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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 7

by Shawn Bailey

  “Good,” Adam said. “I’ll tell Luke.”

  Luke was also The Kerrys’ publicist. He would include his pictures in the Vegas promotion.

  “I heard Vizio is going to be at the Superdome concert,” Jonas said.

  “Hey, isn’t that your favorite group?” Frankie asked.

  “Yes,” Jonas said. “I hope I get to meet them.”

  “I’ll make it happen,” Adam said.

  The two of them were being awfully nice to him. He wondered what was up.

  Chapter Seven

  “Can we get this practice started?” Gerard asked his friends.

  They were in the music room located in another building on the Kerry property.

  “The Superdome and Vegas concerts are next month, and we have to get these songs perfected.”

  Jonas felt a little nervous because he hadn’t tested out his voice in a while. He walked over to his guitar and turned on the amplifier.

  Both Gerard and Frankie watched him.

  “What’s wrong with the two of you?”

  “Nothing,” Frankie said, moving over to the keyboard.

  Gerard went over to his drums.

  “How long is our set?” Jonas asked.

  “Ninety minutes,” Frankie answered. “So we really have to choose our songs wisely.”

  “How about ‘All Night Long’?” Jonas asked, strumming his guitar. “That should get folks up and on the dance floor. “And a little Bee Gees.”

  “Cool,” Gerard said. “We need some more old-school. Frankie can do ‘Harry Hippie,’ and we can end the set with ‘All My Life.’”

  “Good,” Jonas said. “Then each of us would get a chance to sing lead, and we can all share the other songs.”

  Jonas began playing the intro to ‘Two Hearts’ as a warm-up, and Frankie and Gerard jumped in. Jonas started singing. Both Frankie and Gerard stopped playing. Jonas stopped singing. There was something terribly wrong with his voice. It sounded weak, scratchy, and higher pitched than normal.

  “What the hell was that?” Frankie asked him.

  “I don’t know,” Jonas said, rubbing his throat. He reached for a bottle of water and took a sip. “Let’s take it from the top again.”

  He actually made it to the end of the song this time, but not without some difficulty.

  Gerard was up next with “Spirits Having Flown.” His voice was much higher than either his or Frankie’s, and he had to leave his drums behind so he could dance.

  Frankie had no problem with the Bobby Womack song either. He and Gerard just had to sing the chorus, and Jonas made it through this easy enough. By the time they got to “All My Life,” Jonas’s voice had returned to normal but his throat still hurt. Both Frankie and Gerard looked concerned.

  “Maybe I haven’t rested enough,” Jonas said. “I should be fine by the benefit.”

  “I’ll make you some honey and lemon tea,” Frankie said. “That should help.”

  His brother didn’t sound enthusiastic about it. Neither of them said anything, but Jonas could tell that both Frankie and Gerard were worried about his voice not being the way it used to be or about if he kept sounding like a strangling frog. To be honest about it, Jonas had been concerned that this might happen and had been preparing himself for the possibility that his singing career might be over.

  “Maybe we should choose another song just in case it doesn’t get better immediately,” Frankie said. “Or Gerard and I can share the mic for ‘Two Hearts.’”

  Damn, they’re shutting me out. “Whatever.”

  Jonas took his guitar and left the building. Frankie and Gerard followed him into the house.

  “It’s not like you to give up so easily,” Frankie said. “It’s just a little hoarseness.”

  No, it wasn’t. His throat did hurt, and he really had to struggle to finish those songs.

  “I’ll make the tea,” Frankie said.

  Gerard grabbed his scratch pad and began designing costumes for them. “You’ll look wicked cool if you had black hair.”

  “Forget it,” Jonas said. “I’m not dying my hair.”

  “But Frankie and I are thinking about doing it.”

  “Really?” Jonas asked.

  “Yeah,” Frankie answered from the kitchen stove. “It’s only going to be a rinse.”

  “But Gerard already has black hair,” Jonas said as they followed him into the kitchen.

  “He’s going to be a blond,” Frankie said.

  Jonas sat down at the table and tried to imagine their drummer with light-colored hair. “It might work.”

  Frankie prepared the tea, put the cup in front of Jonas, and then started fixing lunch.

  “What are you cooking?” Gerard asked Frankie.

  “Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.” Frankie looked at Jonas. “Have you taken your insulin?”

  “Yes, brother dearest,” Jonas answered. “I’ve tested my sugar, and it’s fine.”

  Since Jonas’s asthma attack, Adam has been on his ass, making sure he took his medicine and marking the calendar to remind him. He also had to mark it every morning and night when he used his maintenance inhaler. Jonas had argued at first, but then Adam reminded him that it was his own stupid fault for not taking better care of himself.

  Frankie started pulling food out of the refrigerator and began making dinner, too, even though he hadn’t finished preparing lunch yet. That was usually a sign that he was worried about something.

  “What are you cooking for dinner?” Gerard asked.

  “Collard greens, fried chicken, and cornbread,” Frankie answered.

  Uh-oh. A big meal. Frankie is truly worried about me. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that dying thing the other day.

  “Hurry up. I’m starving,” Gerard said. “All I’ve been doing is eating since Giovanni left town.”

  “I didn’t hear an invitation,” Jonas teased.

  “I did,” Gerard said. “Greens and cornbread translate as you’re welcome to eat with us.”

  Frankie chuckled. “You’re welcome to stay for lunch and dinner since Jonas is not going to be here,” Frankie said. “He’s having dinner with Myron.”

  Gerard looked surprised. Both arched, black eyebrows raised in disbelief. “Are you trying to hook up with him again?”

  “No,” Jonas answered. “We’re just getting together for dinner to talk and catch up.”

  “Is that what they’re calling a booty call these days?” Gerard asked.

  Frankie chuckled.

  “I’m serious,” Jonas said. “I need to spend time with my friends.” He needed emotional support and not sex.

  After lunch, Gerard and Frankie crashed on the den sofa like a couple of kids while watching a movie. Luckily, Frankie had finished cooking dinner. Later, Jonas left them to go pick Kalen up from school.

  Jonas had to drive over to his old neighborhood to meet Myron for dinner. His friend had picked out what he thought was a cozy, family restaurant that Jonas never ate at before. Frankie had insisted that he wear a nice suit. Jonas didn’t understand why since it was just Myron. Five minutes after driving into the parking lot, he figured out why. He’d never been to a restaurant in the area that had valet parking, a doorman, or a wait-staff in formal uniforms.

  A hostess greeted him. “Good evening, and welcome to Frisco’s Restaurant.”

  “Good evening. I’m meeting a friend for dinner. His name is Myron Smith.”

  The hostess checked the reservation list. “You must be Mr. Kelly. Mr. Smith is expecting you.”

  She led him into the main dining room. The atmosphere was light and friendly. Soft pop music played, and the guests were all dressed in finery. Every man in the place had on a suit, and each woman was equally coiffed in a pretty dress or suit, wearing makeup and jewelry. This was one of those times he was glad that he’d listened to Frankie. Apparently, his younger brother had either been there before or had heard about the place. The hostess led him to a private booth by a window.r />
  Myron looked up from his table, smiled, and then stood. He, too, wore a suit. Jonas barely recognized him. His hair was stylishly cut, his mustache and beard were groomed within an inch of its life, and he wore nice cologne.

  Myron hugged him. “I’m glad you could make it.”

  “Who are you, and what have you done to Myron?” The Myron he knew wore dreadlocks and denim.

  Myron laughed and released him. “It’s me.”

  “Dude, you’re pretty,” Jonas teased as he sat down.

  “New job, new look,” Myron said, sitting across from him. “The company has an image that the employees are expected to keep.”

  A waitress came to the table and dressed it with silverware, cloth napkins, and wine glasses. She poured water into them and handed them menus.

  “So how are you feeling?” Myron asked him after she left.

  “Better,” Jonas answered. “My voice is still a little raspy.”

  “How can you tell, man? It still sounds seriously deep to me.”

  Myron used to tease him about sounding like an old man. “It’s affecting my singing. I barely made it through rehearsal with Frankie and Gerard.”

  “You’re just getting over several traumatic experiences. Things take time to heal.”

  “I supposed so,” Jonas said. “Thanks for coming to visit me at the hospital, even though I don’t remember you being there.”

  “You were pretty out of it,” Myron said. “I could have taken advantage of you in that state.”

  Jonas chuckled at him. “What stopped you?”

  “That nurse watching over you. She had that no-nonsense glare in her eyes.”

  “Thanks for visiting Kalen, too. He loved the toys.”

  “All a part of uncle duty,” Myron said.

  “Plus, you got a chance to see Frankie.”

  “Yeah, well, you know I’m a sucker for the little, blue-eyed demon. I hardly recognized him. He’s not the squirt with the curls anymore.”

  “No. He’s grown a couple of inches, and he even has a muscle or two now, but he’s still Frankie.”

  “Is he still trying to take care of you guys?”

  Jonas nodded. “But that’s just in his nature. One of us has to be the adult.”

  “So how are you doing here?” Myron asked, pointing to Jonas’s heart.

  “It hurts. I’ve never felt anything so painful in my life. I thought he loved me.”

  Myron fixed his napkin in his lap. “People change, Jonas, and so do feelings.” He paused. “Have you seen him?”

  Jonas shook his head. “Frankie told me that he moved to Chicago.”

  “What?” Myron asked. “Why?”

  “Because Adam fired him and that’s where his new boyfriend is from.”

  “Adam fired him? Weren’t they best friends?”

  “Yes. He did it for me. Adam didn’t think the two of us could work together after what happened.”

  “Could you work with him?” Myron asked.

  Jonas shook his head.

  “Then Adam did the right thing.” He paused. “Didn’t Luke do something similar?”

  Jonas nodded again.

  “Why didn’t Adam fire him?”

  “Because Gerard isn’t a Kerry by blood, so Adam has no obligation to care. Plus, Luke works directly for Tory, not Adam.”

  “While we’re on the subject, is Luke still with Noel Charles?”

  Noel Charles was another singer with Albertson’s Entertainment. Last year, Gerard caught Noel and Luke together, ended his relationship with Luke, and hooked up with famed, French, fashion designer Giovanni Bassett.

  “Yes. Noel is a little bitch, but he seems to love Luke. How is Cash?”

  “Spoiled. He wanted to join us tonight, but he had to work. His production company is doing some overnight shooting across the river in Algiers.”

  Cash was in show business, but on the other side of the camera. “Are you happy?”

  Myron nodded. “You know how it goes—if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with.”

  Jonas smiled. Apparently, his best friend wasn’t over Frankie yet.

  “Have you guys started practicing for your upcoming concert yet?”

  “Not yet. We’ll be leaving in a couple of days of California. Tory has hooked us up with tickets to Coachella.”

  “Sweet,” Myron said. “Too bad I have to work, or I’d be on a plane headed for that, too.”

  “Well, at least you’ve got tickets for the concert.” He dug them out of his pocket and handed them to Myron.

  “Thanks. Cash is excited. We’re supposed to go shopping for outfits this weekend.” He put the tickets away.

  “Oh, you could do the couples thing. You guys can wear matching suits.”

  “Very funny,” Myron said.

  The waitress returned to take their order. Myron ordered a steak dinner. Jonas chose the baked chicken and steamed vegetables. He was going to stick to his restrictive diet even it if killed him. He’d show everyone that he wasn’t a useless fuck up and that he was capable of taking care of himself.

  “Is it true that Vizio is going to be at Coachella?”

  “Yes,” Jonas answered excitedly. “I can’t wait to meet them.”

  “They’ve always been your favorite rock group. I heard they just got back after being on the road for nearly two years.”

  “I had no idea they worked with Tory,” Jonas said.

  “Two years is a long time to be on the road,” Myron said. “I would think they wouldn’t want to do another concert.”

  “They probably won’t be touring again for a while, but then they work for Tory, and sometimes he liked to push the boss button,” Jonas explained.

  “What about you guys? Any plans for after the concert at the Superdome?”

  “We’re headed to Vegas, and then we’ll be back here for a month before heading out for our European, and then the Asian, tours. Tory has already confirmed our concert dates, and we’ve been taking foreign-language classes. We’re learning Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese,” Jonas said.

  “Dude, you speak southern,” Myron said. “Does your boss know how difficult it is for us to pronounce another language?”

  “Gerard taught Frankie French. It will come in handy when we go to France and meet Giovanni’s family.”

  “Giovanni’s taking Gerard to meet his parents?”

  Jonas nodded. “Yes, the two of them are very close.”

  “But they haven’t known each other very long.”

  “You should see them together. He dotes of Gerard, buys him anything he wants, and treats him like a prince.” Jonas sighed. “Some guys have all of the luck.”

  “Cash wants some of Giovanni’s clothing.”

  Jonas chuckled. “And you being the doting boyfriend are going to fulfill his wishes.”

  “Yes, the sex is good. Plus, his birthday is coming up, and I want to keep him happy.”

  Jonas was glad that Myron had found someone and wasn’t waiting around for Frankie to tire of Adam. Jonas didn’t see that happening, even though Adam’s bossiness did work on Frankie’s nerves every now and then.

  The waitress returned with their food and left them again.

  “I’ll always be here for you if you ever want to let off some steam,” Myron said out of the blue.

  Jonas nodded. So he hadn’t fooled him with all his bravado. It was true. He was more heartbroken than he let on. When had Sean stopped loving him? Or had he ever loved him? Adam had offered to make an appointment for him to visit a shrink. Maybe he should take him up on his kind offer. Jonas stopped worrying and went back to eating. They continued to catch up on things while Myron had dessert, then he paid the bill and they walked out of the dining room.

  “Want to go to the club with me for drinks?” Myron asked. He opened the door for Jonas.

  “Can’t,” Jonas answered, stepping out. “I’m still taking medication.”

yeah. I forgot about that,” Myron said, following him. “Maybe some other time.”

  The two friends ended up on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant waiting for the valets to return with their cars.

  “There’s this wonderful guy waiting for you out there who will appreciate your zaniness and your beautiful soul,” Myron said. “Don’t give up just because some selfish guy didn’t have smarts enough to realize how precious a prize you are.” The valet arrived with Myron’s car. He kissed Jonas on the forehead, waved and got in. He drove away.

  Jones swiped at the tears in his eyes before the other valet got out of the car. Myron was always the smart one.

  Chapter Eight

  Tory decided to gather his people together for an impromptu meeting on Monday. It started at one in the auditorium that was big enough to house musicians scheduled to perform, their managers, assistants, public relations people, and musicians. Tory had spared no expense. He even hired a caterer to bring in breakfast. The meeting was in full swing when suddenly the door opened. Tory stopped in mid-conversation.

  “Glad you could join us,” he said. “I understand you guys don’t do mornings well.”

  Jonas was busy messing with his cell phone and not really paying attention.

  “We ran into a lot of traffic,” a guy with a British accent said.

  Jonas looked up just in time to see Brenton Tramayne and his bandmates arrive.

  Tory continued. “Everyone, please welcome back into the fold the members of Vizio.”

  People clapped, and Noel Charles whistled. All five of the newcomers waved, found seats, and then sat down. Jonas doubted if the stuck-up singer knew who Vizio was. Tory continued speaking. Jonas faced forward again. His concentration hadn’t returned. Damn, those guys are huge. Being a fan guy won out over Tory’s boring speech. The meeting finally came to an end, and everyone made their way to the recreation room, where the refreshments were being served.

  Adam and Luke had found their way over to Vizio and were laughing and talking with them like they had known each other all of their lives. Jonas took this time to study them. All four guys were over-the-top handsome, especially Brenton. Jonas just loved the way the lights played with his hair. He wore his blond tresses down and unbound. Jonas’s hair usually got into his eyes when he did that.


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