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Longing For Her Soldier (Curves For Her Brother's Best Friend BBW Erotic Romance)

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by Raines, Harmony

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Other Books By Harmony Raines

  Longing For Her Soldier


  Please note this title was previously released as

  A Virgin

  For Her Soldier


  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

  This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.

  © 2013 Harmony Raines

  Silver Moon Erotica

  Kindle Edition

  Chapter One

  Charlotte took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “Come on, get a grip,” she told herself.

  This was it, the day she had waited over three years for.

  Max, her brother’s long time best friend, had returned from the army. Tonight her brother was throwing a big welcome home party for him, and Charlotte planned to give him the biggest welcome home present she could think of, her virginity.

  This wasn’t some sudden gesture; Charlotte had been crushing on Max since she was fifteen. She remembered the exact day it started; she could still picture him in her head. It had been a really hot summer and they had all gone down to the lake to swim.

  The boys all dared each other to jump in off the old house boat, which had sat rotting on the clear lake for as long as anyone could remember. Watching Max peel off his clothes, and climbing along the precarious deck to a place he could safely dive into the cool water, had been a sight that was etched in her brain.

  Even then he had been strong and muscular, tall and lean. His muscles rippled as he moved, but she wasn’t the only one who appreciated him. Sally Janus had been there too, and she obviously thought she had a good chance of dating him. She constantly flirted with him, and Max responded to the pretty blonde.

  Charlotte could picture them now, prowling around each other, testing each other's willingness to mate. It was like watching some nature programme on TV. Charlotte would have been jealous, if she didn’t already know it was impossible for Max to ever see her like that. At fifteen Charlotte had been the plump little sister of his best friend. There was no way he would see her as anything else.

  But now things had changed. They were both adults. Charlotte had grown comfortable in her curvy body, and at twenty she had a great job, and was happy.

  The only thing that was missing from her life was a man. Her problem was no one had lived up to her fantasies about Max. Every time a boy asked her out she would think of Max, and turn them down.

  When her parents had commented on this a couple of years ago, Charlotte was pretty convinced they thought she was a lesbian because she never dated, she had made the effort to go on token dates. Yet these relationships were short lived, and so her virginity was firmly intact.

  The thought of saving herself for Max had crept up on her, but slowly it had become an obsession. Now the moment was here, and Max was back, it seemed so ridiculous. He hadn't wanted her then, so the chances were he wouldn’t want her now. Tears pricked her eyes; the pain in her heart was suffocating.

  “You wimp,” she scolded herself. “Go in there and see him, you’ve at least got to give it a try.”

  With that she pulled the door open and went inside the fancy hotel her brother had booked for the party.

  The party was typical of her brother, Joe, lots of beautiful women and loud music. Her brother was what most people called a player. He had built a good business, and enjoyed the fruit of his labour. Fast women and fast cars, no chance of him settling down any time soon.

  Charlotte was certain this was why her parents took more of an interest in her social life, if they wanted grandchildren, she was their best hope. She had seen their faces every time one of Charlotte or Joe's friends settled down, that wistful look of weddings and grandchildren. Charlotte wondered if her parents were disappointed in their children.

  Her thoughts drifted away; there he was, tall and incredibly handsome, just as she remembered him. For a moment she thought about turning and running away, but then he saw her, and smiled. Her legs went weak and she thought she would pass out with nerves.

  Pushing herself to move she walked forward, one slow step at a time, trying to think, through the fog of her brain, what to say to him after all these years.

  Max walked quickly to meet her and held his arms open for her to fall into. The smell of him, the warmth of him stimulated her senses. His presence affected her in so many ways, a mixture of nostalgia, and arousal. She hugged him back, and wished they were alone.

  “Hi, Charlotte. I’m so glad you could make it,” he said, his voice deeper than she remembered.

  “You know I wouldn’t miss it. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. You haven't changed.”

  “Not on the outside, but I’m not the boy I was when I left.” He sounded distant for a moment, and Charlotte wondered about all the things he must had seen while serving his country. Then his mood cleared and he sounded like himself again. “You've certainly changed, look at you, you look fabulous.”

  She blushed furiously; glad he didn’t know how many times she had changed her mind about what she was going to wear. It had gone from sexy to demure, and everything in between. Now she was happy she had gone with a stylish deep purple dress that emphasised her curves in all the right places, namely her breasts.

  “So how do you like your party?” She had to lean forward to be heard over the music, which now blared out, encouraging people to get up and dance.

  He did the same, his lips almost pressed against her ear. She could feel the warmth of his breath caressing her skin as he spoke. “It’s really great of Joe to arrange this for me. He seems to be enjoying himself.”

  Charlotte turned and saw her brother surrounded by three women, all dancing provocatively around him.

  “When did Joe not enjoy himself?”

  “He likes to party a lot, from what he’s said.”

  “Oh yes, Joe would party every night if he could.”

  Joe had seen them talking, and swayed towards them, his entourage moving around him, but not leaving his side.

  “Hey Sis, glad you came, I know this isn't your thing,” Joe said, his arm slipping around the waist of one of his women.

  Charlotte groaned inwardly, he was right of course, but she didn’t want Max to think she was a boring stick in the mud. “Wouldn't miss it,” she said.

  “No, I don’t suppose you would, not with Max being the guest of honour.” He grinned mischievously at her.

  She scowled at him. He could be such a jerk.

  Max laughed. “I can see that some things have stayed exactly the same.”

  “Come on, Max, we came here to party, remember.” Joe had almost shout to be heard over the music.

  To Charlotte's consternation, Joe grabbed Max and pulled him towards the dance floor with his harem. Yes, some things hadn't changed at all; Max didn’t see her as anything other than Joe's baby sister.

  “Later, Charlotte, we’ll talk, OK?” She caught his words as he disappeared into the crowd.
br />   Charlotte went to get a drink, and stood sipping it from the back of the room, positioning herself so she could watch the action on the dance floor. Max certainly knew how to move, he had a sensual way of dancing that made her want to join him. The thought of swaying in time to the music while rubbing bodies with him made her hot and flustered.

  The sight of other women doing that with him, in front of her eyes, made her envious. The two men on the dance floor were like stars in the night sky. Attracting beautiful heavenly bodies to join them and become trapped in their gravity.

  Finishing her drink she decided to have one more and then head home, no one, least of all Max would miss her. The whole evening had been a disaster; she had been fooling herself to think it would work out any other way.

  Going over to the bar she asked for another drink, and then made her way to the back door which stood open, a breeze coming in carrying the scent of jasmine on it. She slipped out onto the balcony and leaned on the rails enjoying the evening.

  It was so much quieter out here she could actually hear her own thoughts. Not that she wanted too, they were full of self doubt, making her feel like the teenager she had been when she first became aware of the opposite sex, aware of Max.

  Thinking back to the day at the river she could pinpoint exactly when she became besotted with him. Sally had stripped down to her skimpy bikini and was about to dive into the river. Charlotte had a costume on with a t shirt and shorts.

  Deciding to get in the river with everyone else she had been horrified when Sally had turned to her and said, “Charlotte, I don’t think that's such a good idea, do you?”

  The fifteen year old Charlotte had looked at her, not sure what she meant.

  “If you take your clothes off, we’ll be able to see...well all of you.”

  Slowly her words made sense to Charlotte and she looked at Sally, absolute horror on her face. Then she turned and ran away from the river and into a small glade of trees a little way off.

  Charlotte had been sat on a fallen tree trunk sobbing when Max had come to find her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, the first time she had been so near to a boy.

  “Sally, is such a bitch, take no notice of her.” He stroked her hair while he spoke, soothing her.

  “She’s right though, look at me, and then look at her.”

  “If I look at Sally I see a self centred woman who should keep her thoughts to herself.”

  “I thought you liked her,” Charlotte said.

  “She’s OK for a bit of fun, but she's not a patch on you.” His arm tightened around her.

  Charlotte knew he was only saying this to make her feel better, but she was grateful to him all the same.

  “She’s the one that gets all the attention, I’m just good old Charlotte, a doormat.”

  “That’s not true, it might not seem so now, but when you're older, you'll be the one every man wants to date. You have the kindest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.” His hand absently stroked her arm, not realising the way he made her feel.

  Charlotte had looked up at him then, her tears making his beloved face swim in front of her. That was the moment, she realised later on, when she knew that if he wasn’t the man for her, then she didn’t want any man at all.

  She had spent many nights dreaming about him, waiting to be old enough to be the woman that men, or at least Max would want. The woman he had told her she would be.

  So the news that he was joining the army had come as a tremendous shock, but she figured she could survive without seeing him for a couple of months. She was on the cusp of womanhood, and she dreamed that when he returned on leave he would fall in love with her now she was an adult.

  Yet three years had passed since he'd first signed up. Three years of not seeing him and instead she had thrown herself into her education and getting herself a great job. He had told her she had a kind heart and it had been her willingness to selflessly help others that had gained her recognition.

  There was now only one person she needed to recognise her for whom she was, but he was in the hotel, dancing with other women.

  “Penny for them.”

  She whirled around, there he was standing two feet away, and she thought she would burst with longing.

  “I thought you were being led astray by my brother.” Charlotte tried to keep her voice even, to hide the way he took her breath away.

  “I managed to escape. He certainly attracts women, doesn’t he?” Max stood looking at her.

  “He only has to look their way and they come running. I don’t see it.” She honestly didn’t get why women found her brother attractive, he was the most annoying male on the planet.

  Max laughed, “He’s wealthy and good looking, with a hint of danger.”

  “He’s arrogant and vain, with such a wide streak of childishness that I’m surprised he passes as an adult.” She said waspishly.

  “You know how much he loves you right?”

  “Of course, if we didn’t love each other so much we wouldn’t put up with each other's bad habits.” Joe had been a constant thorn in her side for as long as she could remember, he had also been her staunchest supporter, the most loyal brother anyone could ask for.

  “I always knew Joe had bad habits, but not you.” He was still looking at her and she began to feel terribly self conscious.

  She looked at him to see if he was joking, before saying, “I am so flawed I don’t know where to begin.”

  “I always thought you were pretty perfect.” He came to lean on the rail beside her, and there wasn’t enough air in the world to force her lungs to work properly.

  Charlotte went numb, he was so close and he thought she was perfect. So there was hope for her after all. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, but her ability to speak seemed to have left her.

  “I expected to come back and find you settled down,” he said, looking at her cautiously.

  Summoning all her courage she answered. “The right man never seemed to be around.”

  “Maybe you were working too hard. Joe tells me you’ve done really well for yourself.”

  “Not compared to Joe, but yes, I’m happy.” Then she asked a question that had been burning in her brain for weeks. “What about you? No sweetheart waiting for you?”

  “No. I’ve been concentrating on my career for now. Not that there haven't been women, just no one special.”

  Her stomach felt sick at the thought of him with another woman, even briefly.

  “And now you’re back?”

  “I’m only back for three weeks. Then I return to base.”

  “A lot can happen in three weeks.” The words slipped out, full of longing.

  “Yes, it can.” He straightened up. “I should go back to the party.”

  This was it; she would probably never have a chance to speak to him alone for days. She had to know if he felt anything for her at all.

  “Max, one more thing.”

  He moved back towards her and she turned her head to face him. She lifted her hand and stroked his cheek, he didn’t move. Charlotte was unsure if this was good or bad, but she pressed on anyway.

  Leaning forward she brushed her lips against his, feeling a shock of electricity pass between them. His lips were softer than she imagined, and she was sure they responded to hers. Charlotte became more insistent, her mouth asking for more, and with a groan he gave into her.

  His hands cupped her face between them, and his tongue slid inside her mouth, tasting her for the first time. She had never experienced a man who was so passionate towards her. His hands slipped down from her face and moved to her bottom, pressing her against him. She could feel the hardness of his cock pressing against her thigh.

  It was a small triumph; it told her one thing she had always doubted, that it was possible for him to see her as a woman, and not the little sister of his best friend. When his hand slid up and cupped her breast she was convinced of this.

  Charlotte had never really expected this to
happen, so she was totally unsure what she was supposed to do. Her lips moved against his, and her body moulded itself to his hardened muscles.

  Her hands were the problem; should she touch him, caress him? Would he realise once she did just how little experience she had?

  She settled for placing them around his neck, holding on to him as though her life depended on it when his fingers brushed her nipple, taut under her clothes. Charlotte gasped, her head spinning at the feel of him and the way her body responded. It was more than she had ever dreamed and so much more than she had felt with any other man.

  In this moment she knew it had been the right thing to do. To save herself for a man who would shatter her world when he made love to her. Instead he shattered her world in a different way.

  Max suddenly pulled away. “I’m sorry, Charlotte, I don’t know what came over me.”

  Charlotte still hung onto him, not wanting this moment to be over. However Max pulled back, looking appalled at what had passed between them.

  “I thought you liked me.” Charlotte knew she sounded desperate. “I thought after all these years you saw me as a woman, not a child. Not Joe's little sister.”

  “Charlotte, that's the problem. You are my best friend's baby sister, and you deserve better than me.”

  Charlotte stood speechless. In her eyes there was no one better than Max, there never had been and she doubted there ever would be.

  “Max, I not a child, and Joe doesn’t own me. Whatever he’s said about me, it’s none of his business.”

  “No. Joe's never told me to back off or anything. But you're so much better than me, so smart, and good. I’m not right for you, I wasn’t before I left and I’m certainly not now.”

  “You're the only man I’ve ever wanted, please Max, don’t you feel anything for me?”

  “Of course I do, that's the problem, you deserve someone who will be there for you all the time, and that's not me. I’m a soldier, it’s not the kind of life I’d want for you.”

  “So you won’t even give us a chance?”

  “I’d hoped if I stayed away long enough you would get over me, find a decent man and settle down.”


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