Book Read Free

December Heat

Page 7

by MacNeil, Joanie

  “Mark would want me to,” she said quietly and he thought he detected a defensive note in her tone.

  “What do you want to do?” Jake prompted. “Shouldn’t you do what you want, not what you think Mark would have wanted? Not what Danny here wants?” She was going to find herself in real trouble if she began to take guidance from a dead man, or any man. God, what had got into him today? The morning had started out fine, but now he felt distinctly moody and fractious.

  “I wouldn’t need to start rehearsals until after Christmas. By that time, you’ll be gone,” she said, looking up at him. Still that defensive tone, but he detected a touch of wistfulness in her expression.

  “I’ll need something to keep me busy.”

  “Then go for it,” he encouraged. She was right, he’d be long gone, and he had no right to oversee her life, then or now, from near or far. He tried not to conjure up the images of Danny dancing with Nic, touching her every night, on stage or behind the scenes, while he was in some God-awful place, probably being shot at for reporting current events to the world. Unhappiness gripped his heart. Whatever Nic chose to do with her life was none of his damn business.

  “You did well,” Danny said to her. “I can’t believe how well you’ve kept in shape all these months.”

  She grinned at him, obviously pleased with the compliment.

  “It wasn’t too hard at first, harder after Mark died.” Sadness touched her eyes. “But once you presented me with a goal, the fitness routine fell into place again.”

  “I know how difficult it was for you. You did well,” he said again. “I’m proud of you.” He kissed her on the cheek and a smile lit her face.

  “Stay for lunch?” she asked, her hand resting on his arm.

  “Sure thing, that’s if you don’t mind, Jake?”

  Feeling dour, Jake shook his head. “Of course not.” But of course he did mind. He wanted to talk to Nic alone, find out what was going on before his curiosity got the better of him.

  “Good, I’m going to take a shower before we eat,” she advised. “You know where the bathroom is if you want to have a shower before lunch too, Danny.”

  So he knew his way around the house. Jake’s fists clenched. What he wouldn’t give to deck this guy. Wipe that self-satisfied expression from his good-looking face.

  He turned to Nic, his feelings confused.

  “Come help me with lunch in a little while?” she invited. Her gaze almost made him melt.

  He felt like a little kid wanting his own way, wanting to ask why the hell she’d asked Danny to stay. He, Jake, didn’t want him here. But he simply said, “Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He watched her walk away, the movement of her body hugged by the black tights almost more than he could cope with without losing his cool.

  He realized Danny’s eyes were on her too.

  “She’s a very special lady,” Danny said and turned to Jake. “The night after Mark was killed, Nicolette worried for you. She fretted she couldn’t get in touch with you. She didn’t know where you were. That alone caused her concern.”

  Jake grimaced. He knew where he was when Mark was killed. He was in some hellhole reporting on the atrocities of war. It wouldn’t have made any difference if Nic had known his whereabouts. There wouldn’t have been a thing she could have done to get word to him.

  Danny’s words echoed in his head. “You spent the night with her?” he asked of Danny.

  Danny leveled his gaze. “Someone had to be with her. She was in no state to be on her own. He put her through hell. She never said much, preferring to push herself along, but you could see in her eyes that things weren’t right.”

  Jake felt his temper rise. Had Danny taken advantage of Nic in her vulnerable state? And what did he mean by those comments about Mark? Before he could quiz Danny any further, Nic’s voice floated down to them.

  “Shower’s free, Danny.”

  “Great, thanks,” he called. “Be right there.”

  “We’ll talk later,” Jake told him.

  “Sure thing,” Danny replied, sounding very confident.

  Jake watched Danny head for the bathroom, and then made his way to the kitchen where Nic joined him.

  One way or the other he was going to find out just what Danny meant by his comments about Mark, but Nic had other ideas.

  “I’m so excited, Jake,” she said, commandeering his thoughts as she began to put together a salad for lunch. “Here, stick that in the oven, would you?” She handed him a crusty loaf which she’d pulled from the freezer. “You’d better slice and butter it and wrap it in foil first.”

  “Sure. Any more orders?”

  “Um, no. Not at the moment.”

  “Good.” He did as she asked, aware that she’d shot him a questioning glance.

  “Except....” She shoved half a dozen tomatoes, a mix of red and yellow ones, along the bench. “Can you get those ready for the salad?”

  “Sure,” he grumbled and began to wash and quarter the tomatoes before placing them in a bowl. “Have you got any herbs?”

  “There’s some dried basil that Magenta gave me.”

  “That’ll do.”

  She handed him the container from the corner of the bench top.

  He took out a dried leaf, crushed it and sprinkled it over the tomatoes.

  “Hmm, that smells good. You’re very handy around the kitchen,” she said, a smile in her voice. “I should have married you instead of Mark.” She paused, obviously shocked at her reckless words. “I...I didn’t mean that. I...I just meant he wasn’t the least bit domesticated.”

  Jake too was shaken by her comment. The very idea of being married gave him the cold shivers and was enough to frighten him off. But the idea of being with Nic held much appeal indeed.

  “Who do you think took care of the meals when we shared accommodation?” Jake ventured, trying to rein in his thoughts and feelings and lighten a tense moment.

  “You should have sorted him out.”

  “Yeah, I know. But I enjoyed preparing meals. I found it relaxing, good therapy, and creative too. It gave the more unsavory side of our work some balance.”

  “I’ll have to let you loose more often in the kitchen since you enjoy it so much. Where did you learn the trick with the herbs?”

  “An old girlfriend.”

  “Oh. What was she like?”

  “To tell you the truth it was so long ago, I don’t remember.”

  She flicked a glance at him and he caught the lift of an eyebrow. He couldn’t blame her for her cynicism. His truthful answer had sounded pretty shallow, but for some reason, he didn’t want to lie to her.

  “Nic,” he paused, trying to think of a delicate way to phrase his questions. “About going back to dancing.”

  Excitement lit her features. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it? I’ll need to move back to the city. Not so much traveling involved then. Things will be pretty full-on once rehearsals start.”

  “I can imagine,” he said, not at all happy about the idea, though it was really none of his business, he kept telling himself.

  “Danny invited me to stay with him,” she said. “It will make things easier, as far as rehearsals go.”

  Cold fingers squeezed Jake’s heart. “Is that what you want?”

  “Danny seems to think it’s a good idea. We can work on the choreography together. The set-up would work out well, and I don’t have to worry about packing up and leaving this place as it belongs to my parents. I’ll take with me only what I need.” She paused and looked out of the window. “I’ll miss all this lovely open space and the view of the bush.”

  With a sigh she turned her attention again to the lunch preparations. “It will be nice to live back in the city again,” she mused. “As much as I like it here, the isolation can be a bit confining at times. And there are so many memories, some I’d rather walk away from.”

  She took a jar of dressing from the fridge and tried to open it. Jake watched her slender fi
ngers twist at the lid which refused to budge.

  “Here, let me,” he said, “before you do yourself some damage.” Jake took the cold slippery jar from her, wrapped a cloth around it, and with one good twist the lid gave way.

  He handed it back to her. “Success is in the flick of the wrist.” He tossed the tea towel over his shoulder.

  The softness of her warm skin brushed against his hands. She smiled up at him, her eyes gentle and inviting. He doubted that she realized just how inviting they were.

  “Thanks,” she said softly. “I’d always have to ask Mark to open those. He’d laugh and tell me I couldn’t manage without him.” Her lower lip trembled and dampness pooled in her eyes. Determinedly she took a deep breath and lowered her lashes.

  Jake couldn’t resist the urge to brush away two small tears that glistened like crystals at the corners of her lashes.

  She opened her eyes at his touch. “Thanks. Sorry.” She turned away from him.

  Jake opened his mouth to ask her about Danny, and his comment about Mark, but Danny suddenly appeared in the kitchen and his chance was lost.

  “Anything I can do to help?” Danny asked.

  “Yeah,” Jake said. “You can take the bread out of the oven.” He grabbed the towel from its resting place on his shoulder and thrust the cloth at Danny.

  Jake noticed Danny appeared quite adept in the kitchen. A part of him had hoped to embarrass the handsome young dancer. Jake was disgusted with himself. He was like a school kid, out for vengeance. Why was he thinking this way? He was probably only a year or two older than Danny, but he felt so much older. The sights he’d seen and places he’d traveled were enough to age anyone’s outlook.

  Lunch was a strained affair. At least Jake felt strained and stressed.

  The bond between Danny and Nic was strong, Jake was sure of that. What he wasn’t sure of was how close they were, and what kind of relationship they shared. It was difficult to tell. All he could do was hope that Danny didn’t hurt Nic. She didn’t deserve that. And as much as he wanted to protect her, he couldn’t stick around indefinitely.

  Lunch over, and heavy-hearted, he watched as Nic saw Danny out. When Danny hugged and kissed her before climbing into his car, Jake almost lost it.

  What was he so concerned about? He should be pleased Nic had found a way to move on, that she seemed happy enough with her choices. He shook his head and turned his attention to clearing the table.

  * * *

  “How’s that cute little baby of yours?” Nic asked Danny as they walked to his car. A smile lit his eyes. “She’s just beautiful. Just like her mother.”

  Nic grinned. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”

  She paused. “Danny...Cass won’t mind if I come to stay with you, will she? I don’t want to put her out or have her feel I’m taking you know how intense things get with rehearsals and how much time is involved.”

  “No, she won’t mind at all. In fact, it was her idea. She’s been worried about you, stuck out here all on your own. And we have the flat underneath the house, so you’ll have your own space.”

  He glanced toward the house and Nicolette knew what was coming. “Though I see you’re not alone anymore.” His gaze returned to her, studied her face. “Will he mind you picking up your career again?”

  “He has nothing to do with it. He’s more a friend of Mark’s. They worked together for a long time before I came on the scene. Jake’s a television journalist, Mark was his cameraman.”

  “I thought he looked familiar,” Danny said. “I had forgotten exactly who Jake was, only that you mentioned him that night after Mark’s death.” He paused as if choosing his words carefully. “I know how much you want a home and family of your own.” He stroked the back of his hand along her cheek before gently squeezing her shoulder. “You’re very vulnerable right now. And you have a shot at a top career. Don’t let yourself get hurt.” He hugged her and gave her a kiss before climbing into his car.

  “I don’t plan to,” she replied with a smile, even though her heart felt strangely unsettled. “Been there, done that. Anyway, Jake’s not my type, and I’m not his. There’s no chance we’ll get involved. He’s not interested in me. Besides, he’ll be gone right after Christmas.”

  Danny’s gaze raked over her. “Don’t underestimate your power over the man, babe. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s protective of you, that’s certain. He thinks you and I are hot, that we’re an item.”

  Nic almost laughed. “You’re kidding?”

  Danny shook his head. “Just tread warily. I don’t want you to get hurt, Nicky.” He turned the key in the ignition and the engine sprang to life.

  “I don’t plan to,” she said, not sure what to make of his tone and his words. “Why don’t you bring Cass and the little ones for a visit on Saturday?”

  “Hey, I’d like that. Cass would too. See you then.”

  “Good. Be here in time for lunch.”

  “And you keep up the workout routine. You’re looking good.” He smiled and then eased the gear stick into first and took off.

  Nicolette watched him go.

  What was he talking about? His imagination had run away with him. Jake was no more protective of her than a snake about to swallow a frog. Surely not.

  She turned and went back inside the house to find Jake had cleared away the lunch things and almost finished packing the dishwasher.

  “Thanks for doing that,” she said, still puzzling over Danny’s warning and seeing Jake a little differently now.

  “No problem,” he muttered.

  The tone of his voice grated on her and she recalled that he’d been quiet through lunch, almost sulky.

  “What’s up with you? You look like you’ve just lost your best friend.” The words were out and immediately, she regretted them. “Oh, Jake, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just a stupid expression.”

  She couldn’t quite pick the look which flickered in his eyes. His expression was fairly bland though as he studied her face.

  “You and Danny have been friends a long time?”

  “Yes, we’ve danced together for about five years, on and off. He’s a great guy. We even dated for a while, but that was a long time ago...before Mark.

  “Did you dance like that in front of Mark...with Danny?”

  “I don’t remember. He may have seen us perform that number on stage. If he did, he never commented on it. Why do you ask?” Nic suspected she already knew.

  Jake shrugged. “Just curious.”

  “Jake, I never gave Mark any reason to doubt my love for him. I was a loyal wife.”

  “Were Mark and he friends?”

  “No, as a matter of fact. They met only a few times, but didn’t have much in common.”

  “Except you,” Jake muttered.

  Nicolette looked at him. “Yeah, except me.”

  “Like you and me, we don’t have much in common, except for Mark.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Where is it?” Nic searched the kitchen cupboards. “It has to be here somewhere, for goodness sake!”

  The heat of frustration began to build.

  It was all Jake’s fault. If he’d listened when she’d told him exactly where to place utensils and other items in her kitchen cupboards, she’d not be wasting time now looking for the large, pink plastic salad bowl.

  “Bloody nuisance of a man,” she stormed to herself. “Coming here, moving in, taking over. It’s all Mark’s fault for dying. He should have been here for Jake, for me. He shouldn’t have been so stupid.”

  She rose from rummaging in the cupboard beneath the wall oven and slammed the door, not really knowing what she said, the words spilling out in angry frustration. “Someone is going to have to go and it won’t be me!”

  She opened another cupboard and slammed it violently once she realized the elusive bowl wasn’t there.

  Tears pricked her eyes. “I can’t stand this anymore!” She slammed another cu
pboard, one that she’d looked through at least twice, as she had with all the others by now. Looking, but not seeing. “Where is the wretched thing?”

  Why did she feel so fractious, so tense, like she could grab Jake by the ears and shake him, just for the heck of it? Not to mention the satisfaction.

  Frustration got the better of her and when Jake walked into the kitchen, she turned on him. “It’s all your fault!”

  “What? What’s my fault?”

  She wanted to knock that innocent, if not puzzled, expression right off his handsome face. Her fingers itched to do just that. Instead, she curled them tight and squeezed, her nails digging into the softness of her palms.

  “Where on earth have you hidden my big pink salad bowl? I had no trouble finding things before you came here.”

  Jake blinked. And well he might. She hadn’t meant to sound like a witch. But if she had a witch’s power to cast a spell on him, make him disappear; then she’d do it.

  Calmly Jake reached up and opened the cupboard above the fridge.

  “This what you’re looking for?”

  She snatched the bowl from his grip.


  That was the one cupboard she hadn’t looked in. She never put anything up there, it was too high.

  “Why did you put it up there? Heavens above, how am I supposed to reach it?”

  She opened one of the lower cupboards and threw in the bowl, which promptly bounced out and clattered on the floor. She swore, picked up the bowl and tossed it in again, slamming the cupboard door before the offending plastic vessel could bounce back on the floor for a second time.

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  His soft voice caressed her, adding to her guilt over sniping at him. His assessing gaze demanded the truth. “I’ll go if you want me to.”

  Nic’s breath expelled in a whoosh. Now was her chance to get Jake out of her life. She did a quick assessment, knowing how peaceful her life would be without Jake. And he was going to go soon anyway. Why not go now and be done with it?


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