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Red Eyes MC: Books 1 - 3

Page 20

by Grey, Blair

  “No, of course not,” I said, still watching Will. My husband. I still couldn’t get over that fact. “He’s been great. Nothing but a gentleman.”

  “I’m glad to hear that,” Dad said gravely.

  “You’re okay with us staying here until Monday, right? It’s not going to be a problem with the club? I know you guys have your meetings on Monday and that Will probably should be there.”

  “No, I think everything should be fine,” Dad said. “Lord knows he’s missed enough of the meetings lately anyway. He’s there on club business, though; that counts for something. But remember, if you’re sick of him and you’re ready to come home, you just let me know. I’ll drive down there and pick you up, no questions asked.”

  I laughed. “Thanks, I appreciate that,” I said. “But if it really came to that, I’d probably just steal Will’s motorcycle and strand him down here on his own.”

  Will gave me a surprised look over his shoulder, but I waved the words away, hoping he knew I was just joking. The trouble was, I could already feel myself getting in over my head. The longer I spent here, the more time I spent with Will, the more attached I was getting to him. And we’d only been in Texas for a day so far. What would happen over the course of the weekend?

  What would happen once we got back to Las Cruces? I had floated the idea that maybe we wouldn’t get divorced right away, and Will hadn’t seemed too interested in discussing it. What’s more, how were we going to convince my father that this was the right thing to do? He didn’t even want me dating; he definitely didn’t want to know that Will and I had consummated our marriage, that we were as close as we could ever be, that I had gone and fallen in love with the man.

  Would Dad think it was all Will’s fault? Would he be angry? I just didn’t know.

  “Keep me posted on everything,” Dad said. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “See you soon,” I agreed. “And I’ll let you know if anything changes. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetheart,” Dad said before hanging up the phone.

  “Are you okay?” Will asked as I sighed and lay back on the bed.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I said, glancing over at him.

  “You really don’t have to stay here if you don’t want to,” Will said. “I’m sure we can find some way to get you back to Las Cruces. You’ve already met with the lawyer, so I’m sure you don’t need to be here anymore. We've proved that you’re not a figment.”

  I frowned at him. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “No, just what you said about stealing my bike. I want you to know you don’t have to go to those lengths. I could drive you home tonight and still come back down here by Monday.”

  “I only said that because Dad was worrying that you might be acting less than gentlemanly toward me,” I told him. “I want to be here.”

  “Okay,” Will said simply. “You hungry?”

  “Yeah. Starving, actually. I’m not sure why.”

  Will smirked at me. “Sex will take it out of a person,” he said, sounding smug.

  I laughed and joined him at the table. We ate our lunch, and then I grabbed my laptop. Will looked curiously at it. “What are you up to?” he asked.

  “Come on, let’s get you registered for classes,” I said to him, using my best no-nonsense tone.

  Will raised an eyebrow at me. “I don’t even know what I want to study,” he said.

  “So we’ll sign you up for anything that sounds interesting, and you can decide from there,” I suggested. “Come on. If you don’t do it now, you’re just going to keep putting it off. I know you, Will Kamp. And I know that staying in the MC is easier than branching out and doing something like this. But the next semester is starting soon.”

  Will shook his head, but he was grinning. “What would I do without you, wifey?” He gave me a quick kiss. I wanted to let that kiss evolve into something more, but I also wanted to get him all signed up for classes, so I laughingly pushed him away.

  “Get serious,” I said. “We’re about to make some big decisions about your future.”

  We scrolled through the online course catalog. “Carpentry might be interesting,” Will said. “I always thought I might like doing something with my hands.”

  I waggled my eyebrows at him, unable to let that one go. “Yeah, you’re pretty good with those hands of yours.”

  Will snorted. “It says that for the basic carpentry classes, I need to take drawing and wood shop first,” he said, frowning.

  “All right, so let’s add those two,” I suggested. “And you probably need some math classes as well.”

  Will made a face but didn’t protest.

  “What about electrical stuff?”

  “Nah,” Will said, shaking his head. “Not interested in that.”

  “No problem,” I said, skipping past those courses in the catalog. “I feel like you should take something that you don’t think you’d be interested in either. Like creative writing or something.”

  Will snickered. “Think I’ll pass on that,” he said. “Maybe history, though?”

  We continued looking through the courses, eventually selecting five that he was interested in. “I don’t want to have too much on my plate for the first semester,” he said, sounding almost shy. “I really want to give this a good shot.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I said, nodding. “I’m sure you’ll do great, though.”

  “Thanks,” Will said, giving me a sideways hug.

  “I’m proud of you, you know,” I told him. Will nuzzled into my hair, not saying anything, but I could tell he was pleased.

  Finally, I pulled away, turning to face him. “So what are we going to do for our honeymoon?”

  “The big fancy one that I’m apparently going to be using my fortune to pay for?” Will asked sardonically.

  I laughed. “I was just teasing about that,” I told him. “You know you don’t need to impress me or anything. I meant for this honeymoon, though. Here in Texas. Are we going to actually go through all those recommendations that the lawyer gave us, or did you want to do something a little more intimate?”

  Will chuckled. “I have a surprise for you, actually,” he said. “Something to say thanks for everything that you’ve done.”

  “Oh really?” I asked, unable to hide how pleased that made me feel. “When did you have time to come up with a surprise?”

  Will shrugged, taking both of my hands in his. “I just want to make sure you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done,” he said. “Everything, from agreeing to marry me to prodding me about the school thing.”

  I blushed, surprised at his vehemence. “So when do I get to know what this surprise is?”

  “You’re just going to have to wait,” Will said.

  “Wait for what?” It was no secret that I had never been the most patient person. I was used to getting what I wanted; Dad had always made sure of that. This teasing that Will kept doing, both in bed and out of bed, was starting to drive me wild. But in a good way.

  “You’re just going to have to wait and see,” Will repeated again, just as mysteriously. He laughed at my disgruntled look and gave me a kiss that wasn’t apologetic in the slightest. But when he led me over to the bed, I had no desire to pull away from him.



  I would happily have stayed in bed with Belle all day on Saturday, but I had plans for us. I waited until it was almost nine before waking her up, tickling her nose with the end of her braid and watching as she sleepily swatted the hairs away. She opened her eyes with a disgruntled look on her face. “What?” she complained.

  “It’s time to go,” I said innocently. “Get up.”

  “It’s too early,” she mumbled, rolling over and burying her face against my chest. “I feel like I could sleep forever.”

  “Not my fault that someone kept us up half the night,” I teased. God, it had been a good night. We’d ended up back in bed after lunch, only making it out f
or an hour to grab a bite to eat. Then, we’d tumbled right back into bed again. I didn’t know what it was about her, but I just couldn’t seem to get enough.

  The previous night, I’d cum a couple times, until I felt empty and sated, but I’d kept working her, using my fingers and my tongue to bring her to the peak again and again. It was no wonder she was exhausted now.

  But I had plans for us.

  “Come on, we have to leave,” I told her, shaking her shoulder. Belle groaned, but when I gave her a minute to wake up a little, she managed. She was sitting up by the time I came out of the bathroom, looking owlishly around the room as she ran her fingers through her long hair.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “It’s a surprise,” I reminded her.

  “Right,” Belle said, yawning. She rolled out of bed and padded across the room to locate her clothing in the pile on the floor. I watched as she pulled on her panties and then her bra. She glanced over at me. “Keep looking at me like that and we’re just going to end up right back in bed,” she warned.

  I laughed and went over to her, kissing her chastely. “Insatiable,” I chided, shaking my head.

  She shrugged, widening her eyes innocently. “It’s my honeymoon,” she pointed out. “Our honeymoon.”

  “Put your clothes on,” I told her, but I couldn’t help grinning.

  She did as I told her, and then we went out to my bike. After a quick stop for bagels and coffee, we were on our way.

  “You’re really not going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “Nope. You’ll see.”

  I liked riding with her behind me. Her arms were tight around my waist, but not so much that it felt like she was strangling me. Just a warm, comforting reminder of her presence at my back. She knew how to ride, too. She didn’t make me struggle on the turns, neither overbalancing us nor trying to correct for my lean. It was like she and I and the bike beneath us were all moving as one. I liked that.

  We roared along the open highway for just under an hour before we reached our destination. I turned us into the large parking lot, glancing in the side-view mirror to see Bella’s expression. She looked gleeful, just like I might have expected.

  “An amusement park? Really?” she asked as we took our helmets off.

  I shrugged sheepishly. “Seemed like you might enjoy it.”

  “I’ve never been to an amusement park before.”

  “I had a feeling that might be the case,” I said. “I know Ray’s pretty protective of you.” I slung an arm around her shoulders, steering her toward the ticket booths. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

  “You’d better, or else Dad’s going to have your ass,” Belle said, but I could tell that she was excited.

  “What do you want to go on first?” I asked once we were through the gates.

  Belle looked around, her eyes shining like a kid in a candy store. “A roller coaster?” she suggested. “I’ve never been on one before.”

  “Let’s go,” I said, consulting the map they’d handed me at the entrance. I led her toward the closest one, and we waited for our turn.

  Suddenly, Belle stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. “Thanks,” she said shyly.

  I laughed. “After everything you’ve done for me?” I asked, shaking my head. “This was the least I could do. Especially since this is fun for me as well.”

  Belle grinned and bumped her shoulder against mine.

  We went on a few of the rides and then grabbed some lunch from one of the overpriced vendors. “This is probably the worst, most expensive pizza I’ve ever eaten,” Belle giggled.

  “Sorry,” I said. “If I’d been thinking, we could have brought a nice picnic with us.”

  “No, I like this,” Belle said. “If the day was too perfect, it would be…” She trailed off, blushing and looking away.

  “It would be what?” I asked curiously.

  Belle sighed. “Just, I know we’re only fake married. This isn’t really our honeymoon. But if today was absolutely perfect, then it would be like all other days in my life had to measure up to this.”

  I wanted to tell her that even though we were only fake married, I wanted to make every day perfect for her. But I wasn’t sure how to tell her that, not without getting in over my head. I was starting to feel like things were going too fast, like I was one step away from confessing my feelings for her. I didn’t think either of us were ready for that yet.

  Belle was just trying to help me out because she was a good person. She didn’t mean anything by it. She would have done the same if it was Marcus who needed to marry someone, or Braxton, or any of the other guys. Just because I was the one lucky enough to need her to be my fake bride, it didn’t mean I could start expecting things from this.

  “Hey, I’m going to win you something from one of those ring-toss games,” I announced, as much to distract myself as to distract her.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Belle protested. “You know you’re going to end up paying more for any of those things than what they’re worth. Although those puppy plushies at the top are pretty cute.”

  I snorted. “Of course, the daughter of New Mexico’s most powerful biker president wants a cute little puppy stuffed animal,” I teased, rewarded by the way she blushed. God, she was adorable.

  It only took me three tries to knock down all the bottles and win her the prize.

  “How did you do that?” Belle asked in surprise, clutching the stuffed animal.

  I shrugged, holding her hand as we walked farther into the amusement park. “I guess I just got lucky,” I said, hoping she realized I didn’t just mean about the bottle game. Before things could get too deep, I clapped my hands together. “So, what else did you want to do while we’re here?”

  “Are you going to get sick if I drag you on that one?” she asked, pointing to a spinning ride off to our left.

  I grinned. “Let’s go,” I told her, leading the way.

  That evening, we headed home when it started to get dark. Belle was quiet when we got back to the hotel room. “Everything okay in that head of yours?” I asked, frowning at her. I hoped she was just tired. But she seemed to be thinking seriously about something.

  She smiled at me, though. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” she said. “Today was a great day. A great honeymoon day.”

  I brushed back a lock of her hair. “I know that this is just a fake marriage, but I hope you know that I wouldn’t want to be fake married to anyone other than you.”

  Belle’s face went through a complicated series of emotions, and for a moment, it seemed like she had something that she wanted to say to me. But instead, she just leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine.



  If I hadn’t already been in love with Will, I would definitely have been after spending Saturday at the amusement park. It was like our first proper date. A chance for us to just hang out and get to know each other better. Not that I didn’t know him already; I was starting to realize just how much I did know him. All these years of watching him had given me a good understanding of how his mind worked.

  And I’d always been drawn to him.

  I couldn’t help wondering what had driven his decision to take me to the amusement park. It was so much fun, the sort of day I had only ever dreamed of. But I was pretty sure I had never mentioned to Will that I hadn’t been to an amusement park before, and I just couldn’t work out how he’d figured it out. It was like he knew me, even before the things I had said to him.

  I liked that. It was starting to feel like we were really a couple. And that brought its own issues. There was a lot we were going to need to figure out between the two of us. But I was starting to get the feeling that maybe Will liked me just as much as I liked him.

  I couldn’t help thinking that, with the way he carefully worked over my body into pure ecstasy.

  Right now, he was stripping me bare, his hands running down my sides, cupping my as
s to pull me closer to him even as he undid the button on my jeans and pushed them down around my thighs. He tumbled me back onto the bed, catching me carefully and easing me down onto the mattress, his fingers already finding the wet space between my legs, stroking at my velvety folds.

  But this time, I wanted to show him just how much he meant to me, rather than just lying back and letting him have his way with me.

  I kicked out of my jeans and rolled us over so that I was on top of him. I took my time getting his clothes off, trying to mimic that teasing slowness he kept torturing me with. For his part, Will looked utterly relaxed, his hands folded back behind his head, watching me with amused eyes.

  His eyes grew dark, and he stiffened noticeably as I blew a whispery breath across his tip.

  “Is this okay?” I asked, suddenly nervous.

  “Zero complaints,” Will said breathlessly, grinning down at me.

  I smiled back at him and then closed my mouth experimentally around his tip. He tasted salty already, a little bit of precum beading there at his slit. I eased myself down onto his length, wishing that I had more practice at this. But Will still wasn’t complaining.

  His hand rested against the back of my head, not pressuring me but just carding gently through my hair as I worked along his length, pressing my tongue against the underside of his member and then hollowing my cheeks as I pulled back. I used my hand to work the rest of his shaft, unable to get my mouth around all of it without choking myself. But still, he wasn’t complaining.

  I tentatively reached for his balls, playing with them. Will groaned, his legs falling open even wider to give me better access. I alternated between sucking hard and using my tongue to trace the ridges of his skin.

  Finally, I pulled my mouth away from him, shifting myself up along his body and lowering myself down onto him. Will held on to my hips, gently guiding me. One of his hands drifted between my legs, stroking my clit, and after everything that we’d gotten up to the previous night, it was almost too much. I shivered, feeling the way my body tightened around him.


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