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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 37

by Maia Starr

  “You just have it all figured out, don’t you?” I said seductively.

  “I have gone through great pains for these few hours with you, and yes, it took some figuring out. Let’s not waste more time,” he said as he rapidly unzipped the top of his uniform. “Take off your clothes,” he added.

  I was now in a space leotard type of uniform that I had gotten from the moon base. It was better for space travel than the dresses of the Zenkian females. I began to unzip it, but Trent turned me around and unzipped it from behind. He peeled it off of me.

  “I have to have you right now,” he said.

  “I know the feeling,” I said. He picked me up and I laid me on the bed. He moved his body between my thighs and then clamped his mouth over my breast.

  “Oh yes,” I said.

  “Shh… we must be quiet,” he whispered.

  “I can try,” I said.

  “Yes, do try. I don’t need the crew to think you are in distress and then they barge in here,” he smiled at me.

  I laughed, and at that moment I felt the tip of his large blue cock enter me. I bit my lip so that I would not scream out in ecstasy. It felt so good to have him inside of me. He slid his body up, and his cock entered me deeper. I moaned and grabbed onto his back. He moved deeper until he was all the way inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his body and held him close to me. My mouth bit and licked at his strong chest with blue skin. It was so erotic to me. My hands moved up and down his strong forearms over and over. They flexed as he held himself up and swayed his hips back and forth. He moved faster and faster pounding against me. “Oh god. I’m going to cum,” I whispered.

  He groaned in response. Then I felt the tiny pulse move from my center through my entire body. It was a reprieve to be able to relieve myself of the pent up sexual tension I had been storing while not able to touch him. But he did not stop. He continued to move in and out, sliding with ease in my wetness. His mouth hungrily moved over mine when I tilted my neck back to see him. His cock was so long and thick, and I was enjoying every inch of it. Trent moved like this for twenty minutes or so before he finally tensed up and released. He restrained his groans as well. It was not an easy thing to do, but it was necessary.

  Chapter 10

  Commander Trent Qoln

  I didn’t ever think that a human could make me this happy. I never thought of it all because it was forbidden. These rules were still in the back of my mind, and I was careless to pretend they did not exist for me. But they did, and we could not get away with our secret forever. I knew that it would have to be addressed one day, but it had to be far into the future. The most important thing was to set up this pact with Earth.

  We arrived back on Anvin, and the leaders were already aware that the pact was successful because we had sent them countless communications while in space. So when we arrived, the leaders and Samantha… well, Ambassador Gaines, I mean, went straight into working on the project. I was surprised that the leaders even saw fit to her being the first human to live among us because it was a requirement of Earth.

  I had to find a way to be closer to her after being back on Anvin for a week. I would go crazy if I was not allowed to touch her. So I came up with a plan, and it was why I stood in a private chamber in front of Leader Nizok and Leader Marca.

  “I am worried that news of this human will eventually get to our enemies,” I said.

  “Tell us what you are thinking, Commander,” Nizok said.

  “I want to offer this human protection. She is the key to this agreement. If anything should happen to her, the humans would think we have betrayed them. They will think we are the ones that hurt her,” I said.

  “That is a good point,” Leader Marca said.

  “I would like to move her into a dwelling next to my own where I can keep an eye on her. I believe her safety is my responsibility. I am the one that found her and brought her to you,” I said.

  “Yes, that is a good idea. You watch over the human, Commander Qoln. The guest dwellings that she resides in is too low to the ground and there is no one to watch her. I think you should arrange this,” Leader Marca said.

  “I agree,” Nizok said.

  “Thank you, leaders. I am also going on my first patrol with my team since I have returned. Ambassador Gaines is with your communication team now, so she is in good hands,” I said.

  “Good, Commander Qoln. Report back if you find anything of importance on your patrol. The Waysaw have been unusually quiet lately, and that puts us on edge,” Nizok said.

  “The War Games are coming up in a few months; perhaps they are just focused on that training, or planning an Earth raid,” I said.

  “Precisely. These are the things we need to know. Go on your patrol and see to the human’s dwellings when you return,” Nizok said.

  I saluted him and left. I went out to the speeder. “How are you? Did you miss me?” I said as I patted it on the nose. I jumped in and took off fast and hard. I was craving a good reckless speed over the land, my land.

  I roamed with my team over the same areas that we had patrolled over before.

  “Looks clean and clear,” my squad teammate said.

  “I agree with that. Wait, what is that on the horizon, on a rock ledge. Do you see it? It is at 38 degrees by 72 degrees,” I said zooming my scope in.

  “I see it. It’s a Waysaw speeder,” he responded.

  “They are on Grantsion lands. They crossed the line. A scout maybe?” I said.

  “I don’t know. We need to get a closer look and engage to chase them out of here. We have permission to fire if they are across the line. Let’s go get it,” he said.

  “Woo! Let’s get to it. I could use some danger,” I said. I sped my speeder toward the Waysaw speeder along with my teammate. Suddenly it took off back in the direction of Waysaw.

  “They saw us. Let’s chase all the way to the line,” I said.

  “Yes, Commander,” he said. We chased after the speeder. It was strange that they were not engaging in a fight with us. This meant it was probably a scout as well. They were looking for a weak spot to raid us.

  “Base, this is Commander Qoln; we are on the tail of a Waysaw speeder that is on our lands. Prepare base for a raid as we think an attack could be coming. Be on high alert,” I said over communication lines.

  “Copy that, Commander,” the response came over the line.

  I did not see any heavy masses of Waysaw ships, I only saw the speeder scout, and that was a good thing for now. It meant the attack was not happening at this moment. This gave me time to go back and be with Samantha, to protect her.

  Chapter 11

  Ambassador Samantha Gaines

  I was glad to be back on Anvin. But now that the details of the pact were underway, I had more time to think about the fact that I was pregnant. It was hitting me hard. I knew that I had to tell Trent, and soon. It was unfair to not tell him, and I hated having this secret from him. I had truly fallen for him. I could not keep it from him any longer. I decided that I would tell him. If he wanted to never speak to me again, it would hurt me, but on the bright side, I would be keeping him out of danger. He would no longer be in danger of getting caught for having relations with a human.

  I opened the door to the guest dwelling ready to go to a meeting that morning. I knew that Trent was going to be out on patrol later and I would not see him until late into the night, if at all. I would tell him then, I said to myself. But as I opened the door, Malaya stormed in.

  “What the hell are you doing back here!” she shouted at me as she barged in. I closed the door before anyone could hear her ranting.

  “Malaya?” I said.

  “You are supposed to be on Earth, you filthy human. You were not to return. Why did you come back here?” she narrowed her blue eyes at me.

  “I had to. It was part of the agreement,” I said.

  “No. That is a lie. You know the real reason you came back was to be with Trent,” she said. “You should not be together.
It is unnatural. He is supposed to be with a Zenkian female!” she yelled.

  “And by that you mean he is supposed to be with you, right?” I said calmly.

  She started to shake from her fury. I started to grow scared. I suddenly realized just how much bigger she was. She might be a female, but she was an alien Zenkian female. She was twice my size and strong.

  “That is none of your concern, and it would not be if you had stayed on Earth where you belong,” she said in anger.

  “Do you love him?” I asked.

  Her eyes grew wide. She knew that I knew the truth about her feelings for him. “That is none of your business, human. You have no right to speak to me like this. The Waysaw are right to make you slaves. You are beneath us!” she shouted at me as tears came down her face. She was obviously very angry, and I was frightened of her anger because of all the secrets she knew. She stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

  I sat down on the bench and put my head in my hands. I needed a minute to recover from this stressful moment before I headed to the meeting. It was intense, and I was now more worried than ever. But I had to take it in and push it aside. I had a meeting that was more important than just hiding my secrets. We were talking details of how to set up Grantsion Zenkian battalions on Earth and where. It was a meeting I needed to be focused for. I went to the wash area of the small dwelling and splashed water on my face. Malaya was now a big threat, and I did not know what she was capable of.

  “Pull yourself together, Ambassador Gaines,” I said to myself. I dried my face and set out to go to the meeting. Once I was there, I was able to push Malaya aside and focus on the work, though I expected at any moment that one of the leaders would be informed of my pregnancy and I would be hauled off for questioning. I was on edge but focused.

  But the entire day passed into the early evening, and nothing happened. Maybe Malaya did love Trent that much and no matter how much she hurt she would not put him in any sort of scandal? I did not know what to think. It was more confusing than being caught.

  I made my way to my small guest dwelling. I knew that Trent was going to try to move me to a dwelling across from his and I hoped that it would happen soon. I hated being so far from him. I walked in ready to get ready to eat dinner and sleep after an exhausting day.

  The door burst open. Trent walked in slamming the door behind him. Then crossed the room to me with big strides. He looked pissed as he gave me this menacing scowl. I was frightened of how he was looking at me. I had not seen him look this way since he found out that I was the slave of his enemy Jenku Vade.

  “Tell me it’s not true!” he shouted at me as he got very close to me.

  “Trent. What is it?” I asked as I began to tremble. I did not know what was happening, but it had to be big. I was so shocked at the moment that I did not know what he was talking about.

  Chapter 12

  Commander Trent Qoln

  “They’ve disappeared over the line,” my squad teammate said as we chased the Waysaw speeder.

  “Don’t pursue them over the line. They are back in Waysaw territory. Head back to the base to report and gather a larger patrol, just in case there is a larger attack coming. I am going to check out where they landed to see what was so interesting there,” I said.

  “Copy that, Commander,” he said.

  I turned my speeder around and drove out toward the rock ledge where I saw the Waysaw speeder parked. But as I got closer, I noticed another speeder emerge from it. “What the hell?” I said.

  I recognized it immediately as a Grantsion speeder. There were no others out on patrol, and I had just sent the only other speeder on patrol back to the base. So who the hell could be in this speeder and meeting with the Waysaw?

  I pushed my speeder to top speed going directly after it as it made its way back toward base. This was not good. Did this speeder have a Waysaw as its pilot in disguise in a Grantsion speeder? This could be very dangerous. I had to catch up to it. I noticed it was flying clumsily and maybe even unaware of my presence.

  “There you are. Now let’s see who you are,” I said as I caught up to it. I came up on the side of it and looked into the glass. I was shocked, as was the pilot at seeing me.

  “Malaya?” I said as I looked at her piloting the speeder. I gave her an angry look and gestured for her to go back to base. She nodded, and I followed her closely. What the hell was she doing speaking to the Waysaw?

  She finally landed outside the village. I landed beside her and stomped over to her. I opened the door and yanked her out by the arm.

  “Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?” I shouted.

  Tears fell down her cheeks. She was shaken. “I am sorry, Trent. I was just so angry. I wanted you to be with me, not with her. I am sorry for what I have done. I regret it now. Please don’t hate me. I could not bear it if you hated me,” she sobbed.

  “What the hell are you talking about? What have you done?” I said in anger realizing that when she said she wanted me to be with her that she meant she did not want me to be with Samantha and that meant she had done something to harm Samantha. My blood boiled at her words. “Tell me now!”

  “Samantha, she is pregnant,” she said.

  I was in shock. Then a smile came across my face. “Pregnant? So I am going to be…”

  “No!” Malaya said as she stopped crying. She was angry, and I saw the vengeance on her face. She wanted revenge and seeing me become excited about Samantha being pregnant snapped her out of her sobbing mess, and she became an angry Zenkian, full of hate.

  “It is not yours, you fool,” she spat the words at me. I let go of her arm as her words sank in.

  “What? How do you know this? If you don’t tell me everything now—”

  “She was already pregnant when you found her. She is pregnant with Jenku Vade’s child,” she said angrily.

  My heart skipped a beat. I felt everything fall away from me as her words echoed in my ears. Could it be true? She was his slave, and I knew what the Waysaw did with their human slaves. This was probably why she fled. I looked at Malaya. She had a smug look on her tear-strewn face as she watched my heart break. She was satisfied. Then I remembered that she had been talking to a Waysaw speeder. I grabbed her arm again.

  “What did you do?” I said in restrained anger.

  “I merely informed Jenku’s soldiers where he can find his future child,” she said with a tone that made my blood crawl.

  “You have betrayed me, Malaya,” I said to her in hate.

  “No, you betrayed me first. We were supposed to be together. That time under the waterfalls, when you kissed me. That was supposed to happen again. I know that you only needed time,” she said.

  “This kiss? One kiss six years ago? That is what you are basing the murder of a female human on?” I asked in shock that she had held onto feelings for so long over a fleeting kiss when we were younger that I had not thought of since that day. “Did you think of that?” I said.

  Her eyes widened as she looked at me in shock making her realize that she had not thought this through.

  “I… I didn’t… I was so angry I just went straight to find a Waysaw, and…”

  “Yes, you let your anger dictate your mind. Now this is on you. You have killed many Zenkian, your own kind, for your ego and bruised heart over a dream you have been holding onto for six years that was never real,” I said as I pushed her away from me letting go of her arm.

  I grabbed a soldier walking by. “This is urgent. Inform the leaders that a raid is imminent by the Waysaw. Go now!”

  “Yes, Commander!” he said as he ran off.

  I began to walk off in the direction of the dwellings to find Samantha.

  “Trent! Wait!” Malaya shouted at me.

  “No. I have nothing more to say to you,” I said.


  “If you know what is good for you, you will remain out of my sight. Say nothing of this news, and I will keep your secret too,
that you are responsible for this oncoming raid,” I said.

  She was quiet, and I did not stay to speak with her any longer. I was raging. I had to find Samantha, and I had to find her now.

  I barged into her dwellings.

  “Tell me it’s not true!” I shouted at her as I got inches from her. I was shaking with rage. I could not stand the fact that the human I loved was carrying the child of my enemy.

  “Trent. What is it?” she said as she began to shake in fear of me.


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