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A Real Man: Limited Edition

Page 44

by Jenika Snow

  I kept my hand on the back of her neck, letting her know she was mine without saying a word. I used my other hand to grip her ass. She had a fucking hot-as-hell ass.

  “Touch me,” I ordered.

  Sliding my hands over her back, I brought her closer. My cock jerked at the feel of her softness against every part of me that was hard. She was so feminine, so womanly that I could have gotten off just from having her close to me.

  I walked us backward until we reached the counter of my workstation. The counter was dirty as hell, with tools and parts scattered around it. It turned me on more seeing as I had her beauty among all this grime. When I tightened my hold on her, I didn’t wait to lift her up and set her on the counter. It shook slightly from the rough action.

  That made me hotter.

  “Spread. Let me in.”

  She opened her legs for me, and I stepped between them, feeling the heat coming from her pussy. I didn’t stop myself from being a dirty bastard and grinding myself on her. She gasped and I grunted.

  “You want me between your legs, baby?” I kissed and nipped along her jaw and groaned against her neck when she tilted her head back to give me better access. “You want my big cock shoved deep in your pretty little pussy?”

  She nodded, not saying anything verbally.

  A gasp left her when I ran my tongue along her throat.

  “I want you so fucking badly, Josephine.” I ground myself right up against her. I felt her nails at my back, that slight sting turning me on even more. I ran my tongue the rest of the way up her neck and to her mouth. Once I was kissing her again, I moved my hands between us, and started undoing the button of her jeans and sliding down the zipper.

  I gave her a minute to stop me, but I knew she wouldn’t. She was just as ready for this as I was. “Lift those hips for me,” I ground out, and she did so enough for me to pull off her jeans and panties. I tossed those fuckers to the ground and stepped back to look at what I’d exposed.

  Her pussy was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever seen: wet, pink, and all mine. I became frantic as I tore off the rest of her clothes until she was totally bare for me.

  “God, are we really doing this?” she asked, but in her voice I could hear how ready she was, how much she anticipated this.

  “Yeah, we are so fucking doing this.” I looked back up at her face. “It’ll be hot, hard-core, and dirty as fuck.” I stepped back between her thighs and groaned when I felt her slickness greet my hard dick. “One of these days my hands are going to leave smudges of grease on these creamy fucking thighs.” I was so fucking hard. “Seeing your pale flesh painted that way makes me nearly coming right now,” I groaned the words.

  I moved my hand between our bodies, slipped my fingers through her slit, and clenched my teeth at the wet silk I found waiting for me. I gathered her arousal and stared right into her eyes at the same time I brought my fingers up and showed her. Without saying anything, I licked my fingers clean, sucking off all her pussy juices.

  “So fucking sweet.” When I’d cleaned her juices off my fingers, I gripped her chin and forced my mouth on hers. I speared my tongue in her mouth so she could taste herself on me.

  “I need you,” she whispered against my lips, and that was my undoing.

  I reached between her legs again.

  “Oh God.” Her head fell back, and her eyes slid shut when my fingers found her pussy again. I slid my middle finger into her and rubbed her clit with my thumb. I started pumping my finger in and out, loving how her tight cunt sucked at the digit.

  I kept working my finger inside of her as we mouth fucked. I grunted when she pulled at my bottom lip with her teeth, the sting there making my desire rise higher.

  Because I couldn’t handle the control any longer, I started undoing my pants, pushed them down my thighs, and placed the heel of my palm on the base of my cock. The fucker was harder than granite.

  “Touch me,” I gritted out, and she listened so beautifully. I hissed when her hand wrapped around my cock. “That’s it.”

  “God, you’re so big.”

  Taking hold of her ass again, I pulled her closer so she was forced to wrap her arms around my shoulder to steady herself.

  “Heels on the counter, baby.” The fact that she did what I said without any hesitation had my skin tightening and the blood rushing in my veins. I took a step back, placed my hands on her knees, and spread her thighs open as wide as they’d go. A gasp left her. My focus was trained on her parted pussy lips, on her little swollen clit, and her pinkness. Her cunt hole was right there for me, and I was barely hanging on to my control.

  Dropping onto my haunches, I let my hands slide down her inner thighs. I had my fingers so close to her pussy I felt the heat from her body spear right into my flesh. I moved the digits further inward until my thumbs brushed against her cunt lips. I glanced up at her. She had her mouth parted, and her pupils were dilated.

  “You want me to lick you, to drag my tongue through this pink center?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “You want me to do the same to your tight little asshole?” I watched her throat work, and she nodded for me.

  I pulled her open even more, wanting to see every single part of her in startling clarity. And then I couldn’t hold out anymore. I latched my mouth onto her, closed my eyes, and grunted at the taste of Joey. Her flavor was sweet and musky and bathed my tongue in erotic goodness. I could have eaten her out all day long. I could have devoured her and it still wouldn’t have been enough.

  I devoured her until she came against my lips, until she was thrusting her pussy on my face and pulling at my hair. The cry she made was the sexiest fucking thing I’d ever heard. And then I spread her ass cheeks, stared at the tight little hole, and leaned in. I dragged my tongue over her and groaned at the scent of the lotion she’d obviously used earlier in the day. I dipped my tongue inside just enough, just the tip. She panted above me, and I wondered if she’d ever had anyone do this to her, suck at this part of her body.


  I dragged my tongue up and down her back hole but couldn’t take any more of this foreplay. I needed to be inside of her.

  I stood and grabbed my cock. I jerked off for a few seconds, my breathing haggard.

  I wanted my cum in her, wanted her marked by me, smelling like me. I wanted her pussy wet, not only from her arousal but from my seed as well. But I also didn’t want to scare the fuck out of her by just shoving in raw. I reached into my back pocket, grabbed a condom—one I had to check hadn’t expired since it had been a long-ass time for me—and quickly sheathed myself.

  “You ready for me, for this?” I grabbed my dick, gave that fucker a squeeze, and groaned at the pleasure that shot up my spine.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for anything than I am right now.”

  That’s my girl.

  I stepped up to her and placed the tip of my dick right at her pussy hole. I was having a hell of a hard time not just thrusting all my thick, big inches into her. I gripped her waist, stared into her eyes, and without going slow or being overly easy, I sank into her. Wet, hot tightness immediately engulfed me, and I grunted in pleasure.

  “Gabe.” The way she said my name, all breathy, all aroused, had me rearing my hips back and slamming into her again. She braced her hands behind her, and I started really fucking her then.





  Sweat started to trickle down my back and cover my forehead. The workbench slammed against the wall over and over again. Tools shook on the walls, the pegs holding them in place not equipped for the fucking I was giving my woman.

  My woman.


  “Yeah, that’s it, baby.” I rocked in and out of her. Her pussy was so wet, so fucking tight. It was all for me.

  It’s all mine.

  She’s all mine.

  “Squeeze that pussy around my cock.” Air sawed in and out of me
as I tried to breathe. This felt too damn good.

  She felt too good.

  I dug my fingers into her waist, pulled her lower half a little farther out, and loved that she was now barely on the tabletop. Her ass was balanced there, and it was only me holding her that kept her in place.

  Just the way I fucking like it.

  I leaned back just enough that I could watch myself move in and out of her cunt. The sight of my cock sliding in, then out when I retreated, had a groan ripping from me. Her pussy lips surrounded me, stretched wide, so pink and slightly swollen from what I was doing to her.

  “Goddamn it, baby,” I gritted out. “That’s so fucking it.” I looked into her face. “Seeing my dick in your pretty pussy has me nearly filling you with cum right now.”

  She parted her lips and gasped.

  “Mine, Joey. You. Are. All. Mine.” Our gazes clashed together. I reached between us and started rubbing her clit. “Let go. Get off for me. Make my dick all nice and juicy as you let go.”

  “Yes,” she cried out right before tipping her head back, closing her eyes, and giving me her sweet surrender.

  The feeling of her pussy clenching rhythmically around my cock told me she’d just come for me. She cried out then, obviously not able to hold the sound in anymore. Good. I wanted her so unhinged she couldn’t even see straight.

  “I’m going to make sure you’re fucked so thoroughly you can’t sit comfortably tomorrow.”

  “Oh. God. Gabe…”

  She came again for me, and I let out a low growl of approval.

  I couldn’t hold back, not when I needed to get off right along with her. I pumped three more times inside of her tight, soaking-wet pussy before pulling out, ripping that fucking condom off, and gripping my dick. She had her legs still spread wide, and her ass was hanging over the edge. I stared at her slightly gaping cunt, her flesh red, swollen from my fucking. I slammed my hand down on the counter beside her, curled my nails into the top, and held my breath.

  I pointed my cock right at her pussy but lifted my gaze and stared at her face. “I’m going to come all over your pretty red cunt. I’m going to make your pussy slick, sticky from my seed.” And then I did just that. I groaned as I came, my spunk coming out the tip of my cock and covering her pussy. I lowered my gaze to between her thighs and stared at the long white streaks of my jizz that now bathed her.

  I reached out, not able to stop myself, and rubbed my jizz all over her inner thighs and pussy. “You’re mine, and I’m marking you as such.” Yeah, this was barbaric, fucking insane, too, but I needed Josephine to know this was what I needed. This was what she needed, too. “You understand?”

  She nodded slowly, and I could see she was just as into this as I was. I pushed a finger into her pussy, and her hole clenched around that digit. I grunted and leaned in close, my mouth an inch from hers.

  “Say it.”

  It took her a second to finally say the words I desperately needed to hear.

  “I’m yours.”

  “Yeah, you fucking are.”

  When I pulled my finger out of her pussy, licked the digit clean, and wrapped my arm around her, making sure she was as close to me as possible, I didn’t miss the surprise on her face. Did she think I was the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of person?

  Not with her. Not ever.

  “How’s that for me taking you out?”

  She started laughing, and I couldn’t help but follow suit.

  I wasn’t the teasing type of man, but with Josephine I felt myself opening up. Having her close made me feel pretty fucking good.



  It had been a week since Gabe took me in his filthy garage, with his grease-stained hands and his gruff demeanor. It had been seven days since I’d felt the touch of a real man or gotten lost in the feeling of being completely owned.

  A whole long week of needing him so badly I could taste it, practically feeling him touching me, stroking me … making me come.

  “I hope you’re ready for tonight,” he said, his voice deep, scratchy, and coming through the phone like a smack to my ass.

  I bit my lip and squirmed on my seat. Lilly had left for the day, and Carl, one of the other designers, was finishing up with a customer.

  “Why, what’s going on tonight?” I shifted on my seat again, the thoughts going through my head pretty damn dirty.

  “First I’m feeding you, then I’m giving you a full body massage, and then I’m…”

  “Client’s gone for the night. I’m heading out,” Carl said, and I found myself jumping slightly.

  “Yeah, okay,” I said a little too quickly. “Bye.” I cleared my throat, feeling my face on fire. Fortunately Carl didn’t stick around to see what my problem was. The sound of Gabe lightly laughing filled my head. I liked that we were comfortable together, even after only knowing each other for such a short time. It was nice, comforting, and of course he made me hot as hell. I felt like some raging hormonal teenager around him.

  But strangely enough I didn’t want to change. I didn’t want that to stop. Being with Gabe made me feel like I’d been missing so much, like I hadn’t actually experienced what living was.


  Maybe ridiculous.

  But so good and so, so real.


  Later that evening

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off her, let alone my hands. But there was a small amount of control I harbored, and right now I was displaying it.

  “Tell me more about you,” I said. I wanted to know every single detail that made her up. Hell, truth was I just wanted to hear her voice and wanted to watch her lips form the words.

  “There’s not much to say, actually.”

  I stared at her mouth, and my cock came alive.

  “I went to a university for college, graduated four years later, did my internship, and got hired right after that. I lucked out.”

  “I doubt luck had anything to do with it. I’m sure they saw your talent.” Her cheeks turned pink, and felt pleasure that my words affected her.

  “Thank you,” she said softly, and I controlled myself even more for not going to her right then and there. Believe me, I wanted to.

  A long pause filled the room, but the silence was comfortable. I could see she had something on her mind, so I gave her all the time she needed to ask me whatever she was thinking about.

  “What did you mean when you said I’m yours?” Her voice was soft, and I knew she had probably been mulling that question over and over again in her head. But good. I’m glad she asked, because I wanted to tell her in every possessive, obsessed way I knew how.

  I set my beer bottle down on the coffee table, pushed a stray box out of my way, and moved closer to her. I took her wineglass from her, set it beside my bottle, and without missing a beat, lightly cupped her throat. I smoothed my thumb along her pulse right below her ear. It beat fast, wild even. She was nervous. I could see it in her eyes, in the way she kept biting her lip. I could feel it under my thumb.

  “Why do I say you’re mine?” I asked, my focus on her mouth, my cock hard, my pulse racing just as fast as hers. On the inside I felt wild for her, but on the outside I kept myself calm, collected. She didn’t need to see me feeling out of control, not when she looked like she was hanging on by a thread.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice nothing more than a whisper, her breath smelling sweet like the white wine she’d been drinking.

  “Because I’ve staked my claim.” I reached out and placed my hand right between her thighs, right over her pussy. “Even before I had my dick in you, marking you, the first moment I saw you, I knew you were mine.” I leaned in another inch, adding a little more pressure to her pussy. She gasped and scooted up on the couch slightly. “Even before I licked this pretty pink cunt and ran my tongue over your tight little asshole, I had already deemed you mine.” I was now on top of her, my chest to hers, my mouth an inch from hers. I gripped her hip and pulled her down on the couch s
o she was flat and we were a hell of a lot more comfortable.

  “A part of you has to think this is a little crazy,” she said, but there was no genuine concern in her voice. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her mouth parted, and her breathing was fast and short.

  “Of course it’s fucking crazy, but doesn’t it feel pretty incredible?” She nodded. “Doesn’t it make you realize you’re living?” She nodded again. I wedged myself between her now spread thighs, placed my hard cock right over her jean-covered pussy, and started grinding myself against her. “When it comes to you, I’m territorial, possessed, and I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of it.” I ground against her harder. “I don’t care about anything but making sure you stay exactly where you’re supposed to be … by my side.” And then I leaned down and kissed her, plunged my tongue into her mouth, and fucked her in the way I was about to do between her legs.

  If this wasn’t making my point, letting her know exactly what it meant to be mine, I’d just have to show her over and over again. I’d just have to make her see this wasn’t a passing thing for me.

  This was fucking forever.



  Six months later

  I’d never been the type of man to care about having a woman by my side, having a partner for life.

  That was until I saw Josephine.

  Until then I didn’t care about any of that shit. Hell, I didn’t even care about getting laid.

  I stepped through the front door and saw her bent over cleaning the coffee table. During the last half year she’d been staying at my house more times than not. I wanted her here permanently.

  I walked up to her, my dick already hard, my mind working up filthy images of what I’d like to do with my woman right now.


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