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Bridesmaid Blues

Page 9

by Boone Brux

  He threaded his fingers through a lock of her sable hair. “Okay. This is just between you and me.”

  “Exactly.” Seating herself fully against him again, she said, “Now, where were we?”

  “Right about here.” His hips lifted, pushing his erection against her. For his efforts, he was rewarded with a desire-filled purr.

  “Oh yeah, I remember now.” She leaned in and kissed him again.

  The tip of her tongue darted out, flicking at the corner of his mouth, followed by a nip. Her teeth grazed his bottom lip while she moved against him. Unable to resist touching her, Jamie hooked his fingers on the hem of her tank top and inched the garment upward. Smooth skin skated under his palms, warm and velvety. Needing to be closer, he sat forward, continuing to lift the shirt. His lips and tongue laid a trail of moist kisses over the swell of her breast. When his fingers skimmed the band of her bra, she lifted her arms in invitation.

  Not waiting, he slid the shirt up and off her body. Delicate blue lace hugged her round breasts. “Sexy.”

  “You like?” Her arms wrapped around his neck and cradled Jamie’s head against her. “I’ve got panties to match.”

  “I can’t wait to see them.” His hand drifted up her back. “But first I need to give the girls some attention.” With a single flick, he unhooked the bra and guided it down her arm. “Oh yeah, I remember these.”

  She let the delicate garment drop to the floor, her eyes fastened on his face. “They’ve been a little lonely lately.”

  “Have they?” Lowering his head, he placed a single kiss on each of her pink nipples. “I’ll see what I can do about that.”

  Her back arched as she offered her breasts to him. With a languid stroke, he dragged his tongue across the hard peak, and then applied the same seduction to the other. She moaned. It was a sound he loved. His erection tightened, and she continued to move against him. Cupping one breast, he slid his hand around her back and drew her closer. His mouth covered her tight nipple and gently sucked. In response, she wound his hair around her fingers and gave a gentle tug. Her hips changed to a rocking motion.

  Spirals of pleasure ignited at the base of Jamie’s cock. All this touching was nice—very nice—but he needed skin-to-skin action. Like now. His mouth released the pink tip and laid a path up her chest and over her collarbone. While his fingers continued to tease her nipple, he drew her to him and assaulted her mouth.

  The velvety softness of her tongue rubbed against his. Her grip tightened in his hair. Though it might be a subtle role, he liked the way she dominated him. Letting her take the lead and be in control turned him on more than he would have thought. Every day, people looked to him to make decisions and lead. With her, he could let down his defenses and lose himself.

  After a minute of torturously hot kissing, she leaned back. “Maybe we should move this into the bedroom.”

  “Good idea.” He kissed her again while scooting forward on the couch and then broke the kiss when he stood. With her legs around his waist, he strode across the living room in a few long strides. Once in the bedroom, he lowered her to the bed. Bare-chested and flushed, she had never been more beautiful. He sank to his knees between her thighs, his hand hovering over her zipper. “Can I help you out of these?”

  She smiled and bent her knee, running her foot along his arm. “Yes.”

  He pinched the tiny metal tab and tugged the zipper down. The jeans opened to reveal her flat belly. Tan skin beckoned his lips to touch and caress. He leaned down and placed several gentle nips from her belly button to the waistband of her blue panties. “I like these, too.”

  “Thanks. They’d look even better on the floor.”

  “I agree.” With a couple of determined tugs, he guided her jeans over her hips and down her legs. Left with only her panties on and stretched out on the bed, she looked like a sexy centerfold model. He nipped the inside of her knee. His hand drifted along the inside of her calf and up her inner thigh. His cock hardened even more, making his jeans increasingly uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to rush things—rush her. “I’d forgotten how beautiful you are.”

  Resting her head on her bent arm, she watched him, her gaze intense. A tiny smile played at her mouth, but her eyes belied nervousness. His lips drifted upward, following the path his hand had taken. With the slightest movement, she spread her legs and gave him access.

  A floral-and-citrus scent clung to her skin. She’d never been one for heavy perfumes, and he appreciated it. Some women he’d dated wore so many different products, the mixture of scents practically choked him. Not her. She was fresh, sporty, the quintessential girl next door.

  Pressure increased, his erection growing. The material of his jeans could only give so much. Foreplay was a delicate balance between giving her what she needed and not tearing through his pants and permanently injuring his junk. With a free hand, he undid the button and pushed the zipper down. More than anything he wanted her hand on his cock, stroking him. He had loved the way she’d touched him, missed her hands on his skin. He stood and worked out of his pants. Still she didn’t say anything. The way she watched his every movement amped up his libido. Her eyes never wavered. When he hooked his thumbs in the waist of his boxers, her tongue flicked out and glided along her lower lip, as if anticipating a tasty treat.

  His erection sprang free. A small moan of pleasure drifted from her, and she shifted to sit up. “I’d forgotten how…blessed you are,” she said.

  Now completely naked, the only thing between them was her blue panties—still way too many clothes. Jamie grasped her hands and pulled her to a stand. He knelt and looped his fingers around the tiny strings of the delicate blue lingerie, dragging them down.

  Sable curls nested at the juncture of her thighs and gave way to her smooth belly and enticingly round breasts. Combined with her sense of humor and brains, she was the whole sexual package.

  With a gentle push, he guided her back to the bed. She sat, but didn’t go any farther. Her fingers drifted up his leg and cupped him, while her other hand wrapped around his shaft. Her tongue flicked out and licked the head of his cock, sending spikes of pleasure spiraling to the base of his sack. Moist heat surrounded him, and it was all he could do not to arch into her.

  If she kept this up he wouldn’t last. What he wanted was to feel her skin against his, taste her, fill her. “Scoot back.”

  Her lips slid free from him and she smiled. “What did you have in mind?”

  He followed her onto the mattress. “A little mutual satisfaction.”

  God, he was hard. Excruciatingly, wonderfully hard. Her every movement, every look sent his desire higher. It had been a long time since sex had meant more than a means to an end. Rather than dwell on why sex with her was so much better, he sank into the sensation and anticipation, blocking out the deeper reason.

  He propped the pillows up and lay down. Gently, he guided her to him. Stationed on her hands and knees above him, she lowered her mouth back to his erection. Now in the perfect position, Jamie’s tongue glided along the soft pink flesh between her legs, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from her.

  She pushed back against his mouth while her lips surrounded the head of his cock. Rarely did he perform sixty-nine, but tonight he wanted her in every position possible. She shifted, spreading her thighs and allowing him better access to her delicate folds. His tongue flicked against her stiff bud, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

  He shuddered in response. Sparks of heat tingled along his shaft and pooled at the base of his cock. Her hand dipped between his legs and cupped his balls, stroking him while her mouth worked the sensitive tip. With a firm grip, she slid her other hand up and down his cock.

  God she was hot. It was all he could do not to thrust into her mouth. He dipped his middle finger into her. Liquid heat greeted him. She moaned again and pushed back while he slid a second finger into her and pumped. The combination of her lips around his cock and her building desire nearly drove Jamie over the edge.

>   No. He didn’t want it to end like this. And certainly not so soon. He wanted to feel her writhe under him again. Wanted to hear her panting. Wanted to see her face when she came.

  “Switch places with me.”

  Without question, she crawled off him and lay on the pillow. He tugged her thighs apart and lowered himself between her legs. His attention focused on her tight, swollen clit. Gentle at first, he flicked it several times. Her hips lifted from the bed and her fingers threaded through his hair. He knew just how to shoot her to orgasm, how to touch and lick her until she was screaming, but he didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to savor every sigh and shudder of her beautiful body.

  “That’s nice,” she whispered.

  He smiled, loving her reaction. Until now he hadn’t realized how much he missed having her in his bed. Never inhibited or reserved, she knew what she liked. His tongue flicked the hard nub again, and then his lips closed around it, sucking. Again her body lifted, and her grip in his hair became firmer. She held him to her and gyrated slowly against his mouth.

  Changing his attack, he stroked her slick folds with long, languid licks, adding a slow circling of his tongue around her clit before sliding down again. She bucked against him and ran her hands across her breasts, tweaking her nipples. The sight of her kneading the pink tips sent a flood of heat through him.

  He shifted and wrapped his fingers around the head of his erection, and with a slow pump combined with a gentle massage, worked his cock, bringing his desire to a boiling point. Much more and he’d come. Releasing himself, he lifted his head and looked into her eyes. Her bottom lip was red and slightly swollen from her biting it. Her hooded eyes were filled with the same barely contained desire swirling through him.

  “I want to be inside you.” The request wasn’t romantic or even that sexy, but words weren’t his forte right now.

  “Yeah.” She slid lower and wrapped her legs around his hips. Her words came out breathy and labored. “Me, too.” She pointed to the bedside table. “Condom.”

  He reached over and pulled open the drawer. He snagged the closest pack, tore open the wrapper, and rolled it on. She smiled her approval and wrapped her arms around his neck again.

  Gently, he guided the head of his cock into her. Velvety heat surrounded him. Inch by exquisite inch, she took him in. Her eyes closed, and her hands cupped the cheeks of his ass. He shifted, still raised above her so he could see her expression.

  Desire coursed through him, and he barely resisted the urge to plunge deep and hard. Keeping his pace even, he filled her and then pulled out. She opened her eyes and stared at him, but appeared not to really see him. Tiny huffs of air panted from her slightly opened mouth each time he drove into her. Her firm, round breasts jiggled with each thrust.

  Lowering himself, Jamie captured a tight pink bud between his lips. Her back arched, offering him more. His teeth scraped against the puckered skin, and his tongue flicked over the stiff peak before drawing it back into his mouth. After a minute, he switched to the other breast, giving it the same thorough attention.

  “Jamie.” It was a single word, but it said all she needed to say.

  He released her breast and hooked his arm under her knee, drawing it up. Turning his hips, he sank deep into her. In unison they moaned at the deep penetration.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  Though she didn’t reply, her eyes focused more clearly on his face. A wave of pleasure built, carrying them both up the crest of the wave. His hips pistoned against her. The grip on his ass turned punishing, her nails digging into his skin. Small whimpers slipped from her, coming more frequently the faster he pumped.

  He let the erotic heat wash through his body and carry him over the top. A second later, she followed. Her body stiffening and her back arching. She cried out, and he bent and captured her cry with a kiss. Shudders ricocheted through him. They clung to each other, their breathing heavy and labored.

  Even when his release began to ebb he continued to hold her, while they both drifted back from the mind-shattering orgasm.

  After a minute, she began to laugh. Surprised by her reaction, he lifted his weight from her. “You know, laughing after sex isn’t very flattering.”

  She attempted to stifle the giggles—unsuccessfully. “At least it wasn’t during sex.”

  “That’s something, I guess. What’s so funny?”

  Her laughter subsided, but she continued to smile. She ran her hands along his chest and shoulders, hooking her fingers behind his neck. “Wow, I needed that more than I realized.” She exhaled a sated sigh. “You’re still really good.”

  “So are you.” He bent and kissed her, letting his lips linger, taking time to drink in the feel of her body under him. With a gentle brush of her fingertips, she released her hold around his neck and glided her fingers back over his shoulders. Her palms flattened against his chest, and though the pressure was subtle, he felt her push against his pecs. Assuming his weight was becoming uncomfortable, he slid off and stretched out beside her. “That was…even better than I remember.”

  “It was pretty amazing.” She shifted to lie on her side, facing him. Her foot traveled up and down his leg. “We should do that again sometime.”

  “How about tomorrow night?”

  “Can’t.” When he reached for her again, she rolled away to sit on the edge of the bed “Dinner with the wedding party, remember?”

  “Oh, right. I forgot.” It was easy to forget things when he was with her. His brows pinched together. “Where are you going?”

  “To the bathroom.” She stood and scooped up a blanket off the chair, wrapping it around her body. “Be right back.”

  Maybe it was his imagination, but the mood seemed to have shifted from romantic to slightly awkward. The door closed behind her. Jamie rolled to his back and tucked his arm under his head. Maybe things had gone a little fast or a little too wild. Fast maybe, but not too wild. Still, they’d discussed it, and he’d let her take the lead. He mentally shook his head. No, things were all right between them—great even, now that they’d just discovered a way to bear all the wedding craziness.

  Chapter Eight

  Dani took extra time with her makeup and hair, wanting to look her best—at least at the beginning of the evening. With any luck, her carefully styled hair would be messed and her clothes a little wrinkled by the end of dinner.

  Sex with Jamie last night had been amazing—better than before. Probably because there wasn’t any pressure. She wouldn’t lie; a lot of old feelings for him stirred, and she’d kind of freaked afterward when he made a move to cuddle. After a few minutes alone in the bathroom, she’d realized how dumb she was being. No confusion about their relationship. No pressure. It didn’t get any better than that. Even keeping their friends-with-benefits a secret seemed exciting the more she thought about it.

  After he left it had been damn near impossible to not pick up the phone and call Roxy. Though she shared nearly everything with her best friend, she wouldn’t share this. Certainly Roxy would say something to Kyle. Of course he’d tell Jamie, and since keeping it hush-hush was her idea, that wouldn’t make her look so great.

  And she didn’t want to see the looks of pity from her friends. It was better this way. She and Jamie could have searing-hot, panty-dropping sex whenever they wanted, and nobody would be the wiser. Any feelings she had to deal with were her problem.

  Smoothing on light pink lip gloss, she gave a mental nod. Yeah, everything would be fine.

  She stepped back and eyed her reflection. Seriously, she hadn’t looked this good in months. Tonight she wore a body-hugging royal-blue wrap dress and four-inch matching heels that had a thick band that wrapped around her ankle.

  “Try to resist this, Jamie Kingsland.” She glanced at the clock and grimaced. “Yikes.”

  It wasn’t unusual for her to run a little late, but tonight she wanted settle in at the restaurant before everybody arrived. Maybe she and Jamie could sneak a few minutes a
lone before the meal. She smiled. The man made her want to do deliciously naughty things in public places. It was the thrill of getting caught, though actually getting caught by one of their friends would be horrifying. Still, the excitement of sexually teasing Jamie and him not being able to react fueled her desire.

  The drive to the Italian restaurant only took twenty minutes. Roxy and Kyle were already there, arguing over place settings. When she walked into the private dining room, her friend looked up, her eyes growing wide.

  “What did you do, girl?” She skirted the table and stopped in front of her. “Did you have a spa day?”

  “No, I worked all day.” How to not let on her efforts for the evening were for Jamie? “But I wanted to look nice because I love you guys.”

  “Wow.” Kyle leaned his fists against the table, his expression one of approval. “Maybe you should sit by me tonight.”

  Roxy held her hand up in front of her face. “As if she’d have anything to do with the likes of you.”

  He grabbed his fiancée’s hand and kissed it. “You did.”

  “And you’re welcome, sweetie.” She patted his cheek and then turned back to Dani, pursing her lips and tapping her chin with a bright pink fingernail. “Put her across from Jamie.” She smiled innocently. “She should be safe there, don’t you think?”

  I sure hope not. Dani nodded. “Yeah, that will be fine.”

  Roxy clutched her arm and dragged her toward the door. “Be right back, hon.”

  Kyle grunted, but continued to move the nameplates around.

  “So? How’s everything going with Jamie?” Concern painted her face. “Is it awful being around him?”

  “No, actually it’s pretty good.”

  “Honey, you don’t have to lie to me. I’m your best friend.”

  Now she did laugh. “No, really. We discussed everything and I think”—she smiled—“we’re actually friends now. So thank you, because that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t asked for the favor.”

  “It wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t agreed to my ridiculous paranoid request.”


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