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Death's Dirty Demands

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The tears that she kept locked in all the time spilt down her cheeks. She didn’t make a sound. They simply trekked down her face quietly. For so long she’d been quiet, trying to become invisible. The last thing she wanted to do was be noticed.

  Chapter Two

  “We need a tree,” Lexie said, putting a plate in the center of the table. The whole club, members, old ladies, club whores, and kids were sitting around the large table, which was laden with lots of food.

  “What?” Devil asked, grabbing a popover from the heaping plate.

  “A Christmas tree. We need a large one, decorations as well. I was thinking that we could all spend Christmas here. It has been so long since we were all together. It’s way too cold for a barbeque, and we’ve got plenty of ovens. We can spend Christmas here, all of us.” Lexie glanced around the table.

  “Oh, I’d like that. We can get presents and everything,” Judi said, beaming at Ripper.

  “What do you think, Sasha?” Pussy asked, drawing his woman into the conversation.

  Her gaze was focused in front of her. Death knew her dog was somewhere. The Labrador had been an investment Pussy had gotten for his blind girl. Death never thought he’d see the day that Pussy was devoted to a woman, especially a blind woman.

  “I like it. We’ve all lost so much. All of us together would be wonderful.”

  Pussy took her hand, dropping a kiss to her knuckles.

  “We can remember Ashley as well.”

  This was why everyone loved Sasha. She didn’t hold a hint of jealousy over Pussy’s past relationship with the deceased Ashley.

  Ashley had been a club whore who had been adored by the club. She’d been Mia’s best friend, Pussy’s best friend, and a true asset to the club. To help the club she’d gone with Gonzalez to try to feed information to help them. In return, she got killed by the bastard. Her head had been delivered to them in a box.

  “Love you, baby,” Pussy said, kissing Sasha’s head.

  The love between them had Death turning to look at Brianna. She was watching the couple as well. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail with strands cascading around her face. She looked nervous, maybe even a little envious of what she was looking at. He wondered what she was thinking as she looked at the couple. Did she want that kind of relationship?

  “I’m happy for us to remember Ashley,” Mia said. Curse gripped the back of her neck, turning her to look at him.

  “We’ll always remember her.”

  Mia smiled. For several seconds everyone was quiet. The oven dinged filling the silence. Brianna wiped her plump lips with a napkin before making her way toward the oven.

  “What you got cooking?” Lexie asked.

  Brianna glanced behind her toward Lexie. “I made several apple pies. I hope that’s okay.”

  Death loved apple pie. He’d eaten loads over the years, but none of them reminded him of his mother’s, who’d made the best pies ever.

  She was twisting the towel she held, looking toward Lexie.

  “Of course it’s okay. I hope you made enough. These men are savages when it comes to pies.”

  “I did.”

  He watched as she bent over and started to retrieve the pies. Death saw they were not round pies but in a rectangular tray.

  “Is this what you were doing first thing this morning?” Judi asked. “I got up and found you elbows deep in flour and butter.”

  “Yes. I need to make the pastry early so it has plenty of time to chill.” The smell from the pies was heaven.

  She came back to the table, picking up her knife and fork. He was intrigued even more by her. Who taught her how to cook?

  You’ve not tried them yet. They could be awful.

  Death finished eating his food not bothering with a second portion. He was more interested in the pies resting on top of the stove.

  Sitting back, he found himself watching Brianna. It wasn’t hard to do. She sat on the opposite side of the table about five people down from him. Not once did she look up. She kept her head bowed over her food, eating off her plate. He also noticed, like he did everything about the sexy redhead, that she only ever took one portion for herself. She didn’t try to get a second or third. No, there was something different about her. Brianna kept trying to disappear. There was no chance of her hiding from him. He wanted her. The blonde he’d fucked last night hadn’t even come close to the kind of desire he had for Brianna.

  He was joking if he thought he could get rid of her.

  The table was cleared, and Brianna came beside him, reaching over to grab the plates. He didn’t make a move to help her. Instead he inhaled the scent coming from her. She smelled like roses. He loved the smell even though he’d never taken the time to appreciate the scent of roses.

  She didn’t linger like many of the club whores did. When Lexie leaned over Devil, he sank his fingers into her hair, kissing her lips before he released her. Sasha stayed beside Pussy as she’d cause more mess than help. She hated not being able to help. Death had heard her complaining to Pussy about helping, but no one wanted Sasha to hurt herself. The blindness had been caused by her stepfather after he hurt her, throwing her down the stairs. The trauma to her head had caused her blindness.

  The stepfather was now dead along, with all their enemies.

  The table was cleared, and then the trays of apple pies were brought to the table, along with a large pot of custard. Brianna sat down, but Lexie wouldn’t let her.

  “You made this, honey, so you can serve.”

  “I don’t mind if you want to serve,” Brianna said.

  There she went trying to disappear.

  “No, you serve,” Death said, staring at her.

  She stood and began cutting into the pies. Her hand was shaking, but no one said anything. He liked how she served up Simon and the kids first before going around the table.

  “Fuck me,” Simon said, interrupting the sudden silence.

  “Simon!” Lexie snapped out Simon’s name. “Language.”

  “Dad says it all the time,” Simon said.

  Devil was laughing, and Lexie went bright red. Someone had been getting some hanky-panky a little too close to the kids.

  “It’s not for you to repeat. I don’t want to hear that language from you again.” Devil got a slap around the back of the head. It was a light tap, no violence to it. “Help me.”

  “Son, you’ll know when you’re older. Don’t say that again.”

  “Pie’s good, Brianna,” Simon said, sulking.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was so small. She dished everyone out, giving him a plate as well. He tried to catch her gaze, but she wouldn’t give it. Death took the pie with the custard. Picking up his spoon, he took a bite, and fucking hell, he fell in love. He’d eaten so many pies over the years, but none of them had come close to his mother’s concoction that he’d grown up on. No, this pie was better. It was fucking heaven. Looking around the table, he saw the rest of the men agreed. The women loved it as well.

  “This is fucking delicious,” Snake said.

  Brianna offered a smile. That was it. She only smiled. There was no preening or talking about the method. He finished his pie, taking another piece. By the time he was on his fourth slice, the table was clear with only Brianna in the room. She was standing at the sink, cleaning the dishes, putting away the pies that were left over.

  He got to his feet, taking his bowl toward her.

  “Why are you here?” he asked.

  She turned those green eyes toward him. “I’m cleaning up the mess.”

  “You also helped cook. Leave the dishes. We’ll get to them.”

  “No, you won’t. You men say you’re going to do the dishes, and then you leave them for us tomorrow morning. I’d rather do the dishes now instead of leaving it to get stuck on the sides.” She turned back toward the sink, cleaning the dishes. While he’d been eating his desert he watched her wash, dry, then go back to do the same cycle. Most of the dishes were done.

nbsp; “This is your way of staying hidden, isn’t it?” he asked. Putting his bowl into the sink, he placed his hands on either side of her, trapping her against his body and the sink. She was so tiny compared to him. Her hair was pulled away leaving her neck exposed. He saw her pulse was racing. The desire to suck on her neck was strong. He knew she was clean as he’d taken a personal interest in Brianna’s health. She’d been one of the few women who’d come away clean. Brianna was a little bit of a mystery. She didn’t talk about her time with Gonzalez. Her silence hadn’t bothered him before, but now he wanted to know everything about her.

  “I don’t mind.”

  “You clean, getting on your knees on our floors. I saw the toilets were sparkling clean. You’re the first woman I know who’s not trying to get the boys’ attention. You’d rather stay in the sidelines, never getting attention.” He leaned down inhaling the sweet scent coming from her. Death could get addicted to that smell. His cock throbbed, pressing against the front of his pants. He wanted inside this hot little piece, but she was too fucking young and had been through hell already.

  Her head was bowed down. She wasn’t washing the dishes even though her hands were in the water.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to. Is it true what Snake said last night?”

  Death froze. “What did Snake say last night?” This was news to him about Snake talking to her. He figured his message had already come across about this woman.

  “I’m going to have to become a club whore or an old lady?”

  He frowned, listening to her repeat everything that Snake had said.

  “Ignore Snake. He doesn’t know shit that he’s talking about.” He couldn’t resist anymore and pressed his nose against her neck, inhaling her scent. “You smell so damn good.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her back against him, holding her close. Her body was so soft, and the need to lose himself inside her was getting harder to resist.

  As suddenly as he caught her to him, he released her.

  “Where did you learn to cook like that?” he asked.

  “My mom. She loved to bake all the time. I learned everything I know from her.” She didn’t turn to look at him. Brianna stayed still.

  “It was good.” Death pulled away completely, leaving her alone. He left the kitchen, going in search of Snake. He found June on his travels and ordered her to go and help Brianna. She was currently showing Dick a good time, but it could wait.

  June didn’t argue, getting up from Dick’s lap to go toward the kitchen.

  “Cock blocking bastard. Everyone knows Brianna’s off limits because Death wants her, and she likes to fucking clean,” Dick said.

  “I don’t care. She doesn’t need to do all the shit here. Where’s Snake?”

  “Outside with Devil and the others sharing a smoke. Fucking prick.” Dick got to his feet, cursing.

  Death didn’t care. Dick could be exactly that, a dick. Not that he was doing much better. Death knew he was being a dick, too, but he wanted the men to stay away from Brianna. He made his way out of the clubhouse to find Snake, Devil, Curse, and Pussy sharing a smoke, laughing and joking. Moving toward them, he slammed Snake to the ground. Death got his name as he caused a shit load of death during his time before he even joined Chaos Bleeds. He liked to kill slowly, meticulously, and was damn good at it.

  “You fucking prick.”

  “I take it you spoke to Brianna?” Snake asked, laughing.

  Death slammed his fist against Snake’s face.

  Going for another hit, Death didn’t get to land a blow as the other three men pulled him off Snake.

  “You bastard. You broke my fucking nose,” Snake said, getting to his feet.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Devil asked.

  “I told you to stay away from her, Snake. I fucking warned you. Now you’ve got her worried about what’s going to happen soon.”

  “Is this about Brianna?” Devil released him, shouting out the question.


  “You laid claim to her yet?”

  Pussy and Curse stayed silent while Death answered. “No.”

  “Then what Snake had to say was right.”

  “You know what he said to Brianna?” Death asked, turning his glare from Snake toward Devil.

  “Who do you think told him to inform her that her time is limited in the club? Most of the women have either become club whores or moved away to make a life for themselves. Brianna has hung around. Don’t get me wrong, she’s awesome at cleaning, but I got no need for a cleaning lady. I’ve got prospects wanting to join. Her room is going to be taken soon,” Devil said, bringing him back down to earth.

  “You knew this was going to happen,” Curse said.

  “What does Lexie say to this?”

  “She’s my woman, Death. I say what goes, and she understands. I’m the president. You want to try to take my patch from me, bring it. I’m not stepping down.”

  “I don’t want your patch.”

  Death couldn’t believe what was happening, but he should have known. Judi had her place because Devil had adopted her as a daughter. Lexie had become his old lady, too. Curse, he didn’t bring Mia to the club, but she had her own room, and was now Curse’s old lady. The same had happened with Sasha. Pussy had laid claim to her before any other man got a chance at her. Ashley had come to the club and become one of the whores. She shared a man’s bed, giving him pleasure.

  The thought of anyone touching Brianna filled Death with anger. He’d hurt and kill anyone who thought they could touch what was his. The club had never had to deal with someone like Brianna. She wasn’t part of the club. The only thing she did was clean. They didn’t need a cleaner.

  “No one touches her,” Death said. “No one.”

  “I want her room free by the end of the week. You’ve got ‘til Friday, Death. I was going to talk to her later. You’ve saved me a job.” Devil looked toward the clubhouse. Lexie stood in the doorway, waving at him. Her rounded stomach stood out as she held Elizabeth on her hip. “Fucking woman is going to be the death of me. I’ve told her not to carry the kids around.”

  “Ripper’s losing his shit, man,” Pussy said. “I’ve never seen him so fucking scared before. I actually think he’d rather be facing a loaded gun than the evidence he’s going to be a father.”

  “Wait until he has a girl. Your world comes crashing down around you. I’ve got Judi to worry about and Eliza. I don’t know what I’m going to do when the boys come to call.”

  “You’ll shoot them,” Pussy said. “Nothing keeps a guy’s dick in his pants like looking at a loaded gun.”

  “What are you going to do about Sasha when she has a kid?” Curse asked, chuckling.

  “I’m not getting her pregnant. Not yet. I can’t share her yet.”

  Death shook his head. Fuck, he needed to deal with Brianna.

  “Take him to the hospital. No one is going to make a move on Brianna. You broke it, you fix it.” Devil pointed between them. “I’ve got my woman to satisfy.”

  Death watched his president walk toward the clubhouse. “What the fuck, Lex? Put her down.”

  Lexie didn’t put Elizabeth down. When Devil was close enough Death watched him take his daughter from her. “She’s not feeling well.”

  “Come on.” They entered the clubhouse together. Devil had his hand on the back of Lexie’s neck, leading the way inside. On his other side, Elizabeth lay, holding onto her father.

  Cursing, Death made his way toward the car. He always had a key on him. Sliding into the car, he waited for Snake to climb inside.

  “You could have forgotten about my nose.”

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  It was his own fault.


  Brianna wiped down the final counter within the kitchen. June stayed to help with the dishes, bitching and moaning. Brianna tried to explain that she didn’t need any help with the cleaning. June wouldn’t listen to her. She stayed a
nd complained all the time.

  Turning around she saw Lexie standing in the kitchen, holding a bundle of clothing. “Elizabeth is sick.”

  “I can do them.” She moved forward about to take the clothing when Lexie stopped her.

  “You’ve got to make a decision, Brianna.”

  She paused, looking at the old lady of the president of Chaos Bleeds. “Snake talked to me. I know I’ve got to get out of here or, erm, become a club whore.” Brianna tucked some hair behind her ear. The streets were far more appealing than sleeping with another man for a place to stay. That’s what she had done with Master. She became his plaything, and in return she got a roof over her head and food. All she had to do was everything he said.

  Cutting off the thought, Brianna looked at the other woman. She was so beautiful even dressed in sweats, with her hair bound up, looking tired from the day’s events.

  “I’ll, erm, I’ll get out of here.”

  There was nothing for her to take with her. The only thing she needed to do was walk out the door. She could do it.

  “Have you ever thought of becoming an old lady?” Lexie asked. “You’re not going to become a club whore. I can see it in your eyes. You’re going to get up and walk out.”

  Brianna licked her dry lips. “I don’t think becoming a club whore or an old lady is for me. I’ll be out of your hair.” Taking the clothing, she moved to the sink, rinsing out the mess before going toward the wash room.

  “Death wants you,” Lexie said.


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