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Spoiled Rotten [Young, Hot, and Talented 3] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 8

by Shawn Bailey

  Luke came over. “Adam wants to introduce you guys.”

  “Gerard and I have already met them,” Frankie said.

  Jonas looked at Frankie. When had that happened?

  “You can be our moral support in case they eat us,” Gerard said, pulling Frankie with him.

  Jonas chuckled at the joke but felt the same way, too. The four members of Vizio not only were taller than them and Luke, but they also outweighed them.

  “Hey, fellows,” Adam said like he was surprised to see them. He turned back to Vizio. “These are my peeps. Jonas Kerry, Gerard Tyler, and Frankie Kerry. Guys, this is Vizio.”

  Everyone shook hands. Jonas got to shake Brenton’s hand last. “Hello, I’m Jonas.”

  “Wow, what a voice,” Brenton said. “I’m Brenton. How are you feeling?”

  “Better,” Jonas answered, still a bit overwhelmed by the heavy-metal gods. Brenton was simply gorgeous up close, too, with curly, blond hair, heavily lashed, green eyes, and a well-groomed mustache and goatee.

  “Did you like the bear?”

  “The bear?” Jonas asked.

  “Yeah, it’s about yea high, has long, blond hair, and wearing a vest.”

  “Oh, that bear,” Jonas said, finally realizing what Brenton was alluding to. “Yes, he’s my new roommate. Thanks.” He paused for a moment. B. T…Brenton Tremayne. “You sent the book, too, didn’t you?”

  Brenton nodded. “It helped it me out of a similar situation once. I hope it did the same for you.”

  “Yes,” Jonas said. “I’m almost finished reading it.”

  “So, you’re a guitar player. Who’s your favorite rocker?” Brenton asked.

  “You,” Jonas answered honestly. “I have all of your CDs.”

  “And he has a poster of you in his room,” Frankie threw into the conversation.

  Jonas grimaced. He was going to kick Frankie’s big ass when he got home.

  “I’m flattered,” Brenton said. “And I like your voice. It’s almost as deep as mine.”

  Jonas felt washed in sunshine. He never expected Brenton to be so nice. They were the guys who were always getting into fights and making tabloid headlines with their exploits.

  “I like your voice, too, and can’t wait to see you perform.”

  “What about us?” Carson Hughes asked.

  The stunning brunette had hazel eyes that twinkled when he smiled.

  “You guys, too,” Jonas added. He noticed how close Carson stood by Brenton. He’d heard the rumors about their love affair and their public breakup. No wonder Troy didn’t want anyone to know that the members of The Kerrys were gay. He didn’t want a repeat performance.

  “I can see why B-Dog mistook you for a female,” Carson said to him. “You have such small, delicate features.”

  “Thanks,” Jonas said. “I think.”

  “Love your voice,” Carson said. “There’s nothing girly about it.”

  Jonas wasn’t as dense as everyone thought he was. Carson was being a prick and trying to get him to lose interest in Brenton, or maybe the other way around.

  “It was very nice meeting you guys. I’ll see you at Coachella.” Jonas walked away.

  The last thing he needed was heavy-metal drama. It was a good thing that Adam and the others were leaving so it wouldn’t seem like Carson’s comments had affected him.

  He spotted Noel Charles and Luke sneaking out the door. Gerard saw them, too, but didn’t seem the least bit bothered by it. Jonas didn’t know how Gerard could stand to see them together. His boyfriend, Giovanni Bassett, was out of town on business, but would be returning just in time for Vegas.

  Adam escorted the three of them out of the building. “What do you guys think of Vizio?” he asked.

  “They seem nice,” Frankie answered, “especially, B-Dog.”

  “Carson Hughes is an ass,” Jonas said as he walked past them.

  “What do you think about B-Dog?” Frankie asked.

  “He’s still my idol,” Jonas answered. The four of them climbed into the van, and Adam drove away from the curb. He was taking them clothing shopping.

  * * * *

  Brenton was in a very bad mood when they left. The last thing he needed was for Carson to start trouble with Jonas. He had interrupted their conversation just when he was getting to know the hot, young blond.

  “Tory always put on a good spread,” Randall said as they rode away. “But he seems a wee bit nicer than I remember, especially around his duckies.”

  “You mean The Kerrys?” Harley asked.

  “Yes, and that Noel Charles fellow, too, though he doesn’t seem as innocent at those three.”

  “That Jonas dude has a seriously deep voice,” Preston said. “You think he’s healed up enough to perform at the Superdome next month?”

  “Tory wouldn’t let him perform if he doesn’t have a clean bill of health,” Carson said. “You know him—it’s all about company image.”

  “It’s the man’s business,” Harley reminded him. “Of course he is concerned about his singer’s health.” He paused. “I heard The Kerry’s used to be homeless until Adam Montgomery discovered them.”

  “What?” Brenton asked.

  “Yes, their parents died in a fire when the boys were teenagers. Frankie and Jonas entertained in the streets to feed themselves.”

  “That Frankie is a cute one,” Carson said. “I wouldn’t mind hooking up with him.”

  “He’s just a twenty-year-old kid,” Randall said. “And who says he’s gay?”

  Carson rolled his eyes at Randall. “Did you notice the way Adam Montgomery never left Frankie’s side? The manager is hitting that.”

  Brenton frowned at the rude expression. He suspected the same thing, too, but he would never talk about it with these guys.

  “My money is on Jonas,” Harley said. “He wears a lot of makeup, and he has all that hair.”

  “That doesn’t mean he’s gay,” Randall said. “We wear stage makeup, too, and I’m not gay.”

  “I am,” Carson said with a laugh. “And my gaydar is never wrong. I think Gerard’s gay, too, but I can’t figure out who his boyfriend is. The other day I thought it was their publicist, Luke Austin, but Luke’s been spending too much time with that Noel Charles bloke.”

  “Don’t you guys have anything better to talk about?” Brenton asked. “So what, if they’re gay? It’s not a crime, and I think it’s great that Adam and Luke look after them. Do you think you could have survived on the streets of New Orleans at their age?”

  No one answered.

  Good. Brenton hoped that was the end of the conversation. He sighed. There was no way he could approach Jonas again with Carson around.

  Alan dropped Harley off first, followed by Carson, and then him. Brenton waved good-bye to the driver, and Preston and Randall strolled up the sidewalk that led to his gate and his front door.

  Maybe I can invite Jonas out to dinner one of these days. Of course, it would have to be somewhere private to protect his image. Or maybe I can invite him here for dinner. He was a fairly decent cook. Jonas had diabetes, so Brenton would have to make sure he didn’t prepare anything Jonas wasn’t supposed to eat.

  It was still very early, so Brenton decided to take a nap. After he got up, he would do a couple of chores around the apartment and then fix himself something for dinner. He walked to his bedroom wondering what kind of fool would cheat on Jonas Kerry. Hopefully he would get a chance to spend some time with Jonas when they got to Palm Springs.

  Chapter Nine

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Vizio!”

  The curtains opened on stage, and the heavy-metal band got the crowd on their feet as the belted out their popular single “Rock the House.”

  Jonas couldn’t believe his luck. He’d been a fan since the beginning, but this was the first time he’d ever seen them perform live. Brenton Tremayne, the muscular lead singer, played the electric guitar like it was an extension of his arm. Jonas mimicked the rocker’s style on
his air guitar. He’d always wished that one day he could perform a song with the British group.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Frankie asked him.

  “Yeah,” Jonas answered. He’d had a couple of beers, and he had a light buzz. “I’m having a ball.”

  This was the second day of the festival, and he’d seen many bands, eaten a lot of food, and was having the time of his life. They would be in Palm Springs for one more day, and then they were flying back to New Orleans to prepare for their next two concerts.

  Vizio continued to entertain the crowd. The other guitarist, Carson Hughes, spun his guitar. The crowd loved it. Vizio was known for their on-stage antics and elaborate special effects. They did not disappoint.

  “This next number should bring back some memories,” Brenton announced.

  He went straight into the beginning of their award-winning single “British Boys Gone Wild.” The song included a lot of guitar strumming. Preston Gaspar was one of the best drummers in the business. Their keyboardist, Randall Newcastle, looked like he was having fun, dancing while playing and waving to the crowd.

  All around him people danced and cheered for Vizio. There were a lot of cute guys there, too. Jonas recognized some YouTube personalities he’d been following for a number of years, but he didn’t freak out like a fanboy and ask for autographs.

  It was late by the time Adam decided to call it a night. He rented them an Uber car to take them back to the Palm Springs mansion Tory had rented for them. The parking lot and the streets outside the home had a lot of cars. Adam paid the driver, and the man left them on the sidewalk. Luke had been left in charge of the place, and in typical Luke fashion, the man had a raging party going on.

  “Goddamn it,” Adam said angrily. “Luke is going to get our asses run out of California.”

  G-Dragon’s “Coup d’Etat,” was blasting so loudly from the speakers that Jonas heard it where he stood.

  “They’re poolside,” Frankie said as the four of them hurried into the house.

  Strangers were walking around inside. Young people, in their twenties and early thirties, were jamming to the South Korean’s rocking, rebellious song. Most of them were scantily dressed in swimwear and drinking alcohol. Some were relaxing in the hot tub while others were in the pool.

  Jonas discovered Luke hugged up with some blond cutie near the bar. He’d probably been promising the guy to make him a star if he would sleep with him. Luke’s current boyfriend, Noel Charles, was back in New Orleans preparing to perform at the Jazz Festival. Noel was the jealous type. Luke was a man-whore and seized the moment to flirt at every opportunity.

  Luke spotted them and waved to them. Adam marched over to him, and they followed.

  “Looks who here,” Luke announced loudly. He was dressed in swimming trunks and a white, terry cloth robe.

  Jonas frowned. They were all supposed to be incognito. Luke’s crazy ass was going to blow their cover. Moments later, girls appeared and stole Frankie and Gerard away to party and dance.

  “What’s going on here, Luke?” Adam asked angrily.

  “Don’t get your boxers tied in a knot,” Luke answered. “I’m just throwing a little Coachella party for the neighbors.”

  If the noise level got any higher, the good neighbors would surely call the police.

  “Who’s your little friend?” Jonas asked.

  “Gents, this is Bradley. Bradley, these are my peeps, Adam and Jonas.”

  Bradley left the barstool. He was also wearing a pair of swimming trunks. Jonas checked him out. Cute.

  “I know who they are,” Bradley said. “They’re The Kerrys.”

  Adam and Luke tried to quiet him down.

  “Yes, let’s let this be our little secret,” Adam said.

  Frankie and Gerard returned.

  “Guys, this is Bradley,” Luke said.

  Gerard and Frankie waved.

  “Bradley’s a caddy,” Luke continued.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Bradley asked.

  “We came for the festival,” Jonas answered. He could certainly see why Luke was interested in this one. He had a nice, hot body, and shapely legs.

  “Ooh, Jonas, I love your voice,” Bradley said like the typical fanboy.

  Jonas smirked. He could have had Bradley in his bed in five minutes if he was interested, which he wasn’t. “Thanks.”

  “You guys are much cuter in person,” Bradley said.

  Jonas kept smirking. Bradley was a bit tipsy.

  Bradley leaned toward Gerard. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Thank you. Do you know I eat guys like you for dessert?” Gerard asked.

  Luke moved Bradley away from Gerard. “He’s only joking.”

  Both Gerard and Frankie shook their heads. “No, he’s not,” Frankie said.

  Jonas tried to keep a straight face. Bradley was taller and heavier than Gerard and could probably take him in a fight.

  Frankie yawned. “I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”

  “Me, too,” Gerard said. They retreated into the house, leaving Jonas alone with the other three guys.

  “What are you drinking, Jonas?” Luke asked.

  “Champagne,” Jonas answered.

  Luke turned toward the bartender. “Four glasses of champagne.”

  Jonas wondered who was fronting the bill for this impromptu party. Luke handed him a glass. “Thanks.”

  Luke gave one to Adam and Bradley, too. He took Bradley’s hand. “Enjoy yourselves. I’m going to give Bradley a tour of the mansion.”

  Jonas shook his head as Luke led Bradley through the opened patio door. Both he and Adam knew that Luke had every intention of getting Bradley into his bed. He almost felt sorry for Noel. He sipped his champagne. “Who are all these people?”

  Adam sipped his and shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “How do you propose we get rid of them?”

  “We can call the police,” Adam answer. “Or we can let Luke do it.”

  “Let’s let Luke do it,” Jonas said as he asked the bartender for a refill.

  Adam handed the guy his glass, too. “This could take a while.”

  * * * *

  “Why are we getting out here?” Brenton asked Harley as the driver let them out in front of the mansion next to theirs.

  “Because we’ve been invited to a party,” Harley answered.

  Brenton was tired from performing, and all he wanted to do was go to bed. They entered the mansion. There were people everywhere. Harley took them through the front and out to the patio, where more people partied.

  “There’s our host,” Harley said waving at someone.

  Brenton looked over and spotted Luke Austin, The Kerrys’ publicist, near the bar. Is this where The Kerrys are staying? He looked around.

  “Hey, fellows. Glad you could make it,” Luke said. He shook all of their hands. “What are you drinking?”

  “Beer,” Harley said.

  Luke ordered five beers from the bartender and then distributed it to them when the bartender handed them over.

  Brenton decided to check out the partiers. They were all much younger than them and probably lived in the area. A young man lounging in a chair caught his attention. Ooh! He headed over to him. Jonas Kerry was stretched out on a lounger wearing nothing except a pair of swimming trunks. He ran his gaze over Jonas. He was totally hairless and pale. Brenton licked his lips.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Jonas lifted his dark sunshades and looked up at him. “Yeah.”

  Brenton sat down on another lounger. “Are you having fun?”

  “Some,” Jonas said. “What are you doing here?”

  “My manager dragged us here after the festival. Luke invited us. What are you drinking?”

  Jonas lifted his glass. “Champagne.”

  “Ooh, expensive tastes. Did you make it to the festival?”

  “Yes,” Jonas answered. “You guys were great.”

  He took his eyes off of Jonas long
enough to see if he could recognize anyone else at the party. Usually he traveled with Frankie and Gerard. “Where are the others?”

  “Asleep,” Jonas answered. “They were tired.”

  “And you aren’t?”

  “Yeah, but who can sleep with all this noise? Where are you staying?”

  “Next door,” Brenton answered.

  Someone put on Sly and the Family Stone’s “Hot Fun in the Summer Time.” Most of these kids had no idea who this band was, but that didn’t stop them from dancing to the song. A couple of bikini-clad women passed them. Jonas didn’t even bother to look at them.

  “So when are you returning to New Orleans?”

  “The day after tomorrow,” Jonas answered. He polished off his champagne. “How about you?”

  “The same. We’re probably going to go check out the last day of the festival tomorrow.” He ran his gaze over Jonas’s legs, and his dick tugged and strained against his pants.

  “We have the same plan, but it could change,” Jonas said.

  Carson came over to get him. “Harley says it’s late, and he’s ready to go.” He looked down at Jonas. “Nice.”

  Jonas ignored him.

  Brenton stood up. “Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Maybe,” Jonas said. “If not, I’ll see you back in New Orleans.”

  “Have a good time and don’t overdo it.”

  “I won’t. I’m about to go in. I’m kind of tired, too.” Jonas rose and headed toward the patio door.

  Brenton continued to check out Jonas. The guy had waiflike cuteness.

  “Come on,” Carson said. “You don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting with that.”

  Brenton polished off his beer, stood, and followed Carson. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He went back to ignoring Carson, but was glad that Jonas was recovering.

  * * * *

  Jonas had a serious hangover the next morning when he woke up. Damn champagne. He swept aside the covers, got out of bed, and went into the bathroom to shower. He gazed at his reflection in the mirror. The little surgery scar from the tracheotomy was barely noticeable. Thank God. His voice had returned even though it wasn’t as deep as usual. Maybe he was going through reversed puberty or something. He wasn’t complaining, though. He liked his new sound. He didn’t quite sound like a frog anymore.


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