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Stupid Cupid

Page 4

by Melissa Hosack

  She shivered and snuggled closer to him. She honestly couldn’t picture a more perfect man. He made her feel complete and beautiful. Was she willing to give up her soul mate, a man she’d yet to even meet for him? The answer was simple. Yes. She was.

  * * * *

  “Keep your eyes closed.”

  Lincoln laughed and tiptoed carefully in the direction Valen guided her. “You’ve got your hand over my eyes. I don’t really have a choice.”

  “I want this to be a surprise.”

  She squirmed in his grip as a rush of excitement shot through her. “Where are we? I can’t think of anything worth this much secrecy in Clarksville.”

  “We’re not in Clarksville.”

  “We’re not?” She frowned. She’d only had her eyes closed for a minute or two. There was no way he’d been able to take her any farther than the local park. “What—”

  Valen’s hands slipped off her face and he moved them to her shoulders. “Open them.”

  When she opened her eyes, her jaw dropped in shock. Before her was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever beheld. “Is that…”

  “The Sistine Chapel? Yes.”

  Her knees buckled, but Valen’s arms wrapped around her shoulders to hold her upright. He held her from behind as they both gazed up at the magnificent church. “How is this possible?” she asked with breathless wonder. “We’re in Rome?”

  “You didn’t think I only helped out relationships in Minnesota, did you?”

  “I didn’t…I suppose I didn’t think about it. I’m still getting use to your special talents. It’s still hard to believe it all.”

  “Rome is a beautiful place to fall in love.” His words were a soft sigh against her ear as he held her back against his chest. “I pair a lot of mates in the Chapel of Choir. Couples find it terribly romantic to get married here. Luckily for me, their guests do as well.”

  Lincoln’s hands lifted to the arms around her chest, and she clung to him in awed disbelief. “But how is this possible?”

  “The rules of men do not apply to me, darling. My world is so much freer than the constraints of yours. We can go anywhere, do anything. All you need is to ask.” Valen spun her to face him. “I would give you anything.”

  She closed her eyes and leaned her cheek into the fingers that caressed it.

  He then pressed a kiss to her nose before pulling back. When he spoke, his voice had lost some of its huskiness. “We are going inside to attend a wedding. We will search the crowd for soul mates. Then I will work my magic at the reception while dancing with my beautiful date. Are you on board with that?”

  She bobbed her head in agreement, still feeling a little stunned. “I am.” She took Valen’s outstretched hand, grateful she’d chosen to dress up for their date, and together they walked toward one of the most remarkable structures in all of history.

  Valen seemed to know his way around the massive building, because before long they stood at the back of the Chapel of Choir. They hadn’t been stopped or questioned by security. Nor had their invitations been asked for by the wedding ushers, further proving Valen’s claim that man’s rules didn’t apply to him.

  They took a seat in the back, joining in at mid-ceremony. Lincoln couldn’t contain her excitement as she gazed around the pews in admiration. “It’s so lovely,” she breathed.

  “It is.”

  She glanced at Valen to find him gazing down at her with intensity in his eyes. She flushed and returned her attention to the proceedings. “Everything here is so beautiful. The decorations, the flowers, the wedding dress…”

  She’d never thought too much about the type of wedding she would want. She’d never been engaged and preferred not to get caught up in something that wasn’t even close on the horizon. But now, in this romantic city with such an amazing man at her side, the hint of longing crept into her. She could picture Valen waiting at the alter in a stunning black tux with his blond hair pulled back in a tidy ponytail, his velvety lilac eyes trained toward the aisle. A shiver swept through her.

  “Cold?” Valen shifted to put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her in against his side. His free hand took one of hers, and he lowered them both casually to his lap as he threaded their fingers together. “Better?” he murmured in her ear.

  “Much.” Snuggling in against his side, Lincoln let her head rest on his shoulder, smiling as his thumb caressed along the back of her hand. “Everything is—”


  * * * *

  Lincoln couldn’t remember a time in her life where she’d ever felt happier. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this in love. Valen had been right when he’d said others in her life hadn’t been her soul mate. They hadn’t even been close.

  Valen was. He’d asked her to give up her soul mate to be with him, and she’d easily agreed. She never wanted to be without him. It had been an easy choice.

  As he guided her along the dance floor, he glanced down at her with a wry smile. “What’s put that thoughtful look on your face?”

  She smiled in return. “I’m just thinking about how happy I am.”

  “You gave up your soul mate for me. I will spend an eternity making you happy.” The back of his hand stroked along her cheek. “I never expected…”

  She tightened her grip around his waist, feeling tears brim in her eyes. She let her head lower to his shoulder, and she whispered, “Me either.”

  He hugged her close, letting his chin rest against the top of her head. “We’ve got a Romeo and Juliet type of love.”

  She lifted her head to gaze up at him with a puzzled frown. “I sure hope not. Things didn’t end well for those two.”

  He chuckled in response. “I just meant that it runs deep. I think I would rather die than give you up.”

  Lowering her head again, she smiled against his chest. She’d never experienced a more secure feeling than being wrapped in his large arms. As they swayed to the music, her body relaxed more and more. She began to feel boneless as he twirled her about. She was verging on euphoria when he suddenly jumped with a shout. “What is it?” she asked with a surprised gasp.

  “One of our couples,” he explained. “They’re on the dance floor.” He spun her suddenly to face away from him. “Look at them! There isn’t a more romantic time to act than now.”

  Lincoln let her back rest against his chest for a moment, taking in the comforting sensation of his body heat. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  Releasing her, Valen bent down to the case at his feet that always seemed to magically appear whenever he needed it. He popped the latch and prepared his bow.

  She watched him, unable to help her giggle. “I still can’t believe no one notices you doing this.” She looked around them at the dancing couples. No one even bothered to look in their direction.

  He glanced up at her with a crooked grin.

  “It’s insane.” She giggled again. “There’s a grown man on the dance floor, readying his bow and arrow, and no one is even paying the slightest bit of attention. You’re about to lodge one of your secret, romance arrows into someone’s chest and no one cares.”

  His grin widened as he flipped the case shut again. “Actually, I want you to do it.”

  “Me?” she asked with surprise.

  “Yep. You.” He straightened with his large bow in hand, an arrow already notched and waiting. Reaching out with his free hand, he pulled her toward him. “It’s easy. I’ll help you.”

  Lincoln smiled in amusement as he guided her hands to the bow. “As far as activities for dates go, this is odd. I want you to know that.”

  His chuckle rang in her ear as he helped her line up her shot. “Steady,” he advised with a whisper. “Stay focused.”

  “That’s hard to do with your groin against my backside while you whisper in my ear.”

  He chuckled again. “Well, try.” With his hands on top of hers, he pulled the arrow back, and the string of the bow tightened. “Before you let go…” His thumb ra
n along her knuckles. “If you shoot this arrow, a baby will be tonight’s result.” She felt him smile against her hair. “You will be helping to make a baby.”

  Lincoln inhaled sharply. In her hand was the power to create life. “Will they be happy about it?” she asked as she gazed upon the couple twirling blissfully along the floor.


  She nodded slowly. “Then I want to let go.”

  “So let go.”

  She released her fingers from the arrow, feeling the sharp sting as the string snapped back into place. She watched it soar a few yards before embedding in the woman’s heart.

  The woman suddenly smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss her dance partner.

  The man eagerly responded, his arms tightening around her waist.

  Standing on her tiptoes again, the woman whispered something in her date’s ear. Then she took his hand and led him from the dance floor. They exited the ballroom and made their way toward the stairs that led to the suites.

  As the doors swung shut behind them, Lincoln spun to Valen in amazement. “We just helped make a baby!”

  “We did.”

  “We made a baby!” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, a horrible thought struck her. She gave a gasp of horror. “Oh, my God!” Her eyes widened and she waved frantically between the two of them. “Did we… We haven’t… Holy crap, we haven’t used protection. At all. I got so caught up in how hot you were that I wasn’t thinking straight.” She pressed her hands to her forehead, feeling panicked. “How could we let ourselves do something so risky?”

  Valen took her by the shoulders and held her eyes with a firm, steady gaze. “You aren’t pregnant.”

  Her blue eyes widened even larger at that. The word pregnant was so terrifying, so…permanent. “How can you be sure?” she whispered, her words hitched and fearful. She wanted children in her future, perhaps her near future, but she wanted it to be a conscious choice. She didn’t want to wind up pregnant because she was thinking with her sex drive instead of her brain.

  “I know a woman’s fertile time of the month. It goes with the job territory. This wasn’t yours. We were safe.” A wicked grin suddenly crept up his lips. “But it’s kind of sexy that you let me fuck you without regard to the consequence.”

  She responded with a dirty look.

  “I’m serious.” His arms curved around her waist and he pulled her closer. “It’s very sexy to know I affect you to such a degree.”

  When his lips grazed her collarbone, Lincoln couldn’t contain her shiver of pleasure. Her belly tightened with need. She moved willingly into his arms and let her body move sensually along his.

  Valen groaned and his hands slid to her lower back. He pressed their hips together, letting her feel the beginnings of an erection. “It’s unbelievable how much I want you. All the time.”

  Her body heated with a delightful flush. Tilting her head back, she gave him a devilish grin. “If I was to drag you off of this dance floor and have my way with you, would it be safe?”

  “Not only would it be safe, it would be exceptionally fun. I promise you that.”

  Feeling naughty, she pulled back enough to run her palm down his solid chest, over his abdomen, and down along the most sensitive part of his body. “So why aren’t we doing that?”

  “Just waiting for you to drag me away.”

  His husky tone sent a tremor through her. Without another word, she took his hand and led him from the dance floor much like their couple had moments before. They exited the banquet room, where Lincoln paused in the hallway of the large building, uncertain of where to go. Unlike the guests, they hadn’t booked a hotel room for the night.

  Valen tugged on her hand. He pulled her behind him as he pushed through a door on their left.

  She blinked in the bright lighting and was surprised to find herself in a bathroom. She turned to him and arched her brows in question.

  “I’ve never had sex in the women’s bathroom before,” he explained with a wolfish grin.

  “But you have in the men’s?”

  He playfully pinched her cheek. “Okay. I’ve never had sex in a bathroom before. Now come here.”

  She let herself be pulled against his chest but hesitated to return his searching kiss as he pressed her up against the door. “What if someone walks in here?”

  Reaching above her head, he flicked the lock into place on the back of the door. “There. Now we’re alone.”

  She smiled up at him, drinking in the handsome lines of his face. She wanted to memorize every detail about this remarkable man. “You really are amazing,” she breathed, still having a hard time believing Valen wanted her. He’d been alive for centuries, yet he’d chosen her to warm his bed and keep him company.

  He lowered his mouth to hers, and this time she returned the kiss. Her arms slid around his neck and she giggled against his lips. “I’ve never had sex in a bathroom before either.”

  Valen pressed his hips to hers, pinning her against the door. “How about we change that?”

  She bobbed her head, arching against him. “That sounds…like a…very…very good…idea.” Her words were spoken between bruising kisses. She let her fingers trail through his long blond hair, loving the silky feel against her skin.

  He ground his erection into her, his hands pressed flat to the door on either side of her head.

  Lincoln took the initiative and moved her hands to his belt buckle. With determination, she slipped the leather from the metal prongs. “You have to be the kinkiest holiday character ever.” She fumbled with the button of his slacks for a moment before it popped free. She tugged gently at the zipper, being careful not to catch him with it. Then she was grasping him through his briefs.

  “Thank you,” he said with a growl. “I will take that as a compliment. Though honestly, you’re the only woman to entice me to behave this way. I’m usually much more reserved.”


  Valen grabbed her waist and spun her away from the door. He walked her over to the sink and helped hoist her up onto the ceramic.

  She slipped her legs around his waist, offering a soft sound of desire as his erection pressed against her panties.

  Glancing over her shoulder, he gave a wicked chuckle. “I must say that I love the placement of this mirror.” He swept her hair over her shoulder so he could see her bare back around her halter dress. “I think I’m going to get one of these for my bedroom.”

  Lincoln glanced over her shoulder to see the view as well. The sight of Valen’s tanned hand against the paler skin of her back tightened things low in her belly. She watched that hand caress along her spine, his large fingers stroking gently.

  His head lowered to her shoulder and he trailed his lips across it, his violet eyes watching her in the mirror.

  She shivered. She was unable to look away from his captivating eyes. Her fingers tightened on the edge of the sink as he nuzzled her ear.

  With his left hand still pressed to her back, he slipped his right hand between her legs. He ran his index finger across the center of her panties and pressed his thumb against her clit. “You’re wet,” he growled with appreciation. He slipped his hand into her panties and caressed a finger along her slick folds. “So, so wet.”

  She closed her eyes with a soft moan. “Yes,” she breathed. “More.”

  In the next instant, the sound of a toilet flushing filled the small room and a stall door popped open.

  Lincoln and Valen both froze as a woman came stumbling out of the stall.

  She made her way unsteadily to the sink and began washing her hands.

  Lincoln stayed completely still, her eyes wide in shock and embarrassment. They hadn’t thought to check the stalls. She watched the obviously inebriated woman wash her hands.

  It was only when she reached for a paper towel that the woman realized she wasn’t alone. She studied them thoughtfully, hazy eyes unfocused. “Nice shoes,” she finally said. Then she turned and clomped shakily to
ward the door in her heels.

  She struggled with the locked door. She tugged and cursed. She kicked the frame before reaching up to undo the lock. “Tricky thing.” Then she stumbled out into the hallway.

  When the door swung shut behind her, Lincoln finally looked at Valen. They both burst simultaneously into laughter. “Is that another example of humans only seeing what they want to see?”

  “No. That’s called falling on your ass drunk.” Chuckling, he lifted her off of the counter to stand. Then he pulled her into the closest stall, shut the door, and flicked the lock. “Come here,” he demanded.

  She didn’t need to be told twice. Lincoln went willingly into his arms.

  Valen’s mouth was on hers the next instant. His tongue forced its way into her mouth as he edged her panties to the side and shoved deep within her.

  She didn’t know when he’d exposed himself, but his invasion was welcome. She whimpered and arched up on her tiptoes with his action.

  His hands grasped her thighs as he thrust. His movements were swift and hard. His body pinned hers to the bathroom door.

  One of her legs came up to wrap around his hip, and she clung to him. The sound of the door rattling in its frame was something heard at the back of her conscious. At the moment, she didn’t care. All that mattered was the Adonis who was currently filling her, body and soul.

  “This has got to be fast,” he breathed apologetically in her ear.

  Lincoln could vividly remember that first night in his bed. He’d taken his time, giving her orgasm after orgasm. He’d had her writhing for hours. A girl couldn’t complain about a quickie here and there when he was such an attentive lover. Besides, quick sex held the recipe for intense orgasms. “Nothing wrong with fast every once in a while,” she assured. Her nails dug into his back while he pounded into her as hard as their position would allow.

  Valen forced her higher up, using the door to help hold her in place.

  With this movement, her arms rose to the top of the stall door, and she grasped it for support. “More,” she begged through clenched teeth as her arms strained with effort. “Harder.”


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