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Longing For Her Soldier (Curves For Her Brother's Best Friend BBW Erotic Romance)

Page 2

by Raines, Harmony

  “That’s why you stayed away so long?” Charlotte was appalled that she might be the reason.

  “Partly,” he admitted, and then he added, “I only came back because Joe said you had found someone. I must have got it wrong.”

  Charlotte couldn’t understand why Joe would say something like that to Max. There had never been anyone serious in her life, not once. So why would Joe say that? She would have it out with him later; right now she decided to put all her cards on the table.

  “There has never been anyone. Only you, I tried to forget you, but I couldn’t, no one I ever dated lived up to you. I only went out with men to stop my parents worrying about me; they thought I had a secret girlfriend or something.”

  “Surely there must have been someone?” He sounded desperate for there to have been someone in her life.

  “No,” she looked at him directly. “There has never been anyone.”

  “Never?” His voice very quiet.


  “You're a virgin?”

  She cringed at the way he said those words, as though it was some affliction. Yet she had to tell him the truth, and for the first time she realised how sad it sounded. Joe's little sister, saving herself for a man who didn’t want her.

  “Yes.” She felt utterly defeated. Of all the ways she had imagined this ending, this was the worst.

  “Why Charlotte?” he asked angrily, “Why would you save yourself for someone like me?”

  “Because I love you, Max. I always have.” She wanted to add, “And I always will”, but one look at his face told her to stop, now.

  “I’m not worth it, Charlotte. It was a mistake coming back, you need to move on and forget about me.” His words crushed her, and he turned on his heel and went back inside, leaving Charlotte sobbing.

  Her world had seemed so perfect five minutes ago, Max holding her in his arms and kissing her tenderly. Now it had all fallen apart, and she felt worthless. She had saved herself for him, and he had rejected her.

  She didn't believe him when he said he wasn’t good enough, he was simply trying to soften the blow. Deep down she knew the real truth, she wasn’t the right size, or good looking enough for him. He liked his women like the ones that flocked to Joe, beautiful and slim. Her heart broke into a thousand pieces.

  Chapter Two

  Charlotte waited on the balcony until her tears finally stopped. After composing herself she turned to go back inside, planning on heading for the nearest exit.

  “You OK, Sis?”

  “Joe.” That was all she needed. Max must have told him what happened and now he had come to have a go at her for ruining the party.

  “You finally made a move. Good for you.”

  “Go away Joe, I’m not in the mood for your jokes.” A shuddering sob escaped her as she spoke.

  Joe moved towards her, put an arm around her shoulders and drew her close to him. Turning he kissed her head. “I’m so sorry, Charlotte, he'll come round.”

  Charlotte felt so shocked at this sign of affection from her brother her tears dried up instantly. “What do you know about it Joe?”

  “Nothing! You know me; I don’t have the slightest regard for other people's feelings.” He was mocking her.

  “This is no time for jokes. I’ve just made a great big fool of myself in front of your best friend.” The sobs threatened to erupt again. “How am I ever going to face him?”

  “Come one, Sis. You know Max, this is a two way thing, he simply hasn't realised it yet,” Joe said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

  “What do you mean?” Charlotte had never asked for or expected advice from Joe about relationships before.

  “That Max feels the same way, but he doesn’t think he deserves you.”

  “You're making it up, if anything it’s the other way round.”

  “Not in his eyes, he looks at you and sees a young successful woman from a rich family. He knows he can never provide for you in the same way.”

  “But I don’t care about that, you know I don’t,” Charlotte said indignantly. The thought that Max believed she cared about such things hit her hard.

  “My dear sweet sister,” Joe said, brushing her hair back from her face, and frowning at the red blotches under her tear stained eyes. “You know that, I know that, even Mom and Dad know that, but Max, he can’t believe his love would be enough for you to be happy, he wanted you to be free.”

  Charlotte stood and thought about what her brother was saying, and then it all made sense. “Is that why he stayed away for so long?”

  Joe looked at her intently for a few moments and then sighed. “Yes, Max asked me not to tell you, but he knew how you felt about him and he thought it was a teenage crush, he truly believed you would find the right man and settle down.”

  “The right man. You mean a rich man?”

  Joe nodded.

  “And you knew all along?”


  “And you didn’t think I had a right to know.”

  “No, not from me. Listen, no matter what you think of me I am good at keeping people's confidences, it’s why I’m so successful, people trust me. I know you think I’m just an arrogant playboy, but I’m not. Max told me years ago how much he liked you, and how you deserved someone better, but he asked me not to tell you, he’s my best friend and I respected that.”

  “So why are you telling me now?” Charlotte asked, confused.

  “Because I’m fed up with our parents asking me what's going on with you, and Max always tactfully trying to find out if you’re dating, so I decided to do something about it.”

  “Do something about it?” she repeated, and then she understood. “That’s why you told him I was seeing someone.”

  “Yes, I was testing the theory that if he really cared for you he would have to come back to check out his competition. I told him over a month ago, and I think he’s sat and stewed over it for all that time. As soon as he got leave he said he was coming home, now if you ask me, there's a connection somewhere.”

  “God, Joe, for the first time I can see why you have become so successful, you are so manipulative.”

  He grinned at her. “It worked though. It worked beautifully, even if I do say so myself. You've been mooning over him for years, and it’s time you both got on with your lives.”

  “You're forgetting one important thing, Joe.”

  “And that is?” The look on his face told her he never forgot anything; he always thought things through from every angle.

  “Max turned me down.”

  “Yes, of course he did.”

  “You knew he would?”

  “Yes. He told me what happened, and I told him exactly what I’m telling you.”

  “Which is?”

  “Come on, Charlotte, keep up.” He took a big dramatic breath and Charlotte could tell exactly how much he was enjoying this. “You two were meant for each other. I must admit I was surprised that you were the one who was brave enough to make the first move.”


  “And,” he looked at her seriously for the first time, no jokes, no arrogance, his face full of love and concern for his little sister. “He’s borrowed my car, and is waiting to drive you home.”

  “Drive me home? Why?” Charlotte couldn’t stand the thought of Max pitying her.

  “Why do you think?”

  If Charlotte read Joe's expression correctly, Max did not have sympathy on his mind.

  “I feel sick,” she said grasping the rail.

  “After all I’ve done, please don’t spoil it by puking everywhere. Especially over my upholstery.” Joe wrapped his arm around her waist and began guiding her inside. He took her through the lights and music of the party and out of a door that led to a side street.

  “What about the party?” Charlotte asked appalled at herself for causing such trouble.

  As Joe opened the car door for her he said, “Don’t worry, this was never Max’s scene anyway. Was it, Max?”

/>   Charlotte couldn’t turn and meet Max’s eyes, she was vaguely aware of him answering Joe, but her hands grabbed onto Joe her eyes desperate pleading with him to help her. She was out of her depths, desperately afraid of ruining this second chance.

  Joe straightened up and pulled her into his arms, whispering into her ear. “Everything will turn out right. I wouldn’t let you get into this car, even with Max, if I didn’t truly believe that.”

  She flung her arms around her brother. “Thank you, Joe. I love you.”

  He kissed her cheek, and replied. “You know, you are the only woman that's ever said that to me and honestly meant it.”

  The next instant he was helping her into the car seat and doing her seat belt up for her. “Take care of her, Max.”

  “I will,” his best friend replied, and then the door shut and she was in a small cocoon with Max. As he drove off down the road she knew she had to see this through to the end. Tonight she would know whether there was any way she could have a life with Max. This was not exactly the way she had pictured things turning out, but then life was like that.

  Charlotte sat silently, staring out of her side window, too embarrassed to even look at Max. When he placed his hand over hers and squeezed it reassuringly she nearly jumped out of her seat. He was so warm, so alive, it made her realise this was real, not one of her regular fantasies where Max swept her off her feet. In those dreams there was no need for words, no explanations to be made.

  “You OK?” he asked gently.

  She nodded, not trusting herself to talk.

  “I’m sorry about earlier, it took me off guard, that's all. Joe told me you had a boyfriend, a serious boyfriend. I’ve had quite a while to mull that over, and come to terms with it, so when you told me none of it was true, and then...well.” He didn’t finish.

  “Joe made it up.” Charlotte managed to blurt out.

  Max gave a short laugh. “Yeah, he told me. He’s some kind of devious, hey?”

  “You could say that,” she said, and half turned towards him. “I had nothing to do with it, you know that?”

  His hand squeezed hers again. “Oh, I know. It’s just the kind of thing Joe would dream up, he’s good at manipulating situations. But I guess you know that?”

  “Not really, we're not overly close these days.”

  “No?” Max sounded surprised. “From what he’s said over the last couple of years he watches over you like a mother hen.”

  “I think that's a story too. He barely knows I’m alive, he has so much going on, both business and pleasure.”

  “He cares about you a great deal, Charlotte, always has. We both always have.”

  Charlotte bit her lip, trying not to cry again. This was the first time Max had ever let on he had any kind of feelings towards her. That he had kept them hidden so well for so long didn’t make sense. She got what Joe had said, but still couldn’t believe material things were enough to keep them apart.

  Her love for him was unconditional, and probably irrational, but that was the kind of person she was. Max was different though, he had always been down to earth, it was the reason he had been such a good influence on Joe, he kept her brother grounded. Charlotte was certain Joe would have ended up in a whole heap of trouble growing up if it had not been for Max.

  “Here we are,” he said, turning the car up a short drive which led to a lovely old house.

  “I thought you were taking me home?” she asked, peering out of the car window.

  “Joe leant me the keys to this place, he pretty much insisted I bring you here.” He steered the car to a parking area in front of the house and stopped the engine.

  They sat in silence for a moment, neither knowing what to say. Charlotte still hadn't got over the embarrassment of her earlier pass at Max. She now needed him to make some kind of move, to show her what he wanted. She was determined not to do any more chasing, there had to be some sign from him that this was going somewhere, and wasn’t some joke dreamed up by her brother.

  “Will you forgive me, for earlier?” he blurted out.

  She turned to him slowly, looking at him properly for the first time since they had got in the car.

  “It’s OK. I guess I took you by surprise, it was stupid and immature of me.”

  “No,” he said, reaching out and pushing her hair out of her face. The feel of his fingers as they brushed her skin made her tremble. “I’m such a coward, stupid I know considering my job. But in my personal life it’s easier to run away.”

  “I need to know what we're doing here, Max. You could have simply taken me home.”

  “No, I couldn't. We have to sort this out between us, you're my best friend's kid sister, or at least you used to be. Now you’ve grown into this beautiful woman, and it’s time I admitted my feelings to you. I’ve tried running away, letting you have a chance to move on, but Joe tells me that didn’t work.”

  She looked down at her hands. “I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. That’s not to say I want you to do anything you might regret...out of pity.”

  “Charlotte,” he said quietly in such a way that her insides turned to liquid fire. He lifted her chin and turned her face towards him. “I have never felt pity for you, and I never will. You are the most amazing person, that's the problem; I’ve never felt as though I could be good enough for you.”

  Then he kissed her, leaning across the small space in the car until his lips were firmly pressed against hers. Charlotte was glad she was still sitting down, because this kiss held the intensity of emotion he had only hinted at, and her mind struggled to think coherently.

  Her mouth opened to allow his tongue to slide in and entwine with hers. Charlotte's body reacted to his, her breasts felt swollen and full, and the heat between her thighs grew. She wanted him to undress her and touch her body with his large capable hands. Above all she needed to feel him inside her, and her sex ached for him.

  Max cupped her face in his hand, lifting her chin and kissing her neck while his fingers stroked her skin. His mouth moved lower, skimming the top of her breasts where they were exposed above her dress. Now she wished she had worn something more revealing, because his mouth would have been able to explore lower.

  Breaking away from her, his voice rough with raw emotion, he said, “Shall we take this inside?”

  Reluctantly she let him go, and watched him open his door, and the cool evening air invaded the warmth of the car. She shivered, a mixture of the temperature and excitement, she was about to step out of her mundane life and into the unknown.

  He opened her door and held his hand out for her. Charlotte accepted it, sliding her hand into his and feeling his warmth, imagining what it would be like to feel that warmth spread through her body while he stroked every part of her. So aroused by her thoughts she struggled to walk in a straight line, only the support of his muscular body kept her heading in the right direction.

  Leading her to the front of the house they navigated the steps that swept up to the front door. He searched in his pocket for a key, and when he found it, carefully inserted it into the lock. Pushing the door open they both stood and looked inside, the fading light only illuminating enough for them to see a long hallway with doors coming off, and a staircase disappearing into the darkness.

  Max stepped inside and tried to find a light switch, she hated him moving away from her, but he quickly found it and flipped it on. The hallway lit up, showing it to be light and airy, the smell of fresh paint hung on the air.

  “Wow, Joe has certainly spent some money on this place,” Max said, looking around.

  “I never knew he owned it.”

  She went along the hallway and opened the nearest door, poking her head inside she was surprised to find the room empty. Why would he give Max the key to an empty house? Perhaps Joe was up to his old tricks after all, but surely after what he had said earlier he wouldn’t mess this up for her?

  Max opened another door, the room was empty too.

  “I do
n’t understand,” said Charlotte puzzled.

  Max laughed. “Come on, let’s go upstairs.”

  “Upstairs?” Charlotte repeated, the enormity of the evening suddenly hitting her.

  “Yes.” He saw the nervousness in her face, and he went to her. “Come on, you’re safe with me, nothing will happen unless you want it to.”

  He leaned into her body and drew her to him, kissing her softly on the mouth. She responded, returning his kiss, his very presence giving her all the reassurance she needed.

  The way his lips moved against hers made small tremors of excitement travel through her body Charlotte knew that if she went upstairs with him, and he wanted her, she would definitely give him her virginity, and live with the consequences. If that meant him going back to the army and leaving her alone, then so be it.

  When their kiss broke they both stood breathless, Charlotte still leaning against his strong body. Then Max took her hand and laced his fingers with hers before leading the way upstairs and into the unknown.

  Charlotte was glad she had his hand to hold onto, a reassuring warmth quashing her nerves. He paused briefly on the small landing, turning to smile at her before they continued up the last few stairs.

  The top landing opened out, and there were more doors coming of it, but only one stood open. Max led them towards it confidently, his steps becoming quicker, Charlotte took note of his eagerness and picked up on his excitement. Max obviously wouldn’t be doing this if he didn’t want her, and this thought gave her confidence.

  She moved closer to him so their bodies were almost touching, the open door only a couple of steps away. Stopping outside the doorway, Max felt inside for the light switch, and found it. The lights in the room came on, not too bright, instead a soft glow filled the room, and the sight it showed took her breath away.

  “Ohh,” she whispered.

  Max chuckled, “That brother of yours certainly knows what he’s doing. No wonder he has such a way with women.”

  The room had a four poster bed with luxurious drapes hanging down. The drapes were red with a gold thread running through them, making them shimmer in the light. The room itself was painted a pale cream, and the soft light gave made Charlotte feel warm and safe.


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