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Death's Dirty Demands

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Feeling accomplished, he’d left the room, giving her space to get ready to come down.

  Sipping at his coffee, Death now waited for her to come inside. She didn’t make an appearance straight away. Snake entered first looking damn happy about himself.

  “Date night?” Death asked.

  “Yep. I get to prove to the little snippy nurse that I’m not a complete scumbag.” Snake cricked his neck, letting out a sigh. “It’s a beautiful day to fuck someone new.”

  “You are a scumbag,” Mia said, entering the kitchen. “Everyone knows you’re a scumbag. This nurse will as well.”

  “How do you know about my nurse?”

  “Judi told me. She tells me everything.”

  Shaking his head, Death burst out laughing at Snake’s curse.

  “Devil, old ladies have turned this place into a fucking spa where they can talk about girly shit. It’s time we took this place back.” Snake glared at all the women.

  Death perked up as he saw his own woman entering the room. Her cheeks went a wonderful shade of red when she caught sight of him. Smirking, he raised his cup in greeting.

  “What about you, red? Do you think I’m a scumbag?”

  “I don’t know you.”

  Snake was silent for several minutes without speaking. “You’re red, red.”

  Brianna’s gaze found his.

  “Leave her alone, Snake. She’s mine.”

  “I don’t want her, even though she’s sexy as hell in those jeans. I’d fuck her, though, if you’re not going to.”

  Brianna went even redder, but Death wasn’t amused by his comments about his woman. “I suggest you shut the fuck up if you want to be capable of going on a date and doing anything about it.” He got up from his position from the table, ready to commit murder if he had to.

  “Back off, Death. I’m not going to touch your woman,” Snake said.

  “Where are you going for the big date?” Mia asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ll think of something.”

  “It’s snowing. There’s nothing more romantic than snow,” Mia said, sighing. “I love the snow.”

  “I know you do,” Curse said, entering the room, “which is why we’re going to have some fun later. I’ve got plans.” He moved toward Mia, kissing her hard before grabbing a coffee.

  Death had missed this, the hustle and bustle of the club that surrounded him.

  “I love you,” Mia said, speaking the words aloud.

  Death looked toward Brianna, wondering what she thought about listening to Mia’s confession of love.

  Do you want love?

  I don’t do love.

  Now I do love.

  Shit, what the fuck is going on?

  Brianna moved past him, brushing up against him as she went. He watched her grabbing the coffee pot and a mug. Death didn’t look away from her ass as she leaned over to get the sugar. His cock hardened further at the sight of her.

  Their nights were never enough. He always wanted more with her, but he wouldn’t take it too far until she was ready for more. Returning his gaze to Snake, he saw the other man looked deeply troubled.

  “You’re not going to get into her pants if you’re a pussy about it,” Mia said.

  “I’m not trying to get into her pussy.” Snake looked at all of them. “Fuck you all. You’re all doing it on purpose.”

  Everyone burst out laughing at Snake’s expression.

  “No, all joking aside, you’ve got to find something to do for your date. You can’t expect her to make her own fun,” Mia said.

  Snake stormed out of the room.

  “Poor guy. He really doesn’t have the first clue what’s coming to him, does he?” Mia asked. “What’s this nurse like?”

  “She’s hot, sassy, and everything Snake needs to keep him grounded,” Judi said, entering with Ripper. The other woman looked a little green around the gills.

  “Are you okay?” Death asked, concerned for the other woman.

  “I’m fine, just feeling tired. I can’t wait for her to be born.” She rubbed her stomach, smiling.

  “Her?” Brianna asked.

  “We didn’t ask to learn the sex, but Judi seems to think we’re having a girl.” Ripper rubbed Judi’s shoulders, lovingly.

  “She’ll be here before you know it,” Lexie said, rubbing her own stomach. “Believe me, I’ve had two already.”

  Judi chuckled. “Just because you’ve had two doesn’t mean you’re any better at it.”

  “I don’t know. I know more than most women,” Lexie said, laughing.

  Death had had enough. Taking hold of Brianna’s hands, he led the way out of the room getting them some privacy.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “They’ll start talking about pregnancy, vomit, shit, girly things, I can’t take it.” He found a room without anyone in it. It just happened to be the cinema room. This was where members could come and watch television, without any of the other mundane crap. Since Brianna had been in residence the place had shone brighter than ever before. “Also, I just wanted to get you alone.” He tugged her down onto his lap as he took the first seat he came to.


  “The club can get a little full on. It only makes sense for me to get you alone while I can.” He rubbed his nose along her cheek going to her neck. His possessive instinct had taken over when it came to Brianna.

  “I missed you,” she said, turning her face toward him.

  Brianna kissed him first, plunging her tongue into his mouth. He moaned, sinking his fingers into her red hair, holding her in place.

  “I love your lips on me,” he said, groaning.

  “Me, too.” She cupped his face, deepening their kiss. Death’s cock was rock hard, and it got even harder as she reached down between them to touch him. His shaft hardened even more in her hand.

  “You had me in your hands this morning, and it still wasn’t enough.”

  “It’s never enough,” she said, gasping as he sucked at the pulse beside her neck.

  “All you’ve got to do is say the words.” He wouldn’t push. This was entirely on her.

  “I want you, Death. I want to fuck you. I want to have it all with you.”

  He froze at her words as they were unexpected. “Do you want to wait?”

  “No, I want you now. Please, Death, take me back to our room and fuck me,” she said.

  There was no need to tell him twice. Picking her up in his arms, he carried her out of the room up the stairs. They passed Pussy, Sasha, and her dog on the way.

  “What’s going on?” Pussy asked.

  “Nothing.” Death didn’t stop not even when Sasha asked what was going on. His main mission was to get to his room and naked.

  “You don’t have to rush,” Brianna said, giggling.

  It had become a long standing joke between the two of them about rushing. Neither of them wanted to rush, and yet both of them when they got started, craved each other. Death had never felt like this for another woman, and he was starting to fear the reason why. When it came to Brianna he’d started to fall for her and not just for the sex. He loved her company and missed her constantly when they were no longer together. His nights and mornings were the best part of his life. Being around her thrilled him. He didn’t need anything else other than her smile.

  You’re turning into a pussy like the others.

  Slamming the door closed behind him, he lowered her to her feet, giving her one last chance to push him away.

  You’re in love with her.

  Before he did, he claimed one last kiss.


  Brianna had wanted to take their passion to the next level yet held herself back from taking that other step. When his lips claimed hers, all doubt vanished from her mind. She wanted him more than anything. This was what she’d been needing for a long time since she first met him.

  She’d seen the club whores trying to get his attention. Death didn’t pay them any mind. Now he
cupped her face, sliding his tongue over her lips, and she opened up to allow him inside.

  “Choose, Brianna.” He whispered the words against her lips.

  “I’ve already made a decision. I want you, Death. I’m not going to back down.” She stepped away from him, missing his touch the moment she did. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, she tugged it over her head, watching as Death did the same. His ink stood out once again across his chest and down his abs. He made her mouth water. All she wanted to do was lick him, taste him, and remember him for herself.

  “That look I’m going to keep on your face,” he said.

  “What look?”

  He reached out, sinking his fingers into her hair. She loved it when he did that, gripping her hair tightly. Death controlled her movements, and she gave him the control. This wasn’t being taken from her. He asked her permission every step of the way without even asking the words. Even as he held her, she knew if she stepped back and shook her head, he’d release her instantly. That alone kept her grounded.

  She was safe with him. This time she didn’t want to take a step back. Looking into his eyes, she tugged on the buckle of his jeans. She’d sucked him off a couple of times, loving the taste of him as he exploded in her mouth.

  “You’re so beautiful, Brianna.”

  “You’re only saying that because I’m about to get your cock out.”

  He slammed his lips down on hers cutting off any more dirty talk. Death nibbled on her lips. Not once did he stop her as she pushed his pants down far enough to grip the length of his cock.

  Death hissed. “Be careful, baby. I’m desperate to be inside your tight little pussy.”

  Squeezing the root of his cock, she moved up to run her thumb over the slit. His pre-cum coated her thumb, and she brought it to her lips, sucking it off.

  “I don’t know how you can ever doubt who I belong to. None of the club whores have anything on you.” He whispered the words against her temple. Death took her hand, pressing it against his chest. “You’re in here.”

  She didn’t say anything, only looked at him. What was she to say? Brianna settled on what they were doing now. She didn’t want to assume anything from his actions.

  “Fuck me, Death.”

  He turned her around, pressing her down to the bed like he had the other day. She loved it when he took control, not giving her a chance to argue with him. There was nothing more erotic to her than Death showing how much he desired her. His touch, the way he talked, all of it reminded her that she was in the present, with him, and nothing could hurt her. The bad memories of the past were few and far between with him in her life. Whenever she thought about anything bad, she focused her thoughts on Death, and all of her fears disappeared.

  “I’m going to fuck you so damn good you’re not going to remember anyone else.”

  With his arms wrapped around her, she didn’t need to remember anyone else. There was only one person for her, and that was Death.

  She unbuttoned her jeans, working them down her hips as Death took over pulling them all the way down her body. Her panties followed until she lay before him on the bed naked.

  “I don’t want to wear a condom.”


  “Are you on any birth control?”


  “We’ll deal with it when it happens.”

  There was no fear inside her at his words, only acceptance. She was more than happy to deal with whatever problems they had together.

  You’re falling in love with him.

  No, she didn’t think she was falling in love with him—she knew she was in love with him. Death had sneaked past all of her cold defenses, and now there was nothing left but to accept what had happened.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. It’s all fine.” She wasn’t about to tell him her revelation. All of it would come out in the open with time.

  She licked her lips as he stood up, removing his jeans completely. His cock was long, thick, and leaking pre-cum out of the tip. She’d never known a man to have so much pre-cum, and even when she swallowed his release, there was copious amounts of the stuff.

  He crawled onto the bed, opening her thighs as he went. “First, I’m going to lick this beautiful pussy before I stick my cock inside you.”

  Brianna cried out as his tongue flicked her clit. He teased her with the wickedness of his tongue. She gripped the blanket beneath trying to hold onto something, hoping her sanity could take the pleasure.

  Death moved down to plunge his tongue within her cunt, fucking her repeatedly. She knew it wouldn’t feel anything like the thick length of his cock.

  “Going to get you nice and wet for me.”

  She was dripping wet. Brianna felt how slick she was as her cream slid down to coat her anus. Crying out, she stared up at the ceiling in the hope of finding some strength to hold off her orgasm.

  “Don’t fight me, baby. You’re only going to torture yourself. I can go all day and night.” He flicked her clit repeatedly until she had no fight left within her.

  Screaming, she felt the flow of her release overtake her. There was nothing else she could do. Her stomach tightened as the pleasure increased. He sucked her clit into his mouth hard, drawing the last of the pleasure out of her.

  Death moved up her body, smiling down at her. “I could eat your pussy all day long.”

  “I’ll remember that,” she said.

  He smiled. The wickedness had things once again tightening inside her. “Tell me if you want me to stop.”

  She didn’t want him to stop. Gazing down the length of their bodies, she watched the tip of his cock tease her entrance. Brianna gasped as the wide length of his head spread her open wide. When the tip was inside her, he returned his hand to hers. He gripped both of her hands, pressing them up beside her head, holding her in place.

  Staring into his eyes, she felt the rock hard length of him as he thrust in deep. Screaming out, she closed her eyes only to have him order her not to.

  “Keep those eyes on me,” he said. “I’m the one fucking you, Brianna. No one else, only me.”

  Opening her eyes she stared back at him.

  “That’s it, I’m the one inside you. I’m the one fucking you.”

  She winced as he fucked the last few inches inside her. He was rock hard and very deep, hitting her cervix.

  “Sh, it’s okay. You’ve got all of me.” The tenderness in his voice brought tears to her eyes. “I’ve got you. Who’s inside you?”

  “Death, you’re inside me.” She didn’t need these reassurances, yet she was touched by them.

  He tightened his hold on her hands, holding her down. When he was ready, he pulled up and slowly began to thrust in and out of her. It started out very slow where she felt every little inch of him within her, spreading her open.

  “Please, Death, fuck me.” She began to beg him, needing him to fuck his way inside her. The ache building inside her was painful, and she needed the relief he could provide.

  “Are you ready for me?”


  Death released her hands gripping one of her hips as the other held up the rest of his body.

  He fucked her hard and furiously, filling her pussy to the hilt until there was nothing left for him to fuck her with. She thrust up to meet him, loving the build of pleasure from his hands.

  “You’re so fucking tight, baby. I love fucking your pussy. I don’t want to be anywhere else but inside you, fucking you.” He leaned down to claim her lips. Brianna opened up to him. There was no way she was fighting this burning need inside her. “I can feel you tightening, getting ready to come. I want to feel you explode around my cock, squeezing me.”

  She couldn’t look away from him as he spoke. What he was saying hypnotized her with his words.

  “So fucking tight and hot. I could be inside you all the fucking time.” He growled the words against her neck making her shiver.

  “Yes, Death, please.”

“Touch your clit. Let me feel you come.”

  Reaching down between their bodies, she began to touch her clit, stroking the nub. The sensation was strange with the hard length of him fucking her hard as she played with herself. He pounded inside, and she kept touching her clit. With each thrust inside her he bumped her hand against her pussy, making contact each time. She loved the way he touched her, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  “Fuck, baby, I can’t last.”

  Before he finished, he thrust her into an earth shattering climax, her second of the night.

  “Fuck, yeah. I can feel your tight pussy clenching me like a fist.” He slammed harder inside her, going as deep as he could get. She’d never felt anything so totally amazing in her life.

  He thrust one final time, and she felt him jerk inside her, exploding within her core. His cum pulsed deep inside her, claiming her, owning her. Brianna knew she wasn’t ever going to be the same again.


  That night Snake stood outside of the diner waiting for Jessica to come to him. She wouldn’t let him meet her at home and arranged to meet here. He was smoking while watching the people coming and going. It was fucking freezing, and he stood in his leather jacket waiting for her to arrive.

  His cell phone went off, and he placed his smoke between his lips, searching his pockets. “What?” he asked without looking at the caller.

  “How’s your date going?” Judi asked.

  “You’re phoning up to check up on me?” He turned to look up and down the street. There was still no sign of Jessica. No woman had ever stood him up before, and he refused to believe she would today.

  “I wanted to see how the date is going.”

  “She hasn’t arrived.” He hated admitting that little truth to her. What pissed him off the most was the fact he was still standing out, waiting.

  “She hasn’t? That’s a first for you, right?”

  “Yes.” He admitted the truth between gritted teeth.

  Judi laughed, and he was sure he heard Mia, Lexie, and Sasha in the background.

  “You’re all fucking priceless,” he said, growling out the words.

  Get a fucking move on. Stop waiting around for the bitch.

  Throwing his cigarette to the ground, he stumped it out, and stormed off. He’d find the first available woman and lose all of his frustrations all at once.


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