The Winter Fortress
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See also Operation Gunnerside; Operation Gunnerside/Swallow; Operation Sunshine
Henniker, Mark
description, 92
Freshman and, 92–93, 95–96, 105, 107–9, 110, 111, 117, 118
See also Operation Freshman
Himmler, Heinrich, 121, 296
Hitler, Adolf
anti-Nazi commando attacks and, 82, 120
boasting on atomic bomb, 56, 274, 311
death, 315
as führer of Germany, 11
inner circle, 168
invasion/occupation of Norway and, 80
Nazism/posters and, 22
World War II and, 56, 65
See also Nazi Germany
Hole, Njål, 168, 255, 274
Hovden family/farm, 253, 315–16
Hovden, Jon, 247, 290
Hovland, Trond/Theodor, 116–17, 120
Hurum, Gerd Vold, 102, 312, 316
Idland, Kasper
background/description, 131, 186
escape to Sweden and, 224, 225, 239
Gunnerside and, 131, 175–76, 179, 186
Gunnerside/Vemork attack and, 189, 192–93, 196, 198–199, 201, 202–3
recognition/awards, 249
See also Operation Gunnerside
IG Farben, 14, 184, 276, 310
Ingebretsen, Olav, 202, 206, 212
Ingstad, Helge, 148
Jackson, Wallis
background/description, 93
Freshman and, 93, 109, 110, 160–61
interrogation/execution of, 132, 160–61
letters to his mother, 93, 110
See also Operation Freshman
Jahren, Øystein
arrest/imprisonment, 139, 145, 154, 155
Einar Skinnarland and, 139, 156
resistance and, 139, 155, 156, 159
Johansen, Gustav, 199, 200, 201–2, 212
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric
background/research and, 3, 64
on German atomic program, 311
heavy water and, 3–4, 15, 58
Joliot-Curie, Irène, 3
Jones, R. V., 319
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 14, 21, 57, 63, 64–65, 66, 277, 310
Kayser, Fredrik
after Vemork, 239
background, 130–31
description/skills, 130–31
Gunnerside/Vemork attack and, 130, 179, 189, 196, 197, 198–99, 200, 202–3
recognition/awards, 249
See also Operation Gunnerside
Kidd, John “Jack,” 261, 262
Kjelstrup, Arne
background/description, 76
celebrations honoring, 315–16
escape from Vemork/Nazi pursuit, 217, 218, 226–27, 230–31, 239
Grouse and, 76, 88, 97–98, 100, 101, 106, 111, 113, 114, 128–29
Gunnerside/Vemork attack and, 189, 191, 195–96, 198–200
health problems/return to Britain, 258
resistance/activities after Gunnerside, 221, 226, 240, 246–47, 256–57
resistance base, 246–47
Sunshine and, 312, 313
Swallow and, 140, 145–46, 149, 153, 161, 163, 165, 177, 178
See also Operation Grouse/Swallow; Operation Gunnerside; Operation Sunshine
Knall-Demars, Jehan, 16
Kompani Linge
celebration following victory/disbanding, 316
name significance, 43
reunions, 321
war summary, 316
See also specific individuals
Kon-Tiki expedition, 321
Kreyberg, Leiv, 141
Kristiansen, Kristian
saboteurs/hostage and, 174–76, 177
talking about saboteurs/interrogation and, 228
Landsverk, Jon, 313, 314
Larsen, Alf
after sabotage, 303–4, 307, 308
sabotaging D/F Hydro and, 285, 287, 291–92, 298, 299–300
Vemork position/work, 205, 206, 211, 212, 213
See also operation sabotaging D/F Hydro
Larsen, Hans, 21
Leeb, Emil, 64
Lier-Hansen, Knut
after ferry sabotage, 303, 304, 307
background/description, 294–95
sabotaging D/F Hydro and, 294–95, 299–303
See also operation sabotaging D/F Hydro
Linge, Martin
background/description, 38
commandos and, 38, 48, 85, 129, 131
death/memorial service, 41, 43
Lofoten debacle, 41
Longnvik, Johans, 314
Longnvik, Torgeir, 313–14
Manhattan Project
beginnings, 68–69
description, 244–45, 319
See also atomic bomb/program, U.S.
Manus, Max, 35
Mardonius mission, 223
Marshall, General, 68
Marshall, George, 68, 244–45, 259
Marstrander, Ernst, 157, 186
Masters, Trevor, 122–23
MAUD (Military Application of Uranium Detonation) Committee, 27, 57
See also Tube Alloys Directorate/Committee
Mehtven, David, 110
Meitner, Lise, 168, 255
Midtskau, Sverre, 35, 37
Milch, Erhard, 64
British goals and, 42
description, 28, 222
See also specific individuals
Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, 40
Mix, Tom (nickname), 30–31
Mosse, Fernand, 15, 16
Mountbatten, Louis
Combined Operations and, 77
Freshman and, 95, 119
targeting Vemork and, 78, 95, 118, 119
Muggenthaler, SS Second Lieutenant
after ferry sabotage, 307
heavy water production move and, 296, 303–4, 307
saboteurs’ Vemork attack/aftermath and, 211–13
Vemork bombing and, 269
Vemork security and, 242
Nazi Germany
Austria/Czechoslovakia and, 10
Britain/France declaring war, 10
Jews and, 63, 81
Poland invasion, 10, 18
Treaty of Versailles and, 22
war situation (May 1943), 242
See also atomic bomb/program, Germany; Norway’s invasion/occupation by Nazis; specific actions; specific groups; specific individuals
Neset, Aslak, 288
Nestler, Captain, 213
Neville, Robert, 77, 78
Nielsen, Kjell
celebrations honoring, 315–16
resistance and, 266
sabotage alibi, 299, 307
sabotaging D/F Hydro and, 281–82, 289, 291–92
Nilssen, Bjarne, 206, 211–12, 213, 298, 307
Norsk Hydro
formation, 45
staff disparity in housing sites, 74
See also Vemork plant/heavy water
break from Sweden/government creation, 32
celebrations for resistance/operation members, 315–16
freedom/victory over Germany, 315
neutral status and, 14, 18
Norwegian branch of SIS, 27
See also specific individuals; specific locations; Vemork plant/heavy water
Norway’s invasion/occupation by Nazis
Allied targets/selection and, 254–55, 256, 273–74
arrests/executions, 79, 81–82, 132, 137, 144
deprivation/martial law and, 36–37, 51
invasion description, 17–21, 87
investigations following Gunnerside/Vemork attacks, 211–14
manhunt following Freshman, 133, 136–37, 138, 144, 145
manhunt following Gunnerside, 223, 226–29, 230–35, 237–39
Nazis after defeat, 315
Norwegian mobilization to fight/
resistance and, 281, 282, 283
Oslo hotel takeover/guests and, 235–36
resistance and, 20, 23–25, 79, 82, 99, 133, 136–37, 138, 144, 145, 228–29, 266
teachers’ strike/concentration camp and, 79
Telavåg atrocity, 60
torture and, 24, 25, 51, 82, 123, 155, 158, 159–60, 162, 220–21, 254, 278, 287
See also specific individuals; specific operations
Norwegian Independent Company. See Kompani Linge
Notodden power station and heavy water, 63, 103, 184, 241, 249, 252
Nygaardsvold, Johan, 19
Nyhus, Georg, 64
Operation Bittern, 104
Operation Carhampton/disaster
description, 104, 157, 158, 186–87, 214, 222
Tromøsund/sinking and, 157, 214, 222
Operation Clairvoyant, 28, 52, 73, 77, 78
Operation Fieldfare, 85, 87, 129, 320
Operation Freshman
British sappers and, 94
Combined Operations (British) and, 92, 93, 94, 95, 111, 119
crashes, 113–16
flying to target, 110–11, 113–14
honoring members, 320
intelligence on Vemork and, 96
manhunt following, 133, 136–37, 138, 144, 145
maps/false escape routes and, 110
Operation Grouse/Swallow and, 95, 96, 101, 104–5, 108–9, 111–12, 113–14
plane-towed gliders and, 93–94, 95, 107–8, 110–11, 113–14
planning/plan for, 92–96, 104–5
preparation for flight, 110
search for survivors, 117–18
survivors interrogated/results, 123, 132–33, 155, 160–61
survivors killed/executed, 119–23, 339n
survivors surrender and, 116–17, 119
team members, 93
team training/conditioning, 93, 109–10
test run, 107–8
weather reports and, 108–9
See also specific individuals
Operation Granard, 222–23
Operation Grouse/Swallow (Grouse)
Combined Operations and, 102–3
delays before launch, 75–76, 79–80
difficulties skiing to planned drop site, 96–101
drop/landings, 87, 88
drop plans, 77, 84
following Operation Freshman disaster and, 118, 119, 127–29
mission change/secrecy and, 83–85, 88
Nazi raid/manhunt and, 144, 145
operating instructions, 77
Operation Freshman and, 95, 96, 101, 104–5, 108–9, 111–12, 113–14
original mission, 73, 138
plan/activities, 95, 96, 101, 103
radio communications, 101, 102–3, 104–5, 106–7, 108–9
radio difficulties, 98, 99–100, 101
retreat to Vidda/difficulties and, 127–29
searching for/collecting gear, 88, 89
sheep’s-head stew/incident, 105–6
supplies/mistakes, 76–77, 89
team members, 75, 76
time before Operation Freshman beginnings, 105–7
See also specific individuals
Operation Grouse/Swallow (Swallow)
base/activities and difficulties, 147–48, 149–54, 156, 161–63, 165–66, 171–72
hunger/malnutrition and, 144–46, 147–48, 149, 163–64, 226–27
Operation Gunnerside/Vemork attack mission and, 140, 143, 145, 148, 153, 165, 167, 171–72
radio communications, 138–39
reindeer/food and, 152–54
Swallow codename and, 138
See also Operation Gunnerside/Swallow
Operation Gunnerside
delays with mission, 148–49, 163
drop site, 145
drop site problems/storm, 169–74
escape plan, 130, 141
escape to Sweden/cover story, 225–26
escape to Sweden/difficulties and, 218–19, 223–26, 239
flight to drop site/antiaircraft fire, 163–65
hunter and, 174–76, 177
preparing to leave for mission, 146
rations/sleeping bags, 141–42
Scotland break, 167
team members, 129, 130–32
training/preparation, xviii–xix, 140–44, 158, 164, 167
Vemork mission, xviii–xix, 130, 137–38, 158
weapons/instruction and, 140–41, 143–44
See also specific individuals
Operation Gunnerside/Swallow
covering team, 164, 179, 189–90, 191, 195, 196, 198, 201
demolition teams, 164, 179, 190, 195, 196–97, 200, 201, 203
escape from Vemork/Nazi pursuit, 203–5, 209–11
finalizing approach/intelligence on Vemork security, 179–83, 184–85
finalizing escape plan, 185
finding/celebrating with Swallow members, 177–78
manhunt following Vemork attacks, 223, 226–29, 230–35, 237–39, 348n
praise/recognition, 248, 249
snow shovel incident and, 187–88
travel/difficulties getting to Vemork plant, xvii–xviii, xix, 189–93, 194–97
Vemork attack/damage done, 198–203, 205, 206, 214, 221–22
operation sabotaging D/F Hydro
back-up plans, 296–97
beginnings, 283
“council of war”/plan options, 285–86, 289
explosion plans/timing, 294, 297
explosives placement on ferry, 299–303
ferry description, 293
ferry night watchman and, 301–2
ferry sinking/people on board and, 304–6
intelligence gathering on, 280, 281–82, 284
members/experience and, 287–88, 292, 295
Nazi decision on moving, 270, 277, 280
Nazi interrogations after ferry sinking, 307
Nazi plan/route, 283, 285, 303–4
Nazi security/defense and, 289, 296, 298, 301, 303, 304
Olav (driver) and, 299–300, 303
plan/activities after operation, 292, 303–4, 306–8
sinking ferry decision, 286–87, 291
sinking ferry/options plan, 291–93
See also specific individuals
Operation Sunshine
activities, 312–15
mission, 312
team/recruits, 312, 313
Tronstad and, 312–14
Operation Swallow. See Operation Grouse/Swallow
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 10
Parkinson, Arthur, 110, 116
Pash, Boris, 311
Paus, Finn, 144
Payne, Joseph “Bubbles,” 265
Peel, Robert, 267
Peierls, Rudolf, 56–57, 58
Perrin, Michael, 245, 256, 284
Peterson, Otto, 120, 122, 123
Petterssen, Sverre, 109, 337n
Physical Review, 58
Planck, Max, 8
discovery, 58
fission/explosions and, 58–59, 65
Portal, Sir Charles, 259
Poulsson, Jens-Anton
background/description, 42, 73, 74–75
childhood, 74–75
father/ancestors, 74
global travels, 42, 73, 75
grandfather’s hunting rules and, 149–50
Poulsson, Jens-Anton, struggle against Nazis