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Breaking The Mold

Page 22

by Drew Sera

  Girls and their patterns are so predictable. Coffee and shop. Shop and coffee. Fucking bitches. Matt’s girl too. Of course, it’s only natural that their girls would become little friends. I wondered if those bastards have enjoyed pushing the two girls together yet. That would be fun to watch.

  I’ve wondered what little Sydney would sound like when she screams.

  Blake told me that Sydney had a rough recent background and he asked me to not pursue her. This on top of Everett’s words of warning made me that much more interested. I checked her Irons card just out of curiosity and was intrigued. She had a lot of triggers. It’s a pity someone else has had the pleasure of making her scream. I wondered if those two tag-teamers had made her scream.

  Sydney dripped with inexperience, and I wanted to hear her scream echo in the dungeon. I wanted to play once and get it out of my system. But Colin fucking Everett said my chance would never come. He embarrassed me in front of other Doms and verbally pissed on me in front of everyone. We’d see who has the last laugh. He would be sorry he fucked with this sadist.

  Blake had me escorted off the grounds like a fucking criminal. He terminated my membership and friendship, then and there, after all those years. All because of that fucking Golden Boy and his little whore. I lost my livelihood that night. Irons was everything. Everett would soon know what it feels like to lose everything.

  Everett was bad enough but was expected at least since he was the club’s trainer. Colin made it sound like no one was going to scene with Sydney. When I saw fucking Graves getting close to her and sucking on her ear, I lost it. Why did Colin feel so comfortable with Graves all over her? Fucking Golden Boy of Irons. And fucking Blake.

  Anger washed over me again.

  I wanted to bash Golden Boy’s skull against the stone walls of the dungeon. Watch the blood seep slowly from his head as I fucked the last few gasps of air from his lungs. Let him sit slumped over in his pool of blood and watch as I fucked that little whore over and over. I could whip her into a slave quite quickly, knowing her triggers and limited experience. She wouldn’t pose a threat or much of a challenge to someone as experienced as me. It wouldn’t take much to break the girl. Graves could watch until his light goes out completely. I’d let Colin watch too. Wouldn’t waste too much time on him because I hate him that much. Maybe drug him, gag him, and chain him up. He could watch unharmed as his best friend dies before his eyes. Then he could watch me reinvent that little pain slut.

  I knew Colin and Graves both fucked the same women. Everyone knew that. I figured I could sway the Golden Boy into some community play with the girl. But he wasn’t having it either. I was sure that with Colin away that Graves would love to have another dick to play with. I wanted to crack the whip down on his fucking cocky mouth. Or wrap the whip around his fucking neck and see how long he could breathe that way. See if he could keep me away from her.

  It’d catch up to them. Colin, Graves, and Blake would all get theirs in due time. Matt’s bitch might even get to come along as well.

  Stupid girls. So unaware as they sit there laughing and drinking their coffee. I was disappointed in Matthew and Colin. They really should be teaching their sluts to be more aware of their surroundings.

  I walked right behind them with sunglasses on without either of them so much as noticing me. This will almost be too easy. I could smell the fruity shampoo that blew into my senses from Gina’s hair in the breeze. So close. I turned to head towards the bar as they climbed into the Mercedes SUV that Gina’s rich Master put her in.

  Silver Mercedes. Nevada license plate LV169. Committed that to memory. The sluts always brought that one for their lunch and shopping trips. Usually alone. Except for Wednesday and today. But otherwise alone. It was a nice, safe vehicle to keep two slut subs safe. Perhaps. Be a shame to lose something so precious at the holidays. They’d learn. They’d all fucking learn.

  I was sweeping up glass from the floor in the kitchen, finally. Last weekend I heard through the grapevine that fucking Everett and fucking Golden Boy Graves collared that little tease. When I heard, I broke several glasses in the kitchen. I left the glass on the floor and had a little masochist over to play. She asked me about the glass, so I made her walk across the shards. She liked it.

  I heard that the fucking tag-teamers put an unbelievable collar around her tiny neck - diamonds and lush platinum. Those two fucking disgusted me. Nothing else better to do with fucking money. Of course, everyone was there, and everyone was so happy for them. Fuck them. All of them.

  I checked my watch. I couldn’t be late for my run in with the little bitches. They’d become more and more predictable when they go out shopping. I knew where they parked, the coffee hut they went to and what they each ordered. I knew the path they walked around by the stores, the restaurant they had lunch at, the stores they frequented, and the bathrooms they used. Little Gina used the bathroom more than little Sydney. She would order a larger coffee than Sydney. Sydney usually stood outside the bathroom or would sit on the bench and waited. Few people are ever around in that section between the shops and parking structure.

  When I watched her walk around with Gina, I could pick up on her overall nervousness by the way she would hold herself. She’s shy, quiet, and unsure of everything. I knew most of that from watching them interact at Irons. I was curious to watch her outside of Irons, out from under the shadow of Everett and Graves. If I didn’t hate Everett so fucking much, I’d say it would be good to see what becomes of her. But the fact was that I hated Everett with every breath I took, so naturally, she would suffer for him being nothing more than his asshole self.

  I leaned against the rack pretending to look at ties while Gina flipped through a rack of men’s shirts blabbing away. Sydney held her arm across her midsection and gripped her arm across her body. I’d at least seen her creamy skin at the club. She turned red easily. I’d love to make her turn red.

  When Sydney brushed her hair behind her ear, I saw it - that fucking, disgusting collar. It shined and shimmered from across the room. Even if she wasn’t already a target for me, I’d corner her and demand the necklace. Everett was such a fucking dick by putting that gem around her neck. She’d be a target for every criminal who sets their eyes on her. I was barely able to contain my anger but somehow managed to get myself out of the store before I reacted.

  To think those fucking co-tops tried keeping that little tease all to themselves made me sick. What if she’s turned on by something that they’re not into? They could be holding her back.

  Why wouldn’t Colin just let me play once? Once was all I fucking wanted. I just needed it out of my system. But no, he couldn’t give me one time. My time would come.

  It was Christmas Eve, and I drove ten hours to see Johnny, and Jay’s family for the holiday. Before I went inside I checked my mobile banking site for the incoming wire I was promised from the buyer in the Caribbean for Sydney. Still nothing. If that money didn’t show up, I would lose more than my faith…I’d potentially be losing my brother.

  When Jay opened the door, he looked at me closely before pulling me into an embrace.

  “Paul, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you made it,” he said as he let go of me.

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” I said and looked around the living room.

  My nephews were shaking presents by the tree trying to guess its’ contents. Johnny sat in a chair by the fireplace bundled up. From the entryway, I could see how pale he was and the dark circles under his eyes. He didn’t look well.

  “He’s not doing well, Paul,” Jay confirmed my thoughts.

  I sighed and nodded and followed Jay to the kitchen. I set my bag down and retrieved four small packages and handed them to Jay.

  “Paul, you didn’t have to do anything for us.”

  I nodded and swallowed hard knowing that money was so tight for everyone. I’d check my phone again soon.

  “I wanted to get something for the boys. There’s a little something for you guys, and th
en this one is for Johnny,” I held up the green envelope.

  I had written Johnny a check for $50,000 and hoped the money from the Caribbean was going to be received today to cover it. I was sweating bullets though.

  Through dinner, I focused on Johnny, and my emotions were going all over the place. He was dying and needed that surgery as soon as possible. Johnny struggled through dinner and then retreated to his chair by the Christmas tree. My nephews quickly cleared the table so they could open presents and one of them asked Jay if this was Johnny’s last Christmas.

  “Is this Uncle Johnny’s last Christmas with us?”

  I glared at my eleven-year-old nephew and Jay quickly stepped in.

  “No, son. Uncle Johnny will be okay. Remember, we talked about that surgery that will help make him better.”

  “The one Uncle Paul is going to help him get?” my other nephew asked as he looked at me.

  I looked at Jay.

  “Johnny was telling the boys about the surgery,” Jay said.

  I nodded and excused myself. I went to the bathroom for some privacy to check my account on my cell phone before they opened gifts.

  “Come on,” I whispered while the logo was spinning.

  Balance $75,259.76

  Fuck yes! I did a fist pump in the air and checked the activity. I saw the incoming wire had hit about thirty minutes ago from John Doe out of the Caribbean.

  Before joining my family, I took a deep breath. The buyer came through. This was good, and it meant that he was trusting and as serious as fuck. I had to make good on my end now.

  I joined my family and gave the boys their presents to open. I smiled as they tore into the paper and laughed when they both yelled out in excitement.

  “Robo Puppy!”

  Johnny even managed a smile as he watched them. I leaned across the coffee table and handed Johnny the Christmas card with the check. He was so weak, and it made me angry watching him struggle with opening the envelope. Fucking cancer.

  His hands shook as he held the check. Suddenly, his shoulders began shaking, and he looked over at me.


  Johnny said my name and tried to stand up. I quickly moved to him and helped him stand. He hugged me, and as my arms wrapped around him, I could feel how much weight he’d lost. He was skin and bones.

  “Paul, you have given me a chance to have a longer life. To see our nephews graduate high school maybe.”

  I held my jaw tightly closed as I hugged him.

  “College, Johnny.” I took a deep breath. “You’ll see them graduate college,” I added.

  Johnny laughed as he leaned against me in our embrace.

  “And see them get married,” I said.

  My nephews had other ideas though and balked at the idea of marriage. And suddenly, Johnny took me back to my high school years.

  “Whatever they want and whatever makes them happy. Doesn’t matter what they’re into as long as they’re happy.” Johnny pulled out of our hug and looked up at me. “Right, Paul? They will do fine as long as they follow their hearts.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. Johnny was always so accepting of me and my kinks. He never thought less of me and always encouraged me to be myself and not worry what others thought.

  Before I fell asleep in the guest room, I thought about what Johnny said tonight and what he’d always instilled in me. Be me and fuck anyone who didn’t like or approve of me. Just before I climbed into bed, from my wallet, I pulled out a picture of Graves in a scene with Everett and a sub. My face was photoshopped onto Everett’s body.

  I smiled as I gazed at my scene with Graves. This was me.

  And there are the little bitches. Ever since becoming determined to take everything from fucking Colin Everett, I’ve found myself parked near his exclusive fucking golf course neighborhood waiting, watching, and calculating.

  These two fucking girls went shopping every few days to the same place. They would go to the outdoor mall on Las Vegas Boulevard. Once I saw them leave the gated complex, I would tag along. They’re so unaware, and even I was disappointed that Everett and Matthew hadn’t taught these girls to be more aware of their surroundings.

  I’d stocked my place with necessary supplies and had taken some supplies from work. I wish I would be able to see Everett’s fucking face when he realized she’s gone.

  I could do without Matthew’s girl. She’s only going to complicate things. The trick would be to get them separated and then react quickly. By the time Gina would react, I’d be long gone with a collared sub. It’s such a no-no in the lifestyle to approach and touch another Dom’s collared sub, let alone take her. Oh, fucking well.

  I was still mulling over delivering a personal message to Everett. I talked to some people who were willing to carry out my request for the right price, but I didn’t like the idea of others being involved. The more that were involved, the more opportunity for something to go wrong. Taking Sydney would be enough of a personal message to Everett.

  They’re parked now and headed to Tuscany for lunch. Sydney looked nice today. Her ass looked great in those expensive jeans Everett, and Golden Boy Graves put her in. I couldn’t wait to strip her of them and whip her. I’d be sure to get lots of pictures to Everett. I’d see how well he liked being taunted and teased. Fucking bastard.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  January 2014


  I took on a double shift due to people still being out for the holidays. I just walked in the door when my cell phone rang. It was Tammie. Shit, time to play the role of a concerned man.


  “Paul?” Tammie sniffled my name into the phone.

  “Yeah, sweetheart?” I tried my hardest to sound really concerned. “Are you crying, honey?”

  “I hate him, Paul. We had a huge fight, and I told him I wanted a divorce—”

  I cut her off, trying to play the part of the fuck buddy urging the woman not to leave him. Actually, I didn’t want her to divorce him. If she divorced him, she’d put her beneficiary status at risk.

  “Tammie, you’re not thinking.”

  “I am! I don’t want to be with him anymore. I want you, Paul.”

  A huge smile broke out on my face. Fuck, she was so easy.

  “Okay, baby. We’ll talk the next time I see you. When’s the next flight?”

  There was a long pause, but she sniffled and said tonight. I sighed and looked at the clock. Fuck, I just got home and was dead tired, but I had to keep up the appearance of interest.

  “I’ll come over for a quick fuck, and then we’ll talk.”

  “Thank you, Paul. I can’t wait to see you.”

  I hung up and headed back to my truck. I’d like to say that the sex with Tammie was great, but it wasn’t. She’s not a masochist and isn’t into what I needed to give. Sometimes it’s a struggle even to get hard. Before I’d go inside, I usually had to stare at one of the pictures with Anthony’s head photoshopped onto the body of a male sub I had beaten…just as I was doing now.

  The second she let me in, my pants came down, and the fucking started. I closed my eyes and drifted back to the night in November when I had Anthony’s throat in my hands.

  “Fuck!” I grunted out as I came.

  Eventually, Tammie came, and as we cleaned up, I went ahead and gave her the talk I promised her.

  “Let’s run away together. I would love to take you to my mountain retreat and just spend the time ravishing you. Do you have some vacation time saved up from work?”

  “Yes! Oh, my God, I’d love to go away! I’ll put in for time off. When?”

  “Next week. Put in for a week off. Let me have your passport, and I’ll take it home and book a surprise trip for us.”

  She scurried off and came back with her passport. I quickly glanced at it. Good, it wasn’t expired, and it was just as I hoped; she looked just like Sydney in the photo.

  Since the buyer in the Caribbean came through with wire before Christmas, I was
no longer concerned with Tammie and her husband’s life insurance policy. Fuck that. My hands were dirty enough.

  I spent most of my day running over my plan to ensure that I hadn’t forgotten or overlooked something. Tammie would begin staying with me tomorrow and then on Friday, I’d take Tammie to the cabin and then go back to the city to get Sydney while she’s shopping with Matt’s girl.

  The deposit for the chartered flight to the Caribbean had been made, and I just needed to give them 24 hours’ notice before I needed to go. I had money set aside for a small place when we landed, and I’d taken care of my bills for the year.

  I had the drugs and syringes for the girls along with implements to help me break them down. Tammie’s mouth needed adjusting, and Sydney needed to get those two fucking assholes out of her mind.

  Everything was set.

  I almost wished that somehow, I could get Graves too. I’d just love to have my way with him. But it’s too much of a risk having someone else involved.

  After I ate, I decided to call Johnny and let him know I’d be traveling and would be in touch with him in a few weeks.

  When Jay finally retrieved Johnny and handed him the phone, his terrible cough echoed through the phone receiver.

  “Hey, Johnny,” I said once the coughing finally stopped.

  He started to say my name but the cough took over again. I clenched my fist and pounded it against my leg. Each time he started to speak, the cough would come back.

  “Johnny…Johnny just listen, man. I’m going to be out of touch for a few weeks. I have some re-certifications that I have to study for and take some exams on. But after the 15th, I will have the rest of the money for your surgery. Just stay strong for a few more weeks and hang in there.”

  “Paul,” he whispered and wheezed into the phone. “Thank you.”


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