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A Real Man: Limited Edition

Page 45

by Jenika Snow

  She stood up, still not aware of me standing right behind her. I reached out, wrapped my hand around her waist, and spun her around. She gasped and fell into me, and I let out a pleasurable grunt when she pressed right up against my chest. I walked us backward a few steps and sat down on the couch.

  She straddled my hips, and if my cock hadn’t already been hard, it would have gone rock solid in that moment. I lowered my face to her neck and inhaled deeply. “You smell fucking good, baby.” I ran the tip of my nose up the side of her throat. “Fuck, yeah, you smell good.”

  She made this sweet little moan for me and pressed her pussy down harder on my cock.

  “You smell like you’ve been working in a garage all day.”

  I grinned after she spoke. “You like the sweat and grimy scent that clings to me.”

  She breathed harder. “Yeah, I really do, Gabe.”

  “Come closer and give me a kiss.” She braced her hands on the cushions, leaned forward, and kissed me hard. I loved that Josephine ran her tongue over my bottom lip.

  I wanted her right now, but reality set in. I could fuck my girl afterward. At this time I needed to get serious.

  Really fucking serious.

  I reached out and cupped her cheek, and her expression changed. She could see how intense I was, that I didn’t doubt.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Give me a minute, baby. I’ll be right back.” I stood, left her alone in the living room as I went into the bedroom to grab what I’d need; then I came back. I didn’t sit next to her, and instead dropped to one knee. I was going to do this right, even if it wasn’t the most romantic proposal. When I lifted my arm and produced the little gray velvet box, I saw her eyes widen. I took one of her hands in mine. “I love you, so damn much I can’t even imagine a world without you.” I popped the lid, seeing her throat work when she saw the ring inside. “I’m possessive, coarse as fuck, and pretty territorial when it comes to you, but you’re mine, and I want that official, baby.” I pulled the ring out of the box. “I know I border on obsessive and out of control where you’re concerned, and although you and I know that won’t change, I love you with everything I am.”

  She smiled, her happiness clear, making me feel pretty fucking incredible.

  “I don’t want to change you, don’t want to hinder anything you want to do in your life.” Damn, I wanted to kiss her right now. “You’re strong and successful, independent and fierce. And I love you so much because of all of that.” I did kiss her then. I didn’t stop myself. “You’re the only woman I want to spend my life with, to carry my babies, and the only person who can put up with my shit.” I’d never felt bared before, but right now this was real. I slipped the diamond on her ring finger, refusing to let my nerves control me. “Baby, I love you, and I know you love me. I want you to be my wife.” I looked at her face again. “Will you marry me and make me complete?”

  She didn’t say anything for long seconds, just stared down at the ring. And then she launched herself at me. I held her in my arms, her momentum causing me to fall onto the ground. But I didn’t care.

  “Yes, Gabe. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  I held her tighter, then pulled back and looked at her face. I cupped her cheeks, leaned in, and claimed the fuck out of her mouth. She’d always been mine. Now it would just be official.


  One year later

  I loved the way he watched me, the way fire blazed in his eyes when he was close. He looked at me from over the hood of a car, whoever was speaking with him not even getting a fraction of his attention. I held up the brown bag, his lunch, which he’d forgotten on the counter this morning.

  He said something to the man speaking with him, and then came over to me, his walk powerful, stalking me almost. When Gabe was a foot from me, he pulled me in, had his hand on the back of my neck, and kissed me right in front of everyone. The paper bag crinkled between us, but I wasn’t about to stop him from showing some PDA. I loved when he got all possessive on me.

  When Gabe pulled away, I was breathless, and I felt several of the guys who worked for Gabe staring at us. With breaking eye contact with me, Gabe said, “Get back to work and stop gawking at my wife.”

  I grinned but also blushed.

  “Come on, let’s go in the office.”

  I followed Gabe past all the mechanics. They smiled or lifted a hand in greeting when they saw me. We’d only been married a few months. It hadn’t been a big wedding, just a few of his closest friends, a few people I’d been acquainted well enough with in college, Lilly, and my mother had even shown up. The ceremony had been intimate, beautiful, and I wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

  Once in his office he shut the door, and I set the brown bag on the desk. I turned around to face him, and Gabe instantly had his hands on my cheeks and placed his mouth on mine. The kiss he gave me was soft, sweet, and very possessive. When he pulled away, I smiled.

  “What was that for?”

  He ran his thumb along my bottom lip, his focus on my mouth. “Do I need a reason to kiss the love of my life?”

  My heart started beating a little faster at that. And then he lowered himself to his haunches, framed my slightly rounded belly, and rested his forehead on it.

  “How’s my baby doing today?” he whispered.

  I smiled. “He’s been active.”

  Gabe looked up at me, pride and love on his face. He lifted my shirt slightly and kissed my exposed skin.

  “My woman, my baby growing inside of her.” He looked at me again. “The loves of my life.”

  I ran my fingers through his hair after he spoke. Who said happily ever afters were only in books? I was living proof that sometimes taking a chance and jumping feet first into the unknown can be the most wonderful and perfect thing in the world.


  Six months later

  Since the moment I first saw Josephine I knew she was it for me. I might be a possessive fucker, territorial to the point I got on her damn nerves, but she’d always know I loved her.

  She’ll always know she has someone at her side.

  I stared at my wife, the mother of my son, the woman I’d spend the rest of my life with. Some days I had to ask how I’d become so lucky. I certainly didn’t deserve her.

  I tossed more wood into the fireplace, stoking it, keeping my family warm. The sound of the baby cooing had my chest aching. I looked over at her and stared at my son in her arms.

  A piece of both of us wrapped up in this tiny being.

  I scrubbed a hand over my jaw, my beard full, just like my heart.

  “He’s perfect,” she whispered, running her finger down the bridge of his tiny nose.

  “You both are,” I said, my throat tight, my voice gruff. I walked over to them and picked up Michael from her. He was so small, so tiny in my big arms. I stroked the dark hair atop his tiny head. My grease-stained hands seemed bigger than his entire body.

  “You ready for more?” I asked, slightly joking. When I lifted my gaze and looked at her she had the sweetest fucking smile on her face.

  “You say that now. Wait until he starts moving around and getting into everything.”

  I shook my head. “I’ll take it all. I want a whole house of little ones, Joey baby.” I sat on the couch next to my wife, and used my other hand to pull her in close.

  “Are you happy?” My voice was gruff with emotion.

  “Always,” was her reply.

  “Are you?”

  I looked at her. “More than I could ever explain in words.”

  I was complete, but only because of them.

  The End

  Dirty Bonus Scene


  I grabbed a shop rag and cleaned off some of the grease from my hands. I turned and stared at the car we were currently rebuilding. It was a side project, something I was doing for fun. It helped keep my mind clear, helped with the stress. If I was being honest, what really helped with the stress was having Josephine
close to me.

  Even all these years later, Josephine still had my heart racing, still had the possessive, barbaric side of me at the forefront. She was my wife, the mother of my children.

  She was my entire fucking world.

  “See you later, boss.” Jarron lifted his hand in a wave as he left the shop.

  It was well past closing time, but he’d stayed behind to help me work on the car. Although truth was I enjoyed doing the work myself, but I didn’t mind the company every now and then.

  I turned and made my way over to the beat-up old as fuck radio that was on my workbench. I turned it to a classic rock station and faced the car again. It would take months before it was fully restored, but once it was I’d sell it.

  I heard the alarm sound off, but it only stayed on for a few seconds before it went silent. I felt my entire body grow hard, my muscles tensing. I knew who it was that came into the shop. And fucking hell, I anticipated it.

  And then I saw my girl walking out from the back room, her focus trained on her purse as she rummaged through it. Her hair was in a messy bun, and the outfit she wore was loose, something that she would have worn around the house. But damn she looked gorgeous no matter what. She could’ve been wearing a trash bag and I would still get hard as fuck for her.

  Before she could lift her head and look at me I was making my way toward her. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to my body. Her purse dropped to land by her feet and a startled gasp left her. And when she looked at me, her eyes wide, her pupils starting to dilate, I knew I had my woman right where I wanted her.

  It didn’t matter that we were in a dirty garage, or that I was covered in grease from working all day. She fucking loved it.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in this breathy, low voice. I didn’t bother responding because she knew exactly what I was doing. I could tell in the way she was breathing, in the way she looked at me that she wanted this too.

  My cock jerked, my shaft so hard I could’ve drilled nails through steel. I didn’t say anything in response, just cupped the back of her head and started walking her backward. When the wall stopped her movements I pressed my body fully against hers.

  “How much time do we have?” I pulled back only far enough to look into her eyes. I still had the back of her head cupped in my hand, my cock pressed against her belly. I wanted our clothes off, wanted to be buried deep inside of her body and claim her as mine all night long.

  “Half an hour before I have to pick up the kids,” she said on this breathy tone. I looked down at her mouth, her lips parted, red, and begging for my kiss.

  “Good, plenty of fucking time for what I need from you, for what you want from me.”

  I wasn’t going to waste any more time. I was frantic, a beast for this woman. I reached between our bodies and unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. I stroked the monster a few times, my balls drawn up tight, pre-cum dotting the tip of my shaft. Josephine was breathing harder, her pupils fully dilated, her cheeks tinged pink.

  “Get out of your jeans and panties, baby.” I could’ve easily done it myself but I got off on her doing what I said, got even more turned on by her getting undressed for me, showing me that she wanted this just as much as I did.

  I stepped back only long enough for her to do what I said. And when she had one leg out of her jeans and panties I was right back pressed against her. I couldn’t be slow, couldn’t make this last for either of us. I needed to be inside of her. I needed to feel her wet, tight body clenching around my dick.

  And I knew she needed this too.

  I reached behind her and grabbed her ass, squeezing my hand around the smooth, firm globe. I slipped my fingers down the back of her thigh and lifted her leg up and placed it over my hip. And when she kept her leg there I reached between our bodies and positioned the tip of my dick at the entrance of her pussy.

  I stared deep into her eyes, feeling her heat spear right through me at that small contact. And then in one massive thrust I buried all my inches into her. She slammed her head back against the wall, her mouth opening wider as she moaned. Her eyes were closed, and she held her breath. I slipped my hand around the front of her neck, holding it there loosely, showing her that I had the control right now. And then I started fucking her.

  I slammed my cock in and out of her, over and over again until sweat started to cover my body. I stared into her face, and although she wasn’t looking at me, just seeing the pleasure cover her expression was enough to have me nearly coming.

  I saw a droplet of perspiration start to slide down her temple and I leaned in and dragged my tongue along her skin, collecting the bead of wetness. It was salty, sweet. It was everything I desired in Josephine in that one small drop. It caused my dick to become harder, throbbing deep inside of her. I needed to come, needed to fill her up with my seed and mark her as mine.

  I slammed into her once, twice, and on the third time I reached between us and started rubbing her clit with my thumb. She cried out as she climaxed for me and that was what sent me over the edge. I pounded into her pussy, the sound of wet, almost sloppy sex filling my head. It was so fucking hot.

  I filled her up, pumped my seed deep into her body, wanting to get her pregnant again, wanting to see her get big with my child.

  She was mine.

  When she sagged against me and my balls were drained dry, her pussy filled with my cum, I pulled out of her and held her close. She rested her head on my chest and I stroked my fingers through her long hair. I listened to her breathing even out, felt my heartbeat steady. This woman was my world, my life.

  We were silent for long seconds, just the sound of our respirations filling the garage. I pulled back and smiled down at her, feeling my love for her grow tenfold. “If I could marry you all over again, make you mine, I’d do it in a heartbeat.” I leaned down and kissed her soundly, stroking my tongue along her bottom lip and breathing in the same air she was.

  She was my life, the reason I breathed. I woke up every morning thinking about her, and when my head hit the pillow at night she was the last thing on my mind.

  Josephine was my wife, the mother of my children. She’d given me hope, life ... a beautiful family. Without her I was just a shell of a man, and I was okay admitting that. I wanted to admit that, wanted to shout it out to the world that she was the reason for me being who I was, for being the man I was.

  There was nothing else in this world that mattered except this woman and my family. I might be a dirty mechanic, might not deserve Josephine or the beautiful children she’d given me, but I’d prove to her, show her each and every day for the rest of my life, until I took my very last breath, that she was a queen. Mine.

  VIKING (A Real Man, 9)

  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © January 2017 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: January 2017

  Photographer: Sara Eirew

  Cover model: Alex Boivin

  Photo provided by: Sara Eirew

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Line Editor: Lea Ann Schafer

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  She’ll be his greatest conquest.


  I should have been afraid of him, the brutal man with the violence covering him and blood on his face. But he’d saved me from a fate worse than death. He was a Viking, a man who too
k what he wanted because he could, because no one dared to cross him, to go against him.

  And he’d claimed me.

  I was his now, and I didn’t think I want to fight that.


  From the moment I saw Ingrid I knew I wanted her as mine, as my wife, the future mother of my children. I’ll go to any lengths to keep her by my side, to make her see I’m not letting her go. I may give her the option to leave, to find her own way, but the truth is I would follow her to the ends of the earth to keep her close.

  I’m a Viking, a savage, dangerous and violent. I don’t give up when I see something I want. I’ve been searching for Ingrid my whole life; I just didn’t realize it until I looked into her blue eyes.

  She will be mine. No matter what.

  Warning: Hope you like your men filthy, brutal, and willing to slay for the woman he’s claimed, because in this story you’re getting it all and then some. It’s dirty, totally unbelievable, and probably holds no real historical facts, but it’s fun and hot and hits the right spot. It is what it is, so hang on and enjoy the ride.



  I should have left when everyone else had. Now I was probably going to die…or worse.

  We’d only known they were coming, had heard they were destroying, taking, making it their own, such a short time ago. But we’d run out of time. They were here, and I was the only one still present, making sure everyone had evacuated safely. This was our home, and of course everyone wanted to defend it, but we weren’t fools either.

  We wanted to survive.

  It was the middle of the night, the moon high, the glow paving the way for their quest, for their destruction. There was no time to gather anything more than what I’d already packed.


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