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Bridesmaid Blues

Page 8

by Boone Brux

  He didn’t say anything else about the old woman’s slipup. Obviously, it had bothered her more than it should. The thought gave him pause. Was she still in love with him? If she was, maybe spending time with her wasn’t the wisest move—for her sake. He’d already caused her enough pain. Still, the thought of not being with her didn’t sit right with him. Everything would be okay. They’d be fine. They were friends again. That’s all.

  They stopped at the photographer’s studio next, and after she’d given her Roxy’s litany of instructions and a hefty deposit, they loaded up and headed to the limousine service. Black stretch limos lined the front of the business, and a slew of white ones sat like dominos to the right of the glass-fronted building. Halfway to the front door, Jamie stopped.


  “What?” She looked up from digging in her purse, nearly running into him. “What’s the—oh shit.”

  Unbelievable. What were the odds of running into his father? His dad’s expression was pinched, and the stiff set of his shoulders told Jamie exactly what kind of mood he was in. It was like walking into a boxing ring, knowing he was about to get pounded. A tall brunette draped across the older man’s shoulders, standing a good three inches above him.

  “James.” His father stopped. “This is a surprise.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Making arrangements for next week. Potential clients from Japan.”

  “Doesn’t your assistant usually take care of this stuff?”

  “The contract is worth millions. I don’t want anybody screwing things up—starting with the limos.” His dad wiped the lens of his sunglasses with the hem of his shirt. “That’s how you get contracts and run a business, James. You should try it sometime.” He slid the glasses on his face. “What are you doing here?”

  Jamie clenched and unclenched his jaw before replying. “Arranging limos for Kyle and Roxy’s wedding.”

  “I meant the two of you here.” His father lifted his chin toward Dani. “I didn’t realize you were seeing each other—again.”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’ll meet you inside, Jamie. Nice to see you again, Mr. Kingsland.” Her tone said quite the opposite, and Jamie couldn’t blame her. She squeezed past them and entered the building.

  When they’d dated, his father had been far from friendly. He’d said she wasn’t from the right family—was the kind of woman who held a man back from achieving his goals. “You couldn’t even say hello to Dani?”

  “Why are you with her?” His dad’s gaze narrowed. “I thought we decided your place is in Florida.”

  “Actually, we aren’t together. We’re running errands for Kyle and Roxy’s wedding—like I said.” No matter what he did, his father had a criticism. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

  “Babe.” His dad slapped the brunette on the ass. “Why don’t you wait for me in the car?”

  “Don’t be long.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. As she walked by, she winked at Jamie. Acid churned in his gut.

  “Who is she? The next ex-Mrs. Kingsland?” The man had gone through at least a dozen women since Jamie had left.

  His dad ignored the comment. “When is your flight back?”

  It was scheduled for a week after the wedding, but Jamie wasn’t telling his father that. “I haven’t booked it yet.”

  “Work is piling up. I need you back there immediately after the wedding.”

  “Everything is fine. I checked on things this morning and all the projects were still on schedule.”

  “Make sure you’re not shirking duties for a booty call.”

  “That’s ironic coming from you.” Booty calls were his father’s specialty. “Don’t worry about me. Things will get done.”

  Ignoring the insult, his father pressed on. “What about Sonja?”

  One of the reasons he’d gone to Florida was to get out from under his parental thumb, but every time he spent any time around either his mother or father, they criticized his decision and demanded he do what they say. It was exhausting and maddening, but he knew they probably would never change, no matter how much he pushed back.

  “First off, Dani isn’t a booty call, she’s a friend. Secondly, I don’t appreciate you setting Sonja on me. We’re not dating, nor will we ever date again.” He stepped around his dad. “So you can send her back to Florida and save us all a lot of embarrassment.”

  “You’ve got one week.” His dad peered at him over the top the top of his sunglasses. “Got that? I’m not going to let my business go in the shitter because you want to stay and play house with your friends.”

  Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Jamie took a deep breath and counted to ten. Without replying or looking back at his father, he entered the building. It was times like this that made the barely tolerable times unbearable. Usually his life wasn’t that bad—but it hadn’t been good since he left Seattle. Working for his father was like a noose around his neck and slowly tightening. If Jamie had owned the business, that would be different. He’d be building the future he wanted. Now he was nothing more than another drone, building Harold Kingsland’s construction empire. Things needed to change, and the only way that would happen was if Jamie finally stood up to his father.

  Good luck with that.

  Dani was at the counter, leaning on her elbow and talking to a young guy whose smile held way too much interest. Jamie couldn’t blame him. She was beautiful. The limo guy said something, and she laughed. The sound soothed some of Jamie’s pent-up ire from dealing with his dad. Being around her was what he needed during the madness of the wedding and having to deal with his parental units.

  He walked to where the two stood talking. She turned to him, her smile widening. “Jamie, this is Gustav. He said we could check out some of the limos.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Jamie stuck out his hand, and though Gustav shook it, his greeting wasn’t nearly as friendly as it had been for her. “So, what’s it going to be, black or white?”

  “White. Roxy made that very clear,” she said.

  “I have the most beautiful white stretch.” Gustav clasped her hand in his and looped his arm over her shoulder, tucking her next to him. “It is the best I have.”

  “Oh, goody.” She grabbed Jamie’s hand as the limo driver dragged her to the side door. “Come on.”

  “Right behind you.” Not missing an opportunity, he twined his fingers with hers. Like he’d let that playboy be alone with her. “How many are they renting?”

  “Three.” Once outside, she disengaged herself from Gustav, but continued to hold Jamie’s hand. Probably because he hadn’t let go. “One for the bridesmaids. One for the groomsmen, and then one for the parents.”

  “You mean the Honeycutts and Bennetts have to ride in the same limo?”

  She snickered. “Yeah, that was Kyle and Roxy’s evil payback for turning the wedding into a circus.”

  He laughed. “Perfect.”

  “Here is my baby.” Gustav lovingly caressed the white stretch. “It has everything a bride and groom could want.” He opened the door. “Climb in.”

  White leather covered the inside. Seats ran along the back and halfway down the sides. The owner climbed in the driver’s seat and flipped on the interior lights. Neon blue bulbs illuminated the bar and lined a recessed tray running around the ceiling.

  She slid across the backseat and sat forward. “I feel like I’m at a disco.”

  As if on cue, music erupted from several speakers placed in hidden compartments in the back. The heavy bass vibrated the secured champagne glasses and rattled the windows. Jamie plugged his ears. “I think Roxy will love it.”

  “What?” she said, running her hand along the upholstered armrest.

  He waved a hand in a wordless never mind.

  A few seconds later, the music lowered to speaking level. She repeated his thought on the limo. “I think Roxy will love it, don’t you?”

  “Definitely.” He climbed out and e
xtended his hand to assist her. “It’s perfect for them.”

  The lights inside flipped off, as did the music, and Gustav joined them around the back. “Was I right?”

  “Yep, it’s perfect,” she said.

  “Maybe you two will rent it…” The limo driver wiggled a finger between the two of them. “When you get married, eh?”

  “Man, what is it with people today?” Her good mood vanished. “Okay, I gave you the deposit and the pickup address, right?”

  He patted his shirt pocket. “Got it right here.”

  “Thanks so much, Gustav. The limo is wonderful.”

  He clasped her hand between both of his again and brought it to his lips, placing a moist, lingering kiss on her knuckles. “It’s always my pleasure helping a beautiful woman.”

  The urge to yank her hand out of the limo owner’s swamped Jamie. Instead he shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans to quell the impulse. She wasn’t his girlfriend—anymore.

  “Let me know if you have any questions. You’ve got my cell number.” She skillfully extricated her hand from the over-amorous driver and took a step back. “Well, we have to get going. More errands to run.”

  “Nice to meet you, Gustav.” It wasn’t, but it was the only thing Jamie could think of that wasn’t derogatory or sarcastic. He placed a hand on her lower back and guided her toward the car. “Good thing I came with you,” he said under his breath. “I’m not sure you would have gotten out of there with your virtue intact.”

  “I agree. Hopefully Gustav won’t be driving the bridesmaid limo.” She stopped at the car and glanced at her phone. “It’s already lunchtime. How did that happen?”

  “Want to grab something before meeting with the DJ?”

  “Definitely.” She climbed into the car and started it. “Oh, and I also want to stop by the video store.”

  “For what?”

  She gave him a wicked grin. “There’s a new psycho killer movie out.”

  “What is this new affinity for being terrified? I don’t remember this when we were dating.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I just like the rush.”

  “Weirdo.” He buckled his seat belt and relaxed against the seat, smirking at her. “So, are you planning on watching that alone or do you need a big, strappin’ man to protect you?”

  “You offering?” She shoved the gear into reverse and laid her arm across the back of his seat so she could see where she was going. “Because I’ll never turn down company when it comes to watching horror flicks.”

  Snuggling up with her to watch a movie would drop the temptation to seduce her right in his lap—and hopefully other places. Though he still couldn’t give her what she had wanted a year ago, he could give her—and himself—some temporary fun. Seduction might not be an option—but if it was…

  “I’m definitely offering.”

  Chapter Seven

  The glow from the television flickered across Dani’s skin. So smooth. So touchable. Jamie refocused on the movie. Though they weren’t touching, he could feel the heat of her skin against his arm. All he had to do was shift slightly to make contact.

  The serial killer in the movie did the deed for him when he slammed the door behind his next victim and locked it. She jumped and grabbed his arm. Thank you, Mr. Murderer. Though the movie had been on for an hour, he hadn’t been paying much attention. She was too distracting. Her scent, her gasps, the way her breasts lifted and lowered with each breath. It was enough to try any friendship.

  “Oh my God.” She buried her face in his shoulder. “Tell me when it’s over.”

  “Why do you watch these movies if they scare you?” He shifted and wrapped his arm around her. “Don’t they give you nightmares?”

  “Sometimes,” she said, her voice muffled against his T-shirt. “But I love the suspense.”

  He rubbed her back. “That makes no sense.”

  “Is she dead yet?”

  “No.” He focused on the TV. “Oh crap.”

  “What?” She lifted her head, but blocked her view to the television with one hand. “What happened?”

  He wrinkled his nose and cringed, not looking at her. “That is disgusting.”

  “What’s he doing? Is he stabbing her?”

  “Oh no, not the dog.”

  She lowered her hand. “He killed the dog? Wait—” She straightened away from him. “There’s no dog.” Her eyes narrowed. “You’re such a liar.”

  He gave a tiny shrug. “Yeah, but I like it when you’re scared…and pressed against me.”

  “Really?” She eased her shoulder into the cushioned sofa back. “Why?”

  This was a path he shouldn’t go down, but he wanted her. He’d let her make the final decision whether they’d remain just friends or become friends with benefits. Whatever she decided, he wanted no misunderstanding about his desires.

  “Because I like the way you feel.” His gaze captured hers, and he brushed his fingertips across her shoulder. “We were always good together when it came to—” He hesitated, not wanting to sound crass. “Making love.”

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” she asked quietly.

  “Would that be so bad?” Answering her question with a question left the decision up to her.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely thought about it.” She rubbed her hand back and forth along the top of the couch. “But we were just getting to be friends again, and I’m not sure throwing sex into the mix is smart.”

  He nodded. “You’re probably right.” His hand continued to caress her skin. “I don’t want to screw up our friendship. I just thought it would be nice to be with someone who knows me.” Chancing a more intimate touch, he trailed his index finger over her collarbone. “Someone I don’t have to pretend with.”

  “You mean impress?”

  His thumb lifted to brush her lower lip. “Someone I can be myself with.” Unable to resist, he leaned in and lightly kissed her. She didn’t stop him or pull away. A good sign. He sat back, gauging her reaction. Her expression was unreadable. “Is that a yes?”

  “No.” She waved a hand in the air. “I mean, no it’s not a yes but it’s not a no either.” Her eyes searched his face. “If we were going to do this—and I’m not saying we are—I think we need a few rules.”

  Encouraged by her willingness to discuss the possibility, he slid his hands to her waist and tugged her toward him. “Such as.”

  “Such as keeping things simple.” Giving into his guiding hands, she rose up on her knees and slung one leg over his body to straddle him. “It’s just sex.”

  “Understood.” He ran his hands up her back. “But…are you sure you’re okay with that?”

  There was a fraction of hesitation before she replied. “Yes. If we agree and I know where each of us stands—” Again she paused. “Then I’m good.”

  He stared at her, waiting for her final consent. “Soooo?”

  “So, let’s do this.” She cupped his chin in her hands and drew him to her. Tentative at first, she placed several small kisses at the corners of his mouth. Then becoming bolder, she opened slightly. Her tongue touched his, and she lifted onto her knees, tilting his head back.

  A rush of desire swirled through him. Cocking his head to the side, he claimed her mouth fully. One hand glided around her waist, and the other moved upward to palm the back of her head. A moan slipped from her, vibrating into his mouth. He hadn’t come here tonight thinking they’d end up in bed, but he was so glad the evening had taken a turn. This was good—so very, very good.

  He reclined against the couch, allowing her to take the dominant position. Maybe it would help her feel more in control, more sure about her decision. She broke their kiss and braced her hands against the back of the couch. With slow, calculated hip rotations she ground against his erection.

  Barely managing to maintain control, he inhaled slowly and let his eyelids close. Her movements were a lesson in patience. What he wanted was to press her down on the
couch and tease her body until she begged him to fill her. With her brow pinched and eyes burning into his, she appeared determined, as if a war waged inside her.

  A sliver of doubt crept through him. Did she really want to make love, or was this about proving something? He’d had enough of selfish lovers, women who wanted to add another rich-boy notch to their belts, but never contributed anything real to their short relationship. That had been fine because he knew what the encounters were. A sexual release with no emotional attachment. But Dani was the least selfish person he’d ever met. While she might think she could do “just sex,” he wasn’t sure it was possible.

  His grip loosened on her hips. “Dani.”

  Her movements slowed. She stopped, holding her body above him. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No.” A stunted laugh huffed from him. “But I want to make sure you’re okay with this.” He shook his head. “I understand if you don’t want this.”

  “Oh, I want this.” The tightness of her mouth eased into a smile. “You were the last person I had sex with. I not only want this, I need this.” To prove her point she pressed against him again. “Bad.”

  He was the last guy she’d slept with? That revelation gave him a smug sense of satisfaction. It shouldn’t. She wasn’t the kind of girl to sleep with just anybody. “Well, I’m not one to deny you what you need.”

  A smile started at the corners of her mouth and then froze. “But…”

  His hopefulness plummeted. “But?”

  “We can’t tell anybody that we’re sleeping together.”

  That should have made him happy—fewer complications—but instead he felt slightly insulted. “Ashamed of me?”

  Her green eyes and expression softened. “No, not at all.” She gripped the collar of his shirt. “It’s just…if Roxy finds out, she’ll tell Joya and Kinni, and they’ll all freak out because they think I’m not over our breakup. I know they mean well, but things are never easy with them. All I want is something uncomplicated, and them finding out will be anything but. Okay?”


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