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Arousing Consequences

Page 29

by Cam Johns

  “Karisma…I don’t wanna hurt you or unplug something.” He says quietly. I pout and frown. He chuckles. “I’ve missed that face.” He gets up, walks over to my head and kisses me softly and slowly over the bar. I feel the tension and anxiety leave his body through his lips.

  “Mr. Turner…she just woke up.” The doctor says giggling and walking over to me. She’s a mocha skinned older woman with glasses. “Karisma, I’m Dr. Noel, it’s good to see you.” She says hooking up some medicine to my I.V. “This will help with the pain. If you get tired don’t fight it okay?” I nod as she walks down to my feet. She runs her pen up the bottom of them. “Can you feel that?” I nod yes as Jackson returns to grabbing my hand. “Excellent…wiggle your toes please.” I do as I’m told and they move slightly. “Good enough…Jackson.” She gestures for him to follow her out. He kisses my hand, smiling, before he leaves. I hope everything’s okay. I feel bad that I did this to him. If I didn’t convince Richard to leave me we wouldn’t be here. Oh no… Richard. I hope he’s okay…I can’t even ask. Jackson returns with a tiny bucket walking over to me, smiling, putting the bucket down.

  “Doc says you need this.” He runs the ice over my lips slowly letting it melt a little. “Open.” I open my mouth and he places the ice on my tongue. “Suck it.” I smile and stare down at his penis. He chuckles. “Don’t even think about it.” I smile and yawn. “Baby, if you’re tired…sleep. I’ll go call your mother.” I grab his hand shaking my head no. “I have to she’ll kill me.” I smile wide. Yes she would. “I’ll wait ‘til you fall asleep.” I nod yes and smile. He sits down and lays his head on me facing me this time. I run my hands over his fuzzy facial hair as I doze off.

  I hear arguing. I don’t like it.

  “This is all your fault!” I hear my mother. Who’s she talking to.

  “I know.” Jackson, oh no, stop this. My eyes shoot open and I see them standing at the other end of the room.

  “You promised you would take care of my daughter!” she shouts.

  “I really tried. I shouldn’t’ve left her.” He says softly.

  “She could be dead right now.”

  “I know. I’m sorry...please stop.” He begs. Neither of them noticed I’ve woken up. They continue arguing as I hear the pain in Jackson’s voice. Oh no, mom stop it please.

  “She deserves better than this!” Oh my God…please stop this!

  “Stop it!” I shout, finding my voice. I startled the both of them. Jackson runs to me.

  “You’re speaking.” He smiles totally disregarding the fact that I’m pissed.

  “Mom you should be ashamed.” I say crackling. She walks over to me slowly and holds my hand as tears start to fall from her face. “I’m okay. Please don’t blame Jackson.”

  “I’m sorry…I was so scared you were going to die.” She whimpers.

  “But I didn’t…please apologize.”

  “Karisma! No it’s fine.” Jackson interrupts.

  “No…she’s right. I apologize Jackson.” He nods.

  “Thank you.” I smile. “Can you give us a moment please?” She nods kissing my hand and leaves us. I look up at Jackson, who’s standing at my head rubbing my forehead and holding my hand. “Jackson….please don’t tell me you blame yourself.” He doesn’t respond but I see the regret in his blues. “Jackson, I have to tell you something.”

  “Richard already told me about him leaving.” He says annoyed.

  “Please tell me you didn’t fire him.” I say feeling to blame.

  “I almost did…but I knew you would never let me hear the end of it.” He says with a slight smile.

  “You’re right about that.” I say smiling. He kisses my forehead. “So he’s okay. I heard gunshots.” He puts his head down and closes his eyes.

  “Baby you were the only one that was shot.”

  I squeeze his hand. “I’m okay baby.” As he opens his eyes a tear falls down his cheek. “Dean in prison?” I ask hopeful. The anger in his eyes resonates through me. His face turns red. Tomato red. I reach up caressing his face and he leans his head against my hand as I push his hair behind his ear. He’s so beautiful, even with the fuzz. He calms and the redness dissipates.

  “After Logan and Richard kicked his ass, the cops came and arrested him.” I smile and nod as he stares down at me. He drops the bar at my head and leans over me, still rubbing my forehead and holding my hand. He kisses me slowly as I grab his hair with my free hand. He feels so good against my lips, however, his Jackson smell is fainter right now. He releases me and stares down at me. “Karisma…I have to tell you something. It’s best you know now.” My heart sinks because his eyes tell me that this is going to be bad. Really bad. Maybe it’s about Kevin. No I don’t think so…he wouldn’t look like this.

  “Tell me.” I say softly. He stares at me with nervous blues. He closes his eyes and I know it’s to fight back tears. “Jackson…please tell me…you’re scaring me.”

  He opens his wet eyes. “Karisma…you were pregnant.” Pregnant! How could I be…yes…the hotel. Wait…were pregnant? I look at him, confused trying to understand what he’s telling me. His eyes fill with tears as he watches me comprehend what he said.

  “I lost our baby.” I say my voice crackling.

  He lays his forehead on mine. “Karisma…baby don’t say it like that. That asshole killed our baby.” He says as his tears hit my face. I start sobbing as he caresses my cheek holding my hand tighter. Suddenly I feel lost and heartbroken. I did this!

  “I’m not pregnant anymore….can I still…get pregnant?” I say between sobs.

  “Karisma…” he sighs. And I know the answer. “She said there’s a slim chance.” What have I done to deserve this?

  “No…please…oh God.” I say crying uncontrollably. He holds me as he could since there are tubes everywhere still.

  “Karisma…I love you…it’ll be okay.”

  “I’m sorry Jackson…I can't…give you a family.” I say sobbing.

  “Baby…please don’t blame yourself…we’ll be fine…I promise.” He says softly kissing my forehead.

  “We just laid there crying for hours….it was horrible. Even though I was only a month pregnant I felt like I lost a part of me.” I say whimpering. When I look up, I see Lizzie crying onto Jenn’s shoulder. Looking over to the jury there isn’t one dry eye…even the men have wet eyes.

  “Thank you, Miss Washington.” Mr. Simmons says smiling and taking his seat.

  “I have no questions for the witness.” Mr. Anderson says standing with a look of defeat on his face.

  “Good decision Mr. Anderson. You may step down.” Judge Reinhardt says smiling at me.

  I walk out of the courtroom staring directly at Colton as he keeps his head down, knowing I’ve won. Lizzie has composed herself enough to walk with me out and Jenn follows. When we’re out the door they both hug me.

  “We’re so proud of you Kay.” Lizzie says.

  “Thanks for being here.” I say quietly as they release me.

  “Are you kidding? We’ll always be here.” Jenn says.

  I hug them once more before they leave. I turn to face Jackson who has been waiting patiently for me to say my goodbyes. I run to him and he catches me, holding me tight.

  “I did it!” I say, proud of myself.

  “Yes you did baby. Now, let’s get you home.” He kisses me softly and takes my hand to lead me out of the courthouse.

  In the car on the way home, he holds my hand tightly as Logan drives. We only need one guard now that the FBI has Kevin in custody. Oh yeah…I don’t think I mentioned that before. Sorry…yes the asshole is in custody as we speak. I smile over at Jackson who has been staring at me the whole way home. “What?” I say smiling as we pull in the gate home.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He says, kissing my hand. I blush and stare in his wanton blues. I can’t resist him. I take my seatbelt off and straddle him kissing him. He releases his seatbelt and wraps his arms around my back holding me close as I
grind into him. “Logan…get out!” he snaps. Logan pulls the car over and walks to the house. I giggle into Jackson’s mouth as he lifts my flare skirt and grabs at my ass grinding me harder against him.

  “We’re not gonna make it home.” I whisper in his ear as I nibble on his neck.

  “No.” He says simply and rips my underwear. I giggle as he kisses my neck and unbuttons his pants. He rolls my skirt up tucking it into itself and lifts to pull his pants down a little. I grind on his dick hard as he holds me against him tight. Ah. I reach down to line him up and slide down onto him slowly. He throws his head back and grabs at my hips, grinding me into him.

  “Oh…you feel so good inside me baby.” I whisper. He looks up at me and smiles. I grab his hair and kiss him hard as I ride him. He growls into my mouth, grabbing at my ass cheeks. I feel myself vibrating ready to cum…already.

  “Give it to me.” He commands. He stares up at me with his carnal beautiful blues waiting to feel my cum. I ride him harder as I reach my peak.

  “It’s yours!” I shout as it comes down. He growls again and lifts me up and down as he lifts his pelvis into me. I hold on to the seat as he kisses me, biting my lip. I feel him tensing and moving faster.

  “Fuck!” he shouts throwing his head back and releasing. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tight as he raises his arms to my back, returning my affection. “I love you Karisma.” He whispers.

  “I love you too.” He kisses me softly and slowly. “C’mon we need to talk.” I say fixing my clothes and climbing off of him. He looks at me worried. “Just come.” I say, smiling. He fixes himself then steps out and I follow. “Let’s walk.” I say taking my shoes off and head toward the park he would consider our front yard. I walk through the tickling grass, thinking about how to tell him what he doesn’t know.

  “Karisma…what is it?” he says quietly. I stop walking to stand in front of him taking both his hands. I look up at his beautiful blues.

  “Jackson…I’m pregnant.” His face lights up immediately.

  “You’re pregnant.” He repeats shocked.

  “4 weeks.” I say smiling. He hugs me tight dropping to his knees.

  “You’re having my baby.” His crackling voice says into my shoulder. Tears fill my eyes as he rocks, holding me on his waist.

  “I take it you’re happy.” I say crying. He pulls me back, looking at me with wet blues.

  “I couldn’t be happier baby.”

  We wipe the tears from each other’s face and kiss softly as he lays me on the grass slowly then lays at my side. He lays his head on my chest, rubbing my tummy as I run my fingers through his hair. We lay in the grass for hours, relishing in the happiness of our miracle pregnancy.

  Chapter Twenty

  The next morning, the security phone wakes us. As Jackson reaches for it, I look at the time. What the hell…it’s five in the morning. I hear Jackson’s one-sided conversation.

  “You know what time it is? No! You checked his fucking story...He looks in my direction, making me nervous…I’ll see. He hangs up the phone and looks back down at me with nervous blues pushing me onto my back.

  “Tell me.” I say quietly. He closes his eyes momentarily and places his hand on my belly as he opens them.

  “I need you to remain calm.” I nod knowing he’s nervous about the baby. “That was Jonathan…Kevin is downstairs.” I want to be angry but his scared blues and his hand on my belly calm me.


  “Jonathan says he knows…who killed your father…and we both need to hear it.” My eyes widen and I feel myself getting explosively angry. He knew all this time? I’ve cried for days at a time…on his shoulders wanting to know why…and he knew? I feel the tears coming.

  “Jackson.” I say whimpering. He kisses me softly wiping my tears.

  “Baby…tell me what to do. I’ll do whatever.” I start to sob…daddy. “Karisma…please.” He lies on my chest rubbing my stomach then gets on his knees between my legs. Pulling me up on his waist, he crawls out of bed. He stands holding me as I cry on his shoulder.

  “Jackson…I have to know.” I whimper. He pulls my head back to look in my eyes. “I have to baby.” He kisses me softly and walks downstairs holding me tight as Jonathan walks over to us.

  “Karisma…I’m sorry sis…” I don’t look at him.

  “Just…give us a minute bro.” Jackson says softly. He walks back toward my father’s picture and leans me against the wall. He lifts my head with his finger and kisses me softly. “I’ll be here the whole time.” I nod and grab for his neck. He walks me back to the foyer and puts me down grabbing my hand. I walk over to Jonathan and hug him close, letting him know I’m okay. As I turn to the living room I see Kevin looking pitiful in handcuffs and civilian clothing. Shouldn’t he be in a prison uniform?

  “After this, he’s going into witness protection.” I nod. “Just listen to what he has to say and we’ll go from there.” Jonathan says. I nod again and look up at Jackson before we walk into the living room and sit.

  “You’re on.” Jackson says sternly. Kevin looks up at me with his tired brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry…about everything.” Yes, you are a sorry mother fucker aren't you? I grab Jackson’s hand tighter, keeping us both calm, and then nod for him to continue. “I was called that day with the instruction to flirt and get you out the house…they wanted your father to die that night…I just didn’t expect to fall for you.” I look up at a very tense Jackson who’s staring through me, making sure I’m alright. I squeeze his hand and nod, and then turn back to the asshole. “Your father found out about an attempted murder and dug deeper when he shouldn’t’ve. He had a lot of secrets Karisma.” Secrets? I repeat to myself.

  “Kevin…who hired you?” I asked softly even though I’m heated inside. Before I know it, Jonathan is sitting beside me holding my hand…which makes Jackson visibly nervous.

  “Colton Dean.” Kevin whispers. My eyes shoot open as Jackson stands abruptly and I pull him down.

  “Jackson…I need to hear everything.” I say quietly. Jackson’s tomato red face dissipates as he stares at me. I peek at Jonathan letting him know I’m okay. That man is not taking another baby from me.

  “Did Colton kill my father?” I ask trying to hold it together.

  “Yes.” Kevin answers simply. My face is flooded with tears suddenly. Jackson grabs me, pulling me onto his lap to cradle me. I guess that’s what he meant about Kevin knowing too much.

  “Why?!” Jackson asks, almost yelling through gritted teeth.

  “Because his father said Blair heard something he shouldn’t’ve and was going to the cops.” Kevin says.

  “Do you know what he heard?” Jackson asks.

  “Something about some shit Colton’s father was doing to some powerful guy and since that wasn’t working…he wanted him dead. Colton didn’t know who the guy was though…and didn't wanna know.” Kevin says. Jackson stops rocking me and I look up at his pale face. He and Jonathan look at each other. What the hell’s happening right now? He looks down at me with wet blues. Oh no…what’s wrong?

  “Kevin…what’s Colton’s father name?” Jackson asks staring at me.

  “Thomas Malcolm.” Jackson’s eyes close and tears fall down his face. I reach up and wipe them.

  “Jackson?” I say quietly. He doesn’t respond. Does he know this person? I sit up in his lap and wrap my arms around his neck feeling his despair. “Jonathan…what’s going on?”

  “Karisma…may I speak with Jackson a moment?” Jonathan asks. I nod getting off of him. Jackson stands and walks to the foyer with his brother not looking at me.


  “Is it all true?” I quietly ask Jonathan.

  “Yes…I’m sorry man.”

  “I don’t understand. How did her father even know Malcolm?” I ask through my cracking voice.

  “Turns out Blair was Malcolm’s silent partner for his first business like 20 years ago. That never came up in my research fo
r some reason…but I’ll get to the bottom of that. That’s all I could get out of Colton man.”

  “You saw that mutha fucka?” I ask slightly angry.

  “I had to see if Kevin was tellin’ the truth bro…turns out this crew has known each a long time.”

  “Is Malcolm gonna be arrested?” I ask hoping.

  “As soon as he’s found…he’s a sneaky little rat.”

  “Jonathan…if by some miracle she stays…how the fuck am I gonna come clean about anything now? Every time I’m ready to…some shit goes down.”

  “Jackson…one thing we know about her is she’s strong. Stop underestimating her…one day she’s gonna realize how little she knows about your past.” I decide not to tell him she’s pregnant…he’ll probably force me to tell her now. I just can’t right now…I don’t want her to lose it while she’s pregnant. I don’t want to risk anything. We still have to worry about catching Malcom, Julia will be released soon and Colton’s trial is still going on…I’m totally screwed.


  Now sitting with Kevin alone…I still have a few questions.

  “Kevin…how did y’all know I’d leave with you? Why did you want me out and not my mother?” He looks at me obviously fighting whether to say.

  “Your mother knew.”

  “What the hell you mean my mother knew?” I say angrily.

  “Malcolm threatened her…he knew they couldn’t get in your house without being let in…they told her they would kill you if she hadn’t.” I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

  “No…you’re lying.” I say calmly.

  “Karisma she told them to get you out.” Kevin continues.

  “No…no…stop it.” I say as tears fill my eyes.


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