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Life's Secret Lessons

Page 2

by Suddha Murty

  I had to agree. ‘You are right, John,’ I said. ‘I never thought of it that way. I always considered him to be the Father of our Nation. But I know that he never considered himself to be only a part of one nation. He wanted to make a difference to the world.’

  I learnt that when a person becomes a compassionate leader like Mahatma Gandhi, Gautam Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr or Abraham Lincoln, they do not just belong to one country. They transcend man-made boundaries and are recognized as leaders of the world.


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  First published in ‘The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk’ by Penguin Books India 2012

  Copyright © Sudha Murty 2012

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  This digital edition of this story/essay published in 2013.

  e-ISBN: 978-93-5118-074-6




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