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The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Although he wanted Shauna like crazy, Maxim didn’t want to rush this with her. He wanted that slow-burn arousal that would consume the both of them.

  He got into his truck and cranked the engine, pulling away from his cabin and making his way down the mountain. Although he wanted to pick her up, she’d insisted on driving herself after she got off work. He liked the independent streak in her, but the possessive part of him wanted to take control, wanted to show her that a man took care of his woman.

  One day he’d make her a nice romantic meal in his home, would show her where he lived. Right now, he wanted to take things slow, wanted to let her take the lead and give him the signs she was ready for more.

  She hadn’t wanted anything fancy so they’d decided on this little mom-and-pop hamburger shop that also sold hand-dipped milkshakes. Truth was, Maxim wasn’t a guy who liked fancy shit either, but for Shauna, he’d wanted to make this special. He wanted to wine and dine her and let her know that she was important enough to him that he’d go out of his comfort zone if that was what she wanted.

  That’s not what she wanted, though.

  Seemed that she was just like him, with simple tastes. That gave him hope that she’d take to his way of life. Although he always lived the rugged life—solitude over company—he also knew that if that wasn’t what Shauna wanted, that if she wanted to be in the city, surrounded by towering buildings and bumper-to-bumper traffic, he’d try that for her.

  Hell, he’d do anything for her.

  Tonight, he’d tell her that, show her that and hope that he didn’t scare her away. Maxim didn’t want her thinking he was rushing into anything.

  He was letting her take the lead, at least until it came to the bedroom.

  Twenty minutes later he was pulling into the parking lot of the hamburger joint. He cut off the engine and stared at the small restaurant. He didn’t see Shauna’s car, and he contemplated waiting in this truck or going inside and getting them a table.

  But before he could decide, the sound of a vehicle pulling to a stop beside his had him glancing over. Shauna had parked right beside him, her car already turned off and her focus on him. She smiled and lifted her hand in an almost shy wave.

  He felt his heart lurch in his chest at the sight of her.

  She was gorgeous in a way she’d never even realize. Shauna meant more to him than he ever thought possible. Although he’d kept his emotions in check for so long, the moment he’d placed his mouth on hers, kissed her, letting all those emotions burst free, something had changed inside of him.

  He didn’t want to just be the hardened caveman he’d become. He didn’t want to be the reclusive loner that stayed away from others. What he wanted to be was an honest man to her, the only person she’d ever look up to, rely on.

  Maxim would protect her, go to war for her.

  He’d kill for her, die for her.

  And he wanted her to know all of that, to understand the lengths he’d go to make her happy, to make sure she knew she was his.

  Getting out of the truck, he walked around the front of her car and had her driver’s side door open before she could do it herself. He’d never thought himself a gentleman, never even thought about doing something as mundane as opening a car door for a woman.

  But when it came to Shauna, he wanted to do all that sappy shit.

  “Thank you,” she said softly and tucked her head down, the long fall of her hair obscuring the side of her face. Was she embarrassed that he was holding doors open for her? Had she never had this done before?

  The thought of her never being with someone else, no man ever touching her, showing her attention, affection, had the possessive, all-male side of him rising up. He wanted to be the first, the only one for her.

  They made their way inside and again he held the door open for her. She smiled sweetly and looked away, her cheeks turning pink. Okay, she was definitely not used to this kind of attention. That had pride swelling within him.

  From here on out, Maxim would have to make sure he showed her how special she was, that she was the center of his world.

  They made their way toward one of the empty tables, the waitress coming by a moment later with menus. He’d been here plenty of times in the past, and he had to assume she had as well.

  Once they got their orders in, they sat in silence for a few moments. He wondered what she thought about, if she was trying to think of something to say. He reached across the table and took her hand in his.

  She looked up at him with wide eyes, clearly surprised that he’d made the move. Surely, she could not be that shocked. He’d kissed her out of the blue in the flower shop, unable to control himself.

  He should have gotten a fucking medal for the amount of control he was showing. In all reality, he just wanted to pull her onto his lap, cup her cheek, and kiss her until she was breathless.

  But he’d meant it when he said she held all the cards, controlled the situation. He’d take her lead on this.

  For Shauna, he had all the time in the world.


  Shauna tried to think of something to say. She kept going blank. This was her first official date and she was already bad at it. Really, really bad at it.

  Taking a deep breath, she stared down at where he held her hand. “How was your day?” she asked.

  She’d talked with Roberta before coming out on this date, and her boss and friend had advised her to not talk about the weather or religion or politics. Not that she had any interest in those topics anyway. But right now she felt like she was rambling.

  Asking how his day was? God, this felt awkward, and it was all because of her.

  “It was a good day. Tell me about yours.”

  She looked up and smiled. “There’s not really much to tell. I helped with the displays, rearranging and updating the flowers, making sure I got the right color combinations. It really wasn’t that thrilling.”

  “You create a thing of beauty and color, that means something.”

  She felt her cheeks heat, knew her face was probably red. “How is the shelter coming along?” she asked.

  “I’m waiting for a delivery of wires to help install some electrical. The kennels need to have light inside so if there is ever a need, the staff can check into each cage.”

  “I hate to think of those dogs locked up like that. It makes me feel so sad.”

  “At least they’ve got somewhere to go. I have a dog, you know?”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah. Rudie. He’s a Labrador and a lazy fucker, won’t leave the house. You want to see a picture?” He grinned. “But I’ve had him for ages and he’s loyal, a really good companion.”

  She nodded, loving how animated he looked talking about his dog. He lifted up his phone and she smiled. It was a beautiful Labrador with a nice light coat. The dog was sprawled across a carpet and looking like the most adorable thing she’d ever seen.

  “He’s so cute. How come you didn’t show me the other night?”

  “I didn’t know if you loved dogs or if they were something you avoided. But I hope you two can meet soon. I know Ralf will love you. He’s a sucker for a pretty face, and you’re gorgeous so he’ll be smitten.”

  She felt her face heat even more at his compliment. “Well, I think he’s adorable. I mean that, really. So cute.” She’d always wanted a dog and for some strange reason, knowing Maxim had one showed a side to him that she’d not really considered before.

  From the moment she met him, she’d always placed him in the category of her father’s boss.

  Someone she should never have even wanted. The more she saw him, though, with the way he looked at her as if he wanted to eat her and in a good way, it was getting harder to ignore this attraction, this building need whenever she was around him.

  The waiter brought their food, helping to cut through the tension.

  Did he feel it too?

  Did he want to come home with her at the end of the night?

  Her lips tingled,
not from the spicy sauce, but from the thought of being alone with him. She wanted his lips on hers. Those big hands that were designed to please a woman, she wanted them. To have him stroking her, pleasuring her. Not only did she want his touch, she wanted to touch him as well. To feel him all over her, to be inside her.

  It was a need that she couldn’t deny anymore.

  “You know you’re making it hard for me to concentrate here.”

  “I am?”

  “You think I don’t know what that look means. What you’re wanting? What you’re needing? You’re thinking about me naked, aren’t you?”

  She tried to act like his words didn’t affect her. But they did. God, they really did.

  “I can see all the dirty thoughts that are going on in your head. You can’t deny them, babe. I see them. Tell me what you’re thinking right now.”

  Shauna knew she could ignore his request. The fierce way he demanded she answer, though, was like a drug, an addiction she didn’t want to break. His look fired her blood, made her ache, desperate for more. Needy for more.

  “I want your hands on me.”

  Her cheeks were on fire. The smoldering look he gave her only made her curious to find out just how far she could push him.

  Whether he’d stop being this perfect gentleman that he kept showing her, and give her a little of the man she’d seen the other night. The one who came into the florist shop and didn’t back down. Who stood by her side, commanding her attention, refusing to let her ignore him. The man that made her ache.

  The caveman.

  She’d thought about that side of him a lot.

  He didn’t ask for permission.

  He took.

  She wanted him to take her in all the dirty ways that mattered.

  To sink his fingers into her hair, to pull on the length as he kissed her. His hands had rough edges from the hard work he’d done over the years. She wouldn’t have any problem with his hands all over her body, running across her breasts, teasing her nipples, making her want more.

  “You want me to touch you, Shauna?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.


  “All over my body.” Odd, she was actually saying all this stuff right in the middle of the restaurant.

  “Where exactly? No one can hear us. Tell me what it is that you want?”

  Tucking some hair behind her ear, she watched him. He looked fierce, sexy.

  “I want you to touch my breasts.”

  “I bet you have nice large nipples, pretty and pink, don’t you?”

  She couldn’t help but glance around the restaurant to see if anyone was listening. She was pleased to see that no one was. Biting her lip, she stared down at her plate.

  “Don’t be embarrassed by what you want. I know you’re a virgin, baby. You can be honest with me about everything.”

  “God,” she said on a breath, her voice like a moan.

  “I can’t wait to hold on to them when I fuck you.”

  She wanted him.

  This meal was taking too long to finish.

  “Is that all you want? My hands on your tits?”

  “No, I want them everywhere.”

  He smiled. “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I want them between my legs.”

  “Where exactly?”

  She took a deep breath. “I want your hands on my pussy, stroking me … I want you inside me.”

  “Good girl.”


  Maxim was antsy as fuck. He’d pulled to a stop in front of his cabin just twenty minutes ago, and here they stood, in his home, a fire roaring, the sound of the crackling deafening. He’d gotten them both a beer, hoping the alcohol would smooth things out, make it not so electrically charged.

  He was hard, ready. All he wanted was Shauna. He looked over at her, her little white teeth at her bottom lip, pulling at the flesh. God, he wanted to do that, to gently bite her and make her tender as he made her come at the same time.

  He found himself moving closer to her until he stood a foot from where she was. Shauna looked up at him, her pupils dilated, her breathing increasing.

  “God, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” he found himself saying. They stared at each other for long moments, and then she surprised the hell out of him by leaning in those last couple of inches and pressing her lips to his.

  Maxim couldn’t help the low, needy sound that left him. He moved his hand to her hair, grabbing a chunk in a firm yet gentle hold and tilted her head back to deepen the kiss. She ran her tongue along the seam of his lips and he felt his body grow tenser, his need climbing. His cock jerked between them, the bastard demanding to be released and buried in her sweet, wet cunt.

  When he opened his mouth and their tongues pressed together, he couldn’t help the gruff sound of pleasure that escaped. She tasted so good. Shauna tilted her head more and deepened the kiss. He loved that she was as far gone in this moment as he was.

  He turned them so they were now moving back toward the kitchen. When the counter stopped their movements, he fucked her mouth with his lips and tongue. He slammed his hand down on the marble beside her, knocking a glass over. It fell and shattered on the floor. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moved so that her legs were slightly parted and rubbed along his.

  Fuck. He was so damn ready for her.

  Maxim kissed her more feverishly, more forcefully. She moaned in response.

  “I want to go slow, but it is really hard now that I have you, and you’re so damn receptive to me.”

  She breathed in and out quickly and then shook her head. “I don’t want slow and easy.”

  The sound that came from her had his entire body shaking with arousal. He placed his mouth on hers again. They were doing this, and it was going to be so fucking intense she’d know exactly who she belonged to.

  She grabbed the hair on the back of his head and deepened the kiss.

  It seemed his little virgin had quite the fire inside of her.

  Tongues dueling and breath mingling, they were both like wild, uncontrollable animals trying to get closer, needing more. The kiss was frantic, uninhibited. He moved his hands down her body and gripped her waist, his fingers curling around her lusciously wide hips.

  Maxim tugged her toward him with a firm motion, and then in one movement had her lifted onto the counter. She spread her legs, allowing him to fit between them.

  She tried to move closer to him, to press her breasts even harder against his chest. But he had to have some control here or he’d come before he was even inside of her, before he’d felt how tight and wet she was as she gripped his cock.

  Still kissing her, still thrusting in and out of her mouth, Maxim pressed his erection further against her pussy. God, she smelled incredible, and tasted even better.

  He thrust against her over and over, dry humping her as he groaned against her mouth. Maxim felt like a damn teenager for how uncontrollable he was with his need for Shauna.

  And then he forced himself to break the kiss.

  They both panted and stared at each other.

  “Shauna.” His voice was gravelly and hoarse. “Tell me you’re mine, that you’ll only ever be mine.”

  This small sound escaped her: a moan, a plea for more.

  He needed to hear her say the words.

  “I’ve always been yours.” She licked her lips. “I want you to be my first.”

  He rested his forehead on hers, closed his eyes and breathed out. “I’m a strong man, Shauna, but when it comes to you, I unravel.” He pulled back and looked in her eyes. “When it comes to you, I’m fucking weak.” He cupped her face with his hands and said in a fierce voice, “I will be your first, and the only man who will ever know how your pussy feels.” He placed his hand between her thighs. A gasp left her when he applied pressure to her panty-covered pussy.

  “This is mine.”


  The pleasure was instant. Shauna shouldn’t be aroused by the possessive way he he
ld her but she couldn’t help it or resist. His touch sent her body into overdrive. She wanted more than just his hands on her.

  She hadn’t been holding on to her virginity for anything special but she also hadn’t slept with the first man to come her way. She’d waited. Had she been waiting for Maxim? He was the only man to make her feel alive. To make her want to be reckless and throw caution to the wind.

  His lips sucked at her neck and she gasped, closing her eyes as his hand continued to rub between her thighs.

  They were wearing too many clothes.

  Forcing herself to focus, she held on to his shirt and started to open the buttons. Her hands were all over the place but she was able to unbutton some of them before her anger got the better of her.

  Grabbing his shirt in both of her hands, she tore down the middle. Buttons went flying left and right.

  Running her hands over his muscular chest, she heard him moan.

  “You sure about this?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’ve never been so sure about anything else. I want this. I need this.”

  Within a matter of seconds they were pawing at each other’s clothing until they both stood naked.

  Maxim pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as he lifted her up.

  She let out a gasp and a giggle as he carried her through his cabin toward his bedroom. At least she figured it was his bedroom.

  “I’ve waited for you so fucking long.”

  He dropped her to the bed and she stared up at him. His cock stood out proudly. He wrapped his fingers around the length, running up and down. She couldn’t look away.

  She wanted to touch him more than anything else.

  Licking her lips, she heard him groan and looked up to see him staring at her.

  “You have no idea how wild you make me.”

  “I want to touch you.”

  “You do?”


  She stood up, staring into his eyes as he wrapped her hand around his dick. He was so hard. She might have been a virgin, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know what she wanted. “Show me what you like.”


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