Book Read Free

Death's Dirty Demands

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-138-7

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Chaos Bleeds, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Devil asked, glaring at Lexie. Death sat at the bar watching his president lose his shit.

  “I’m decorating the clubhouse. We’re having Christmas here. I don’t care what you say, Devil. We’re all alive after the crap that went down with Gonzalez. So we’re not going to get a visit from Tiny and his crew, but we’re going to celebrate this holiday season like the club we are.”

  “I don’t give a shit about Christmas. I want to know why my woman, heavily pregnant, is standing on a fucking stool hanging decorations when there are men on their asses, and prospects to do the fucking work.” Devil glared around the room at the men who were watching. Dick, Butler, Snake, Spider, and Dime all got to their feet. Death joined in as well, grabbing the balloons he spotted in the corner. Sitting at the bar, he began to blow each of them up, tie the end, before flicking it into the room.

  “This is what you call fucking helping?” Devil asked, taking a seat beside him. “Woman’s going to give me a fucking heart attack. She shouldn’t be doing shit like that being all pregnant.”

  “You’re the one who knocked her up. It’s your responsibility.” Death handed Devil a balloon and laughed at the disgust on Devil’s face.

  “Fucking woman is going to be the death of me. Judi’s not much better.”

  Death glanced over to see Ripper and Judi cuddled together in the corner. They were sat on the floor with Judi holding up a pregnancy book. Ripper had his hands on his woman’s stomach. They were a beautiful sight, and something hit Death in the chest. Ever since they’d settled in Piston County the guys had started to settle down, finding women who were worth more than a quick fuck.

  “Hey, Devil. Can I get you anything?”

  He tensed as he heard the small voice that had come to plague his thoughts on a daily basis.

  “Fuck, I can’t drink yet. Get me a coffee, honey.” Devil didn’t look behind him at the redhead.

  Out of the corner of Death’s eye, he saw her, Brianna Wentworth. She’d been one of the women they’d gotten out of the titty bar before they burnt it to the ground. There were only a handful of women who’d stayed around the club, becoming club whores for the men who wanted them. Brianna, the red-haired siren with her shocking green eyes, she’d stayed to work at the club. She’d become like a cleaner, cook, barmaid, and general errands girl. Not one man had fucked her as far as Death knew. They’d left her alone. He tried to stay away from her. She was too damn young for a man like him. He was in his late thirties, almost forty. She had just turned twenty. A couple of days ago he’d heard one of his club brothers ask her how old she was. At least she wasn’t younger. Gonzalez hadn’t cared about the women he sold or their age.

  Thinking about the man they’d put into the ground filled Death with hatred. Gonzalez had entered their lives and fucked with them, before being killed in Fort Wills. The Chaos Bleeds no longer had a working relationship with The Skulls. He knew Lexie and the kids visited with Eva, but that was it.

  Simon, Devil’s son, walked up to the bar to where Death was sitting.

  He watched him climb onto a stool, putting the piece of paper that was now rumpled, onto the surface. Death chuckled as Simon started to pull out all of his crayons.

  “What ya doing, son?” Devil asked.

  “I’m writing a card.” Simon didn’t look up from the paper. “Dad, how do you spell Tabitha?”

  Death watched as Devil tensed in his seat.


  “I’m writing a card to Tabitha. She won’t be coming for Christmas, and I want her to remember me.”

  “She’s a little girl.”

  “So, she’s my friend.”

  Lexie walked up, stroking Simon’s head. “T … A … B…”

  Death tuned out, reaching for his drink only to find the soda empty.

  “Would you like me to get you another?” Brianna asked. She rested her palm on the edge of the counter. Her gaze was on him with her amazing eyes. Fuck, he loved her eyes. They held a wealth of emotion and were so fucking expressive. Even now, he saw she was nervous, yet intrigued by the club. Over the past couple of months he’d seen when she was excited, scared, aroused, all of it there for him to see. It was like her eyes held a glimpse to her soul. They told him what he needed to hear. Her body always betrayed her as well.

  Being part of Chaos Bleeds when they used to move around from place to place, never staying for long, he’d become adept at reading people. He didn’t have much choice but to trust his instincts. The majority of the time his instincts were spot on.

  “Yeah, I’ll have another soda.”

  She nodded, turning away to bend over. Snake chose that time to come to the bar.

  “Fuck me,” Snake said.

  Death saw what he was looking at. Landing a blow to his friend’s stomach, he shook his head in warning.

  “You tapping that?” Snake asked.

  Death shook his head.

  “Here you are,” Brianna said, smiling at both men. She was completely clueless to what was happening between him and Snake. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Snake’s good. He can serve himself,” Death said.

  She nodded and moved away from the bar out of earshot.

  “You’re not tapping that and you’re not letting anyone else tap it?” Snake asked.

  “She’s too young.” Most of the guys had steered clear of the women they’d saved from Gonzalez’s clutches. Brianna was one of those women, but there would come a time when she’d need to make a choice. The men wouldn’t keep their hands off forever.

  “She was taken by Gonzalez, Death. I’m sure she knows what happens between the birds and the bees.”

  “What’s the birds and the bees?” Simon asked.

  Devil shot them both a glare. “It’s nothing, son. You’ll find out when you’re older. Hopefully with someone who is not Tabitha.”

  “You can’t know that, Devil,” Lexie said.

  “I know he’s not getting near Tiny’s girl without a fight. You’ve got to nip this in the bud, Lex. It won’t work out well.” Devil grabbed her hand, kissing her knuckles.

  “I’m not going to nip it in the bud. You’ve not seen the two together. Give it time. They’ll grow up and grow apart. It’s bound to happen.” She dropped a kiss to his lips before moving away after ruffling Simon’s head.

  Devil turned toward them. “No more dirty talk around Simon. Hear me?”

  “We hear you.” Death and Snake spoke together.

  They stayed silent for the next couple of minutes while Devil tried to talk to his son. Death couldn’t help but look toward the redhead who was driving his dick to distraction. He’d tried to fuck other women in order to get her out of his mind, but it wasn’t working. None of the usual pussy satisfied the craving he had for her. Every time he was balls deep inside a woman Brianna’s fac
e would appear in his mind as if by magic. Without a doubt he’d orgasm within seconds of thinking about her. He was fucked, well and truly fucked. There was no way he was taking such a young woman as his. Look what happened to Ashley. She had been young and had ended up without a head for her association with the Chaos Bleeds crew.

  “What are you going to be doing about that?” Snake asked, coming to stand beside him.

  Glancing to his left, Death stared at Snake, wondering what the fuck he was talking about.

  “You and I both know your dick is getting hard for that little hot number over there. What are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m not going to do fucking anything about it. She’s not my concern.” Death made his way toward the pool room Devil had taken the time to install into the club. They were all slowly rebuilding the strip club into something a little classier.

  The drugs, for the most part, were completely gone. They still kept to their deals with their suppliers, but none of that shit came through Piston County. Butler was the big surprise within the club. He had cleaned up his act and become one of the living again. There had been a time when Butler would fuck, drink, shoot up, snort, anything to get the high he was searching for.

  Death picked up the pool stick then looked at Snake.

  “So, you’re not going to do anything about that little attraction with Brianna. Do you mind if I take a poke at her? My dick’s been wanting some of her for a long time. I wonder if she’s red where it matters most.”

  Death reacted. Dropping the pool stick, he grabbed Snake by the lapels of his leather cut and slammed him against the wall. “You don’t touch her, look at her, or even breathe in her direction,” Death said, firing out his warning through gritted teeth.

  Snake chuckled. “You’ve got to do something about that, bud. You’re fucking horny as hell and can’t even stand to have her treated like the other whores.” He held his hands up in surrender. “Death, it’ll only be a matter of time before one of the other boys claims her. She cleans, cooks, and shit, but she’s not an old lady. You need to remember that. If Devil decides she’s got to start earning her way the old fashioned way, then it’s a free for all on her delightful red pussy.”

  That was it. Death slammed his fist into Snake’s face, taking a lot of delight at the feel of flesh hitting flesh. Snake went down with a thunk. “You keep away from her and tell every other brother that she’s taken. She’s mine.”

  He wasn’t going to claim her, but he also wasn’t going to watch another fucking brother thinking he was going to take her. “Let’s play pool.”

  Snake laughed.


  Brianna knelt on the floor, scrubbing behind the bar. It was late and a lot of the club had gone to bed, but she couldn’t bring herself to sleep when there was such a mess. She hated mess, always had. Dipping the cloth she was using into warm water, she rinsed it out, then set back to work scrubbing the floor.

  “Hate mess, absolutely hate it,” she said, muttering under her breath.

  “What are you doing around here?”

  She looked up to see June staring down at her. “Hey.” June was one of the main whores at Chaos Bleeds. She had fucked most of the men in the club apart from all the taken members. From what Brianna had heard, June had earned the respect of all the old ladies as she’d not gone after Devil, Ripper, Curse, or Pussy. They were all taken, and they respected the women for not trying to lay claim. “I’m cleaning.”

  “I can see that. You know there are men here who’d love to get closer to you.” June rested her head on her palm. “You wouldn’t have to clean floors if you didn’t want to.”

  “No, I’d have to fuck instead.”

  “Fucking is fun, and it’s an excellent way to burn a shit load of calories. Come on, you don’t get an orgasm from scrubbing floors.”

  Brianna took a breath. She didn’t get what people saw in sex. Sure, it was a great way to lose weight, but she’d need to be doing it twenty-four seven to even start working on the size of her ass. “I’m happy scrubbing floors.”

  She’d been around men for the last two years. She was twenty years old and already was happy to be scrubbing floors. Her life had taken a dramatic change when she’d turned eighteen and been sent to her uncle. Brianna shivered recalling the way he’d inspected her body before putting her up for sale. Yeah, she’d worked for the last two years using sex as a means of staying alive. After she’d upset Master, she had been given back to her uncle. She wasn’t going to be doing it again, using sex to stay alive.

  The Chaos Bleeds crew didn’t demand services rendered from her. They needed someone to clean, do laundry, cook, and any other job they wanted to have done. She’d even cleaned the male toilets for them, which had scarred her for life. Men were fucking disgusting.

  “Leave her be,” Snake said, coming up behind June. “You’ve got a cock to satisfy.”

  “But she’s so pretty. She doesn’t need to be doing this.”

  Brianne placed the cloth in the bucket and stood. “I like doing this. Cleaning to me is fun.” She wiped the sweat from her brow and happened to chance a look behind her. What she saw brought heat to her cheeks. Death was sitting on one of the benches, and between his thighs was a blonde, giving him a blow job. It shouldn’t have bothered her. Being in the clubhouse she’d learned the men like to fuck anywhere they could. They didn’t care who was watching or what was going on. If they wanted to, they were fucking. She didn’t stop her work. Most of the time she continued cleaning while listening to their erotic pants of pleasure.

  It had become a little joke to her to see how long she could be in one place before she started seeing sex.

  Witnessing Death having his cock sucked, it … hurt. Out of all of the men he’d been one of them who didn’t just fuck out in the open, but it could be more than that. She liked the way he looked at her and the way his skin felt against her own when they happened to touch. Brianna wasn’t a romantic, far from it. She hated men for the most part, yet Death, he made her want to still believe in men.

  He had his fingers in the blonde’s hair, who was bobbing up and down on his stick as if her life depended on it. Brianna stared into his eyes, seeing the challenge within his gaze. What did he want from her? Why did he keep looking at her like that? None of it made any sense to her. She barely talked to him or did anything to gain his attention.

  Turning away from the scene, she grabbed the bowl and walked toward the kitchen. Devil had all the latest fixings in the kitchen, including two large range cookers. He liked the whole club to be at the clubhouse, and made sure there was more than enough room for everyone.

  Someone cleared his throat, and she turned to see Snake leaning against the door frame.

  “Do you want me to cook you something?” She’d already cleaned the kitchen until it was shining. The women deserved to cook somewhere special.

  “Death’s really into redheads.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Snake smiled, walking into the room. He was sporting a black eye, yet it didn’t seem to bother him. “If you want Death all you’ve got to do is show him you’re available. He wants you. He keeps denying himself because of what you’ve been through.”

  She gripped the handle on the bowl tighter than ever before. There was no need to talk. Words were not necessary right about now.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. Out of all the men here, Death’s the one man you take notice of. I’ve seen you, Brianna, I’ve watched you. I could have grabbed June and started fucking her and you wouldn’t really pay attention. Death gets his cock sucked by another whore, and you notice.”

  “He’s never done something like that before. I’m not used to—”

  “Bullshit, Brianna. We both know life wasn’t worth fucking anything where you were. We got you from that place, and now you’re living life. You spend more time cleaning than anything else. The only interest you’ve ever held is with Death.
Do yourself a favor and let yourself go for a second.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Everyone thought she’d become one of those girls they’d rescued at the strip club. She hadn’t, not really. She’d been a private sex slave to a man whose name she didn’t know, servicing whoever her Master wanted her to. In the last few months she’d been tested for STDs and STIs. She’d been lucky as she hadn’t caught anything. Not many of the other women had been so lucky. She heard several had contracted HIV and AIDS. It was all bad news, but she’d been lucky.

  She tipped the water down the sink, wiping out the steel when she was finished.

  “I’m going to go to bed,” she said.

  Brianna went to pass Snake, but he caught her arm, stopping her.

  “There’s a story with you. We both know there is. Death wants you, and you want Death. There’s no room in this club to want something without going to get it.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me go!”

  He loosened his hold yet didn’t release her.

  “Soon women are going to talk about you. Asking about your place. The old ladies have a place in this club. They’re taken by a club member. The whores, they know their place is to serve any of us who want them. You, you’re making yourself useful by cleaning, yet you take up a room. It’ll only be a matter of time before you either become a whore or an old lady.”

  “Please, let me go.”

  “Think about it, Brianna. You don’t want to end up like June. She’s a great woman, but you and I both know she’ll never make it as an old lady.”

  She took a deep breath as he released her. Brianna made her way toward the back of the club. She heard the men and women fucking as she went to her bedroom. It was only a small room, fitting a bed with a small drawer, but it was more than she needed. For the last two years she had nothing to her name. She’d been kept in a cage until her Master wanted to use her. When her Master had finally become bored with her he’d sent her back. Master had wanted her to beg for mercy, to scream, to show something that she truly couldn’t do. Ronald, her Uncle Gonzalez’s right hand man, had taken her back and beaten her for ruining a good friendship. She sat on the edge of the bed, recalling the pain of his fists on her body. The man she’d been serving was a billionaire, a drug lord, who liked to own things. She’d been another possession. At eighteen years old, she’d been a virgin, ripe for the plucking. He’d taken her under his wing, tutoring her. Even to this day she didn’t know his name. She knew him only as Master. Licking her lips, she stared down at her hands. They were locked together.


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