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The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  He reached down and adjusted himself.

  Had she seen—felt—his cock? Had she been surprised, embarrassed? She was so innocent, so vulnerable. The territorial side rose up, the protective instinct to make sure she stayed close, to make sure no other man fucking looked in her direction.

  He pulled his truck to a stop in front of his cabin, cut the engine, and for a moment just sat there, thinking, planning. Tonight he’d go back to the flower shop. He’d wait for her to get off work, take her someplace nice, intimate. This was fast, maybe, but he’d wanted her for so damn long that it felt like he’d waited a lifetime for this moment.

  Tonight he’d man up and show her exactly what he wanted … exactly what she meant to him.


  It was dark out as Shauna locked the door and turned the sign to closed for the night. She was alone in the shop as Roberta had left twenty minutes ago on an important call. She didn’t mind closing up, though. It wasn’t like she had anywhere else to be or anyone to go home to.

  She was all alone.

  So alone.

  Leaning against the door, she pressed her fingers against her lips. She shouldn’t be kissing Maxim. Hell, she shouldn’t be thinking about the kiss still. He was a lot older than her and besides that, he was her father’s boss. There was no way she should be feeling or doing any of those things. She couldn’t risk her father losing his job because of some silly crush, because she gave in to Maxim and things didn’t end up working out.

  She imagined Maxim was used to being surrounded by women of all ages who fell at his feet.

  Get a grip, Shauna.

  Running fingers through her hair, she blew out a breath and shook off the haze that had come over her.

  It was never, ever going to happen.

  She finished closing up the shop, counting the money before placing it in the safe for Roberta to take to the bank in the morning.

  With everything securely in place, she switched the light off, heading outside.

  Closing the door and locking it behind her, she turned around, ready to walk home, and came to a stop.

  Maxim stood by his truck just a few feet away, leaning against it, arms folded.

  He had a presence about him and it didn’t seem to matter what he did, he always drew her attention.

  Her pussy grew slick just from seeing him.

  Neither of them spoke or moved.

  She couldn’t look away, not even if she wanted to.

  Don’t cross the road. Don’t go to him.

  The memory of his lips on hers filled her mind and she wanted another kiss. No, she didn’t just want another kiss. She wanted his hands on her, his touch … everything.

  He’s my dad’s boss.

  Every single part of her brain was telling her to start down the street and ignore the pull of this giant of a man.

  However, she just wasn’t made of sensible.

  Another part of her, a reckless part, was telling her to stop, to turn back, and to give him a lot more attention.

  What to do?

  “Come here, Shauna,” he said.

  It was like his voice alone commanded her body, and she couldn’t think of how best to refuse him. Would it even be sensible not to?

  What’s the harm?

  Look at those arms and those hands.

  Imagine them wrapped around my body.

  His large dick sliding deep inside my body as he touches me.

  Those perfect hands holding my breasts.

  Step by step, she crossed the road toward him. Like a damn moth to a flame.

  She stopped when she stood in front of him.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked softly.

  “I told you I would speak with you later.” He grinned, and her heart did a little flip in her chest. “How about I take you for a ride?”

  “That’s probably not a good idea.” Although she wanted to badly.

  “Come on,” he coaxed.

  She was silent for a moment, thinking, trying to talk herself out of it. “Just a ride?”

  “Just a ride.” His vice was deep and smooth. “Why don’t you give me a little credit? I’m not going to hurt you.” His grin widened and she felt like prey to a very powerful predator.

  “I know you’re not going to hurt me. I’m not thinking about that. I don’t want this to ruin my dad’s job,” she said.

  “You really think you could be responsible for me firing your father?” he asked, looking a little shocked.

  “I don’t know. I know he works hard and he loves his job. I’d hate to ruin things and have him suffer the consequences.”

  “Shauna, your dad’s position is more than fine. He’s damn good at his job, and I’m not in the habit of making bad business decisions because I want what I want. You don’t want to get in my truck and get to know me, that’s fine. I’m a big boy. I can take that. This is your decision, and I’m not going to attempt to push you into going with me.”

  She watched him.

  Part of her had hoped he’d force her, that he wouldn’t give her a choice.

  Climbing into the truck was a bad decision, wasn’t it?

  What did she want to do?

  If she wanted him to take the decision out of her hands, didn’t that mean she wanted him?

  Stupid girl. I want him desperately.

  “Just a ride?”

  “Just a ride.” He pushed away from the truck, his big body towering over hers.

  She saw the smirk and damn if it wasn’t panty melting.

  Stepping around the truck, she reached for the handle but he beat her to it, opening the door. He took her hand, helping her in, and as she sat down, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “You won’t regret this.”

  This was moving so fast. Everything was so sudden. Her head was dizzy, her pulse racing.

  Her heart pounded as he rounded the truck and climbed into the driver’s side.

  “I’m surprised you were here waiting for me,” she said.

  “I told you this wasn’t over.”

  He turned over the ignition, bringing the vehicle to life, and drove away from the curb. His large, muscular arms distracted her as he navigated the clutch, pulling onto the main road.

  “So, my dad told me that your current project is part of some charity organization.” She found herself rambling, talking about stuff that she normally wouldn’t even give two thoughts about. But right now, her mind was in the gutter, her desires and arousal trying to take over.

  “That’s part of the project. It’s an animal shelter that had the kennels and buildings completely destroyed by water. The animals had to be temporarily relocated, but we’d much rather have them back here, where they’ve called home for the time being. Besides, their temporary housing has an expiration date, so we are racing against the clock to get it up and running for them to have shelter.” He glanced over at her briefly before focusing on the road again. “Would you like to see it?” he asked. “We’ve been working hard as hell on it these past two months and it’s nearly finished.”


  He nodded, the light from the dashboard covering the interior of the car in a light glow.

  “I’d love that.”

  He pushed his foot to the gas, and she glanced over at him. From the first moment she’d met Maxim, he’d starred in her thoughts and fantasies.

  Don’t lust after your father’s boss.

  It was impossible not to. It was far too late.


  He pulled the truck to a stop in front of the animal shelter. There were construction signs around, plastic hanging from parts of the building, but what she could see looked incredible. She’d only seen the shelter a handful of times, back before the major flooding had caused water damage and closed it down.

  It was down a long dirt road, obscured behind thick evergreens, secluded and almost serene in appearance. If she remembered correctly, there was a manmade lake behind the shelter, one that had geese every year, ducklings a
nd hawks that called this place home.

  She knew that Maxim and his company were doing this pro bono, trying to get it up and running for the animals who needed a shelter. It had her heart racing.

  She glanced over at him, the moon full, the silvery glow coming through the front windshield. He gave a nod and looked over at her.

  “It’s a really good organization and I knew after this all went down that I needed to help rebuild it.”

  If she hadn’t cared for him before, she would have been head over heels now. Listening to him talk about helping others, vulnerable and innocent animals, tugged at her heart.

  She was an animal lover, and the thought that the man she loved, the man she was so in love with, cared just as much for animals as she did made her want to throw caution to the wind and just tell him exactly how she felt right then. But of course she didn’t. He’d think she was insane if offering to take her for a ride ended up with her professing her love for him.

  No, keeping this to herself was obviously the sanest thing for her to do.

  “Come on,” he said and grinned over at her. He was out of the truck and making his way around the front before she even had time to unbuckle her seatbelt. He opened the passenger side door and helped her out, his hands lingering on her waist and causing her body to heat.

  For several moments, she just walked around the perimeter of the building, with Maxim talking about what they’d rebuilt, how they’d kept part of the structure the same, and how they’d updated the facilities to make it more cost and energy efficient. She could listen to him talk all day.

  She kept staring at him, could hear the pride in his voice, could tell how much he loved his job, how much he enjoyed the work he did. This wasn’t just about making money, this was also about doing something he loved. That was clear as day.

  He took them inside, where the scent of fresh pine and drywall filled her senses. He kept explaining everything, how the wooden beams above them weren’t just for looks, but also served a structural purpose. The pecan plank flooring had been donated, as well as the stone accents on the front counter and along the trim.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and lead them back to where the kennels were, and she didn’t know what she expected to see. She envisioned depressing settings, with chain-link gates, cinderblock walls, and a cement floor. That’s not how things were. The kennels were spacious, with platforms that looked like raised beds.

  “What’s that?” She pointed to the metal piping that came out of the walls in each of the kennels.

  “We still have to place the basins underneath and the spouts, but essentially those will be continuously running drinking water for the animals.”

  “Wow,” she said and stopped at one of the kennels. “And this is all pro bono?” She looked over at him.

  “Yes. We’re not charging the shelter anything. Ninety-five percent of the supplies and labor have been donated.”

  She turned around to face him fully. “And the other five percent?”

  He lifted a hand and ran it over the back of his neck. “I funded the rest out of my own pocket.” He glanced away, seeming embarrassed to have revealed that.

  God, she loved this man. Not only was he rebuilding this rescue and shelter, but part of it was with his own money.

  “That’s why it’s taking longer than we’d like, even though we’re on a time crunch. People are donating their time and so we have to work around that.”

  She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to express how generous and wonderful he was. So instead, she found herself walking toward him, placing her hands on his chest and rising on her toes. His body was hard under her hands, solid muscle that had every feminine part of her coming alive.

  And then, doing something she never thought she would do, would never even have dreamed of doing, Shauna placed her lips right on his and kissed him.


  Maxim hadn’t brought her here to get inside her pants. He wanted Shauna, no doubt about it. The thing was, he didn’t want her to just fuck or to be used. Just looking at her lush curves and fuck-me eyes, he knew one time was never going to be enough. Add to that he thought she was an amazing woman. He’d seen her around town, even when she didn’t know he was watching. She had a kindness about her that drew him.

  Her smile and wicked laugh always made him want to hold her.

  When her lips landed on his, he’d gone straight to heaven.

  Sinking fingers into her hair, he held her close. With his other hand, he grasped her hip, pulling her closer. His cock rubbed against her stomach, and he wanted nothing more than to press her against the nearest surface and fuck her.

  Shauna pulled away first.

  Her eyes glazed over.

  He watched as she licked her lips. That twinkle he loved so much finally stared right back at him.

  “You’re thinking dirty thoughts.”

  “Always.” He stroked her cheek. “I want to take you to my place, Shauna.”

  She didn’t answer right away and he wanted to show her, tell her, that this wasn’t just physical for him. But he also didn’t want to scare the hell out of her.

  “Your place?”

  “No rush. You hold the cards here.”

  “No. I do want to go.” She sounded genuine.

  He heard her stomach start to rumble. Her cheeks went bright red, and he smiled. “First, I’m going to feed you.”

  “It just couldn’t get any more embarrassing.”

  He pulled her close once again, taking possession of her lips. Damn, he loved her mouth so much. Now that he’d had one taste, he knew it was going to be next to impossible to not want to kiss her all the time. He couldn’t get enough of how soft they were.

  She parted her lips, and he took full advantage, sliding his tongue inside. She let out a gasp and a moan, and he felt consumed by her. This woman had been on his mind for so long. He didn’t want to let her go.

  “Don’t ever be embarrassed in front of me. I should have taken you for something to eat first.”

  “Not a lot of places in town are open this late.”

  “Well, we can always do the drive thru. They’re always open.”

  She let out a chuckle and they walked hand in hand back to the truck.

  “So truth, do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “I think it’s amazing. I can’t wait to see it when it’s all done and finished. I may have to volunteer.”

  “You like animals?”

  “Dogs, cats, rabbits, horses. I love them all so much. Didn’t have a dog growing up, or a cat. Dad was never home and I was at school. So there wasn’t anyone home to take care of it.” She shrugged.

  One day, he’d make sure she had a dog, or a cat. Hell, he’d get her a whole damn zoo.

  Opening the truck door, he helped her inside. Rounding his vehicle, he climbed behind the wheel, turned over the ignition, and pulled out onto the road, heading back into town. There was always the burger place with the late-night drive thru.

  He found himself watching her out of the corner of his eye.

  Offering to re-build the animal shelter had been like a calling to him. Something he needed to do. Seeing Shauna’s reaction had been the icing on top of the cake. Pulling into the drive thru, he took her order and doubled it. He drove around to the far window and pulled out his wallet.

  He saw Shauna trying to get her purse out and placed a hand over hers. “Don’t even think about it. The least I can do is buy you a greasy burger.”

  She chuckled. “Thank you.”

  He paid for their food, waited as they handed it over, and gave her the bag with their order. Pulling into a parking spot, he turned off the ignition, released his seatbelt and turned toward her.

  This was not what he’d had in mind for a first date. But at least he got to spend some time with her, which he was more than happy with.

  Should have fed her before!

  He watched as she took a bite of her burger, her eyes closing. “T
his is good.”

  “I should have taken you to that nice new Italian place that just opened up.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’m good.”

  “You don’t like Italian?”

  “I don’t like places that charge ridiculous amounts of money just to eat. This is perfect, actually.”

  “You’re a simple girl?”

  “With very simple tastes. Would you call this a date?” she asked.

  “It depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Will you go out with me again?”

  “Well, again implies that it’s a first date and secondly, I’d love to.”

  “How about tomorrow night?” he asked.

  “I’m free,” she said. “I’d love to. Can we agree, though, no restaurants or anything fancy?” She gave a little shrug. “I’d like to get to know you if that’s okay.”

  “You’re a strange woman, Shauna.” He liked it.

  He loved that she wasn’t like other women he’d dated. She was different. A lot younger, granted, but he enjoyed her company. She wasn’t naïve. There was no doubt he wanted her. He hadn’t denied it or hidden it from her.

  When they finished their burgers, he took their wrappers to the trash. Climbing behind the wheel, he pulled out of the burger place and headed back to her home.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’m taking you home.”

  “You are?”


  “Why? I’m happy to come home with you.”

  She was making this so hard. Every instinct inside him was screaming to take her back to his place, to make love to her, to fuck her, and to wipe out any chance that any other man could take what belonged to him.

  However, he was thinking long term, and with that, he knew he was going to win her over. He was going to make sure she fell head over heels in love with him so when he got her into bed, there was no chance of her ever leaving.

  Tomorrow night, he was going to do just that, and then he’d finally win the woman he wanted.



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