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Bossman's List

Page 68

by Ashlee Price

  “Okay, but why? “

  “What do you mean, Drew?”

  “I think,” Jace interjected, “that Drew wants to know why you have a need to look for men or sex out here in Vegas, while you could just as easily have your pick of any man at home.”

  “Oh. It’s because…well… Okay. It’s because during my marriage Andy would always and consistently tell me that no man would want me, and that our lack of sex was my fault. I was not sexy or pretty enough. Okay? And besides, I wouldn’t want any little escapade I might get entangled in ending up with my mother!”

  The truth was humiliating. Yet suddenly, saying it out loud was a freeing experience. Admitting my feelings of inadequacy and my dependence on another’s confirmation of my self-worth was not something that I had admitted out loud before.

  “So the dumb schmuck you got married to continued eroding your self-confidence after my father had his go at you, did he?”

  Drew laughed at my startled expression. “You think I didn’t know?

  “Hell, he did a bang up job on me all those years, didn’t he? I should know. I’ve been there, done that and I have shitloads of t-shirts to prove it! But you know what, Mel? You are a survivor, just like me, and maybe I can help you out. I think we should discuss what I have in mind later, maybe after dinner. I think we need to go out. Jace and I will wine and dine you to your heart’s content, even help you pick some eye candy! Let’s go.”

  Dinner was marvelous. We sat at a corner while watching a show, which was excellent. Every now and then one of them would fill my glass (dom perignon, so by the way, Drew has excellent taste), or point out some random stranger for comment. It was fun, and I was having the time of my life, so much so, in fact, that I didn’t notice, at the time, that Drew had his arm around me, and Jace’s hand was on my leg. It all seemed so utterly, entirely, natural; three friends out on a night on the town. Besides, a corner of my brain had shut down, and they were gay, weren’t they? I was perfectly safe.

  I have to admit, I got drunk. Utterly, completely, irrevocably drunk, pissed, intoxicated, inebriated, wasted, faded, paralytic. And horny. As hell. Champagne, for some odd reason, has that effect on me. I was in trouble without knowing it. Or I might have been, if I had not been with two gay guys.


  I woke, slowly, and lifted one heavy eye. My head was pounding, as if the US Navy’s brass band was recruiting new members who had not learnt to keep their timing, thudding away at the back of my head in discordant harmony. I quickly shut my eye, deciding that darkness was better than the dull light filtering through the curtains of my bedroom. Bedroom? How the hell did I get into bed? I sat up, the jarring pain in my skull made me utter an involuntary groan, while my mouth was so dry it felt as if my tongue had been plastered to my pallet. Then it struck me. I was not alone. Nor was I dressed. I was stark naked, in bed, sandwiched between two, well-built male bodies!

  Holy hell where did they come from? My first coherent thought was followed by: Shit, I’m in bed with two unknown men! What the hell did I do last night? One of the bodies stirred, and I realized, it was stark naked as well, as was the other, and the two men in bed with me were none other than Drew and Jace.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Shh, Drew, I think, is still asleep. Keep it down.”

  Realizing my 36 D’s were on show, I hurriedly grabbed the bedding and covered up, Jace’s soft chuckle letting me know he’d had a good view.

  “Hey, don’t cover up on my account. I’ve seen them before, remember? Might I add that they are quite nice?”

  “Oh God!” I managed, as I tried wedging the sheet out from under the two men before giving it up as a bad job and clambering, inelegantly, out of the bed, giving him a full view of my ass. I was so not going to live it down! I ran out of the room and made my way to my own bedroom, and banged the door shut behind me, a soft, male chuckle following. What had I been up to!

  I had a cool shower, got dressed in a t-shirt and sweats, swallowed two pain killers, and gulped down a glass of water. Not necessarily in that order. By the time I had composed myself, I heard noise coming through the door. I couldn’t stay holed up the whole day, so, once again, bracing myself, I went out. It was the smell of bacon coming from the kitchenette that called me. It was tantalizing, to say the least. I followed my nose and found the two of them looking none the worse for wear rustling up breakfast.

  “Want a coffee?” Jace asked. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  Jace placed a mug in front of me and spooned in two sugars without asking, while Drew unceremoniously plonked down a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

  “Eat,” he commanded.

  I looked at the food. It was greasy, not in the least up to my usual standards. “I think I’ll skip.”

  “Eat, Mel. It will help with the hangover. Trust me on this. Now stop arguing, and eat.”

  I picked up a fork and speared a slice of bacon, bit off a piece and started chewing. “When did you get all bossy? And who put me to bed. And why was I in bed with you and Jace? I mean, did I? You know, did we? You know?”

  Drew laughed. “What do you think, Mel?”

  “Well,” I hesitated, and decided to tackle the proverbial bull by the horns. “Well, I know you are gay and everything, so I don’t suppose anything happened. But who took off my clothes, and more importantly, why? And why your bedroom?”

  “Quite simply put, we were all out of it, Mel. Don’t get your g-string into a knot! Besides, you didn’t want to sleep alone you said, and you had spilt champagne all over yourself, so we thought it was a good idea to get you undressed and into bed. Nothing happened, okay? Besides, we are not the sort to take advantage of an inebriated woman!”

  “Not the sort…” I had to laugh at this point. “You wouldn’t anyway, would you? Take advantage of a woman. I mean, you being gay and all.”

  “Gay? You think I am gay? In the strictest sense of the word?” Drew looked at Jake and they both started laughing.

  “Mel, I’m not gay! I am bisexual. There is quite a difference, you know? Just because I can find a man attractive, does not mean that I don’t find women attractive as well, and you, my dear, are a very attractive woman!”

  I was at a sudden loss for words. “You think I am attractive?”

  “Yes, Mel, always have, always will! You are beautiful, funny, and intelligent! Hell, don’t you see the way men look at you? But what interests me, is the fact that you haven’t mentioned the fact that I am bisexual. Doesn’t that put you off?”

  Round about this time, my head was spinning, and not only from the aftereffects of my previous night’s alcohol intake.

  “You mean to say, I mean, that is, you find women attractive? You have sex with women?”


  “And what about you, Jace?”

  “Well babe, I am a military man, and as that goes, I don’t see too many women, you know? So yeah, I guess you could call me bisexual as well. I have found the odd man appealing, although my orientation leans more towards women. Besides, I see nothing wrong with sex so long as there is a mutual attraction and understanding between those involved, know what I mean? So States side, if there is no woman around, Drew is my preferred choice of, let’s call it, partner.”

  “Holy shit. You both like women!”

  At this stage my head was spinning, the headache relegated to a thudding throb at the base of my skull, while my brains tried making sense of it all. The fact that they were bisexual, the fact they liked woman, and the fact that I was there, looking for trouble, with two, let’s face it, men who were sexy as sin and after whom any hot-blooded female would throw her soaking panties after. Except I don’t wear panties, I wear g-strings – I happen to find them much more comfortable, but that’s just me, and I don’t judge, especially when it comes to underwear; I wear my spanx when needed, I’m not too proud to admit it!

  The silence between the three of us, at that point, was so thick you could cut it with a
knife, a sharp one, at that. I became aware of the heat permeating from them, their mingled smell coming at me in waves. Damn why am I horny all the fucking time! I tried my best to cover my growing awareness in flippant conversation, changing the topic of discussion to anything I could think of: the weather, sports, politics; hell even our respectively, very much fucked up, parents were discussed. Yet all the time, I was very much aware of the fact that both of them had seen me, every nook and cranny, hill and dale. And the thought, although embarrassing, was also…titillating. I couldn’t help but wonder at what they thought of the ‘goodies’. Strangely enough, it was also at this point that I realized that my headache had disappeared. It would seem a little shock was an excellent way to cure a hangover.

  After a while, my repertoire of small talk dried up, and a silence ensued. An uncomfortable one, I might add. I don’t know whether Jace felt sorry for me or uncomfortable, but he suddenly announced he needed to go out for a while, which left me and Drew alone. We were totally isolated, the two of us, within the confines of his penthouse apartment.

  Not knowing what to do or say, I started gathering the dishes and put them in the sink, intending on washing up. Drew stood and watched me for a while, took up a dish towel, and started drying while I washed.

  “Drew…” I turned towards him, only to come up against his chest. I was unable to turn away. His arms went around me and he pulled me even closer.

  I looked up, and his mouth came down on mine, hard and insistent. His taste, oh hell his taste! I couldn’t help myself. A part of me that had been buried for so long that I had forgotten it existed, burst free, and I found myself splaying my hands through his hair, pulling him closer. My senses seemed to be flooded by him, his smell, taste, and essence. I was totally unaware, on a conscious level, of his hands on my body, under my shirt, exploring, until one sneaked around the front between us and started massaging my breast through the thin lace of my bra. My involuntary gasp of pleasure when he rubbed against my nipple made him pull back slightly.

  “Relax, Mel. I know what you want. I know what you need. Relax, let me give it to you. You know I can give you what you want, don’t you?”

  “And what is that, exactly?”

  “A good fucking. It’s why you came to Vegas, isn’t it? Sex? Wanting to be needed, wanted, and used. Your body is screaming for it, I can tell. We can give you what you need. Besides, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, remember?”


  “Of course. Drew and me. Between the two of us, by the time you go back, you will have absolutely no doubts as to your sexuality. That’s what the idiot you are divorcing did to you, isn’t it? Make you doubt your sexuality? Your womanhood? Your sexiness? We can give it back to you, and more. Are you up for it, Mel? Are you up for me? Can you handle it? The question is, do you want to handle it?”

  “I’m not sure, I…”

  “Alright, but you want me right now, don’t you? I can feel it in your body.” His hand travelled down to my crotch, which, I have to admit, was telling him exactly what he wanted to know. I was wet. Wet and hot and horny as hell and yes, I wanted him to fuck me, badly.

  “See?” he said with a smile.

  “Your body can’t lie, can it? You want it.” His mouth swooped down again and kissed me. It felt so good! His hands were exploring me again, pulling me closer, so that I could feel the force of his arousal just above my crotch. Oh, I wanted it, alright. I wanted it badly.

  Our lips were momentarily parted when he unceremoniously pulled my t-shirt of me, allowing my bra-less breasts to hop free, bouncing slightly. His head dipped down, and he caught a nipple in his mouth, on which he started suckling. His other hand moved down the front of my sweatpants and found my wet pussy. After rubbing at the clit, he dipped in a finger and swirled it around. He was driving me insane. I had been on tender hooks since arriving, and the anticipation of what was to follow was working me into a frenzy for which my body demanded relief.

  “Drew, please,” I managed to gasp as he slowly worked me up to an orgasm.

  Drew hoisted me onto the kitchen counter, the same one where we had earlier sat and had breakfast, and pushed me down. He stood for a few moments and looked at me, as if he was studying every nook and cranny, every bump and dip, in short, every inch. The desire and lust in his eyes made my inner woman, the one which had for so long been broken down, revel in the look. It made me feel beautiful, desirable, and yeah, let’s face it, sexy.

  “I can’t wait, Mel.” Drew parted my legs and plunged his cock into me, to the hilt, and immediately started pumping into me, his movements hard, fast and frenzied, like a man who was about to have his last fuck before going to the gas chamber. His eyes never left my bouncing breasts, and if possible, he picked up his speed, as if his cock and my tits had to move to the same rhythm.

  I felt my orgasm build again, slowly, yet incessantly, and I knew that whatever happened, I needed it, wanted it, yearned for it. And then I had it. It hit me in waves, running from my pussy to every nerve ending in my body, making me shudder and scream (I did mention I was loud, didn’t I?) while my nails tried finding something to dig into, yet all it found was the cold, marble counter top. Drew’s orgasm followed after a few more thrusts, an incomprehensive, guttural cry accompanying his seed as it shot into me. There we both were, me on my back, and him standing between my legs, gasping for air.

  “You okay?” Drew managed.

  I nodded. “Yeah, more than okay. That was bloody marvelous!”

  “Good. Do you want another round? Jace said to let you know he is willing and able and only waiting for my phone call. You up to being our plaything for the few days before you leave? It’s your chance to say so now.”

  I licked my lips in anticipation of the large, rock-solid marine.

  “Hmm, let me take a quick shower and send him right on in.”

  “Good girl,” I heard from behind my back, as I made my way through to my bedroom, trying to walk elegantly while stark naked, hoping my wobbly bits weren’t jiggling around too much.

  I got into the shower, enjoying the warmth over my aroused body, and wondered at my own audacity. And Drew’s. Hell, I never knew he could make a girl feel that way. And take charge of things the way he has. I knew he was successful, but I never, in my wildest dreams, thought he would turn out to be such a… well…. Such a stud.


  I was standing under the shower, rinsing off the suds, when I felt a pair of large hands encircle me from behind. I was pulled flush against a hard, muscled body, Jace’s. His hands roamed over me, touching, stroking, the warm water adding to the sensation. He started nuzzling my neck, nipping at the soft skin carefully, while his hands kneaded my overly sensitive breasts.

  “Relax,” he whispered in my ear, his warm breath on my wet skin cooling and heating me at the same time.

  One arm pulled me against him even more firmly, if possible, and he plunged two fingers into me, while his thumb circled my clit. I squirmed in his embrace, but he would give no quarter. I was held fast, and toyed with, helpless beneath his onslaught. He picked up his pace, left my clit alone, and drove into me, faster and faster, causing my orgasm, when it came, to be both painful and wonderful at the same time. He kept on at me, refusing to withdraw, until my last shudder and moan had left me. I was spent. Or so I thought.

  Jace turned me around, picked me up as if I weighed nothing, pushing my back against the cold tiles, pulled my legs around his waist, arms around his neck, and shoved his cock right on up into me, again. He forced my chin up so that he could look me in the eyes.

  “Hold onto me and don’t let go.” I wasn’t planning on doing so.

  The first thrust went deep, filling me to my limits, and then he picked up the pace, faster and faster. I was pinned between him and the wall, being taken, used, and loving every moment of it. I came with a scream, he with a grunt, and then his arms were around me, holding me.

  “You okay?”

  Not able to s
ay anything, I merely nodded my head, my body satisfied, my mind struggling to think coherently. It had been that good!

  Jace left me to towel off and get dressed in my own time. Naked, I walked through to my bedroom, and crawled into bed. I was asleep the moment my head hit the pillow. I slept like a baby.

  I woke a few hours later, got dressed, and walked through to the living area. Nobody was in sight, but propped against a vase, there was an envelope with my name on it. I opened it and had to sit. It was from Drew.


  It’s wonderful having you here. Jace and I are out for a bit. We’ll bring some takeout when we get back. Hope you have a good rest. We both want you tonight, at the same time. Are you up for it? Think about it, and let us know when we get back. We promise, if you say yes, you won’t be sorry.


  I have to tell you, I was worried. I’ve been with men, but never two at the same time. My sexual experiences at college were varied, and yeah, I had done anal, but never, ever with two men at the same time. The thought was disconcerting on the one hand, although on the other, I have to admit that it has been a fantasy of mine. I think I might have mentioned that. No? Well now you know. Anyway, there I was, all alone, with nothing to do except wait on their arrival. I looked around, and wondered what I could get up to so as to pass the time, but honestly, nothing came to mind. I could watch some T.V., of course, but hey, I was in Vegas! Who watches T.V. while in Vegas? I went back to my room and put on some make-up and got dressed to go out, leaving a note of my own for them in case they got back before I did.


  The place was packed. Slot machines were ringing, and there was the occasional whoop of joy as someone won. The slots, however, was not my aim. I got some chips and wandered over to a blackjack table, it was a game that had always held my fascination, and took a seat. I was soon engrossed in the game, and had won some and lost some. It was about 30 minutes later that a cocktail was put at my side, blue in color, garnished with an umbrella and a slice of lime.


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