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Devereaux Billionaires Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 29

by Mallory Crowe

  “Let me introduce you to the crowd. I’m sure you see a few familiar faces.”

  “Is there a Grayson Briggs here?” asked Lori.

  “You know Grayson?”

  “He’s my uncle. I was hoping I could chat with him a few minutes while we were here.”

  Ken glanced between Michael and Lori, and he could tell he was trying to figure out how much of a coincidence this was. “What a small world it is,” he muttered. “But, yes, I know I saw Grayson around here somewhere. Why don’t you check by the bar?”

  Lori nodded. “I’ll do that. I’ll be back in a few,” she said to Michael.

  He watched her leave and forced himself to stay where he was. She’d known he wouldn’t leave Ken to follow her around like a lost puppy.

  “Did you know about that before our last meeting?” asked Ken.

  No, he’d had no idea. But Evelyn had known. “I did do some research on your organization before handing over a hundred million dollars. When you snuck in your request for a tech, it seemed natural to keep it in the family. Why, does that bother you?”

  “I’ll be honest, there were people resistant to this arrangement.”

  Michael and Luke being some of the most resistant, but Michael kept his expression blank. “Oh, really?”

  “Due to the, well, sensitive nature of our interactions with your cousins, there were a few of the other investors who thought you might have an agenda.”

  Well, it was nice to know they weren’t quite as stupid as he’d originally thought. “I can see how that would happen. I’d hope that the check I wrote you would’ve assuaged those fears.”

  Ken nodded. “It did go a long way, yes. But you know how hard it is to calm nerves sometimes.”

  “If I can do anything else to help ease nerves, let me know. I only want a successful partnership. Hopefully a lucrative and successful partnership.”

  This time, Ken’s smile met his eyes. Michael had finally hit on the one thing that could bring Ken joy. “Oh, I can promise it will be lucrative. Next week you’ll be getting your first statement and you’ll be quite pleased with the results of only a few days with us.”

  “That’s fantastic then. Soon enough, I’ll just be part of the pack, right?”

  “Yes. Time will make it easier. Until then, just try to keep the surprises to a minimum, all right?”

  Michael finally let his annoyance show. “At what point was I supposed to tell you Grayson’s niece was helping me? You sprung the need for another set of hands at that meeting in the half-hour beforehand.”

  “No, no. You did everything right. I just wanted you to be aware in the future of the situation we’re in. I went to bat to get you entrance into our group.”

  “Well, consider your concerns noted. Now, why don’t you introduce me to my new colleagues?”

  Lori saw Uncle Grayson almost immediately. He was hard to miss. He leaned against the bar, cocktail in hand, and chatted up the bartender, who seemed decidedly unimpressed with whatever tales he was regaling her with. Lori decided to save her from whatever punchline he was getting to as she approached the bar and leaned in the empty space next to her uncle. “Hey there, stranger.”

  “Lori Briggs! I can’t believe my country girl is in the city!” He wrapped her in a hug, and Lori couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiastic greeting. It was hard to think of this friendly, jolly man as the accountant to the white-collar criminals of the city.

  “Hey, Uncle Grayson. I’ve been here a whole three months and they haven’t kicked me out yet.”

  “Ha!” He patted her on her shoulder. “I always knew you were the strong one. If anyone could make it out here, it’s you.”

  Although it was nice to hear the sentiment, she was pretty sure Grayson was full of it. At the few family gatherings he’d come to, he hadn’t spared her more than two seconds of hello and you were this tall when I saw you last. “I figured it was time for a change,” she said, instead of calling him on it. “So how long have you been working with Ken?”

  “Kemmerling and I go way back. I started working with him since right around when I moved here myself. This city is a rotating door of young up-and-comers moving in and the families moving out.”

  “And you decided a family wasn’t for you?” she asked.

  He practically shuddered at her question. “Different strokes for different folks. What about you? Planning on settling down and popping out a few and moving back to California?”

  Now it was her turn to suppress a shudder. Having kids was a definite possibility, but the way he phrased it left a bad taste. “No plans for the immediate future.”

  He angled his glass toward a spot behind her, and Lori glanced over to see Michael.

  “Either way, you’ve already hooked a good one.”

  “I’m not trying to hook anyone. Michael and I just...” Damn, she wished she knew a good way to finish that. “We’re getting to know each other.”

  “Hey, I know we’re not close. And I’ve never personally met Michael Devereaux or his brother, but there was a reason I asked you here today. I wanted to impart to you some advice. Some wisdom I’ve gleaned from my decade plus experience here with these people.”

  Lori leaned in closer. “I’d love any advice you could give.”

  “Get away from them. All of them. Work for them, cash their paychecks, but our type don’t mingle.”

  The blood rushed from her face. “Why invite me here if you didn’t want me to get involved?”

  “This is your taste. Walk around the room with Michael. Shake their hands. Every last one of them are hollow, empty shells of people not worthy of your time. And after he takes you home, tell him you’ve had a great night and run.”

  His warning left a pit of fear in her stomach. Mostly because she was already aware of exactly how scummy some of these people were. “You could’ve told me this over the phone, you know.”

  He took a deep swig of his drink before he set it on the bar and motioned for a refill. “Because you would believe the uncle you haven’t seen in years? No, I need you to listen.”

  “Then why don’t you take your own advice? Run while you have the chance.”

  He rubbed his temples and glared angrily at the bartender, who still hadn’t refilled his glass. “Don’t you get it? I’m too far gone. They will have me trapped here until my dying day. You’re the one who has a chance. Take that chance. Take it tonight to break free.”

  Lori took a breath. She wasn’t sure what to tell him. On one hand, she agreed with everything he was saying. She knew there were bad people in this room. Bad people who would hopefully be going to prison very soon. But she couldn’t tell him what she knew.

  “I’m going back to Michael then. And I will keep your advice in mind as he introduces me to all the cold, empty people.” She pushed away from the bar.

  Grayson reached out and grabbed her wrist. “You need to take this seriously.”

  “Take what seriously?” asked Michael from behind her.

  Lori jumped at his unexpected presence and pulled her arm free. “He was telling me his New York City survival techniques. Some riveting stuff.”

  Michael moved to stand at her side and rested a hand at the small of her back. She tried not to stiffen at his touch, but she supposed everyone already thought they were together anyway.

  “Really? I’d love to hear those sometime. I find myself becoming more and more confused by the city these days.”

  Lori frowned. “That’s hard to believe.”

  “Oh, the stories I could tell....”

  Grayson downed his other drink in one deep gulp. “I need to use the restroom,” he said before he turned and walked away with an unsteady gait.

  “Well that was...abrupt.” Michael watched Grayson’s retreating form.

  “He warned me away from you,” she said under her breath.

  “Ken said there were a few longtime members who weren’t fond of me.”

  “No, he didn’t just warn me
away from you. He warned me away from everyone here.”

  Michael paused as though he was considering how valid that advice would be. “Are you going to listen to him?”

  “Well, I do want to keep my distance from the rest of these people anyway. But that doesn’t mean I need to stay away from you, does it?” Darn it, that wasn’t how she wanted that to come out. She didn’t want him to think she was asking for more. Most importantly, she didn’t want him to think she was fishing for validation.

  She was saved from hearing his answer as Luke approached from behind Michael.

  “Third wheel again?” He patted Michael on the back. “I didn’t realize we were bringing dates tonight. I could’ve made a few calls.”

  “I’d hate to make you feel uncomfortable.” Lori smiled, trying to lighten the mood. She didn’t know why Michael hadn’t told Luke she was coming, but she’d rather not get in the middle of whatever brotherly spat they were getting into.

  “Don’t you worry.” Luke winked. “I’m fine blaming it on Michael. Have we made our rounds through the room yet?”

  “Ken had to take a call, but he’ll be back any moment to start introductions.”

  Luke winced. “A hundred introductions all at once. I should’ve brought Cali to take notes,” he muttered. As he spoke, Ken emerged from the back of the room and strode over toward them. “I’m going to need a drink for this.”

  Lori noticed that Michael looked just as unenthused at the idea of spending more time with Ken. “Better make that two.”

  “I talked to Evelyn. I told her everything we learned tonight,” said Michael into the phone.

  “You mean you told her we got nothing,” said Luke.

  “That’s not necessarily true. Evelyn was excited to hear that Grayson’s not enjoying his employment as much as the FBI thought. She’s going to have someone approach him with an offer. If they can get him to turn, they might not even need our help anymore.” Michael glanced over his shoulder at Lori, who was unscrewing the cap to a bottle of water. She still wore the tight black dress, but she’d left her shoes in the hallway and her bare feet gave her a decidedly casual look. It was damn adorable.

  “So she can use more people for her own cause. Sounds right up her alley.”

  Michael ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. He wasn’t the fucking referee between those two. They needed to start getting along, sooner rather than later. “I’m keeping my fingers crossed he’ll agree to letting Evelyn use him.”

  “That’s good news for you, isn’t it?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Luke scoffed. “It would give you a convenient reason to hang around Lori, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’m a grown ass man. I don’t need a reason to give you.”

  “No. You need a reason for you. When is the last time you had fun for the sake of having fun?”

  “When was the last time you had fun for any reason besides convincing people you’re a fun guy?” Michael knew his brother far too well. In public and the tabloids, he was all smiles and jokes, but the second Michael and he were alone, it was like a mask dropped. Michael was fine with keeping up the pretense, but if Luke wanted to accuse him of being a stick-in-the-mud, he didn’t have to sit back and listen.

  “Fine. If you’re in a mood, I’ll let you go. Tell Evelyn I say hi,” he said sarcastically before he hung up.

  Michael stared at the phone in disgust for a moment before he turned back to the kitchen.

  He must’ve set the phone down too hard because Lori gave him a concerned look. “Is everything okay with Luke?”

  “No. Nothing is ever okay with him.” He’d already had a few drinks, so he decided to have a water with Lori and grabbed his own bottle.

  “Is he upset with how things went tonight? I know you weren’t introduced to as many people as you wanted to be.”

  “He’s upset about you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Me? What did I do?”

  “I don’t know....” That was a lie. He had a pretty good idea why Luke was pissed he was finally seeing someone. It was the same reason Michael was mad at himself. “He thinks you’re a distraction at a time when I shouldn’t have any distractions.”

  Her face paled and she took a step back. “Do you feel that way too?”

  He couldn’t bring himself to answer, and that seemed to be answer enough for her.

  “I should really be going,” she muttered.

  “No. I don’t want you to go.”

  “I shouldn’t be causing trouble between you and your brother.”

  “Luke is the only one causing trouble.” He set his hands on her hips and pulled her in closer. “Stay the night. You were going to stay the entire weekend anyway, right?”

  She winced and rubbed at her forehead. “I don’t know. Don’t you think things are getting too...complicated?”

  And yet another question he didn’t want to answer. “You don’t want to leave.”

  “No, I don’t want to, but—”

  “Then don’t.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her neck.

  She let her head fall back and took in a breath. “When you do that, it makes it hard to think straight.”

  “Then I’m doing it right.” He trailed kisses higher and ran his tongue against the top of her ear. “I don’t want you to go.” She stiffened in his arms and he knew he’d said the wrong thing.

  He moved to go for the other side of her neck, but she rested two palms on his chest to stop him. “I thought this wasn’t serious.”

  “It wasn’t. But it can be.”

  She frowned. “Are you serious right now?”

  He clenched his jaw as he tried to get a read on the situation. He knew she’d been set on a casual relationship, but he’d thought she’d been enjoying the time they’d spent together. “Yes, I’m serious. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Because we’re not compatible in any way.”

  He picked her up by the waist again and pulled her tightly against him, high enough that her feet didn’t touch the ground. “I know at least one way we’re compatible.”

  He started to cross the kitchen and her arms wrapped around his neck to hold on tightly. “Where are we going?” She smiled.

  Instead of answering, he kept moving to the living room and sat on the sofa, maneuvering her so she straddled him. “This definitely feels compatible,” he murmured as he ran his hands up and down her thighs and cupped her ass.

  She laughed and bit her bottom lip. “Name me one thing we have in common, Michael.”

  He raised a brow. “We both are annoyed by Luke.”

  She playfully swatted his chest. “Hey, I like Luke.”

  “And I like him too! That’s another thing we have in common.”

  “Two things! That’s a decent amount.”

  “Two things are all you need to build a foundation.” Michael reached around and found the zipper at the back of her dress. He pulled the straps off her shoulders until her black bra was completely exposed. He pressed a kiss to the spot between her collar bones. She let out a soft moan that seemed to speak right to his already hard cock. He forced himself to go slow as he kissed lower until he reached the valley between her breasts.

  Her fingers wrapped in his hair and urged him closer as her hips moved against his. He pressed her generous breasts together and nipped at the soft flesh that overflowed from the cups of her bra.

  “Michael,” she moaned as she moved harder against him. With one hand, he reached around her and undid the clasp of her bra, finally freeing her breasts to his gaze. She pulled her bra the rest of the way off and he immediately took one hard, pebbled nipple into his mouth.

  Damn, she felt good. Somehow even knowing what she’d feel like, sound like, taste like in his arms didn’t dampen his pleasure at getting her alone with him once again.

  “Please,” she murmured as she thrust her hips against him harder, and the dam suddenly broke. He needed to get himself inside her as soon as pos

  He pulled away from her and reached for his belt buckle. She was eager to help as she pushed his jacket over his shoulders. In a flurry of motion, he stripped off his jacket and undid his pants just enough to free his straining erection. He grabbed the condom out of his pocket and slid the latex over his cock. Lori started to pull away, and his hand on her waist stopped her.

  He stared into her eyes as he reached between their bodies and slid his hand up her skirt. When he reached the resistance of the soft, silky material of her panties, he wrapped his fingers in the fabric and gave one fierce tug, ripping them off her. Her breath caught in her throat as he slid one finger deep inside her heat to test her readiness. He didn’t know how it was possible, but his cock got even harder as her wet heat enveloped him. He lifted her hips and positioned himself at her entrance.

  She set a palm on each side of his face, bent forward, and kissed him as he pushed deep in one stroke.

  Lori rested her forehead against his as he started to move within her. His hands tightened on her ass as he moved her in the rhythm he wanted. Needed.

  Her fingers fisted in his shirt as she tried to move against him, but he kept control and set his own pace.

  “Please,” she moaned again, as her head fell back.

  With every thrust, her breasts moved in just the right way, and what little control he had snapped. He moved his hands to her back and let her ride him. She kept a frantic pace, her hands braced against his chest as she lifted her hips up and down.

  And then when her orgasm washed over her, she let out the sexiest fucking scream he’d ever heard. She fell apart in his arms and he held her close as his own orgasm ripped through him.

  He rested his head in the crook of her neck as they both caught their breath in the aftermath. He ran his hands up and down her back and kissed her neck as the aftershocks of her own climax rocked her.

  “So this is going to be a regular thing now?” she asked.

  “I’m up for it if you are.” He smiled against her neck.


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