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The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2

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by Sam Crescent

  The Caveman’s Possession

  Cavemen, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Jenika Snow


  By Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

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  Copyright © September 2018 by Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: September 2018

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  She didn’t know it yet, but she’d be mine.

  From the first moment I saw Shauna all those years ago, I knew that I had to have her. Sweet and innocent, she was the soft to my hard, the feminine to my masculine. I was done waiting, done pretending like I had any self-control when it came to her. I was ready to show Shauna just how possessive she made me.

  * * *

  Maxim. The man I loved. My father’s boss. He kept to himself. Lived out in the middle of nowhere. Was big and strong and had every womanly part of me coming alive. And I’d loved him for as long as I could remember. But I didn’t have to make my move because Maxim was staking his claim … on me.


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Excerpt: Sugar

  Chapter 1

  Where to find Sam

  Where to find Jenika

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  She was so innocent, so fucking vulnerable that it had every possessive and protective instinct in his body rising. He didn’t deserve her, but he wanted her regardless.

  Maxim curled his hands around the steering wheel as he watched Shauna carry out a flat of flowers to a customer’s car. She stood there in a pair of short shorts, ones that had his cock hardening because so much damn skin was showing.

  Golden, long and full legs.

  A round, perfect ass.

  Breasts that were more than a handful and looked so fucking delicious and soft.


  His fingers itched to run over those luscious curves, to pull her back so her ass was pressed right up against his stiff cock.

  “Damn,” he ground out and reached down to adjust himself. He was being a fucking creep right now watching her ... wanting her. But he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to even try and pretend like he had any morals where she was concerned.

  The customer left and Shauna stood there, the green apron she wore molded to her curvy as fuck body. And then she looked at him. Their gazes locked, his dick got impossibly harder, and all other thoughts left him aside from taking her as his.

  For an entire year he’d wanted her, watched her. At only twenty-one she was well over a decade younger than him, and the daughter of one of his contract employees.

  So all of that meant she was off limits. But he didn’t care. For a year he’d waited, tried to talk himself out of being with her. But there was no way to change his mind where Shauna was concerned.

  And the longer she stared at him, the more he knew she’d be his. There was no way around that.

  He watched her constantly, and although she should feel off kilter about it all, the truth was she enjoyed it. She liked that Maxim watched her with this possessiveness that she felt right down to her very marrow. Never had a man looked at her the way that he did, the way that made every single part of her come alive with desire.

  And as a twenty-one-year-old virgin she knew being with him, a man who could surely show her what pleasure was, tempted her beyond belief.

  No one except Maxim.

  He was her father’s boss, an entrepreneur who’d built a construction company in their town. It had grown over the years, spilling over to neighboring cities and even states. He was wealthy and educated, but he was also rugged and burly. Maxim reminded her of a caveman or a barbarian by the way he acted and spoke, and by the fact he was rough around the edges, took no shit, and always got what he wanted.

  And all of that turned her on. She didn’t care that he was so much older than her, or that she should be intimidated by the way he watched her, maybe even frightened her.

  She thought about Maxim all alone in his cabin. Built on ten acres of property in the woods, it was gorgeous, yet no doubt lonely. It had taken him a year to build that cabin and she’d gone up there with her father many times to watch the progress, had even helped him pick out colors for the walls.

  That’s when she’d really noticed him, spent any amount of time with him.

  Exhaling and pushing those thoughts aside, she turned away from Maxim’s truck. She could still feel his gaze on her, wondered what he thought, why he didn’t make a move. Maybe good intentions had him staying away? Maybe the fact her father worked for him made him not want to cross those lines?

  God, Shauna wished he would cross those lines.

  And she did want him to cross those lines, so damn badly. She headed back into the nursery and walked behind the cash register just as another customer came up.

  “How are you doing today, Mr. Walters?” Shauna asked the older man. His wife had passed away five years ago but every year he came by and bought a cart full of flowers to plant in the garden they had created years ago. It touched Shauna, made her long for that kind of commitment and relationship. It didn’t matter that Mr. Walters was alone, or that it had been years. He still honored his wife’s memory by doing something they used to love doing together.

  Maybe one day she’d have that. Maybe one day she’d finally have the gall to go up to Maxim and tell him that they should be together.

  Enough with the long looks.

  Enough with the gazes that spoke volumes.

  Shauna wanted to tell him that she wanted him as well, but the fear of rejection rode her hard.

  But we only live once, right?


  Every single day at the same time, Maxim arrived at the nursery where Shauna worked. As he sat there for the second time this week, the feelings he experienced were not going away. They were getting stronger. Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he stared inside the shop and saw only one customer.

  Most of the time, she was safe and he accepted that. No one would ever do her any harm. She was the kind of woman who was nice to everyone,
no matter what. He’d heard her father complain several times that she was way too trusting and that he worried about her all the time.

  The man inside the shop wore a business suit, and as Shauna kept re-arranging flowers, her back to him, the fact she didn’t know the asshole was checking her out had Maxim’s possessive side rising up.

  He gripped the steering wheel even tighter as the prick approached the counter. Shauna smiled, completely oblivious to whatever play the man had going on. She pushed a long lock of hair over her shoulder and looked behind her. She went onto her toes to grab a large vase of flowers high on a shelf.

  He watched her inhale the fragrance and smile over at the man.

  Too trusting.

  The caveman side of him had already come to the surface. Shauna belonged to him and he needed to make that known. Whether that ended up pushing her away or scaring her was left to be seen.

  Climbing out of his car, he locked it and headed into the shop.

  “You know, if you gave me your number we could have dinner anytime.”

  Maxim gritted his teeth as he heard what the asshole said to Shauna.

  “Shauna,” Maxim said. Ignoring the guy trying to flirt and ask her out, he moved closer, standing right beside her, feeling her shock over his actions. He stared at the asshole, looked him in the eye, watched as he grew nervous.


  She was tense at first as she tilted her head back and looked at him. He saw the confusion in her eyes.

  And as he stared at her, that possessive motherfucker in him rose up even stronger, harder. He wanted to make a point, wanted to show the fucker watching them who she belonged to.

  Do it. Make it known she’s mine.

  Dropping his lips down on hers, he claimed the kiss he’d been so desperate for. She was soft, just like he knew she would be. He ran his hand down her back, cupping her full, ripe ass. His cock got harder as he imagined spreading her out on his bed, taking her pussy, her mouth, her ass. Taking every single part of her that belonged to him and him alone.

  No other man, including this piece of shit, deserved her. They didn’t know what a precious gem they had in front of them.

  He intended to own every single part of her, to have her screaming his name and begging for more, but what he was also going to do was to give her the world.

  She’d want for nothing.

  Shauna wasn’t just a plaything to him.

  He intended to marry her, to fill her with his babies and to love her over and over again.

  Never had a woman evoked this kind of feeling inside him.

  He felt fucking possessed.

  The past year hadn’t been easy for him. Watching and waiting.

  He was done with that kind of shit because the truth was, he couldn’t handle the thought of another man touching her.

  She was his.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about how important it was for her to belong to him.

  He slid his tongue across her lips and she opened up with a moan. He knew her pussy would be soaking wet. She tried to hide her response to him, but he knew without a doubt she wanted him. Her body didn’t lie. Every time he was close, her nipples went hard, pressing against her shirt. He couldn’t wait to suck them.

  “Excuse me,” Douchebag said.

  Nipping at her lips, he pulled away. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You better serve this man, honey.”

  He didn’t let go of her ass.

  Her hands shook as she took care of the asshole, whose face was red and whose anger was clear.

  That’s right, boy. Move along. She needs a real man and you’re fucking lacking.

  Minutes ticked by and finally he left. She turned to face Maxim, her hands still shaking.

  He glanced down at her breasts. Yep, her nipples were hard as little pebbles.

  She tucked some hair behind her ear, her cheeks a pretty shade of red.

  “What are you doing here, Maxim?” She licked her lips. “Why did you do that?”

  “Do you really think I’d allow some fucking creep near you? If you were wearing a skirt, he’d have gotten a good old look at what you have to offer.”

  “Oh.” She frowned.

  “You working here alone isn’t safe.”

  “You’re worrying for no good reason. This place is perfectly safe and secure.”

  “Don’t ever underestimate people, especially a man with a hard-on and low morals.”

  He cupped her cheek and moved his hand into her hair, sinking his fingers into the strands. He needed her lips again. He felt like a fucking starving man. Nothing would do but a taste of her lips.

  Drawing her close, he pressed his mouth to hers once more. Maxim moved her backward until the wall stopped them. She was all his and he was never letting her go.


  The little bell above the door jingled with a new customer. It was enough to have Shauna moving back from Maxim and looking at the entrance, seeing Roberta, the co-owner of the shop, coming in. She had her focus on her cell, and three bags hanging from her arm.

  Shauna looked at Maxim, saw the intense, almost animalistic look on his face, and felt her heart jump. Her lips still tingled, her body was on fire, and arousal thrummed through her veins.

  “Shauna, how’s it going?” Roberta asked, and when Shauna glanced in her direction, she saw her boss was still looking down at her phone.

  Shauna pushed Maxim out from behind the counter and smoothed her hands over her apron. Roberta glanced up, most likely because Shauna hadn’t responded. Shauna pasted a smile on her face, feeling it forced, awkward. Roberta glanced between her and Maxim, raising a brow as the beast of a man stood against the counter, this caveman expression on his face.

  “I’m good, fine. Everything is good.” She was stuttering, sounding like a lunatic.

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Maxim said low, under his breath so only Shauna could hear.

  She found herself nodding, not sure what to say, how to respond.

  He stared at her for long seconds before finally turning and leaving, the door shutting behind him, the little bell above it dinging his exit.

  For a moment, she and Roberta just stood there, watching as he got in his truck and drove off. Shauna lifted her hand and touched her lips, the feeling of his mouth on hers still there, the tingling sensation, the need still moving through her veins, consuming her.

  Had that really happened? Had Maxim just placed some kind of claim on her? It had all happened so fast that it was a blur, this confusion and arousal moving through her at the same time.

  “I feel like I walked in on something pretty personal there,” Roberta said and grinned.

  Yeah, it was something.

  That was one of the reasons she loved working here. Her bosses were amazing, didn’t get on her ass about silly things, and were more like friends than employers.

  Shauna waved off Roberta’s comment, but she felt herself smile. She had no idea what was going on with Maxim or what he wanted to talk about. Him kissing her was so out of left field that it left her dazed and confused. Although she’d seen him plenty of times outside of the shop, felt him watching her, wished he would say something to her or vice versa, this was the first time anything had ever happened.

  It felt like she was in a Twilight Zone movie, or maybe she was Alice and had been dropped down the rabbit hole. All she knew was that she was nervous about whatever he wanted to talk to her about. She’d either have to be honest with how she felt for him, or put distance between whatever this was.

  Put distance between us? This is what I’ve always wanted.

  How would he feel, react, when and if she told him that she didn’t just want him, care about him, but that she loved him?

  Now that it was in her lap, now that she was faced with it, Shauna felt so out of place. Either way it was going to happen and she’d have to buckle up and accept it. She’d have to finally tell Maxim how she felt and see where it all went.

  Maybe he’d b
een too forceful, pushing her with the kiss?

  She wanted me, needed me.

  He’d felt the fire in her, the desire. He’d heard her moan, knew she was ready for him.

  Maxim curled his hands around the steering wheel and took the sharp incline up the mountain slowly. He’d told her they’d talk about this later, but really, he’d meant tonight. Maxim needed her, wanted her in his life. He’d watched her long enough, stayed back, contemplating how to go about this.

  He’d wasted so much time being unsure how to go forward. That was, until he’d gone in there and kissed her, staked his claim.

  And that’s exactly what he’d done.

  Staked. His. Claim.

  What would she do, how would she feel, when he finally told her what he wanted?

  For her to be his wife.

  The mother of his children.

  Only his.

  Maxim would make Shauna his, would have her as his possession in the same way he was already hers. She might not know it, but he belonged to her. There hadn’t been another woman in his life or in his thoughts since the moment he saw her, knew that she was it for him. And celibacy suited him well. He embraced it, let that desire, his arousal for only one woman, build.

  The flavor of her kiss was engrained in his memory, in his very cells. She tasted sweet, like apricots and vanilla, whipped cream and sugar. Even now his dick was still hard from that lone kiss.


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