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Beautiful Captivity (The Club #1)

Page 3

by Ashleigh Townshend

  She’s in her room, of course, looking out the window. There is a book in her lap. I don’t bother to check what it is.

  “Hello, Zed.”

  “Hyacinth, you have been booked tonight with John, Q, and Nine.” They are obviously not real names, but these three are frequent customers.

  “I know,” she says. “I imagine we will be in the play room.”

  “You are aware of their-”

  “Yes, Zed. I have been with each of them individually. Nine mostly watches. When it was just us, he made me insert things into myself and then he ate them. It was odd, needless to say. Q has an ass fetish. John just likes a lot of rough play. So having the toys will help.”

  I nod. “You did your research.”

  “Do you like being here, Zed?” Hyacinth has never been one to fight me. She was a runaway and I think she’s just happy to have a warm room. Even if it means pleasuring herself with food for a grown man to eat.

  “I do. It’s been a successful experience.”

  I came to this from nothing. I was one unemployment check from homelessness. I’d gone through all the normal channels, but jobs were impossible to come by. When my company went under, I was left with nothing. Despite my education and work history, I was out of work and broke. I was wasting my last bit of disposable income for the week in a bar when a man approached me. He said I looked like I needed work. When he explained later what he did, I felt a slight moral rejection of it. But I needed work, and these girls were being bought whether or not I was here to help. The pay is good, and I can at least do my best to provide a reasonable place to live for them. I also try to avoid incidents of returns. It’s why I don’t want Raven to become useless.

  “Are you married?” Hyacinth asks.

  “No, of course not.”

  She laughs. She’s adjusted very well and sometimes I feel like she even likes being here. “Don’t sound so surprised. I bet most of the men who come here are.”

  She’s right. Although the girls know nothing about them other than their chosen names and what they look like, I have access to all of their information. We do not accept just anyone as a client. They must be vetted first, as there is too much to lose if we take on the wrong person. Since, as Hyacinth pointed out, almost all of them are married, they desire the same privacy we do. The girls are not allowed any communication with the outside world, so I maintain the secrets of many, many men who have habits and desires too far outside the norm.

  “You’ve never been with one of us, either. Are you gay?”

  I laugh. “No. I just don’t mix business with pleasure.”

  She shakes her head. “Okay, Zed, but it must get lonely.”

  After I leave Hyacinth, I check in on the other girls. No one needs anything and Raven has already gone with her afternoon client. They are in one of the basic bedrooms on the third floor.

  When I return to my office, I sit, and look over the folder for tonight again. Reagan Harrington III. Fifty-six, owner of the city’s largest investment firm, married with four children. He has only been here once before, but the girl did not please him as he had hoped. He prefers young, and virgins. Nichole is exactly what he wants. Usually he seeks what he likes at other establishments, ones with less strict guidelines on what they will allow. I’ve heard stories of one in New Jersey where there is very little they will not provide. It makes me a little sick to my stomach.

  I decide to rest and head back to my room, but my feet carry me to the other end of the hall instead. Her door is open a crack and I push on it, only to find her lying on her bed. She’s awake, but she’s staring at the ceiling.

  She sits up when I enter, and she smiles. It’s not a flirtatious smile. Her eyes are sad. She’s changed into pajamas. Boring red flannel pajamas. I look over her body and close the door, locking it. I think I knew as soon as I turned in the direction of her room how many bad decisions I was going to make.



  He stands in the doorway, with his hands in his pockets, and the confidence has turned to something else. Doubt? He walks closer and sits beside me. He takes my hands in his.


  “It’s Willow now, remember?” I remind him.

  “No. Nichole. I have never let myself care. I try to maintain my distance. But I knew the first time I saw you that you were special. When you came to my office today, I wanted to. I just… this job. It’s all I have. I live here. I have all of my finances linked to this place. I know it’s selfish, but…”

  He trails off. I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for him, but I also figure it’s probably a big deal for him. “I want to go home, Zed.”

  “I know,” he says, and he looks at me, his eyes beautifully agonized as he grimaces. “If I could let you, if there was a way…”

  “Well, then, you should go. I have to prepare to be ruined.” I lie back down on the bed, and it doesn’t even strike me as odd when Zed lies down on top of me. I can feel him straining against his jeans, pressing hard against my leg. I have only seen one guy’s cock before, but Keith didn’t feel this big against me.

  “Let me do this,” he says. “I will help you lie. Let me be the first.”

  It could be insulting, since it’s not like it’s romantic, but in its own way, it is.

  “Tell me your name,” I ask, as he begins to unbutton the flannel pajama top.



  “Yes, Zane,” he says, and he slips the shirt off my shoulders. I twist to get it off and throw it onto the floor. He kisses down my stomach and then slides the pants off, tossing them from the back of the bed. He kisses up my legs, to my thighs, and then he stops, laying his head against the inside of my thigh.

  “I wish I could save you, Nichole.”

  “So save me from tonight.”

  He slips my panties off and gasps when he sees my shaved pussy. It was per his request, or rather R’s. His fingers move up my thigh, tickling me, and then he lightly blows on my clit. It sends shiver through me, and I already like him better than Keith. It’s confirmed when he slides two fingers inside of me, and teases my clit with his thumb.

  My mind tells me not to enjoy this, to remember where I am, but I can’t stop my body from reacting. He’s gentle, but also demanding that I take my pleasure from him.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” I confess.

  “I don’t care,” he says. “You’re amazing.”



  I move my fingers inside of her and watch the ecstasy fall over her face. I want to keep touching her, to make her come, but I don’t want to stay away from her lips.

  “Nichole, let me in,” I beg.

  She spreads her legs for me. I know she’s a virgin and I know much of this is her desire to not lose her virginity tonight, with R, but I try to tell myself that there is more. That maybe she feels a little of what has been bothering me. I can’t think about anything else. I fell for her in the picture, I know it. How many girls have come through here and I’ve felt nothing? Yet in less than a day, I am willing to throw it all away.

  “Please,” she whispers. “Go ahead.”

  I undress and lay myself over her body and move my fingers out, in order to make room to position my cock against her opening. She’s wet, but this is her first time and it’s not the same as having my fingers inside. I know I’m well equipped, too, and I don’t want to hurt her.

  “I don’t have any condoms,” I say.

  “I don’t care,” she replies. “Please, Zane. Please be the first.”

  It’s my name that pushes me past caring. I slip a tiny bit inside of her and wait. She’s wet, but I can feel her stretching and I watch her face as she processes what’s happening. Her eyes open and she smiles. She actually smiles.

  “All of it,” she demands.

  I move slowly, a bit at a time. She thrusts up against me as I slide further into her. It takes a lot of focus not to lose it right away. She’s so
warm, and her body is so soft under mine. I kiss her breasts and her neck, finally breaking the biggest rule in our business. I press my lips to hers and she thrusts harder, trying to take all of me in and I push deeper as my tongue finds its way into her mouth. She groans as I push and push, until I am all the way inside of her beautiful, tight pussy.

  “Tell me how it feels,” I command.

  “It’s so good,” she says. “You’re rock hard, Zane. You feel so right. I never imagined…”

  Her voice trails off and I know she realizes she never imagined it would be this enjoyable, but also she never imagined I would be holding her captive. I try to make her forget, to make myself forget that we cannot love one another, and I hold her body against mine, feeling her twitching as the pleasure builds.



  He is huge and I am stretched so wide to make room for him, but the small burst of pain that came at first have long since evaporated. Now, it’s just incredible as he rocks his body over and inside mine. I grip him with my thighs and he growls.

  “I am the first to be inside of you, Nichole. You will always remember me as the one who entered you first.”

  The situation that brought me here is forced from my mind as I focus on enjoying the moment. There is a little shame, but then I recall that it’s this or tonight. And I can’t pretend that Zane is not amazing.

  I’ve never had an orgasm before, although I suppose I’d thought I had. However, when the nerves throughout my body turn into small bursts of flame, and I’m at the same time made of nothing but water, I realize that whatever I thought I’d enjoyed was nothing like this.

  I look at him and he stares down into my eyes, moving faster and pushing deeper as the fires engulf my body.

  “Say my name, Nichole. Let me know you’re mine. All mine. Tell me I’m the only one,” he growls.

  “Oh, Zane, you are the only one. I belong to you, now fully,” I manage, before words can no longer pass between us. The orgasm turns my body into an inferno and I melt against him, the waves of flame shocking me into sounds of bliss. I tighten around him, and I can feel the throbbing inside of him as he pushes one more time, before he can longer control himself either.

  As soon as it’s over, I want more. I want him, which scares me, because I should want anyone but him. I suppose there is a psychological disorder that explains how I can feel this way about him, but as he moves out of me, I use my knees to push him back in.

  “More,” I demand.

  He’s surprised and he looks doubtful. “I don’t know if I can, Nichole. At least not yet.”

  I’m new to this and I don’t understand how it all works, but I need more. I wiggle under him until I’m free and then I push him down onto the bed. Stroking him, I stare into his eyes. “You need to fill me, Zane. You need to make this all of the bad go away.”

  “Oh, Nichole, if only I could.”

  I rub him, and then lower my mouth over his cock. I have minimal experience with this, but as I lick along the length of him, he moans, a guttural sound that tells me something is working. It takes no time before he grows inside my mouth, eventually becoming too big for me to keep in there.

  I sit up and then straddle his body, running my hands along his chest. “That was the first real orgasm I’ve ever had. And I need you to do it again. I need you to make me all yours. I want to think of you when anyone else touches me. I want to only remember how you feel inside me. I want to belong to you.”

  He takes my hips and helps me into position, lifting his legs so I can lean back after I slide down him. It hurts to be stretched again so soon, but the pain fades as he begins to lift his hips. I press down, until he cannot get any deeper, and then I lean back against his thighs and let him guide me.



  She’s perfect and I know with every thrust that I am not only deeper inside of her, but deeper into whatever mess I have put myself in. I don’t care though as I watch her lose herself to me. She’s so small, so tight. I feel like I’m going to break her, but she’s stronger than she looks. She lets me push until I bottom out in her pussy and I am desperate for her.

  When she comes, it’s intense and I see her losing control. I hold her in place and drive myself into her, not letting the waves of pleasure stop. She falls against my legs and I hold on, before my own desire gives in and I explode inside of her.

  When we’re done, she lies against me, laying her head on my chest. I cannot believe the mistakes I’ve just made, although she seems so satisfied.

  “I’m glad it was good,” she says. “Now tonight is a little less frightening.”

  I want to save her, to take her away from here. I don’t want to let R touch her. But I have no choice. Not only will R touch her, but multiple men over the course of the next two weeks, and there is not a thing I can do about it.

  “I wish I could stop it,” I admit.

  She gets up and goes to the bathroom. I hear the bath running. I don’t dress, but I follow her, and watch as she slips her body into the steamy water.

  “Come here,” she says.

  I pull up the stool and take a washcloth from the sink. I help her clean herself off, and try not to think about what will be done to her tonight. She closes her eyes and lets me touch her, lets me take care of her. I feel something I thought I’d closed myself off to years ago.

  I was twenty-two and close to graduation. I thought I was in love. Bella stood in my living room and I fondled the velvet box in my pocket. I was going to marry her. She looked curious as I tried to stumble through the words.

  “Bella, you know I love you. We’ve been together for years, since high school, and there has never been anyone else. I want to be with only you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

  I held out the box and she looked at it and then back to my face. She sat in the armchair and put her head in her hands.

  “Zane, I’m sorry.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve wanted to tell you. But you’ve been focused on school and I didn’t want to ruin that. I figured I could hold out a little longer, until you graduated if we had to. But you must have noticed I’ve been around less.”

  It was true. She was busy more than normal, but between my classes and her job at the law firm, I imagined it was a matter of time.

  “When you decided to go to college, I didn’t feel like we were on the same path. I took the job and have been there since.”

  “I don’t understand. What does your job have to do with this?”

  “I’ve been with someone else, Zane. For a while now. It was easier not to tell you. He knows about you, and he’s married, so it’s worked okay. But I can’t marry you.”

  “Why?” It didn’t make sense.

  “He’s rich. He takes care of me. He’s not the first, Zane. Men come into the firm. They flirt with me. They buy me things. You and I… we weren’t going to be married. I didn’t think it meant anything at first. It was just sex. They came to me and offered me things. It was easy. Most of them were looking for someone with no strings attached. They have wives, kids, families. They just wanted something fun. All I needed to do was provide it. You never thought it was strange that I had so many things, even though I’m only a secretary.”

  “I just thought they paid well.”

  I was so naïve at that age. After Bella left, with what was left of my broken heart, I refused to fall in love. I had flings with women, and I never considered letting them get close. When I took this job, it made sense. Although I worried about the girls we were taking, I figured they would all be like Bella one day anyway. By choice or by force. It didn’t matter. Women were all the same.

  Now, thinking of Bella, I look to Nichole, who’s dozed off in the tub. I don’t know why I think she’s different. We’re fifteen years apart nearly. My experience has been that girls become women, and women care only for money.

  I let her sleep and leave the room. I won’t let what happened bet
ween us ruin everything I’ve built. I won’t ever be that fool again.



  I wake up. The water in the tub has gotten cold and the day is fading. I don’t see Zane.

  Thinking of being with him, I smile. It was exactly what I had imagined it would be like, and I strangely feel satisfied that I didn’t sleep with Keith. He would never have been able to make me feel the same. It’s disturbing what brought me to Zane, but I can’t regret what we did.

  He cares for me. Somehow, he does. It may work to my advantage. Perhaps I can convince him to help me out of here.

  Tonight flashes into my mind. I feel less fear because I know I’m not a virgin, but I don’t like the idea of being bought. I don’t want to be used. I want to make my choices. Submission does not sit well with me.


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