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Stupid Cupid

Page 3

by Melissa Hosack

  He pulled back to look down at her. His eyes momentarily closed as she squeezed him through his briefs, but he quickly regained focus. “Shouldn’t I be the one saying that?”

  “Wouldn’t it be a little presumptuous of you to assume you’re getting sex?”

  “Isn’t it presumptuous of you?” he shot back.

  Lincoln paused, her expression becoming thoughtful. “Are you going to have sex with me?”

  Valen eyed her from head to toe in appreciation. “Oh, absolutely.”

  She smirked with confidence. “Then it isn’t presumptuous.” As she spoke, she moved her hands up to unbutton his lilac-colored dress shirt. She exposed a smooth expanse of chest dusted with blond hair. She ran her fingers through those soft curls before returning her attention to his erection.

  As she did this, one of his hands ventured up her ribcage until he was able to cup a breast. “If you didn’t have your hand on my dick, I would be giving you a dirty look right now. Taking your hand and these fabulous breasts into consideration, I’m going to let that double standard about me being presumptuous slide.”

  Lincoln giggled. Her hand stroked along his hard length, teasing as she worked him into a heightened state of arousal. “You should see them out of the dress.” Her voice was almost a challenge, causing her cheeks to heat with a blush at her bold statement. She wasn’t usually this forward with men, but something about him brought out the confidence in her.

  Valen gave a groan low in the back of his throat. His cock twitched with excitement as he lifted her dress over her head at the less than subtle offer.

  She shook out her blonde tresses once they’d been freed of the dress. With her free hand, she grabbed one of his and brought his large palm forward to return it to her breast. “Go on. Feel them.”

  He showed no hesitation whatsoever as he squeezed and caressed. “You need to get rid of the bra, too. I want them bare.”

  “And you need to get rid of your pants and boxers. I want your cock bare.”

  Valen gave a growl of desire. Stepping back slightly, he grabbed his pants and boxers and dropped them both to the floor. His erection sprang up to arch teasingly toward her.

  A sensual whimper escaped Lincoln’s throat at the sight. She ran her hands along his chest and shoulders. She purposefully ignored the area she wished to touch the most, teasing both of them.

  “I did what you asked,” he said huskily. “Now give me what I want.”

  A pleased grin spread across her lips. “Whatever you want.” Reaching behind her, she used two fingers to undo the hooks of her bra. She let the garment drop to the floor, leaving her in only her panties and the heeled sandals.

  Valen eagerly stepped forward and lifted a breast in his hand. “God, you’re beautiful.” He lowered his head to tenderly kiss along the top of her breasts. “Much prettier than me, I assure you.”

  Despite being shamelessly naked in front of him, Lincoln blushed at his words. She’d never had a man touch her with such revere.

  He caressed her as if she were a cherished treasure. He worshipped her body with his soft kisses, his blond stubble scraping along her breasts. He made her feel like…a princess.

  And it was no wonder. She was about to sleep with the most romantic man on the planet. She was hooking up with Cupid. A laugh of disbelief escaped her at that thought.

  Valen lifted his head to stare at her with his otherworldly violet eyes. “Something funny?”

  She shook her head, her breath catching in her throat at how unbelievably beautiful he was. “Nothing funny at all.” Taking his face in her hands, she lowered her mouth to his for a slow, sensual kiss.

  Valen stepped in against her, his arms sliding around her waist. His mouth was tender and gentle. It was obvious he wasn’t intending to rush their encounter. He moved his hips slowly along hers, his cock rubbing against the silky material of her panties. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to stumble into my life,” he mumbled against her lips.

  “I’m still…” Lincoln couldn’t stop kissing him long enough to speak. “Still…very…” She moaned as his hands traveled over her ass, pulling her harder against his groin. “Very displeased…with your inability to find…my soul mate,” she continued distractedly. “You’re not doing…your job…properly…where I’m concerned.”

  “Your complaint has been noted,” he said in a low, sexual tone. As he spoke, he walked her backwards down the hallway, his hand fumbling blindly for the door to her bedroom. “I’ll pass that on to…customer service…” He finally found the door. With a quick flick of his wrist and a kick of his foot, he managed to get it open. “Though honestly, I’m my own customer service.” His fingers dug into the flesh of her backside as his lips continued to devour hers. “I run the whole operation, so…customer service is going to side with me. I can pretty much guarantee that.”

  “You’re an ass.” Gripping his tie, she dropped to the bed and tugged him down with her. “Now fuck me.”

  Valen chuckled against her lips. “Yes, ma’am.” She’d already done most of the work in getting him undressed. All he had to do was lift his loosened tie over his head and shrug out of the already unbuttoned dress shirt. As soon as he was free of his clothing, he returned to her. He pressed her down into the mattress, his cock rubbing against her panties.

  Lincoln wrapped her legs around his waist, arching up into his grinding hips. Her fingers ran through his hair as she opened her mouth under his.

  He gave a groan of arousal that quickly turned into one of frustration as his hand slipped off the bed and he lost his balance. Valentine was a big guy. He was well over six feet tall, and his shoulders were wide and muscled. He was a man meant for a king sized bed, and hers was…not nearly so grand.

  The bed didn’t feel big enough for just her half the time. Add in a man of Valen’s size and things were cramped. Lincoln tried to adjust their position by sliding up on the bed. All she managed to do was bang the back of her head against the headboard.

  Valen made another growl of frustration and climbed to his knees. “There’s not nearly enough room for what I want to do to you.”

  Lincoln stared up at him, her breathing ragged and harsh. “Agreed.”

  “We go back to my place,” he demanded.

  She nodded, but couldn’t keep the disappointment off her face. She wouldn’t mind the extra room, but she wanted him now. She wanted to feel his hands on her body, wanted to feel him inside of her. The delay was not welcome.

  His next words came as a relief. “After I explode inside your warm, wet depths.” Gripping her wrists, he pulled her to her knees, turned her to face the wall, and pressed her hands flat against its surface.

  She inhaled sharply at the sudden move and her breath caught in her throat. Her panties grew wet at his blunt words, and a soft whimper escaped her as Valen began sliding them down her thighs.

  They stopped at her knees, being hindered by the bed, but he didn’t seem to care. Taking himself in hand, he positioned himself at her opening. “Last chance to change your mind,” he whispered in her ear.

  Her nails dug into the wallpaper and she pressed her buttocks back against him. “There’s nothing I want more than to have you inside of me.”

  “Me either.” While his lips pressed to the sensitive skin just under her right ear, he eased his erection into her. He took his time, slowly pressing himself inch by inch into her opening. He gave her body time to adjust to his girth. Once he was fully seated inside her, a low groan escaped his lips.

  Lincoln let her forehead rest on the wall as she took in his full length. He was much larger than any man she’d ever been with, but she should have taken that into consideration judging by his height alone. She’d had concerns at first, but he was so gentle her body relaxed and willingly took all of him.

  “Are you all right?” he whispered softly against the nape of her neck. He let his lips trail along her hairline, pressing tenderly against her neck.

  She no
dded, head still pressed to the wall. “Yeah. You’re just…big.”

  “Thank you,” he said with a chuckle. Placing his hands on her hips, he began to slowly move in and out of her. His movements were fluid and smooth. His cock was slick enough with her juices that he glided within her body with ease. Valen moaned, his breath hot against the back of her neck.

  Lincoln shivered at the heat coming from his body. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this close or intimate with a man before. Everything about Valen was warm and sexual. He made her feel desired, wanted.

  Her breath came as a shaky exhale as his left hand inched up her stomach to cup one of her breasts in his palm. She arched up into him, rocking her hips to match the rhythm of his.

  While he palmed her left breast, his long fingers reached out to caress the nipple on her right breast. He was such a large man he made her feel small and delicate. “Let’s make this quick,” he whispered in her ear. “We can squelch the fire just a bit to give us time to get back to my place. Then I’ll really show you what I can do.”

  Lincoln bobbed her head, goose bumps springing to her skin. “Yes.” She braced her hands against the wall and prepared herself for the hard invasion she knew was coming.

  Valen did not disappoint. His body drove into hers hard and deep. He grunted low in his throat as he held her against him, his cock buried as deeply inside of her as it could go. Then he pulled back and thrust again.

  Over and over, he drove himself into her. His actions were quick and had an obvious goal in mind. He let out a deep chuckle as his thighs smacked against the back of her legs, filling the air with an audible slap.

  Lincoln’s hands opened and closed against the wall, her nails digging into her palms when they were fisted. She needed something to grab on to, something to anchor her down to this world, because she was drifting into heaven. This man knew exactly what he was doing, and it was driving her over the edge.

  “Spread your legs a little more,” he murmured encouragingly in her ear.

  Lincoln did as he asked, scooting her knees out ever so slightly. When his arm slid around her waist and down her stomach, she shivered. The shiver turned into a squeak of ecstasy when his fingers found her clit.

  He slid his index finger across her in a smooth, circular motion. He chuckled once again, clearly enjoying the effect he had on her. “That’s it, sweet thing,” he practically purred. “You know that feels so good.”

  “So good,” she agreed with an embarrassing whimper. Her hips moved in time with his, and she felt each push and pull of his thick cock as it dragged its way along her inner walls.

  “I want you to come for me.” He applied more pressure against her clit, his fingers becoming persistent. “I want to feel you orgasm around me.”

  His words and the frantic motion of his finger sent her over the edge. “Oh, God!” Her fist pounded against the wall as pleasure like nothing she’d ever experienced had her tightening around him. “Oh, yes! Valen! Yes!” Her orgasm raced through her body like an electric current, setting her entire being aflame.

  He growled in approval at her cries of ecstasy and began slamming himself into her with renewed force.

  If she’d thought his movements were vigorous before, she now knew the true meaning of the word.

  He jarred her body with each powerful shove of his hips. Both hands moved to grip her waist as he took his own pleasure. Suddenly, he thrust one last time and froze. His body stayed deeply buried in hers, and a shuddering grunt vibrated through his chest. “Fuck yes,” he growled under his breath.

  Lincoln felt his seed course through her. It mixed with her own juices before leaking down her inner thigh when he pulled slightly out of her.

  “Fuck,” he said with a soft laugh. “Sorry.” He gently withdrew the rest of the way and turned her to face him. “I got a little carried away there.” Taking her chin in his hand, he lowered his mouth to hers for a gentle kiss. “You make me crazy.”

  She smiled against his lips, giving a sigh of contentment. “You make me crazy, too.”

  “Still hate Cupid?”

  “The verdict’s still out.”

  “Then why don’t we go back to my place, so I can spend the rest of the night convincing you that I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you?”

  “After cheating boyfriends and slutty flight attendants, you’ve got a lot of making up to do,” she warned him. “You think you’re up to it?”

  He pressed his erection against her belly with a wicked grin. “I’m more than up to it.”

  Chapter Five

  Lincoln was face down on a pillow covered in a red, satin pillowcase. A matching sheet was draped across her waist, leaving her back exposed to the warm sunlight shining into the room.

  “Last night,” Valen whispered in her ear from beside her, “I remember.”

  She made a soft sound of pleasure as he ran his hand along her back, gently massaging with his long fingers. “I remember last night as well.” With her face still in the pillows, she had a flash of the evening before.

  She and Valen had gone back to her place after she spent the day watching him work. She’d gleefully pointed out couples, trying to guess who might be soul mates. Back home, she’d been high on romance and talk of eternal love. She’d fallen on him with shameless sexual intent.

  Upon returning to his place, Valen had not disappointed her in his promise to show off his skills in the bedroom. They’d been up half the night kissing and laughing and enjoying one another’s bodies. It was now late morning, closing in on noon.

  Lincoln rolled onto her back so she could gaze up at him. “You overslept,” she accused a little guiltily. “You’re late for work.”

  Valen chuckled and wrapped his arm around her waist as he scooted closer to her on the bed. “I make my own hours. Besides, no one falls in love before lunch.”

  “I think I am.” The moment the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. What type of girl let herself fall in love with a man she’d considered her enemy only days before? One amazing night and she was rushing headlong into this. Her eyes widened and she tried to squirm away from him in embarrassment.

  He tightened his arm around her waist, holding her in place against his chest. “Really?” he drawled teasingly. “In love? With your nemesis Cupid?”

  “I’m half asleep,” she said with a glare. “I don’t know what I’m saying.”

  He made a content sound in the back of his throat and lowered his mouth to hers. “Well, I for one enjoy the things that come out of your mouth when you’re half asleep.” He kissed her again. With a low groan, he shifted in the bed. One of his large legs moved to cover hers, and his left hand caressed along her ribcage.

  Lincoln could feel his erection pressing persistently against her thigh. With a sound of surprise, she broke their kiss and pulled back to look at him. “Again? Already? I thought after last night…”

  “Honey, it’s morning and I’m a guy.” He nuzzled her neck and pressed himself more firmly against her leg. “Now be a sweetheart and tell me more about how you can’t resist me and love what I do to your body.”

  She gasped and arched up into his touch when he lowered a hand to run his fingers through her pubic hair. “You do have a very nice effect on my body,” she agreed breathlessly.

  When he slipped his body between her legs, Lincoln didn’t protest. She curled herself around him, loving the feel of his weight above her.

  Valen lowered his mouth to hers once again, his lips gentle and affectionate. His hips began to move ever so slightly, rubbing his hard staff against her belly.

  Lincoln moaned, unable to help herself. She’d been too long without a man in her life. She missed having someone to hold her and care for her. She missed the company. Despite his odd job and their unorthodox meeting, Valen filled her with a warmth no other man ever had. He was just…good.

  “Let me enjoy you again,” he whispered against her lips. “Let me find bliss in the taste of your lips,
your skin.” His mouth lowered to her shoulder and he kissed it, sliding his tongue along her bare flesh. “Let me envelope myself in your sweetness.”

  She shifted, trying to feel as much of him as possible. “Yes. Please.” When he eased his way inside of her, it was pure ecstasy. Lincoln wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her palms against the back of it, and returned the kiss he placed on her lips. Her entire body sang at his touch. She’d never realized just how lonely she was until he came along.

  Valen began to move inside of her, his motions deliberate. His hands were braced on either side of her head to give him leverage, but his mouth never left hers.

  Their bodies rocked together in a slow, sexual dance, causing Lincoln to press herself to him with a shudder. Valen filled her completely, not just with his body but with his soul. She could feel it sinking within her, tightening around her heart like a possessive fist. It didn’t frighten her, though. She belonged to this man. She never wanted to be without him again. “I need you, Valen.” Her hips arching off the bed to meet his thrusts.

  The muscles in his arms strained as he held himself above her, his hips plunging down to meet her movements. “I need you, too.” His breathing was shaky and his kisses became more desperate. “I’m tired of being alone. Forget your soul mate. Choose me.”

  As his words were spoken against her lips, Lincoln felt her body go over the edge. Her hands tightened in his hair, and her legs locked around his waist. Her orgasm swept through her body like a replenishing wave. She drank in the sensation as it spread from her sex down to her toes and upward to her heart. “I don’t want my soul mate.” Her words were spoken into his neck as he collapsed on top of her after his own completion. “I want you.”

  They lay in silence, their heavy breathing echoing around the room.

  As the stillness continued to stretch, Lincoln experienced something close to panic. Words spoken in the midst of ecstasy didn’t count…did they? Was she willing to forgo the perfect man, her soul mate, for Valen?


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