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Bossman's List

Page 67

by Ashlee Price



  “Damn it, Mariah, you’ve got to shut the hell up! You can’t be hollering that stuff here.”

  My eyes met his in the mirror and I told him that I was sorry. I hadn’t been able to help it with the sudden feeling that he’d given me with the toy in my ass. It wasn’t long by any means, but it was a little thick for back there, and it was still vibrating from before. All of that translated to just too damn much, and I forgot for a moment that I was at my best friend’s wedding. All that mattered at the moment was the feel of the toy inside of me.

  “Daddy, I can’t help it. It just feels too good.”

  He made a face behind me and I saw him pulling his tie off. I knew that I was in for it now, and I closed my eyes when he started to shove the balled-up fabric into my mouth. Scott always got his way, and if he wanted me to be silent, I would.

  I felt his cock at my core, and it was only a moment before he was pushing back inside of me. This time there was nothing to stop him from slamming all the way in and bottoming out. I had to brace myself against the sink to stop my head from ramming into the mirror. He was not being gentle at all, and when his hand reached around to twist my nipple, I came harder than I had yet.

  It wasn’t long before he was pushing in deep one last time and I could feel his heat pouring into me. It was so hot, and I pushed back against him. Each thrust of his hips had pushed the toy in deeper, as well as himself. I couldn’t take much more, and finally I had to breathe.

  Scott slid out of me slowly, making a hissing sound as he did. It was the best sound in the world, knowing that he was satisfied. I could feel his satisfaction dripping out of me and sliding down my legs as I stood up a little wobbly.

  “Bend over, Mariah.”

  I whimpered because everything was burning and sore. That damn toy was still going off inside my ass, and there was no greater relief than when he pulled it out of me and I was finally empty.

  “Does that feel better?”

  “Yes, daddy.”

  “No more of that when we’re in public, Mariah. What are people going to think?”

  “I don’t care what they think, daddy. You said when it was just you and me, that I should call you that.” I pulled him closer. “It’s just you and me right now, daddy.”

  “Watch your mouth, young lady, or I’m going to put the plug back in you.”

  I straightened up. The last thing that I wanted was that damn plug back in me. I hadn’t been too fond of it when he’d pulled it out while I was getting dressed. It was sexy in theory, but it had been uncomfortable through most of the wedding.

  As we talked, I could see that he was getting hard in his pants. I whimpered. There was no way that I was going to be able to take more of him right now. I was too sore from overuse. But even though it would hurt, I would never tell him no. His cock was a threat that I looked forward to, even when I couldn’t handle it.

  “Are you ready to be a good girl?”

  I nodded, although we both knew that my answer could change at any time. I wasn’t the most obedient sub, but I think that Scott liked it that way. He’d better, because I wasn’t going to be a good girl for long, and I think we both knew that.

  “I’ll try, daddy.”

  He gave me a warning look because I was using that title again, but I saw his cock jerk below his waist. If I wanted to get out of the bathroom, I was going to have to get it together and actually be good for a little while. I didn’t want to spend the whole wedding reception in the bathroom, after all. This was Kimmie’s big day, and I wanted to see her again before she left with her new husband.


  “It was a beautiful day, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, the weather was perfect. They really lucked out that they didn’t get the spring rains. I think this is the first day in a week that it hasn’t rained.”

  He was talking about the weather and I was talking about the wedding. Seeing the two of them up there pronouncing their love to the world was kind of hard to forget about. They were just perfect for each other. That was rather obvious.

  “I meant the wedding, silly. The color, the kiss, it was all just perfect, don’t you think?”

  Scott agreed, but it didn’t feel like he was paying very much attention. I knew that, like most guys, he didn’t really care about weddings that much, but at least he’d come. I just felt so in love with the idea of a wedding, and I hoped that one day he would be as ready for it as I was. We loved each other. That much I knew, but I wanted more. I wanted to be his wife, not just his little girl.

  “Yeah, it was nice. They looked happy.”

  “You seem to have something on your mind. What’s going on with you, Scott?”

  He was bothered by something, but like always he was being hesitant about telling me. I wanted to know what he was thinking about. I’d been too wrapped up in the wedding to notice that something was off until now.

  “I’ve got a lot on my mind, and my phone has been going crazy since we got there.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “One of our tapes got leaked. The board wants to call a meeting to discuss whether I should be taken off of the board. They think I might have to step down as CEO, and even then it might not be enough to save the company.”

  I hadn’t seen that coming, and I was at a loss of words. “I’m sorry, Scott. I didn’t know that all of that was going on. I wouldn’t have messed with you so much. Or we could have left early.”

  “I know, Mariah. That’s why I didn’t tell you. I wanted you to have a good day.”

  “So how did the tape get leaked? I thought all of them were burned up in the club fire.”

  He shrugged. “There’s no telling. I would guess that Elie had some at his house and we just happened to star in one of them.”

  “I don’t know what to say. This is horrible, Scott. No wonder you’re acting strange.”

  “I found out about this halfway through the wedding. I was thinking about other things that were occupying my mind.”

  “Like what?” I was anxious to talk about anything but the current subject. I didn’t even want to think about what would happen tomorrow. All of the media would get a hold of the tape and soon everything would change.

  “Well, I was thinking about how long we should wait until we get married.”

  That had my attention. The change of subject took a minute for me to get used to. One minute I was thinking about catastrophe and the next I was dreaming about a wedding of my own.

  “Well, you have to ask first, daddy.”

  He smirked at the name change and pulled me onto his lap in the car. “I’m asking now.”

  “What about your job?”

  “I don’t care too much about it. The company will survive without me, and I’ll run it whether I’m CEO or not. I’m not worried about that. I’m worried about us. Would you marry me, Mariah?”

  “You know that I’ll do whatever you say.”

  He didn’t like the answer, and his kiss was a little harder than usual. His teeth nipped on my bottom lip, and I mewled against him. “I want you to marry me because you want to, not because you think you have to, Mariah. I don’t own you. I want you with me because you love me.”

  “I’m with you because I love you in all capacities that you want me. I would marry you in a heartbeat, Scott.”

  “Even if I lose all of my money and get old?”

  I shrugged and told him that he was already old. “The money thing doesn’t matter that much. You can always make some more.”

  “You’re too good for me sometimes.” He pulled me to him and kissed me again. He was quickly pulling me into his vortex of need, and before long his fingers were rubbing places on me that made me jump.

  “I think that about you all of the time.”

  “I don’t deserve you, Mariah, and I don’t know how I ever found you, but I’m never going to let you go.”

  I told him that I was going to hold him to th
at promise. I didn’t even think about his proposal again until we got home and I was getting out of the shower. My mind was on our time in the bathroom at the wedding, and the soreness that still plagued me and most likely would for quite a while.

  When I looked up from drying my hair off, Scott was standing behind me. I started when I saw his reflection, and I could tell that he wanted to laugh at me.


  “Turn around so I can do this properly.”

  “What are you talking about, daddy? We never do anything properly.”

  He grinned at me and agreed. “No, we don’t, but just this once call me Scott and turn around.”

  I did as he asked. I wasn’t prepared for the large ring that he held out, nestled in a tiny little blue velvet box. My heart was pounding in my ears, and for a moment I was afraid that I was going to faint.

  “Where did you get that?”

  He shook his head and told me that I needed to stop asking so many questions. “I’ve had this for a while, Mariah. I was just trying to find the perfect time to ask you. So will you?”

  “Yes, Scott. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  Scott growled at me and pulled me close to his chest, wrapping his arms around me tightly. It wasn’t long before the towel between us was gone and we both forgot about the ring that had fallen on the floor between us. I would marry him, of course, but in my eyes, I was already his forever. Scott would forever be my Dom, my love and now my husband. It was all the same to me. I wasn’t going anywhere, no matter what my title or his became.

  ~The End~

  My Stepbrother in Charge

  The limo reached the hotel and I got out, looking around at the bright lights, the people on the street, each going their own way, intent on their own purpose. Some looked happy, others, well, let’s just say not so much. Vegas is, as history has shown, a town where fortunes have been made and lost with the single sweep of a one-armed bandit or the roll of a dice. I was careful to make sure there were no creases in my cream pants suit. It was, after all, a long time since I had seen my estranged step-brother. The last time was seven years ago. I was a sophomore in college, home for the holidays. I remember having just got home, and had sneaked a look into the kitchen, hoping for some of Abby, the cooks’ famous pastries, when I heard Godfrey, my stepfather, screaming at Drew, calling him names, fag and a gay bastard being the most prevalent. That was the last time I had seen Drew, the thump of the front door as he left seeming to be the end of that particular conversation, if that is what it could be called. Although it was the last time I had seen him, we kept in touch over the years, sending each other the occasional email, you know, Christmas and birthdays and such.

  And then I had met Andy. Beautiful, wife-beating, fucked up Andy, who had seemed to be the perfect choice of husband material; tall, rich, handsome, intelligent, in short, everything a woman could ask for…almost. His low self-esteem coupled with his insecurities which he would take out me seemed to be the highlight of his life – taking it out on me, that is, not the self-esteem and insecurity issues. Well, it is two years later and a divorce is pending. Not all the money in the world is enough to make me stay with him. I’ve had one cracked rib and one blue eye too many, especially since my natural eye color is brown. Anyway, to make a long story short, after leaving Andy, I went back to stay with Mom and Godfrey, received an invite from Drew to come visit, and here I am, standing on the sidewalk, in Las Vegas, taking some time off from work and looking forward to spending time in the desert with the stepbrother, the hotel magnate.

  I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, which was opened for me, and I was ushered in. There was no stopping at the concierge for me. Nope, I was ushered towards a private elevator, taken all the way up to the top floor, shown my bedroom, and left to my own devices, being told that Mr. Backstromb, that’s Drew and the stepdad’s surname, so by the way, and my mother’s as well, come to think of it, would be with me presently.

  I have to say it was a little bit of a let-down. I had dressed to the nines, even put on six inch heels, all in preparation of seeing my sexy step-brother, at least, that’s how I remember him, and the man was not even around. The anticipation had gotten me all hot and bothered, and truth be told, I was a little edgy.

  There was, however, one thing that tended to calm me down: sex. Luckily I had Fred with me; this being what I called my little fucking ridiculous electronic device, if you were wondering.

  Besides, Andy had been a terrible lay. Sex with Fred had always been much more satisfying, and he didn’t last five minutes, tops, and he didn’t only knew one position, missionary. Fred could fuck me any way I wanted. Hell, Fred lasted as long as I needed him to, and he satisfied me in all the ways I needed to be. Mostly. A little human contact and some dirty words would have been a nice addition, but they don’t get made that way. Just a thought to throw in here: this is my idea, and I am going to approach a company with it, so please, don’t go stealing it!

  Back to me and Fred. Seeing as I was a little hot under the collar round about this time, I decided to go do something about it. I got undressed and took a quick shower, took Fred out, lay on the bed, and set to work.

  And then, it happened.

  Let me explain. Fred was inside me, buzzing around merrily, working on my G-spot while my one hand was rubbing away at my clit, driving me towards a most successful conclusion. However, that is when the unthinkable happened. Just as my climax hit me, and let me add, I am vocal about it, my door burst open. There I lay, butt naked, my pussy exposed with Fred doing its thing inside me, my climax causing a squirt, and two startle-faced men were seeing the whole thing happen! I wished, at that moment, the earth would open and swallow me, literally! It was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me.

  Could you possibly imagine how mortified I was?

  “Hi Mel,” Drew managed ever so calmly.

  “This is my friend Jace. He’s on leave for a while and visiting. A marine, might I add, and used to just about everything, although I have to say this must be a first. Finish up and come say hi when you’re done. Take your time, though. I can see you are busy.”

  I managed a weak “Hi, Jace, nice meeting you,” and a limp wave of my hand before the door closed between us, shutting out the two men. Fred, all but forgotten, was still buzzing away, the eternal pussy pleaser. Needless to say, I pulled him out and shut him off, hiding him away in the drawer of the nightstand. I was so busted! There was me, wanting to make a great first impression, but instead, I went and made one that was unforgettable! I wanted to cry, but, my mother didn’t raise a wimp, so I got up, cleaned myself up a little, patted on a little makeup, and got dressed in a demure little black frock and kitten heels before pulling a brush through my hair, which is auburn, so by the way. Alright, actually it is a non-descript brown, but my hairdresser is magic with color, so auburn it is!

  I took a deep breath, and opened the door.


  The two men were seated out on the verandah, each with a drink, conversing softly and looking out over the skyline, the consistent Vegas lights forming a backdrop to their physiques. Two sexy asses were presented to me for my perusal, and believe me, peruse I did! Drew’s were tight, perfect for his tall lean body, whereas Jace’s fitted out the back of his jeans to perfection, the perfect fit to the rest of his perfectly muscled body. After my little sexual encounter of a few minutes ago, my walls were still lubricated, and I felt them give a slight twinge. Behave, girl! You might be in Vegas with a hidden agenda, but these two guys don’t have eyes for you!

  Both of them turned when my shoe scuffed the tiled floor, and looked at me. I felt like a fly under a microscope, with students inspecting all my parts; not that it could be an inspection of a sexual nature, could it? If course not! They were gay, after all.

  “Can I pour you a drink, Mel? I’m sure you could use one after your…ride.” The innuendo was not last on me, but hey, what could I do?

  Blushing, but
trying to keep my composure, I nodded. I turned to his companion.

  “So you are a real life marine?”

  “Honest to goodness down to earth marine, ma’am.” His voice was low, husky, the kind that played along your nerve endings in a never-ending symphony and left you wanting for more. And I wanted more. Plenty more. Except, well, for that other thing.

  “And you’re on leave?” I battled to make small talk. His icy stare, in the tanned, chiseled face, seemed to be eating me up, looking into my soul, and burning me at the same time.

  “Yup. I go back next week. How long are you out here for?”

  “A week. It’s all the leave I have available at the moment.”

  “Drew tells me you’re getting a divorce? Marriage not your thing?”

  “No, it’s not that, exactly. It turned out he likes hitting women, and after one cracked rib and blue eye too many, I decided to call it quits. Besides, he was terrible in the sack.” I wished the earth would open and swallow me once more! What on earth had possessed me to mention Andy’s sexual prowess or the lack in my sex life to a total stranger? I turned my head and looked out at the landscape in an effort to hide my embarrassment while cursing my wayward tongue.

  Drew had come up behind me during the little tête-à-tête, and offered me a glass.

  “Gin and tonic? If memory serves me correctly, it used to be your drink of choice.”

  I accepted the proffered glass and took a sip, at a loss for words, which, as you might have realized by now, is not my natural state of being.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear what you told Jace, about your sex life. I take it then that one of the reasons you accepted my offer was so that you could get a little action on the side away from the prying eyes of your matre and my patre, hm?”

  I almost choked on my drink. “Well, I wouldn’t put it that way exactly! But yes, not that it’s any of your business!”


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