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Breaking The Mold

Page 23

by Drew Sera

  I took a deep breath before speaking again.

  “I will call you again in a few weeks, and I will be by your side at your surgery at the end of the month.”

  “Love you, Paul.”

  “Love you too, man.”

  When we hung up, I went back over the plan multiple times. Before I fell asleep, I looked at a picture of my photoshopped work of my scene with Anthony. I touched his face.

  “I’m sorry things turned out this way. It all could have been avoided. You should have let me help you years ago, and you should have accepted my offer for a scene. Now you’re going to get hurt, and I hope the fire burns so hot in your system that it destroys you.”

  “Fuck me harder, Paul!” Tammie screamed as I pounded my cock into her pussy from behind.

  I continued to bang her hard while I slapped her ass. I pumped and pumped until another voice filled the room.

  “What the fuck is this?” a man’s voice bellowed out.


  I glanced over my shoulder and saw her soon to be ex-husband. Tammie screamed and scampered to cover up with the sheet. The guy’s face was red with anger as he lunged at me.

  I was engaged in a physical fight with a guy about twenty years younger than me. Instantly, adrenaline engulfed me. He was strong but not more determined than I was. His wife was part of my ticket to save my brother. And he wasn’t going to stop me.

  As the pilot and I struggled, he got me into a face-down position on the floor, and suddenly a golf club was against my throat. He pulled it back towards his body in an attempt to strangle me. While he was concentrating on strangling me with the golf club, I was able to reach my pants that had been kicked partially under the bed. I knew my pocket contained a decent sized knife that folded into a safety guard.

  I started to see spots as I felt the knife in the pants pocket. I pulled it out, flipped it open, gripped the handle and swung my hand fast towards the pilot.

  “Fuck!” the man yelled and released the golf club.

  I pushed myself off the ground as soon as his weight lessened against my body. With the bloody knife in hand, I made sure that he would not get up again.

  My arm never tired.

  My focus never wavered from my brother and the plan.

  I remained crouched next to him until I couldn’t pick up a pulse.

  I swallowed hard and tried to think.

  This wasn’t part of the plan.

  I looked at Tammie. She knelt on the bed looking down at the bloody scene in shock.

  Think! Control the situation don’t let it control you! Turn the tables and blame. Do it calmly, so she believes she’s at fault. Then console. Promise security. Remind her I love her. Get her to add Johnny as the beneficiary on the life insurance. Clean up. Dump the body. Grab the bags from my place and get to the cabin.

  I took a deep breath as I looked at Tammie.

  “I thought he was out of town,” I said calmly.

  Tears ran down Tammie’s face as she shook her head from side to side. This surprised me some.

  “No?” I forced myself to calm down. She knew. “You knew he wasn’t out of town and you still wanted me to come over?” I asked softly while trying to maintain a caring voice.

  “Yes. I wanted to be with you forever. I thought that if he caught us, he’d just kick me out and give me the divorce.”

  I took a deep breath. She could have gotten both of us killed. The guy certainly was trying to kill me, and it would have destroyed my plan to help my brother. Fuck, tears. She was crying.

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay. He could have killed me and then God only knows what he would have done to you.” Instill fear. “Tammie, with me dead, there would have been no one to protect you from him. He could have killed you, or worse, forced you to continue to live with him…unloved.”

  She nodded her head. Perfect.

  Establish control and give her confidence that you have a plan.

  “Tammie, get your laptop and meet me in the bathroom. I have a task for you to do while I wash the blood off my body. Can you get your laptop?”

  She slowly moved from the bed, and I decided that I needed to accompany her. I could’t let her out of my sight just in case she had a change of heart.

  “I’ll come with you, baby.”

  I took her hand, and we retrieved her laptop and went to their bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower.

  “Log into the life insurance site and then your retirement accounts. Please make me your beneficiary. Johnathan Paul Fielding the third.”

  I was actually the fourth and Johnny was the third. I needed the money to go to him. While I washed the blood off, Tammie asked for the social security number, and I gave her Johnny’s. As I rubbed soap over my neck, I could feel how tender it was from the abuse of the golf club.

  “It’s done. The beneficiary info has been changed to you.”

  I glanced at the confirmation emails and sighed. Next was the clean-up.

  Three hours later we were in my truck sitting in the parking lot of one of the hotels at the Nevada-California state line. The body of her husband was in the bed of the truck wrapped in tarps. We waited until dark and drove to one of the access roads. I killed the lights, and we waited in the pitch dark for another hour and then crept at five miles an hour until we hit a spot where the road stopped. I got out of the truck, pulled the body out of the bed of the truck and left it. We crept again at the slow pace until we got back to I-15 and headed to my place.

  I went inside with Tammie and grabbed everything that I already had planned and ready. We quietly drove to the cabin I had been renting since the beginning of January. I had organized with the owner to rent the place for the month of January.

  As we were putting things away, I began to think about how this time table changed things. I needed to get some additional supplies for the few extra days. I had to decide about Tammie; let her stay in her blissful mode for a few days, or give her a dose of reality?

  I almost couldn’t risk letting her be blissfully happy and move freely. If she suddenly had a change of heart, things could drastically change.

  And I didn’t need that right now.

  The second I got Sydney in my truck, I tied her wrists behind her back with wire ties and did the same to her feet. I got back in the driver’s seat and rummaged through her purse until I found her phone. I shut that fucker off and threw it back in. I had her. I fucking had her!

  “Fuck you, Colin Everett!” I hollered and thumped my fists on the steering wheel in victory. I had him by the fucking balls. He would know what it felt like to want something, and all of his money or clout couldn’t fucking help him. The rush of adrenaline was unbelievable!

  I started the timer on my watch, knowing that I had a set amount of time before the drugs wore off and she started to wake. I drove around until the sun started to set and then made my way up the mountain to the rental cabin where I had been staying with Tammie. It was all prepared and ready for Sydney’s arrival. I was ready to make this girl scream. If Colin just would’ve let me play once with her and if he hadn’t embarrassed me, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s Everett’s fault. Turned out there was a market overseas for girls like Sydney; a scared American girl. I had plans for her to make me a pretty penny and in the process, extending my brother’s life and getting Everett back for being himself – the fucking prick that he was. Toying with him just might be the highlight of my life.

  I carried her into the back room, cut most of her clothes off of her and set her up against the wall. First thing first - a photo to send to Colin fucking Everett.

  I propped her up perfectly. Then I gave her a nudge so she’d tip over and hit her head on the adjoining wall. I grabbed a phone from the box, powered it on and snapped the picture. Moments later, I watched with excitement as the file and text transferred to Colin.

  “Yeah!” I yelled when the transfer was complete. I slammed the throw away phone against the wall and watched as it shattered in
to tiny pieces. I gathered up the pieces, put them in a baggie and then took a hammer to them. I couldn’t be careless.

  A noise startled me, and I looked over my shoulder. I turned and looked back at Sydney. Her eyes were fluttering open and then closing again. She was coming out of it. I looked at my watch. She was a little early. That’s fine. I could adjust.

  She was panicking now as she fought against the restraints as I neared her. I crouched in the shadows against the wall, watched her struggle and listened to her whimper for a few minutes. Her scared whimpers were music to my ears and gave me a glimpse of what excitement would follow. She would be a treat for my eyes and ears. Time to fuck with this little slut’s mind.

  “We have some rules here, Sydney. You’re going to abide by them or pay dearly. Keep in mind that you’re not the only one who could pay for your misbehavior. Graves can pay, too.”

  I loved seeing the fear flash in her eyes. I knew she connected with Graves. So many people at Irons fucking loved him and adored him - fucking Golden Boy. Many wanted to play with him, but he was too fucking picky. I wanted to fucking play with him! He interacted with Sydney well, and everyone knew it at Irons. Everyone knew that if they messed with little Sydney, that they’d have Graves to answer to. Little Sydney was loyal to him, but we’d just see how loyal. She was groggy, but I knew she could hear and somewhat comprehend what was going on. Fucking with her head was going to be fun.

  “That’s right, Sydney. You misbehave, and I’ll hurt Graves. That’s your choice. You can protect him, or you can hurt him. If you’re good and don’t fight me, he’ll live. Be forewarned, Sydney. I’m going to break you, make you scream and cry, and you’re going to let me. If you fight me or try to resist me, you’ll be severely punished. As will Graves.”

  Fear was setting in for her. She believed I had Graves, too. It was actually something I’d considered. But it would have been complicated, and then I would have had to involve others to help me. Then there were too many opportunities for something to go wrong. I grabbed her by her arms and pulled her to stand. She slumped against the wall, and I held her there with my hand around her tiny neck. Drugs must be working their charm on her.

  “I’m going to purge Everett and Graves from your mind and body.”

  She whimpered in fear, and it fucking disgusted me how loyal she was to Graves. She was only whimpering because she was afraid I’d hurt him. I’d give her something to cry over before leaving her for the night. I sliced off the wire ties from her ankles and pulled her roughly towards the front door. I took her by her hair and drug her outside, leaving her to stand on her own while I got the hose. I loved watching her try to cover herself and hide.

  “I need to clean you off and get their filthy, fucking handprints off you.”

  I knew the water would be cold and turned it on. I sprayed her off from top to bottom and left no nook or cranny untouched by the water. I took her soaking body back inside and into the room where I’d keep her for the time being.

  I shoved her to the ground and attached more wire ties around her ankles. By the looks of her ankles, I’d say someone already had a field day with bindings on her. Arousal and curiosity surged in my system as I wondered if possibly Everett or Graves did it. Neither of them seemed like sadists. These wounds on her legs were definitely sadistic material, but surely not Graves or Everett. It was messy work anyhow. Graves and Everett weren’t messy. I had to ask. Grabbing her feet, I looked up at her and came right out and asked, “Is this from Everett?”

  She shook her head.


  Again, a “no” answer. Didn’t surprise me. Everett and Graves didn’t have this in their blood. Pussies.

  I attached a chain to the wall and hooked it on the wrist wire ties. Though she was disoriented, I was surprised at her will to fight right now. I laughed while I prepped the syringe.

  “This won’t hurt as long as you’re still. Move and it’ll hurt.”

  The bitch continued to cry and kept asking what I was putting in her. Even though her arm was still, I could feel the resistance and the tightness.

  “Something to help you…sleep.”

  I snapped another photo and would send it to Everett tomorrow. I left her tied up, went to the adjoining room and made it sound like I was beating on someone. She needed to think that her behavior earned Graves a beating. I fucking would have loved to actually have him here to receive it. I’d check on her in a little while to make sure she was still breathing.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” I said as I poured the pitcher of ice water over Sydney’s head. She woke right up and frantically looked around the room. I loved watching the fear settle on her face. Her hands shook, and her nostrils flared. The fear on her face made her much more attractive to me. “Today’s a fresh start for you. I’m going to take the gag off. You will be quiet.”

  Once the gag was removed, she clamped her lips together, and her breathing increased. She didn’t make a peep. I’ve seen the look of fear in sub’s eyes before, but Sydney wore fear like an accessory. I got the feeling she was used to it. The thought that it was from Graves or Everett didn’t feel right though. She really intrigued me. Someone had their way with her, that’s for certain. I recall Everett mentioning her coming out of something bad, and Blake brought it up, too. This one was interesting, and I found her fascinating.

  I dropped two pieces of toast on the floor and took the wire ties off her wrists.


  She made no move towards the toast. This wasn’t an option, and she needed to learn who was in charge. I slapped her across her face and grabbed her jaw.

  “That wasn’t a suggestion, slut.”

  Tears…this was good. I watched her for a moment as she shook violently but kept her mouth tightly shut. Time to get into this little beauty’s head. I moved closer and whispered her name a few times until she looked up at me. When she finally made eye contact with me, I gave her a sympathetic look and then yelled at the top of my lungs, “EAT!”

  I watched her scarf the toast down, taking notice to her mannerisms and how badly she shook. She was scared, which was exactly what I wanted.

  “The sooner you fall in line and mold to my expectations, the easier it will be for you.”

  She looked like she wanted to ask something.


  “I-if I d-do, will y-you l-let M-master Ant-thony go?”

  Fucking Master Anthony? I stood and paced around the room, looking for something to use on her. She still wasn’t on board with submitting to me without a deal in it for fucking Graves. Now I wished that I did have him here. She could watch as I cut him. If she was going to fight and resist me at every turn, then I’d meet her. I’d knock her down until she stopped getting up and stopped talking about Graves and Everett.

  I stood her up and attached her arms to the overhead hook and pulled on the cable until her toes were barely touching the ground. And just because I was so fucking pissed off, I punched her in the stomach as I walked over to my wall of weapons. I pulled a whip off the wall and turned to watch her convulse against the cables.

  I brought the whip down nice and hard on her back. I whipped that girl until my arm was tired and the tears stopped falling. Blood was drawn, and her head was hung - defeated. She’s breaking but isn’t broken yet. I snapped a gorgeous photo and would send it to Everett.

  I let her down, and she curled up in the fetal position. It brought a smile to my face. Once they started retreating to the fetal position, the breaking had already begun. I cleaned her lash marks and chained her up against the wall again and attached her gag.

  I came back a few hours later and found that she hadn’t moved much. I decided to show her Tammie. I stood in front of her and loved how she hurried to an upright position. She was afraid. And she should be.

  Fear looked so sexy on her, and I grew aroused.

  “Sydney, Sydney, Sydney. I want to show you something, and you’re going to be quiet.”

nbsp; I wasn’t worried about her making noise because she had the gag on. I watched her nostrils flare and throat constrict as she swallowed.

  “I’ll be right back, little Everett’s slut.”

  I went to the adjoining room and unchained Tammie. She was so drugged that she didn’t even know what end was up. She couldn’t walk on her own, so I just took hold of her ankles and dragged her body into Sydney’s room. I dropped Tammie’s legs when we were in front of Sydney and crouched down between the two women.

  “Sydney, meet Tammie.”

  I grabbed Tammie’s hair, lifting her head off the ground so Sydney could see her face. I wanted Sydney to see what I could do, hoping it would instill more fear. I could tell that Sydney was breathing harder now, and her nostrils continued to flare.

  “Tammie, meet Sydney.”

  I dragged Tammie’s body back to her room, chained her up and headed back through to Sydney’s room.

  “Night, night Everett’s toy.”

  Before I closed her up in the room for the night, I flipped the light off.

  Sydney didn’t like the dark.

  I wondered if fucking Everett would be making it into his plush office today. It was Monday morning, and I’m sure he had lots to do being a CEO and shit. Lots of high-rise windows to look out of in his fucking building or lunches to have or elbows to rub on the golf course. Fucking prick. I wondered if he’d ever actually worked a day in his life.

  It baffled me how the fuck he had a huge gaming company. It was probably handed to him on a silver platter. And how the fuck did he get this girl to fucking eat out of his hands? I threw a glass against the wall. Since I captured Everett’s little whore, I’d found that I grew agitated over Everett quicker than I had before. Everett just bothered the fuck out of me. He’s so well acquainted with never wanting anything because he had everything.

  I decided to mess with her mind a bit more tonight. I figured by now she would have broken completely, but she still touted that Everett and Graves loved her. Things were not going as planned, and it was already Monday.


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