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Devereaux Billionaires Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 28

by Mallory Crowe

  Luke’s gaze followed her as she walked away and Michael steeled himself for the questions about to be thrown at him.

  “What the hell are you doing with her?” snapped Luke as soon as she was gone.

  Michael took another swig of his drink. “We just told you.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I wanted you to get laid. I probably wanted you to get laid more than you did. But now? With her? She works for you. She’s quitting because of this.”

  He narrowed his eyes at the reminder. “She doesn’t need to quit,” he growled.

  “Seriously, though. You want models? I can introduce you to models. They’re the best. Carefree, have their own money, loose with morals. They’re all for a one-weekend stand.”

  “I don’t want a one-weekend stand,” he gritted out.

  “Well, you better tell Lori that, because she looks like a runner to me. Did you hear her reaction when I called her your girlfriend?”

  Michael slammed his now empty glass on the table a little too hard. “I don’t want a girlfriend either. I just wanted a weekend without cleaning up any of your messes.”

  “Hey, this isn’t my mess we’re cleaning up. And at least I don’t dip my pen in company ink.”

  Rage pulsed through Michael as he stood, half ready to storm off to grab Lori and get the hell out of there, but Luke sat up and set a hand on Michael’s arm. “I’m not trying to piss you off. Promise. I’m just not sure where this is coming from. It’s not like you, and this is a bad time to not be you.”

  Michael sat back down but didn’t stop glaring at his brother. “Are you telling me you’ve never been with anyone from DevX?”

  “Not once.”

  “Not even Cali?”

  “Especially not Cali. I like her way too much to ever sleep with her.”

  Michael let out a small laugh. A bit of his anger subsided. As much time as Luke and Cali had spent together over the years, Michael had never picked up on any tension between the two, so if they had ever slept together it hadn’t affected their working relationship.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing with her,” he said quietly.

  “That’s strange for you.”

  “It is.” And he didn’t really like the feeling. The very idea of having a steady relationship was a foreign concept to him, but the thought of her leaving to work somewhere else made him angrier than Luke did, and that was a considerable accomplishment.

  Lori splashed some water on her face as she stared at herself in the mirror. She was handling this pretty well so far. Luke had seemed like a hyper child as he switched from topic to topic, and it was almost impossible for her to get a read on him.

  But she was certain he wasn’t talking aimlessly. He seemed to be studying her every word and answer as though he was going to issue her a pass or fail grade at the end of the dinner. He seemed like a nice guy and all, but it didn’t make for a relaxing dinner.

  Now that she was refreshed and had a breather, she could handle the rest of the dinner. It looked as if the guys were almost done, and then she and Michael could sneak back to his apartment and start up where they left off.

  As she turned to leave the bathroom, she felt her pocket vibrate. Or rather, her phone in her pocket. When it continued, she realized it was a call and not a text message. She pulled the phone out but didn’t recognize the number on the screen. It could be one of the companies she’d applied to, but she doubted they’d be calling her this late on a Friday.

  She sent the call to her voicemail. She didn’t have time to deal with a solicitor’s call. Even though she doubted the unfamiliar number was someone she knew, she stared at the screen as she waited to see if they left a message. Sure enough, the little icon lit up a minute later.

  Lori immediately called to check the message.

  “Hi. I’m calling for Lori?” The man sounded unsure whether he had the right number, and Lori remembered that her voicemail didn’t say her name. “It’s your Uncle Grayson. Word is that you’re in town and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up? One of my clients is actually throwing a fancy shindig tomorrow night and you’re welcome to stop by. Free drinks, free food, and some fun company. I’ll look up the address and message it to you. Let me know if you can make it. I’d love to catch up. Well, I guess that’s it. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow. Bye.”

  Lori ended the call and slipped the phone back into her pocket. She took a deep breath as she thought about what he’d said. Damn it. If he’d called just a few days earlier, she would’ve been more than happy to meet up with him. But now?

  She left the bathroom and made her way back to their table. The brothers seemed to be in the middle of an intense conversation. She’d have to tell Michael about the call, but she’d have to wait until Luke wasn’t around. He didn’t need to know right now.

  “Whoa, what did I miss?” Lori slid back into her seat and forced a smile.

  In a flash, Luke’s trademark grin was back in place. “You missed our ultra-serious discussion on what type of cannoli to order for dessert.”

  “Oh, no. There are multiple types? I might be in trouble.”

  Luke shot her a knowing smile. “You have no idea.”

  Lori rubbed at the back of her neck as Michael shut the door behind her. “Your brother is...interesting.”

  Michael tucked his jacket into the entryway closet and set his keys on the small table next to it. “That’s one way to describe him.”

  He moved past her and she followed him into the kitchen. “He seems nice, though. I can tell you two care for each other.” She remembered the first time she’d been to his apartment. When he’d sworn that family always had been and always would be the most important thing to him. It was nice to see that Luke cared for him too.

  “He’s a good guy. Sometimes he’s a bit reckless, though. Drives me crazy.”

  “That’s what family’s for, I guess.”

  She palmed her phone in her front pocket as he pulled a bottle of water out of his refrigerator. “I’d offer you a glass of wine, but...”

  “I know. I’m a shame to humankind.”

  He smiled and poured the water in a glass for her. “Nothing wrong with being a little weird.”

  She eyed the glass of water he’d poured her. “Nothing wrong with being fancy either.”

  He let out a small laugh. “I suppose I’m still trying to impress you.”

  “Just stop trying. I’m impressed already. Promise.” Her hand felt her phone in her pocket once more. She would have to tell Michael about the voicemail. One more thing to mess up their weekend together.

  “That’s funny, because you look decidedly unimpressed at the moment.”

  She took a breath. It was now or never. “I got a phone call while we were at dinner. I checked the voicemail when I ducked away from the table and I’m not sure what to do about it.”

  “What kind of call?”

  “It was from my Uncle Grayson. He said he didn’t realize I’d moved to the city and would love to catch up.” She studied him, trying to get a read on how he felt about it.

  Michael’s face was a blank mask. “What did you tell him?”

  “Nothing. He left a voicemail and I didn’t call him back. I thought it would be best if I talked to you about it first.”

  “Why? You’re more vocal than anyone that we’re not a couple. I don’t have any say in you meeting your family.”

  Somehow the words felt like a slap in the face. Sure, she didn’t want to commit to anything long-term, but that didn’t mean she didn’t respect and value his opinion. And it sure as hell wasn’t as though he was asking for a commitment. “I figured you’d be especially interested since he asked me to come to a cocktail party tomorrow night. And since I assume it’s the same one you’re going to with Luke, I thought you had a right to know.”

  His calm façade finally cracked as he clenched his jaw and stared her down. “You can’t go.”

  “You know more than anyone that I don’t want to be
involved with those people any more than I have to. But I won’t be in any immediate danger. It could even help you if I got closer to Grayson.”

  Michael stepped in closer. “I don’t want your help, Lori. I want you as far away from this as possible.”

  “Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you brought me into it.” She knew it was a low blow, but she wanted to prove her point. “Making one more appearance than I already have won’t put me in excessive danger.”

  “Even if it puts you in a tiny amount of danger, I don’t want you doing it. You haven’t spoken to your uncle in years. What’s another decade or two?”

  “Would you say that if our places were reversed? I know how strongly you feel about family, Michael.”

  He didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to. She already knew the answer.

  “So, let me get this right. If I forbid you to go, you’re going to be annoyed with me and go anyway. But if I say that you should go, you’ll go anyway and not be annoyed with me.”

  “When you put it like that, I sound flighty. I know I shouldn’t even try to get to know him, but I’m curious. It’s hard to know about all this going on and keep my distance.”

  “Distance used to be all you wanted.”

  “Back when I thought you were going to be arrested and I would go down with you. But Evelyn is the one who told us about Grayson. So I don’t exactly run the risk of being guilty by association anymore. So the only reason not to meet him would be to keep them from knowing we’re together, but I think that ship has sailed. Especially after eating out with Luke tonight.”

  “That doesn’t mean they know we’re together.”

  Lori didn’t want to tell him that they already knew. He seemed stressed enough that Hunter had been in front of her apartment once, let alone knowing it had happened again. Besides, telling him wouldn’t do anything except worry him even more than he already was. “Tell you what, if you really think that me going with you tomorrow night will put me in more danger than I’m already in, I won’t go.”

  “Well, if you’re going to do something stupid, I’d rather you be with me while you do it.”

  “That’s one way to look at it.”

  “But you do know what this means, right?”


  “You’re going to have to have dinner with Luke and me again.”

  “I can’t believe you spent the night with Michael Devereaux,” said Quinn for what must’ve been the tenth time.

  “It’s not that unbelievable,” muttered Lori as she pulled a dress off the rack and wrinkled her nose at the pattern.

  “Oh, don’t take this the wrong way. I’d be saying the same thing if I’d slept with him. The man is a catch.”

  “We’re not together.” Lori felt like a broken record as she kept on reiterating their non-togetherness. But the thing that caught her the most off guard about all her protesting was that it felt like a lie. She’d never been in a physical-only relationship, but what she had with Michael was definitely starting to feel more real. Were they just supposed to have sex and then part ways? Because they’d stayed up talking for over an hour before they’d finally put on a movie to watch together and sleep had taken her under. And then in the morning, they’d had sex again and he’d made her scrambled eggs. And then they’d had sex again.

  So maybe it was still a mostly physical thing....

  Lori pulled out another dress but didn’t like the pattern on that one either. Before she could express her disapproval, Quinn pulled it from her hand and put it on the rack. “No. This is a more formal meeting and it’s not a fashion event. You need a simple black dress. Once you get a better read on the crowd, you can experiment more at the next party, but for now we’re playing it safe.”

  Once again, Lori was glad she’d asked Quinn for her help. She didn’t know the first thing about dresses, and Quinn had practically laughed in her face when she asked to borrow the green dress again, which apparently wouldn’t do at all for tonight. And now she knew exactly why.

  “You’re the expert.” Lori eyed the rest of the dresses on the rack.

  “If Michael is half as charming as Luke, you’re in trouble. After his photo shoot this week, half the staff was drooling all over themselves the rest of the day. It was pathetic in the best possible way.”

  Lori had to suppress a grin at the mention of Michael’s older brother. “He’s a different kind of charming, that’s for sure. So how many of the staff did he end up taking home with him? I hear he gets around.”

  “None. He was all for flirting, but he never took it further than that. Some of these guys born into money like to think that every intern is there for their pleasure, so it was nice that he knew how to keep his hands to himself.”

  “Michael and Luke weren’t born into money. Well, not exactly. Their father and uncle were practically penniless when they broke into the security system business. It was only in the eighties and when they took it into security software systems that things took off.”

  “Either way, I was impressed. Also, I’m rather upset you didn’t mention that there was a third Devereaux. As if two wasn’t enough.”

  “It’s not like the subject came up.” In the week she and Michael had known each other, Lori had hardly seen Quinn. “He doesn’t talk much about Rourke. I almost forget he has another brother most of the time.”

  “So what’s his story? Is he like the black sheep?”

  “No idea. Michael just said that they haven’t spoken in years and that’s all I know. Why? Looking for an article on all three brothers now?”

  Quinn laughed and turned toward the fitting room. “As fantastic as that would be, I won’t be with the magazine anymore after next month. So I’ll just have to keep my fantasies about being alone in a room with all three brothers to myself. Preferably in a bedroom.”

  Lori snorted and held a hand over her mouth. As they stopped at the fitting room, she eyed the three dresses in Quinn’s arms. “Is that enough?” Quinn had said no to pretty much anything Lori pulled out, but now she felt as though they needed more options.

  “I’m sure that one of these will work with your body shape,” said Quinn confidently. “That’s the best thing about black dresses. All you have to worry about is shape. Once we get back to the apartment, I’ll set you up with shoes and jewelry to dress it up enough that you could go anywhere and make heads turn.”

  Lori held up a warning finger. “Sensible shoes.”

  “I wouldn’t put you in anything I don’t think is sensible,” assured Quinn.

  “I know. It’s your definition of sensible that scares me.”

  Michael blinked as Lori approached. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to how beautiful she was. She was stunning enough to him in jeans and a t-shirt, but the black dress she wore hugged her curves and accentuated her hips as she moved. Even though the material went down to right above her knees, the tall heels she wore still managed to make her legs look even longer and leaner than he knew they were.

  He clenched his fists to keep himself from touching her as she approached. “Hi there, gorgeous,” he said as she reached him, leaning in for a kiss. Even with the heels, she was still shorter than him, and he wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her closer.

  She kissed him back before she leaned away to look him up and down. “You look pretty swanky yourself.” She ran her hand down the front of his tux. “But I can’t take credit for any of this. Quinn is the mastermind behind me looking like a presentable person.”

  “You always look presentable to me.”

  She smiled at him. “That’s a good response. Then consider me presentable for the more judgmental crowd that will be there.”

  He opened the door for her and she carefully maneuvered her way in.

  “It’s not too late to turn around, you know. We can both blow this thing off and go to my place instead...” He knew she would say no, but it was worth asking anyway.

  “I’m sure Luke would be thrilled
to know that I was the reason you missed your first chance to get information on them.”

  “Luke is not on my good list at the moment.” Even though he had eventually gotten Lori into bed, Michael still hadn’t forgiven Luke for his cockblocking.

  After a half-hour drive, they reached the plaza where the gathering was being held on the top floor. Michael set a hand on the small of her back and led her in. The crowd was small, but they screamed old money. He’d been to too many of these events. It was hard to find common ground among some of the high society of the city. The newly minted billionaires were normally young entrepreneurs who thought the entire world should bow down at their achievements while the old school socialites all wanted to talk about cigars, other parties, and general gossip.

  But there was one thing both groups had in common. They loved to talk about how they spent their money. Vacations, charities, homes, wives, girlfriends. You name it, they’ve spent money on it.

  “So do you know anyone here?” asked Lori.

  “A few. Do you know what your uncle looks like?”

  “I haven’t seen him in years. Hopefully I’ll recognize him.”

  “Or he’ll recognize you.” Michael didn’t know why the man couldn’t meet his niece over lunch like a normal person. But maybe he wanted to impress Lori with his importance? He wondered whether he’d tell her the truth. Probably not. He’d try to pass himself off as a successful financial adviser or investor. Not a banker for the biggest lowlifes in the city.

  Sure, the men like Ken weren’t outright killing people, but the crimes they committed had massive ripple effects that affected thousands.

  They were barely in the door before Ken approached. “Michael! I’m so glad you could make it. Come on in and let me show you around.” He turned to Lori and didn’t hide his surprise. “And Ms. Briggs. What a pleasure seeing you here. I didn’t realize how well you knew Michael.”

  “Thanks for inviting us,” said Lori, for once not contradicting someone who implied they were together. Michael wasn’t sure whether he should be happy she was finally coming around to the idea of having something more permanent with him or whether it was only because she didn’t want to discuss any more of her personal life than necessary with Ken.


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