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Death's Dirty Demands

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “The Snake is no longer deadly. No one wants you to inject venom into their vajayjay,” Judi said, laughing.

  Closing the phone, he pocketed the device even though all he wanted to actually do was throw the blasted thing away. He was pissed off, cold, horny, and downright disappointed, which scared him more. Snake didn’t look forward to other women’s company, yet he wanted Jessica’s company.


  He turned to see Jessica walking down the street. She only wore a light jacket, and even from the low light cast down from the lamps, he saw she wore her scrubs.

  “If you were going to stand me up you shouldn’t have fucking agreed.” He didn’t move an inch from where he stood.

  Jessica stopped in front of him, panting. In the cold he saw her cheeks were flushed.

  “I didn’t have your number, and when I tried to ask Lydia for it, she refused.” Jessica stopped, holding a hand out for him to stop. “I need to catch my breath.” She stood, bent forward, then stood tall again. “Fuck me, I’ve not run that fast since I was in high school well over ten years ago.”

  “How old are you?” he asked, amused by her.

  “Twenty-eight.” She blew some of her raven hair that had fallen over her face. “I can’t let any patients know how unfit I am. It would be so hard telling them to get fit when I can’t even run.” She held her sides, smiling at him. “Right, I couldn’t get in touch with you. I don’t know where you live. I’m sort of out of the loop on your biker gang. You’re like some secret society that no one talks about.”

  “We’re a club. Chaos Bleeds,” he said.

  “I heard. I just don’t think it’s important to remember.”

  “We’re a pretty important club. Popular, too.”

  “Yeah, you’re popular for screwing around on women. Fucking them, leaving them, it doesn’t exactly get my juices flowing, if you know what I mean. Besides, I’ve got a hell of a lot more important crap to remember than your little gang.” Both of her hands were on her hips.

  “Why not? I can get those juices flowing exactly how you need.” He decided not to be offended by her gang comment.

  She shook her head. “You’re completely insane. Anyway, I couldn’t get in touch, and I wanted to apologize. I’ve been called into the hospital. They need extra hands tonight. The snow, the roads, it’s causing a lot of accidents and a lot of falls. I’ve got to go.”

  “You agreed to a date.” The thought of finding another woman didn’t thrill him.

  “I know I agreed, but there’s nothing I can do. I can’t stop accidents from happening. They need me, and I’ve got a duty to go.”

  “How long will you be?” Snake asked.

  “I don’t know. It could be half the night or longer.”

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “I’ll come and sit in the hospital, waiting. We made a deal. You either renege on our deal and all bets are off, or you allow me to wait and we have a date. I don’t care what time it is. I’ve got nothing better to do.”

  Are you crazy? There are a lot of available women out there who want you.

  “Sure, if you don’t mind waiting. You didn’t exactly strike me as the kind of man to wait around. I’m not a sure thing. I won’t be having sex with you.”

  “I’m not going to be having sex with you either.” Even though I really want to. He didn’t add the last part. When it came to Jessica, baby steps needed to be taken.

  “Okay, erm, sure, follow me.”

  “I got my bike.”

  “I know. I parked beside you.” He followed her around to the parking lot, expecting to see some pussy car that didn’t do over the speed limit, which he recalled seeing her in before. Snake paused as he saw another top of the range bike, resting beside his own. This bike was black with pink stripes along the sides.

  “Where’s your car?”

  “I didn’t say I drove here. I said I was parked beside you.” She stepped beside her machine.

  “You like bikes?”

  “I’ve got a license to ride a bike, so I guess I like bikes. Who knew?” She smiled at him. “Follow me to the hospital.”

  He climbed on his bike, admiring her body as she straddled her machine. She looked fucking sexy. He wanted to fuck her, and Snake decided to make that his mission.

  Chapter Ten

  Death left the room long enough to grab some food. He found Dick sitting at the large table, eating ice cream. There were at least six different tubs in front of him.

  “What are you doing?” Death asked.

  “I figured women do this all the time. I thought I’d give it a try and see if it works.” Dick scooped a large piece and ate it.

  “You didn’t have a thing for Brianna.”

  “You’re right. I didn’t. I just wanted to fuck her and piss you off. I’ve got to get my kicks somewhere.”

  Death stayed still, clenching his hand rather than giving in to the desire to hurt the bastard in front of him. All Dick was trying to do was start a fight, and he refused to bite. He wouldn’t give the other man the sick sense of pleasure he’d get from riling him.

  “What? You’re not going to beat the shit out of me?”

  “You’re not worth it.”

  “So I’m not worth it now even though if Brianna came to me, I’d still fuck her?” Dick licked some ice cream off his spoon, grinning wickedly at Death.

  “You know what? Fuck you, Dick. I’ve done absolutely nothing to you, and yet you’re being a dick. Fuck you, and fuck your attitude.”

  Death turned his back on the other man, grabbing some food from the fridge. He picked anything that they could eat with their fingers, which included a lot of cold meats that had been cooked. Everything in the fridge was made by at least one of the women. There was even a heavenly chocolate fudge cake in the back with instructions to leave alone. He pulled it out, taking two large slices.

  “You’re right. I didn’t want her, but I didn’t want to make anything easy,” Dick said.

  Death turned to look at Dick, who was still eating ice cream. “Why?”

  “I’ve lost anything of any value to me. I’m sick and tired of living without any of the excitement anymore.”

  “You were a drug addict and drank too fucking much. What the hell was there to love? What the fuck are you missing?”

  “The high. I miss the high that I got. This life, it’s not fucking fun. The sweet-butts are nothing but whores. I’m sick and tired of the same old shit. I hate Christmas, the women, all of it. I’ve got to get my high some way. You’re not giving it to me.”

  Death shook his head. “You know they send people like you to asylums away from living life.”

  “I’m not crazy.”

  “No, you just need your fix. What’s stopping you? You hate the club, you hate living here, life is shit, what’s the fucking problem?” Death asked, so over this shit.

  “This club is the only thing I’ve got left.”

  “Then I suggest you start acting like it,” Devil said, walking into the room. He was carrying Elizabeth on his hip. Their president wore a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. “I’m sick of dealing with your shit. You can act like a dick in your own time, not in mine. I’m not interested in whatever’s going on in your life. No drugs, and no more destructive behavior. We’ve got kids to think about.”

  Devil went to the fridge grabbing the medicine from the drawer.

  Death decided to leave Devil to handle Dick’s shit. He wasn’t interested in anything that had to be said. Taking his plate full of bounty back up to his room, Death entered to find Brianna flicking through the channels. She wore the shirt he’d been wearing earlier and looked totally hot in his clothes. Kicking his door shut, locking it, he handed her the large plate. “I took whatever I could find.”

  “I’m starving.”

  They’d spent the entire day in his bedroom, neither of them venturing out even as Pussy knocked on the door to inform them
dinner was ready. There was nothing sane about that bastard. He got more fun from invading other people’s space.

  “I saw Dick in the kitchen.”

  “What about him?” she asked, taking a chunk of meat. He loved her appetite. It reminded him of his own. Death was hungry after spending all day fucking her.

  “He’s feeling sorry for himself, missing all of his highs from addiction. Devil won’t allow it anymore. The club needs to stay clean. We can all drink but nothing else.”

  “Did you ever do drugs?”

  “I did drugs, but I never took to them. I hated the lack of control. There was nothing fun or exciting about it. I didn’t get anything from it other than problems. I wasn’t going to change for them. Dick, he took them quickly, like Butler. They were both hard partiers. For a long time they were useless to the club.”

  “I can’t imagine them being part of the club if they didn’t have any uses at all.”

  “They had their uses when needed. Over time, they’d just become a problem. Shit happened, we needed to change, and we did.” Death shrugged, taking a piece of cheese for himself. He’d never thought he could get used to this. They were becoming familiar with each other.

  Death knew the truth. He was in love with her, and this was how he got close to her all the time. Being inside her just cemented his feelings. He wanted her swollen and pregnant with his kid. There was nothing else that would give him greater pleasure than to have her in his life, pregnant with his kid.

  “I was thinking after Christmas we could get out own place,” he said.

  Brianna looked at him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I know how I feel about you. I’m not going to change who I am.”

  “I don’t want you to change.”

  “The only question remains, do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

  “Yes, I do.” There was no hesitation in her voice.

  “Then we’ll start looking.”

  Brianna took the plate from his hands, placing it on the drawer cabinet beside his bed. She straddled his lap, pulling the shirt from her body, exposing her tits to his gaze. Not one word was spoken as she cupped his cheek, drawing his lips to hers as she deepened the kiss. Her tongue glided over his lips, going inside. Death sank his fingers into the length of her hair, groaning as she ground her naked cunt over his covered cock. He had kept the sweat pants on when he handed her the food. The television played to itself. His only focus was on the full, ripe woman in his arms.

  “I want you, Death.”

  With her on his lap, he shuffled their positions to move his pants down his legs to the floor. “Then take what you want, baby. I’m more than happy to comply.”

  She gripped his cock in her fist, smoothing over the tip. Brianna didn’t keep him waiting long as she lifted up, aligned the tip to her entrance, and slid down.

  He groaned at the exquisite pleasure of her tight heat surrounding him. “I can’t get over how tight you are,” he said.

  “Do you always talk dirty?”

  “You think that’s dirty? You’ve seen nothing yet.” He released her hair to grip the curve of her ass. Death pulled her down to take more of his cock. “I can show you exactly what dirty means.”

  She leaned forward, sucking on his neck. “Then show me dirty.”

  Using the grip he had on her hips, he lifted her up and slammed her back down, forcing her to take more of his cock. She cried out, whimpering as he repeated the action several times. Her tits bounced in front of his face.

  “I can feel how tight you are from this angle. I’m going to fuck you so damn hard you’re not going to know where I end and you begin.”

  She gripped his shoulders, sinking her nails into his flesh.

  “I’m going to have you begging me to let you come.”

  Her green eyes were filled with desperation. When he’d had enough of taking her hot pussy with her astride him, he tugged her off.

  “Remember, whenever you want me to stop, tell me.”

  Death placed her on her knees before him, sliding back inside her. “How about this?” This angle made him deeper, stroking over her g-spot. He stared at her puckered anus. He caressed her clit, using her lube to wet his fingers. Death brought his fingers back to her forbidden channel and pressed.

  She tensed up around him.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  “No. I want you to continue. I don’t want you to stop.” She sounded breathless. He loved the sounds coming from her throat. For the rest of the night he was going to be driving her wild with his touch.


  Brianna groaned as he continued to stroke her ass. She’d never really liked her ass being played with. Death’s touch only turned her on even more.

  “Relax for me,” he said.

  The size of his cock stretched her, filling her to the brink on the verge of pain. His fingers playing with her anus didn’t help. She wanted to push back against him to take more of his fingers inside her ass.

  He pressed one finger harder against her ass, pushing past the tight ring of muscle. The moment he got past she breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m going to fuck your ass very soon, Brianna. You’re going to be begging for it.”

  She was already begging for it. Brianna didn’t know what she wanted more, his cock in her pussy or in her ass.

  “That’s what you want, isn’t it, baby?”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to lie to him or argue. When it came to Death, she wanted to give it all to him.

  She’d already figured when she was going to tell him how she felt. There was a reason Christmas was a time for giving. She was going to give Death what she’d never given any other man before in her life, her heart. When it came to Death, she truly wanted to be everything he was hunting for.

  He slowed his thrusts and stroked at her anus, pressing a second finger inside her. Death began to press inside her, going in deep as he worked up a pattern with his fingers. “Yeah, I’m going to fuck this little ass and make it mine. I’m going to love every part of you, Brianna.”

  “Yes. I want you so much, Death.” No one else could ever give her the kind of pleasure Death did. There was something powerful between them that went a hell of a lot stronger than mere attraction. She wanted this to last, to draw him even closer to her. If she was pregnant, she wouldn’t be scared but happy by the sudden turn of events. The thought of having his child filled her with joy.

  “That’s right, I do.” He began to increase his thrusts going deeper than ever before. “Take all of me, Brianna. Take my cock and my fingers.”

  She whimpered as he took her hard and with force. There was no waiting around as Death claimed her completely.

  “I’m going to fill your pussy up with my cum, and then I’m going to take this ass.”

  There was no holding back as he pounded inside her. She was so close to another orgasm as he began to saw his fingers in her ass.

  “I can feel your cunt getting ready to explode. You want me to let you come, Brianna?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She bit her lip trying to contain her squeals of excitement.

  “You’re so fucking wet. I can see you dripping around my cock. I’m covered in your cum, baby.”

  She groaned at his dirty talk.

  The hand that had been resting on her hip, slid between her thighs to touch her clit.

  “Fuck yourself back against me. Take my cock while I bring you off.”

  Brianna did as he asked, pushing herself back against him.

  “You’ve got such a tight cunt. My tight cunt.”

  He stroked her clit, and it only took a couple of strokes for her to reach orgasm. Within seconds he gripped her hip with one hand, slamming inside her. He was relentless in his pursuit, and she loved every second of it.

  “Fuck, baby. Take it all.” Death plunged inside her one final time. His cock jerked inside her, exploding his cum deep into her womb.

  Will this produce a baby?

sp; She didn’t know what it would produce, only that she wasn’t scared at the prospect of becoming a mother.

  Collapsing to the bed, she let out a sigh. Death moved to her side, panting. “Fuck, baby, that was perfect.” He reached over, kissing her cheek. “Stay here. I’ll go and get cleaned up.”

  Brianna didn’t move. She stayed still with her ass in the air, no longer caring about her exposed self.

  He returned seconds later holding a cloth. “I think it’s time to clean you up.” Death placed the cloth against her ass, wiping.

  “What about your cum?” she asked, confused as to why he’d start with her ass first.

  “I’m not wiping myself away. I love seeing my seed spill from the lips of your pussy. It’s so fucking sexy to watch. I wish you could see how fucking amazing you look filled with my cum.”

  He slapped her ass making her yelp. Rolling over, she sat up, glaring at him. He was laughing. “I thought that would get your attention.”

  “That hurt.”

  “No, it didn’t.” He cupped her face, and she pulled away wrinkling her nose.

  “You better have cleaned your fingers.”

  “Of course I did.” He cupped her face once again, drawing her closer to him. Death took possession of her lips, licking along her bottom lip. “Perfect.”

  She watched him throw the towel into the corner near their clothes. He settled down on the bed, pulling her into his arms.

  Brianna closed her eyes, basking in the feel of him surrounding her.

  “When we get our own place will you still want to come to the club?” he asked.

  “Our place?”

  “Yeah, I’m not going to force you or any children we have to remain here.”

  “Do you think I’m going to stay here with you?” she asked, teasing.

  “If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here now. I know you want me, Brianna.”

  “Or your cock.”

  “Or my cock.” He chuckled, dropping a kiss to her cheek. “In all seriousness, would you still want to come to the clubhouse?”

  “This is your home, Death. Your family is here. You love it here, and if I’m being honest, I love it here. Well, I like cleaning your mess. I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved cleaning. It helps to calm and soothe me.”


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