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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 36

by Maia Starr

  My eyes opened wide, but I restrained my shock. I had not thought about the fact that she would really want me to be staying on Earth. Going back to Earth was all that I had wanted when I first arrived and spoke to her then, but now things were different for me, but not for her. She wanted me gone.

  Malaya grabbed her bag and walked toward the door. “One more thing. Trent better return from Earth alive, or else...”

  “Or else what?” I asked. My eyes narrowed at her in response. I did not want to pick a fight with her, but it was my sassy response without thinking it through.

  “Or the Waysaw will find out your whereabouts by an anonymous tip,” she said as she walked out and slammed the door behind her.

  “Fuck,” I said. “That bitch.”

  I was pissed off at her threats, but it had to take a back burner. I could not do anything to jeopardize this. Not only did I have the secret that I was pregnant with the child of Commander Jenku Vade, but I also now needed to know if I would be forced to stay on Earth. I had not thought this through. The Grantsions forbade human interaction, and I assumed that they would not want me living among them. But how else could I stay with Trent? I wanted to stay with him, more than I wanted to return to Earth. But could I ask the superiors that now? No, I could not. I did not want to add another layer of complexity to this situation. I did not want them worrying about my own comfort and me staying on Earth, or how I could live among them. The important thing was to get this mission going at all costs; everything else would have to be dealt with later.

  Chapter 8

  Commander Trent Qoln

  We had been cleared by the Earth military to arrive on the moon station base. They did not trust a Zenkian ship to enter the Earth atmosphere, and I did not blame them. They spoke with Samantha several times by video communication to prove that we indeed have a human with us. I did not blame them after what they endured at the hands of the Waysaw.

  Leader Marca, Samantha, and I found ourselves standing in a giant glass-domed room on the surface of the Earth moon after a weeklong trip in space. The five humans that sat in front of us were nervous at our presence.

  “Samantha Gaines, we are happy that you escaped the Waysaw Zenkian. In our initial talks with you, you have stated you wish to help these Grantsion Zenkian negotiate an agreement with Earth. We have had something similar happen in the past, and that incident did not go well. But that was with the Waysaw Zenkian and not these Grantsion rebels. It is only because we have a common enemy that we are letting these Zenkian stand before us today,” the man said.

  “Yes, Ambassador Harcourt,” Samantha said. “I agree with your statement, and it is because you have a common enemy that they are here. I will allow Leader Marca here to explain the details to you. But I, as a human, can attest to the fact that these Grantsion Zenkian are different. They are kind. They have no intention of invading and conquering other planets the way the Waysaw do. It is not in their nature. They not only have the same enemy as us, but it is in their best interests to help us fight the Waysaw. You see, the more resources the Waysaw steal from Earth, the stronger they become, and the stronger they become, the more likely it is that they will be able to take over the Grantsions once and for all. Of course, the Grantsions do not want this to happen, so they want to help Earth fight the Waysaw.”

  “And how do they propose to do that?” the Ambassador asked.

  Samantha looked at Leader Marca. Leader Marca stepped forward.

  “I am called Leader Marca of the Grantsions. I am honored to be here in order to speak of these terms. I believe that in time we will perfect this alliance, but in the beginning, there will be many trials and tribulations. We leaders of the Grantsions have decided that the best course of action would be to send our soldiers to you on Earth at several bases around the planet where you can call upon them when the Waysaw invade. It is a preliminary plan, but once the Waysaw see that they will have us to fight on Earth, then they will know it will not be as simple as invading and attacking humans the way it has been for years.”

  “That is a bold statement, I must say, Leader Marca. Inviting more Zenkian to Earth when we are trying to eliminate all Zenkian from Earth seems counterintuitive,” the ambassador said.

  “I understand your meaning. As I said, in the beginning, it will be a trial and error basis. We are open to discussing the details, but we make this first offer in order to offer immediate assistance from the invading Waysaw,” Leader Marca said.

  “Understood. I will take this proposition to the leaders of Earth. We shall reconvene when I have an answer, and we can discuss more details, but I want to clear one thing up. Samantha Gaines will be on Anvin in order to be an ambassador of sorts between Earth and the Grantsions; is this correct? I believe the only way our leaders will agree to this is if there is a human overseeing the project management of it. Indeed in the future, we might want to send more humans to oversee it on the base in the Grantsion Mountains. I believe it is pertinent to the humans of Earth saying yes to this agreement,” the ambassador said.

  Leader Marca looked at Samantha and then looked at me. Then she spoke up without waiting for permission from Leader Marca.

  “Yes, that is correct, ambassador. I will be your point person on the planet of Anvin,” she said. “I will be returning with this crew with the instructions you give me,” she said.

  The ambassador looked at Leader Marca.

  “Yes, that is true,” Leader Marca said in a restrained tone knowing that such a thing had not been discussed with the other leaders, but it was a necessary decision at the moment.

  “Good,” the ambassador said. “Let me take this information to the Earth leaders, and they will have a council on it. You are our guests here. We have chambers waiting for each of you,” he said.

  “Thank you,” all three of us said.

  We were shown to a living area of the dome with living chambers. I looked at Samantha as she entered her dwelling and gave her a grin. We knew that we wanted to be in the same room together, but we could not take the chance to ruin this, not now anyway. But damn I wanted her now more than ever. Watching her take charge like that in a very precarious meeting was something that turned me on beyond anything else. She had gone from this fragile human that I had rescued to this strong woman. I knew that she had been strong all along in order to escape the Waysaw and make it as far as she did on her own, but now I was seeing it firsthand. The strong human woman Samantha Gaines. I was growing hard just thinking about it as I moved into my small living chambers.

  I was pleased that she had taken charge of the situation when the ambassador asked about her being the point of contact in Grantsion.

  Knock. Knock.

  I went to the door with a big grin expecting it to be Samantha. I would have turn her away, of course, but I was glad that she couldn’t be without me for even a few minutes.

  “Commander Qoln,” Marca said.

  “Leader Marca, please come in,” I said disappointed that it was not Samantha.

  “What are we to do now? You heard what the human Samantha said. Leader Nizok will not be pleased that we are returning with the human to live among us. It was assumed she would want to stay with her own kind,” he said pacing back and forth in the room. I knew that I wanted Samantha to return with me and I had to diffuse this situation.

  “Yes, I understand. I was thinking the same thing. Only, perhaps…” I said acting as I was thinking out loud even though I already knew what I wanted the conclusion of this conversation to be.

  “What, what is it?” he asked.

  “What do you think about doing what the human ambassador said just for now? Samantha Gaines does not have to stay on Grantsion forever, but perhaps it is best to do it for now because as the ambassador said, they expect her to be the point person. Who better to do it? We Grantsions trust her, or have no reason to doubt her. If they are adamant that a human must be their point person on Grantsion, would we rather not it be a human we already know instead o
f a new one they want to send? Don’t you think the leaders would be pleased that you saw that beforehand and agreed to a human they are familiar with instead of showing up at Grantsion with a completely different human they do not know?” I said.

  He stopped pacing as he thought this over. Then he smiled. “You are right. It was right of me to agree to this. They want a human on Grantsion to see this negotiation through, and it might as well be one we already know and trust,” he said basically repeating what I had just said but making it seem like it was his own plan.

  “Yes, exactly. You are a very wise leader to think this through. Leader Nizok and the others will be pleased with your performance here. I think the humans would be happy to have some of our battalions stationed and ready to fight with them,” I said.

  “Good. Good. Then I will wait in my chambers to hear back from the Earth leaders. Good work, Commander,” he said patting me on the back.

  “Thank you, Leader Marca,” I said.

  He walked out tall and proud. This was good. Now I had him on our side, and Samantha would be returning with us without a problem. We could continue our love affair in secret, though I knew that was a dangerous game as well. But one problem at a time. I walked to the glass and stared out at the Earth in the distance. It was so much like Anvin, and I understood why the Waysaw wanted it. It was a second Anvin.

  Chapter 9

  Samantha Gaines

  I was very pleased with how everything was turning out. It was incredible. Not only was Earth actually thinking about this negotiation pact with the Grantsion Zenkian, but they also wanted me to be in charge of it on Anvin. It was perfect. Of course, I stepped in and agreed to it before Leader Marca could offer any opposition to it.

  It was strange. When I escaped from the Waysaw city and from Jenku Vade, I wanted nothing more than to return to Earth. Now I was staring out of the domed glass of my temporary living area at my home planet, and I did not want to go. I did miss it and would love to be there again, but I wanted to be with Trent more. Plus, I was pregnant with an alien baby. I knew that in a few months I would not be able to hide that anymore. But something told me being pregnant with an alien baby would be easier to handle on Anvin than on Earth. The Zenkian were hated and feared on Earth, and it was going to take a long time for these battalions to be accepted by the general population of humans. But after they saw them fighting for them, it would change. However, it would be unfair of me to put my hybrid child on a planet where it would be hated. I had to raise it on Anvin. I only hoped that when Trent finally found out that I was pregnant with another’s child, he would still accept me. I was holding off on that moment for as long as I could. Right now, only the negotiations of this pact mattered. It was a tough position to be in.

  There was a light tap at my door. I knew who it was already. I slowly opened the door.

  “I need to discuss some details of this mission,” Trent said in an official tone.

  “Yes, of course, Commander,” I said letting him in.

  I closed the door and then smiled at him. “This is very dangerous. You can’t be here.”

  “I know, but I had to see you,” he groaned taking a step toward me.

  “No. Too risky,” I said stepping back from him.

  He groaned in frustration. “Fine, if you say so.”

  “Yes, I do. We are so close to doing something that is going to help Earth and the Grantsions. We can’t do something to jeopardize that.”

  “Yes, you are right. Since we can only talk, I do have a question for you,” he said.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Why did you do that out there? Why did you agree to go back to Anvin and to be the point person for this? You are so close to your home. Don’t you want to go home?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course, I do, but…” I said, wanting to tell him that I was pregnant. But I held my tongue. “I want to be with you more. Is that wrong?” I said.

  “No, it is not. I want you to return. I want to have you all to myself,” he said.

  “But our secret could be exposed on Grantsion. You would be punished,” he said.

  “Then it will be a punishment worth getting,” he said looking me up and down.

  “That is flattering but don’t say that. I want you to not be punished. We must keep us a secret, now more than ever,” I said.

  “Yes, I will. It is just too hard,” he moaned.

  I looked at his crotch.

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I meant,” he said.

  I bit my lip thinking about how he looked naked with his hard cock. I sighed and then let out a frustrated moan of my own.

  “There you go; now you are in the anguish that I am in,” he said.

  I laughed, “This is true. Now I must urge you to get back. If you stay longer, it would be too suspicious.”

  “Yes as you wish. You will be commanding me if this agreement goes through,” he said.

  “I like the sound of that,” I said, giving him bedroom eyes.

  “You must stop speaking in that sensual tone or I will throw all caution to the wind and take you right here, right now,” he said.

  “I will remember that you like this and we will revisit it another time,” I said pushing him toward the door.

  He groaned again and then as soon as I opened the door, he stood up straight and took a very official tone. “Good night, Gaines. Thank you for answering my questions, and I will see you when we reconvene tomorrow,” he said.

  “Yes, good night to you, Commander,” I said, closing the door.

  I smiled. He really was the most dashing alien I had ever met.

  That night I lay in bed not able to sleep. There was too much on the line, and it filled me with anxiety. Having a view of the Earth also made me question my decisions. The longer I looked at it, the more I ached to be home. But I had to think of the child I carried and my feelings for Trent. Not to mention that the fate of this entire agreement relied on me returning to Grantsion to help oversee it. No, I would have to give up my ambitions to return to Earth and hope that maybe one day I could visit when the alliance between the Grantsion and Earth was set. I finally fell asleep with this hope in my mind.

  Two days later we stood in front of Ambassador Harcourt and his team.

  “I have called you here today because the Earth leaders have contacted us to say that they are ready to enter into this agreement with the Grantsions,” the ambassador said.

  I sighed in relief and smiled.

  “That is great news, Ambassador, thank you,” Leader Marca said.

  “But we must urge you to be patient with us. This is going to be a slow process on our side. We would want one battalion at a time so that we can gain trust. But we do believe that in time this idea of yours in banning together will be a good thing. We want to be in contact with Samantha Gaines and from here on out, she has been granted the title of Ambassador Gaines,” he said.

  I gasped. “Thank you, sir. I will not let you down.”

  “Good. When you return to Anvin, we are ready to have meetings with you and the leaders of Anvin to talk about the details of how this will work,” he said. “You are dismissed to return to your planet when you are ready. Thank you, Leader Marca and Commander Qoln, for coming to us with this pact,” he said.

  “Thank you as well for the trust you have given us. We are anxious to get started and will be leaving within a few hours,” Leader Marca responded.

  We left the meeting, and I was feeling happier than ever. I was named an ambassador. I had gone from slave to ambassador, and I was going to help a major change happen for both Earth and the Grantsion.

  A few hours later, we were back on the long-distance ship and on our way back to Anvin. I said my silent goodbyes to Earth as we left. It was so hard to be so close and yet not step foot on the planet, but I understood the need to meet on the moon base and not on Earth. It was a tricky thing to let a Zenkian ship into Earth on purpose. They had been trying to keep Zenkian ships out of Earth
for years now. It wasn’t an easy thing to trust them. It was a delicate balance. I was now part of that balance.

  Our ship with a crew of six, including Leader Marca and the Commander and I, set out into deep space for the return journey home. Home: that had a new meaning for me, I thought as I sat in my small bunk aboard the ship.

  “What are you doing?” I said frantically as the door rapidly opened, Trent came in, and he shut it behind him.

  “I couldn’t deal with being away from you any longer. I have to be inside you,” he said.

  “But what about Leader Marca? He could come try to find me at any point,” I said in a panic.

  “No, that is not possible,” he said with a grin.

  “What do you mean?” I asked suspiciously.

  “I took him on with a bit of drink. Everyone knows the man can’t hold his drink. I also pretended to be drinking most of what I poured for myself. He is out cold for next several hours. The crew is busy flying and defending the ship; they won’t look for us until we are in range of Anvin, which is days away,” he said coming closer to me.


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