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December Heat

Page 6

by MacNeil, Joanie

  Mark might have given up his career for her, but she’d also given up part of herself for him. The marriage, or more Mark’s depressive illness, had taken a heavy toll on both of them.

  She watched Jake sip his coffee. Would he have gone to pieces if he’d found himself in Mark’s situation?

  Hardly likely. Jake was nothing like Mark. He would never have got himself in such a predicament in the first place. A timely reminder not to fall for his considerable and ever-present charm.

  “Tell me about yourself, Jake,” she said as he put down his cup, her curiosity finally getting the better of her. “I know very little about you.”

  “There’s really not much to tell.”

  “Oh, come on. Of course there is. Tell me.”

  The coaxing softness in her voice surprised her. Did she sound as seductive to Jake as she did to her own ears?

  “Where did you grow up? How did you get to where you are now?”

  His eyes darkened. “The lady is full of questions.”

  “So, if I don’t ask, you won’t tell me, will you?”

  He flashed a broad grin at her. “Probably not.”

  Nic crossed her arms, pretended to pout.

  “Oh, all right, if you’re going to sulk...I can’t cope with a sulky woman.”

  She gave him a knowing smile.

  “Devil woman,” he retorted. “You tricked me.”


  “I grew up in Canberra. My mother died just after I was born and my older sister took care of us.”

  “Us?” she prompted softly.

  “Yeah, Luke and me. He kind of adopted us as his family when we were about eight. His own parents didn’t much care about him.”

  “That’s sad,” Nic said, her heart going out to the small boy and the anguish he must have gone through.

  “Yeah, it is.” His thoughts seemed to drift off to somewhere Nic knew she couldn’t reach.

  “Luke and I left home to go to university in Sydney. Within a year, my father died, my sister married and from then on, as there was no home base anymore, I seemed to fall into a wandering lifestyle. I studied journalism, worked at one of the local TV networks, one thing lead to another and here I am.”

  “No special woman in your life?”

  Was that a hurt expression that fleetingly reflected in his eyes?

  “Not anymore.”

  His voice sounded a touch gravely.

  “That’s when I decided settling down wasn’t for me. I had to make a career choice, one that didn’t include a wife and family. That and my job just don’t mix.”

  “And you plan to continue your wandering lifestyle?”

  “Sure,” he said. “What else is there?”

  * * *

  Relaxing in the love seat on her verandah, Nic reflected on her outing with Jake.

  Had she made a mistake inviting him to stay?

  She’d asked herself that question so many times she was thoroughly sick of it. And she still couldn’t decide on the answer. That, and how he seemed to chafe her vulnerability, bothered her even more.

  She still grieved for Mark, supposed she always would in some small way. At the moment, she had no choice but to let that process take its course, however long it took.

  Somehow, Jake had gotten under her skin. He had a softer heart than she’d given him credit for. He was all contradiction—not quite the smart alec she’d pegged him to be. She tried not to think about his tender caresses that promised so much more at the slightest invitation.

  Getting involved with Jake, no matter how briefly, wasn’t an option. She needed to move on with her life, re-establish her own career and secure a future for herself, under her own steam.

  And never again would she allow herself to become involved in a relationship which demanded as much as her marriage had done. Mark gave up a career he loved for her, and it had lead to his destruction and almost taken her with it. Nor would she become involved with a man who preferred to live an adventurous life.

  Like Mark.

  Like Jake.


  Jake’s image filled her thoughts. One intimate moment with him and she knew she’d be lost forever. He was definitely hands off.

  “So much for taking my mind off things,” she mumbled, tossing aside the dance culture magazine. With a deep sigh, she leaned back in the love seat and closed her eyes for a moment.

  Just what would it be like to be involved with someone who lived and worked in another country? Impossibly miserable. What would be the point? Hadn’t she considered that with Mark? Her memories blurred. A long distance relationship just wouldn’t work for her. Entertaining such thoughts was leaving yourself open to heartache, her inner voice cautioned as she recalled Jake’s closeness in the kitchen the other morning. She’d wanted him to kiss her so badly and it had taken all her will power to deter him from doing just that.

  Another deep sigh brought her to her feet. She stretched and made her way to the end of the screened verandah.

  Her heart did a little skip at the sight of Jake walking toward the house from the river, fishing rod in his hand. His smooth, easy stride, taut, bare chest, open shirt lifting in the gentle breeze, and the fitted worn jeans, washed to the palest of blue, hugging his long legs—all physical, sensual male.

  Nicolette opened the door and took the stairs slowly, her heart reacting irresponsibly yet again as she absorbed the triumphant grin on his face.

  “Hey, Nic.”

  On reaching her, he stopped. His dark gaze slid over her, almost melting her, just like the heat of the sun. She felt strangely flattered by his obvious interest.

  Handsome, daredevil Jake who’d curl any woman’s toes with that far-from-innocent little boy smile of his. No wonder he’d had a string of females at his beck and call, if Mark were to be believed. Broad-shouldered, built the way she liked, Nicolette knew she was more drawn to him than she cared to be.

  “How many did you toss back in the water?”

  For some women, Jake’s smile would be a real turn-on, but not for her. She knew what lay beneath. Power, passion, excitement, adventure, sex. Never a dull moment. Jake would promise the moon and do his best to deliver it, gift-wrapped. As long as the package didn’t include giving all of himself.

  Could she settle for less if that’s all that was on offer? The very idea caused Nicolette’s heart to beat faster than it should.

  “Three big ones, about this size.” He leaned the rod against the stump of a tree and extended his hands to demonstrate the size of his catch.

  “Talk about beginner’s luck,” she teased, smiling back at him and doing her best to ignore the flutter of her heart.

  “Witch,” he said, his voice soft and deep. “My success was more than beginner’s luck, I’ll have you know.”

  She laughed. “Whatever the reason, well done.”

  She rose on tiptoe to brush a quick kiss on his cheek.

  He looked at her more closely. A muscle tensed in his jaw. His eyes darkened. “If this is going to be the customary welcome home, then I’ll make sure I catch and toss back at least three fish every day.” His deep voice caressed her. “How about,” his eyes lit up with mischief, “I get a kiss for each fish? Starting now.”

  Tension filled the air on Nicolette’s sharp indrawn breath. Or was it the heat suddenly making her more aware? Maybe her overactive imagination? She hesitated, then rose on her toes, aimed for his cheek, and closed her eyes.

  Jake was too quick for her. His mouth intercepted hers and a strong arm swept around her, holding her to him. His lips were soft, his kiss firm, his tongue warm in its quest to taste her lips.

  Her insides felt scrambled. Her brain was scrambled. Why did she let him do this? The kiss was nothing like the one they’d shared all those months ago, or in his room that first night. That long-ago kiss had been illegal, given she was engaged to Mark. Maybe that was its appeal. Jake had been off limits. Forbidden. But he wasn’t out of bounds now, and the chaste kisse
s the other evening had made her want more.

  She slid her arms around his neck.

  But now, even though she was free, and though this kiss was more gentle, something deep within her stirred at the taste of him, and the intimacy of his mouth open against hers.

  With some alarm she realized she kissed him back. Should she do this? Should she allow this?

  His kiss deepened for a moment, as if to steal one last taste of her, and then with a groan, he eased her away from him. She hadn’t realized until then how snugly her body fitted against his. Even now, thanks to her heated memories of being in Jake’s arms, her heart beat faster than it usually did when she exercised.

  “You taste like fish,” she said after she’d caught her breath.

  He grinned down at her.

  “And you, Sweetheart, taste like heaven.”

  Heaven. The kisses they’d shared in his bedroom tasted like heaven. Lord, she was losing it.

  “You’re a wicked man, Jake Harrigan.”

  His grin broadened. “And you wouldn’t have me any other way.” His deep mellow voice caressed her, teased at her heart, her senses.

  She was going to have to watch herself here. Jake was too close, too charming, too convenient. And she was too vulnerable.

  As for furthering her friendship with Jake. That would be inviting trouble with a capital T.

  Chapter Six

  Jake secured the boat to the iron ring in the old tree stump and propped his fishing rod against it. No fish today, but he’d enjoyed the morning out just the same.

  It didn’t matter that he couldn’t keep the fish he’d caught. Already there were enough fish in Nic’s freezer, she’d told him, because she needed to trim off another kilo or two and eating lots of fish would speed up her metabolism.

  He’d told her she was perfect the way she was. And she’d smiled at him. The smile had reached her eyes, causing his gut to twist. Again he reminded himself Nic was off limits for half a dozen good reasons.

  Loud music drifted from the direction of the house. Nic usually didn’t play her music very loud. He’d often wondered why not when there were no close neighbors.

  Joe Cocker’s distinctive, gravely voice filled the air. The words, “You Can Leave Your Hat On” drifted to him in the warm sunshine. A fairly suggestive song, not Nic’s taste at all, he was sure of it. The erotic, sensuous images of a woman in the act of undressing played in his mind. Jake’s thoughts flicked back to a scene in a movie he’d seen some time ago. Though he couldn’t remember its title, the images the steamy scene evoked caused a hike in his temperature. What was Nic doing?

  Curious, he headed toward the direction of the music which seemed to be coming from beneath the house. Usually the door was locked and Jake assumed a storeroom was tucked underneath. Today, the door stood open, and he estimated the room ran the length and breadth of the cottage and then a bit more. The far wall must have been dug into the side of the slope.

  His heart almost exploded when he saw Nic, who seemed unaware of his presence, despite the mirrors around the wall. From where he stood just outside the room, he could observe and remain unobserved.

  Nic moved in time with the music, every move calculated and smooth, erotic.

  He’d never seen her like this, using her body in a way designed to turn a man on, set him on fire. She wore three quarter length skin-tight black pants that showed every dip and curve of her body, and a brief figure-hugging cropped top which also left nothing to the imagination. Her bare midriff added to the allure of her outfit and her lithe, rhythmic movements.

  Jake’s breath caught. His body tightened, reacting in a way that made his personal resolve to keep things simple seem ridiculous and impossible. He was mesmerized. By the music. By Nic and the rhythm of her body. Just where she planned to shed those extra couple of kilos he couldn’t tell.

  Only then he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. Someone else was in the room. A figure stepped into his vision. Some guy he’d never seen before, in soft black jeans and black too-tight muscle top. He was dark-haired, quite reasonable looking, at least a head taller than Nic. But that wouldn’t be hard, she was only a little thing. Nic danced and slithered against this stranger, wound her legs around his, he put his hands on her, touching her in a way and in places Jake could only dare to dream about.

  His fists clenched. He knew it was an act. But that wasn’t the point. It looked too real. He felt sick to his stomach. What would Mark think? Had she danced like this in front of Mark? With other men? Did she dance with this man? How often?

  A strange mixture of anxiety, lust, envy and something else he couldn’t define, whipped through him.

  The guy stood to the side, just behind Nic, so that their bodies touched. She leaned back slightly, raised her arm and bent it back so her hand touched the back of his head, her body open, unguarded. Vulnerable. Her lips, slightly parted, grazed his cheek. Horrified, Jake watched as male fingertips stroked the length of Nic’s body, skimming the side of her breast.

  Jake sucked in a breath, but it did little to cool or calm him.

  Nic’s palm caressed her partner’s cheek. Jake knew first-hand what it was like to have her caress his, to feel her soft skin, warm and inviting. Hell, this was driving him crazy.

  Nic seemed unaware of his presence and Jake watched, getting hotter and hotter as she continued to dance. He wished she’d dance like that for him. But why would she? She wasn’t interested in him. She was still getting over Mark. Or was she?

  Watching her was pure torture, but he couldn’t drag himself away.

  He noticed now that her eyes drank in this man, burned for him. He sensed a bond between them, was it just the dance, the music, or was there something more? And he wished he could swap places with this man who could take liberties with her. Who the hell was he anyway? Her secret friend? Lover? Was there more to the relationship? Did they have a relationship when Mark was alive? Hell, Jake didn’t want to entertain that possibility.

  His heart sank. Torture though it was, he had to continue to watch. To protect. If this guy touched her like that when they stopped dancing, Jake knew he’d rush into the room and deck the creep. Time for questions later.

  Finally, the music ended. Relief swamped him. He watched as Nic breathed hard. While she danced she hadn’t appeared to breathe at all. She made dancing look so easy. Jake had to agree her partner had done the same. But enough was enough. Now as Nic and the creep hugged and smiled at each other, Jake strode into the room. If this guy didn’t take his hands off her now, Jake knew he’d deck him so hard the guy would end up half way across the Hawkesbury.

  Yes, he liked that idea. Liked it a lot.

  “I didn’t know you could dance like that, Nic,” he said, his eyes only for her. He handed her a towel which he’d picked up from the chair by the door. Looking surprised to see him, she moved away from the guy in black, breathing more easily than moments ago.

  “You didn’t ask,” she said lightly, a hint of devilment in her eyes.

  He moved beside her and slid his arm possessively around her shoulders.

  “G’day,” Jake said, holding out his hand to the other man. “I’m Jake. I suppose Nic has told you all about me? We share this place.” Indeed, it was the closest thing to home Jake had experienced in a long while.

  At his bald statement, Nic’s shoulders tensed, and he knew that later, she would make him suffer for his outspokenness. But it would be worth it, just to keep this guy from getting any ideas away from the dance floor. Just so he didn’t get too big for his average-sized boots.

  “Jake,” she said, and he flinched, knowing full well he hadn’t imagined the subtle warning in her voice. Nor did he imagine her arm slipping around his waist, and the sharp pinch she delivered. Little minx. He’d make her pay for that.

  “No,” the guy said. “As a matter of fact she didn’t.” His glance roamed over Jake and their gazes met, and held.

  After a moment or two of mutual silent a
ssessment he reached out and grasped Jake’s hand. “Danny’s the name. No doubt Nic has told you about me?”

  “No, as a matter of fact she hasn’t,” Jake replied, noting the guy’s hands weren’t as soft as he’d expected. When he thought where those hands had just been, his jaw tightened. He wanted to beat the guy senseless. Instead, he did the more polite thing, and released his grip on Danny’s palm.

  “So what’s the go here?” he turned to Nic. Was there a slight hint of amusement in her eyes?

  “Danny’s offered me the role of female lead in the new production I told you about. This is a great opportunity for me to re-establish my career.”

  Her excitement seemed to bubble over. And he supposed she had a right to be excited. This was her life, dancing was important to her and he appreciated she had an opportunity to move on. He had no claim on her, but he felt a slight tug at his heart. Like a sense of loss, or at least, a sense that the tenuous bond between them was being stretched to the limit. Definitely not jealousy though. He didn’t know how to be jealous.

  “From what I’ve seen, Danny seems to know what he’s talking about.” He shot a glance at the young man who’d retrieved his towel from the chair and now had it slung around his neck.

  “Nic’s more than ready for it.”

  Jake ignored Danny’s comment, wondering exactly what he referred to.

  “Danny’s the principal male dancer in the company, as well as choreographer.” Nic’s excitement shone in her eyes.

  “Impressive,” Jake agreed, having no real idea whether it was impressive or not.

  “So Nic, what are you going to do?”

  She looked over at Danny and smiled hesitantly. “I’m tempted.”

  By him! Jake couldn’t believe it, then he realized what she’d meant, that she was tempted to take up the offer to rejoin the dance company. It took all his resolve not to let his breath whoosh out in relief.

  “She hasn’t lost her touch,” Danny announced.

  “No, I can see that,” Jake said, not meaning to sound so curt. From what he could see, Danny hadn’t lost his touch either.


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