since I was placed in charge, I avoid that additional concern.

  There is more, though. Her soft eyes look at me like I’m a savior, somehow. I feel guilt for the first time since I began this, and it angers me.

  “You may leave us now,” I tell Raven, and lock the door behind her when she goes.

  “My name is Zed. Clearly that is not my real name, but that is how you will address me. I do not want to know your name. You will be called Willow, as that is what I have chosen. I run this establishment. You serve my clients, and you will serve them well, or we will send you back to the people who brought you here.”

  “I just want to go home,” she says. I’ve heard it all before. The pleas, the bargaining, the fear, the crying, and then the eventual acceptance. I don’t like hearing it, although it’s never made me feel guilty before, but there are clients who enjoy the begging. The man who has purchased her for tomorrow night has actually requested that she cry.

  “This is your home now. Tomorrow night, you will meet several men who fought to spent more than an hour with you, and then you will spend the remainder of the night with the man who won. He has specific needs, and demands, which I will review with you before you meet them. However, tonight, I wanted to introduce myself, explain what you can expect, and ask you a few questions.”

  She’s shaking, but I fight the insane urge I feel to comfort her. “Are you ready?”

  Although she’s scared, she nods, and I’m impressed. “Yes,” she says in a soft, broken whisper. She’s like a fragile bird, and I am here to clip her wings.



  The man named Zed comes to sit on the end of the bed and I back up against the headboard. He’s young, especially for a man in power, in control of a place like this. I’ve seen movies about these things, but I didn’t think they were real. This still has to be a joke, I tell myself. It’s a twisted prank for freshmen. But it doesn’t feel like a prank.

  Zed loosens his tie and unbuttons his top few buttons. Even through the suit, I can tell he is well built. In ordinary circumstances, he would be gorgeous. His sandy hair and almond eyes are the sort I would fantasize about with my friends, but Zed is not dreamy. He’s a monster.

  “Can you remove the sheet, please?” he asks.

  “Fuck you,” I spit. I don’t talk like that and I don’t treat people that way, but this isn’t going how I’d hoped. I just want to go back to school and have a stupid fight with Keith.

  “You will not speak that way to me, and you will not speak that way in front of our clients unless requested. I am a patient man. I am a fair man. However, this is my business and you will behave the way I ask you to behave. It is in your best interest to do so. There will be no going home. You will adjust; they all do. If you don’t, I lose a lot of money. You stand to lose far more.”

  I begin to cry. I don’t want to cry in front of him and I don’t want to be weak, but I just wanted to go out with my friends. I haven’t even started classes yet. My parents were going to bring me more of my supplies later in the week. I’ll never see my family again. The tears let go, and I drop the sheet, not because Zed asked but because I can’t stop crying. My hands shake and I let the sheet fall, unable to keep my hands tight around it.

  He says nothing, just waits until I have cried so much I can’t continue. I lie back on the bed, wishing for morning, waiting to wake up. This has to be a nightmare. It can’t be happening.

  “They said you’re a virgin,” Zed says, as if my world is not over. He’s so matter of fact. I hate him for being so calm.

  I say nothing, until he stands and moves closer to me, resting a hand on my shoulder. “There, there,” he says and it feels as awkward as it sounds. I roll over onto my side, my back to him, refusing to look at him. He doesn’t move his hand from me, and I hate that I feel somewhat comforted by his touch, despite this being his fault.

  “Willow, you need to tell me. Are you a virgin?”

  “Yes,” I choke out.

  “Good. I will let you rest, but I’ll be back early in the morning. You have a very busy day tomorrow, and you will be displayed in the evening. Tomorrow night you will be rewarded to your first client, so I ask that you please sleep. Do you think you need some assistance sleeping?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, my back still to him.

  “I have sleeping medication if you require it.”

  “I require nothing.”

  I feel the bed move as he gets up to leave. I peer at him once his back is turned. Before he reaches the door, I speak.

  “My name is Nichole. I’m a real person. And you’ve ruined my life.”



  I leave the room, stoic, showing no signs I heard her. However, once I reach my office, I slam my hand against the desk, hard. They never tell me their names. It’s as if their names are their last connection to the lives they had before they came here, and if they can protect their names, they can remain somewhat whole. She has already told me her name. She will not last long. I don’t even know how she will last her first night. I look over his request list again and I tell myself I will prepare her, so that she is not broken before we can earn back her cost.

  It has nothing to do with concern for her, I lie to myself. It’s about the money. Another voice whispers her name. Nichole. It suits her. It’s beautiful, as is she.

  I think of her body under the silk nightgown. It was thin and I could see her breasts. As she cried, they heaved, and it took great strength to leave my hand on her shoulder, and not let it fall over her skin, touching her intimately. I can’t believe I touched her at all. It’s in my policy. Although some of the other managers make use of the wares, I do not. I do not feel anything. It’s how I’ve lasted here.

  I gather the list of requests for tomorrow as well as the booking schedule and bring them to my bedroom. I need to rest.

  Lying in bed, I think of her again. Nichole. I allow my hand to slip down over my naked body, under the sheets, and I feel desire stir as I remember her. Her eyes, her hair, her body, her name. I stroke myself, her name falling from my tongue as I do. I imagine her underneath me, using my real name, as I use hers. I picture sliding into her, her tightness taking me in, her relinquishing her innocence and purity to me.

  No, I argue with myself. Her name is Willow and she is sold. You cannot touch her. It may be true, but the fantasy does wonders, and I come quickly as I touch myself to her name.

  It takes several sleeping pills to fall asleep. All I can see is her.



  Raven is the one who wakes me, but she does not say much. She simply informs me that Zed will be bringing my breakfast and reviewing tonight’s agenda. Then she instructs me to dress quickly before he arrives, pointing to an armoire in the corner.

  There are plenty of clothes in the armoire, and they are all my size. It surpri
ses me, as I still don’t think it’s been that long since I was at the club. Even if they knocked me out for a day, it could not be more than three days now. I select a green blouse and black leggings. It will do.

  Zed brings breakfast. He’s not in a suit, and it’s jarring to see him like this. He’s wearing jeans and a dark t-shirt. Clearly he’s just showered. He looks so normal, like a man I could have met in any ordinary way. However, this is anything but ordinary.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asks and places the food on my night table. There’s fruit and cereal and toast and yogurt, but I don’t want to eat anything. At least not with him here.

  “Fine,” I say.

  “I would like you to eat. You need to keep up your strength.”

  “For what?” I ask.

  He sighs. “Well, let’s go over the list.”

  He picks up a leather portfolio from the tray of food and opens it. I can’t see anything inside of it, which I’m sure is intentional. The simple businesslike manner of all this unnerves me. As if I am any transaction. An exchange of stock holdings.

  “He has asked that you refer to him only as R. He is in his mid-fifties. He is particularly interested in your being a virgin, so many of his requests will come before the sex.”

  “I’m not sleeping with him,” I tell Zed.

  “Yes, Willow, you are.”


  He sighs again. “Willow, he has paid a great deal of money for you, for a virgin-”

  “I don’t care,” I snap.

  “Please allow me to continue.” His eyes look over my body before resting on my face. He stares at me as he continues. “He does not want you willing. In fact, he has very clearly asked that you cry and beg. He wants to take you by force.”

  “That’s fucked up,” I cry.

  “Language. I’ve tried to explain, but what we offer here is the chance for people who have the resources to get the things they cannot get otherwise. We are not a brothel. These men can find prostitutes. We provide them with their darkest desires. The sort that they want to keep hidden. You must understand that everyone has a hidden secret. It’s our business to allow those secrets to come to light, without judgment.”

  “So you fucking buy women to sell out to perverts who want to force us to have sex with them?”

  I can’t believe how calmly he says this, as if he’s explaining a simple buyout.

  “I will not tell you again, Willow. If you use that language again, I will punish you.”

  “How? By selling me to the next fucking asshole who comes along?”

  He stands, quietly, and reaches under his shirt. I didn’t realize he was wearing a belt until he has it off and in his hands. He approaches and grabs a handful of my hair, flipping me over so I am face down.

  “I do not play games, Willow. Now you will watch your language.”

  He brings the belt down hard on my ass. Although I’m wearing clothes, it stings and I scream. He hits me five times, before he flips me over to face him. His eyes are raging.

  “Please do not make me do that again.”

  “Your precious commodity is going to have bruises tonight,” I spit.

  “Willow, R wants to own you. I imagine he will be prepared to bruise you as well.”



  She looks so scared. I maintain my composure and sit back down, returning to the list. I will not show any emotion. I will not feel anything for her. For Nichole.

  “You will be brought, naked, into the reception room, where all of the bidders will be able to inspect you. No one may touch you, until it is their booking. However, they may ask you to do things. For example, they may want to see between your legs. You will do what they ask. I cannot be clear enough that you cost us a lot. If you do not earn that back, I will have no choice but to ensure I am compensated in another way. And I cannot guarantee you that you will be given a list of interests in advance. Nor can I promise that the interests will not turn violent. I can tell you that here. R intends to be rough with you, but as there are rules for you to follow, so there are rules for him. He must leave you as he found you. Except for your virginity. He has paid dearly to possess that.”

  Her eyes grow wide and she crosses her legs. I can see her thinking about crying again. It bothers me and I push it out of my mind. “Please save your tears. Upon the end of your inspection, you will be delivered to R and the two of you will spend the night in the penthouse. It has been soundproofed, although there is a panic button beside the bed. If you are in danger, and you best be in danger, you may utilize it. Otherwise, you will go with him. He has asked that you beg him not to touch you.”

  Nichole begins to weep softly. She’s in shock, I can tell, but I continue, afraid of my own feelings for her.

  “He says that he wants to feel your mouth on him while you cry. He likes to have that power. If you cannot cry, we have powders to assist you. I will not fill you in on everything he intends to do to you, as that is for him and you to explore. However, I will also tell you that he has requested that you remain on your knees the entire time you are in the penthouse. He will not be using the bed. In addition, he prefers that you do not speak at all.”

  She doesn’t respond, just nods.

  “The event will begin at seven o’clock sharp. You must be cleaned and showered by six, so that I may check on you. Otherwise, you have the afternoon to yourself. If you need anything, my office is at the bottom of the stairs. Go straight and you will see them.”

  She says nothing and I take the list and go. Her sad eyes nearly broke my heart.



  My ass stings from Zed’s belt. However, my pride stings worse. I also hate to admit it, but I liked it a little. I don’t know what came over me, but it felt somehow… freeing. I’m sure it’s just how good looking he is, and the fact that my mind refuses to accept where I am. I probably convinced myself subconsciously that this was just a role play. Although I have never been into those sorts of things, since the only boyfriend I had was Keith, and my sexual experiences consisted of one bad blow job and a few awkward finger fucks, I was turned on by Zed.

  I can’t believe I’m even thinking about this. He just told me that I will be forced to lose my virginity tonight to a man I’ve never met, who prefers me weak and submissive.

  I go to the bath and run the water. Settling into the heat of it, I feel the soreness from the belt even clearer. I also feel the desire as it pools between my legs, thinking of Zed and his control over me. I don’t even realize I’m doing it before my fingers slide inside of myself and I ride them to orgasm. It only dawns on me after what I’ve done. I’ve allowed a monster, my captor, to become attractive to me.

  As I lie there in the tub, I make a decision. It’s a terrible decision, especially since acting like a slut got me in this mess, but I refuse to give up my virginity to an old man, while he forces me to cry. I don’t even know if he will say yes, but I figure it’s worth a try.

  I rummage through the dresser and find a gorgeous pair of white lace panties. I skip the bra. The bra is just in the way of my intentions. In the armoire, I take out a short green skirt and a tight black tank top. I go to the vanity and apply makeup, lining my eyes and lips until I look irresistible. It might not work, but it’s worth a shot. I don’t want him, either, but at least it’s an active choice.

  There is no one in the hall and I head downstairs, knocking on his office door. He answers quickly and looks me over.

  “Willow, what are you doing? You need something already? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

  I push past him and shut the door behind me. His eyes grow wide as I unzip the skirt and let it fall to the floor, before lifting the tank top and dropping it as well. I lean against one of his leather chairs.

  “I don’t want to sell my virginity. I’ll lie for you, and I will cry and pretend it hurts and do whatever you would like. But I want to choose my first time. And, as my choices are limited, Zed, I am asking you t
o fuck me.”



  I can’t do it. She has to be a virgin. That was the agreement. That was what we sold. But her body…

  I step closer against my will and her eyes go to my insane erection. I can barely walk. I want to touch her, to taste her, to feel her against me, but I resist.

  “I’m sorry, Willow. No. You have been purchased as a virgin, and I imagine he will have his questions if you are not. Please. Return to your room.”

  Her face flames red and she takes her clothes, not even dressing before she runs back to her room. My body is angry with me, as is my mind. Why is she doing this to my mind?

  I shake my head and go back to the booking sheet. I need to meet with Hyacinth before she uses the play room tonight.


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