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Red Eyes MC: Books 1 - 3

Page 19

by Grey, Blair



  I trembled as Will stripped me down bare, his lips tracing lines of fire along my naked skin. He moved impossibly slow until I felt as though every nerve was keyed up, until I almost felt as though I would rattle right out of my skin. I could feel dampness puddling between my legs, a deep and insistent need to have him inside of me. But he took his sweet time, rubbing against me, pressing his clothed member against the hollow between my legs, until I was practically begging him for more.

  He shimmied out of his jeans and boxers, but even then, he left my panties on, rocking against me again. I could feel how hard he was, could feel his tip almost entering me, pressed tight against the flimsy material of my panties. He gave me another deep, passionate kiss even as he continued to grind against me. His fingers found one nipple, roughly stimulating it until it stood sharp against my skin.

  I twisted my face away from the kiss. “Please,” I gasped, twisting and trying to get my panties off myself. But Will pinned me easily in place with his weight, and his lips now closed over my earlobe, sending sparks of lust shooting right through me. I couldn’t help but laugh, breathless and desperate.

  He trailed kisses down the length of my body, and even though I arched and moaned as he got close to that spot between my legs, he didn’t stop when he got there. Instead, he pressed only a light kiss against the damp fabric, before pressing kisses along the insides of my thighs. I whimpered, feeling like I might explode just from this before he even got my panties off.

  Will caught my hips in his hands and dragged me toward him so that I had one leg on either side of his hips. He pushed my panties to the side and slid one finger into my core, even as his other hand fumbled with a condom. While he was distracted with the condom, I finally managed to get my panties off, throwing them somewhere off in the room as though they had offended me. Will’s eyes twinkled with amusement at the gesture, but he didn’t comment.

  He thrust into me all in one go, and I gasped, feeling as though all the air had been punched out of my lungs. This wasn’t my first time anymore, but I still felt so impossibly tight around him, as though he had somehow been made to be inside me, just the perfect length and girth.

  He moved his hips tantalizingly slow, and no matter how hard I tried to quicken his movements, he refused to let me take control. He swiveled his hips to the side, and I mewled, surprised by how good that felt, his tip dragging down my walls, opening me even further for him. Goosebumps erupted across my skin, and I twisted my fingers in the sheets, sure that I couldn’t take this for much longer.

  Sensing that I was close to release, Will slowed things down even further, until I was hyperaware of every careful thrust. Just as I got used to the slower pace, just as I started to catch my breath again, he slammed into me, three rapid and hard thrusts that sent me spilling over the edge.

  But Will wasn’t done with me yet. He slowed his thrusts again, letting me catch my breath once more. My eyes fluttered shut, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to me. He nibbled at my neck, his hand coming down to lightly stroke my clit, and I cried out, hardly able to bear the intense level of stimulation.

  I could feel how hard Will was, and I could tell from his ragged breathing and from the faces he made that he was close as well. Suddenly, he pulled out, flipping me over and sliding into me from a new angle, his body draped over mine. His movements were rapid now, almost frantic, slamming into my core over and over and over again. I cried out with each thrust, holding his hand where it pressed down into the bed.

  He slowed again, each thrust deep but the rhythm erratic as he reached around to thumb my clit again. I gasped and came again. This time, I would have collapsed down into the sheets but for Will’s hands on my body, holding me in place as he climaxed as well. I could feel his heartbeat hammering against my back, thudding in rhythm with my own, and in rhythm with my still-quaking walls.

  My breath caught as Will pulled out, rolling to the side and pulling me over with him so that I was nestled against him, my back still pressed against his front.

  Eventually, when I could breathe again, I rolled over to face him, smiling up at him as I put my head on his chest. “Wow,” I murmured.

  Will laughed, a low rumble beneath my ear. “That good?” he asked teasingly.

  “Uh-huh,” I said, nodding against his skin. I aimlessly traced his tattoos with my finger, delighting in the way goosebumps rose on his salty skin.

  “Thank you,” Will said quietly. When I looked up at him in surprise, he elaborated. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you. I wouldn’t have any chance of getting my hands on that inheritance.”

  I shrugged. “Well, you had to marry someone, didn’t you? Might as well be me, if it means we can keep sleeping together like this.”

  Will frowned, twisting our fingers together. “But you didn’t have to do this. I could have found someone else. Or I could have just forgotten about the whole thing. Let it be.”

  “Yeah, but you’re helping the club with the money,” I pointed out. “Helping Dad. And by proxy, helping me. It was the least I could do.”

  It wasn’t what I really wanted to say. Instead, I wanted to tell him that I loved him. That I had for a while now, without even realizing it. That even though things were moving fast, none of this felt wrong. That I didn’t think I was going to want to get divorced from him, even once we had the money in hand. That maybe one day, we might have a real wedding, with all our friends and family there, with me in a white dress, walked down the aisle by my father.

  But I didn’t say any of those things. It was so comfortable between us right now that the last thing I wanted to do was screw anything up. What if Will didn’t feel the same way? He seemed to be hinting at how he was ready to get out of this already. He wanted to get his hands on the money as quickly as possible and then go back to our real lives. He was already anticipating the day when we’d get divorced.

  This was a matter of convenience for him, nothing more. Even though he appreciated what I had done for him, this was it. It was just about getting that money, not about feelings.

  And I had to respect that. It no doubt had something to do with this future that he was looking forward to. He was going to quit the MC, go to college, make a new life for himself. I was always going to be part of his past, nothing more. Not part of his future.

  I swallowed hard, hating the sudden melancholy feeling that came over me. I wanted to hold on to this moment for as long as I could. Here, away from Las Cruces, nestled in Will’s arms, everything felt right in my world. I loved him.

  But the last thing I wanted was to ruin this moment if Will didn’t feel the same way. The last thing I wanted was to make him roll over and turn his back on me.

  “You okay?” Will asked softly, jostling me out of my thoughts. He lightly stroked my hair, and I forced myself to smile.

  “Yeah, just tired,” I said, only partially lying.

  Will placed a soft kiss to my forehead. “Go to sleep, then. I’ll still be here in the morning.”

  I hummed, already half-asleep before he finished speaking.



  Waking up next to Belle was every bit as nice as I expected it would be. I became aware of her scent first, that sweet smell of her hair and her skin. Then, I noticed her soft curves, every inch of her body that was in contact with mine. Our legs were tangled together, and I had my arm around her. She was turned toward me, a small smile on her face as she continued to sleep, one arm draped loosely across my chest.

  I knew Ray would never approve of this. Hell, he hadn’t even come to the wedding, I assumed because the last thing he wanted was to see Belle given away to me, regardless of the reason behind it. He probably hadn’t wanted to see the two of us kiss even, let alone know that we’d had sex, that now we had shared a bed and everything.

  He would kill me if he knew I had deflowered his baby girl.

  But right then, I couldn’t find it in me
to care about all of that. This felt right, having Belle here with me. There hadn’t been a single moment of the previous night that had felt wrong.

  My dick twitched, remembering our lovemaking the night before. I’d wanted to go slow, to tease Belle as much as I could. To show her as much pleasure as was possible. I’d managed to wring a pair of orgasms out of her. Good orgasms, too, from what I could tell.

  We’d only had sex a few times, but I was already starting to feel like I knew her body. Part of it was that she was so expressive, her little noises spurring me on, letting me know exactly what she liked and what she liked best. Part of it was that she was just so easily surprised by all of it. I knew she must have gotten herself off in the past, but she seemed shocked that I was able to do all those things to her body.

  There was something incredibly sexy about knowing I was the first person to do those things to her. That every experience with me was a totally new one for her.

  Belle stirred, wrinkling up her nose and then rubbing her eyes. She smiled up at me. “Morning,” she said quietly.

  I kissed her lightly. “Good morning,” I said in response. I shifted, feeling good. My cock might have been interested in another go, but overall, I just felt sated. Relaxed in a way that I couldn’t remember ever having felt before. Part of it was that I had slept incredibly well the night before, better than ever.

  Belle yawned and stretched, and I could tell that she felt just as languid and loose as I did.

  “You ready to get moving?” I asked, afraid that if we didn’t make it out of bed soon, we weren’t going to make it out for the entire day. Which wouldn’t have been terrible, honestly. I would have gladly stayed and fucked away the day with her. But the lawyer’s office would be closed over the weekend, and unless we wanted to wait until Monday to get our hands on the money, we needed to get up.

  Not that I would have minded that either. Stick around here in Texas for the weekend, almost like a proper honeymoon with my new wife. But I knew Ray would be impatient for us to get back, and I knew Red Eyes needed the money sooner rather than later. Plus, I remembered what Belle had said the previous night about me going back to college. Better to do that sooner, rather than later, so that I could finally start the next chapter in my life.

  I just hoped she stayed with me through that chapter in my life. Not that I could ask her to do that, not yet. But I liked the idea of settling down with her. Of going to school and coming home to tell her all about it. Of starting a career. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do just yet, but with her, I felt as though anything was possible. And I liked that feeling.

  “Yeah, let’s get going,” Belle said, rolling lithely out of bed, grabbing some things from her backpack and then heading into the bathroom.

  I lay there in the bed while she moved around in there. I knew I should be getting up and getting ready as well, but I just wanted to spend another minute basking in these feelings of calm relaxation. Basking in her scent, which lingered on the sheets.

  I couldn’t help giving my member a few tugs, just to alleviate some of the needy feeling down there. From the doorway of the bathroom, I heard Belle laugh. “Need some help with that?”

  I gave her a guilty look as I sat up, already half-hard between my legs. “I wish we could,” I told her. “But I have a feeling we could happily spend the whole day in bed if we start that now.”

  “Probably,” Belle agreed cheerfully, not sounding like she minded the idea of that at all. “Let’s get this stuff with the lawyer over with,” she suggested. “Then we’ll see what we have time for.”

  I grinned and got out of bed, eyeing her in surprise. “Wow, you look nice,” I said. “You didn’t have to dress up.” But I appreciated the effort. She was wearing a nice black dress that did nothing to hide her curves, and she had put on a little makeup as well.

  She shrugged, blushing as she looked away from me. “I didn’t know. I mean, lawyers. I thought it might look better if I dressed kind of professionally?”

  I pulled her close to me, suddenly aware, again, that this was my wife. Even if it was just for the sake of getting my inheritance. I felt strangely possessive of her, and suddenly I understood why Ray was so protective of her. I kissed her sweetly, and she smiled up at me.

  “I’m going to get dressed, and then we can get out of here,” I said, hoping that I had covered up any weirdness with that quick kiss. She was just my wife for the time being, nothing more. But damn it felt right with her.

  We managed to get ourselves to Greg’s office in time for our appointment, and I handed over the marriage certificate that Marcus had managed to get expedited. The lawyer nodded as he looked at it. “So, married, huh?”

  “Yeah, we were planning on waiting for a little while, but I figured, now or never,” I said, glancing over at Belle.

  She laughed. “I told him that I was fine with it as long as he takes me somewhere really nice for the honeymoon, using all this newfound wealth of his.” She winked, and Greg grinned at her.

  “All of the paperwork looks to be in order,” he said. “But unfortunately, I won’t be able to get you the money until Monday.”

  “What?” I asked in surprise. “But you knew we were on our way. And can’t you just write a check or something?”

  “That’s the plan, but it needs to be an official check, cut by the bank.” He grinned. “Besides, the terms for your marriage, as laid out in the will, were very clear. I’m supposed to ensure that you’re happily married, and I suppose that means you can wait at least until Monday before deciding you hate one another and filing for an annulment!”

  “We’re not going to do that,” Belle said immediately.

  “Oh, I trust that you won’t,” Greg said, waving a hand in the air. “I can tell from the way the two of you look at one another that you’re really in love. But it’s a formality. The terms of the will were very clear.”

  I groaned. “I have to get back to New Mexico, though,” I said. “For work.” It was only partly a lie.

  Greg shrugged. “I can mail you the check, but I won’t have it in my hands until Monday.”

  “I need to come back with the money, though,” I said, trying not to sound too desperate. The last thing I needed was him asking too many questions about why I needed the money so desperately. I didn’t want this to seem like it was all a sham. But I also didn’t want Ray to have any trouble because I couldn’t get my hands on money that was rightfully mine, money that I had promised to use to help the club.

  I suddenly wished I had brought Marcus with me. He had a knack for these kinds of things. He’d have walked out of there with the money in no time. But then again, if Marcus were there with me, I wouldn’t have this wonderful private time with Belle. I would have had to watch my every move.

  “I wish there was something I could do to help, but I’m afraid it’s not possible,” Greg said, shrugging expansively.

  “That’s all right,” Belle said, smiling at the man again. She looked over at me. “I’m sure work will understand if you have to miss one more day,” she said. “And I wouldn’t mind staying here in Texas for the weekend with you. It’s like a little mini-honeymoon.”

  I knew that she was right, and hopefully, this wouldn’t be a problem. And when she put it that way, well. I liked the sound of holing up in a hotel room with her for the weekend. I just hoped that Ray would be okay with it. That he wouldn’t come down there to “rescue” his daughter himself.

  “If you want, I can recommend some places for the two of you lovebirds to check out while you’re in the area,” Greg suggested. “Or if you don’t plan on doing much outside exploration, I can at least give you a list of great places to eat in the area.” He laughed at his own joke.

  I sighed but nodded. “All right,” I said. “We’ll hang out until Monday.”

  As we walked out of his office, Belle twisted her fingers into mine. “It’s going to be okay,” she said.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her
. “You don’t think Ray is going to accuse me of kidnapping you?”

  Belle burst out laughing. “I highly doubt that,” she said. Then, she frowned, looking thoughtful. “But maybe I should be the one to tell him,” she added.

  I rolled my eyes but put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close to me. “Thanks again for doing this,” I said. “I mean it.”

  Belle grinned. “Give me a couple more good orgasms this weekend, and I’ll consider us even,” she said, winking in response to my shocked expression.

  I shook my head. “Careful—don’t let your dad hear you talking like that, or he’ll kill me for corrupting you,” I joked. But I couldn’t help feeling excited at the fact that she seemed to want me just as badly as I wanted her.



  I sat on the edge of the bed while I called Dad, watching as Will puttered about making sandwiches for our lunch with the things we had picked up at the shop. “Hey, Dad,” I said when he picked up.

  “Hey, sweetheart. How is everything? Are you two on your way back home?”

  “Not just yet,” I said. I paused. “We’re actually going to have to stay here in Texas until Monday. Something about the check needing to be cut by the actual bank. I don’t know. Even though the lawyer knew that we were coming, we apparently need to wait for a couple days for things to get processed.”

  “Standard bureaucracy,” Dad said, sounding amused. “They couldn’t just let you have your money, now could they?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, he said something about how we were still within the period of time where we could get an annulment, so maybe that has something to do with it. We have to jump through all the hoops.”

  Dad laughed. “And are you thinking of getting an annulment yet?” he asked. “Will’s not treating you too terribly, is he?”


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