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The Wishing Stone

Page 8

by Allison Smith

  No answer, but the feeling still persisted. “Hello? Is anyone out there?”

  When there was still no reply, she laughed at herself and her obvious paranoia.

  Stepping out of the stall, she briskly dried off and shrugged into the black linen shirt. The material caressed her body, leaving Lara tingling with thoughts of Lucien. His scent was still in the shirt, creating a glow that spread through her body.

  Walking back into the rose-scented bedroom, she began to straighten the sheets haphazardly strewn on the floor. The memories of their lovemaking brought a blush to her face as she made the bed.

  Idly, she moved around his room, studying all of the items he kept near, wanting to know more about the man she loved.

  Strong arms slipped around her waist, encouraging a startled Lara to lean back against Lucien’s hard strength as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I missed you,” he whispered before the tip of his tongue traced her shell-shaped ear.

  Lara closed her eyes as the feeling of rightness engulfed her. “I missed you too.”

  His hands slipped under the shirt she wore and cupped her breasts, teasing the nipples that impudently pressed into his palms. The feel of his arousal against her buttocks had her damp with desire. Saucily, she wiggled her backside against him, silently tempting him.

  Desperate to feel her naked body against his again, Lucien ripped the black shirt from her and lifted her in his arms. Carrying her to the bed, he gently laid her down, and then shrugged out of his own clothing.

  Joining her, he took his time and let his hands slowly worship her body. His lips followed his hands down her soft body. While his fingers delved into the curls that shielded her womanhood, he took a nipple in his mouth and began to suckle.

  Parting the moist folds, he slipped a finger deep within her, feeling her warm juices kiss his finger. A moan issued from the back of his throat when he slipped an additional finger inside. The tight heat of her sheath urged him to nip and suck on her nipple harder.

  Lara writhed beneath him. “Lucien! Please!”

  Easing his honey-dipped fingers slowly back out, Lucien lifted her hips and manipulated the hard bud that rested above the opening of her passage. Knowing the time was right, he positioned his throbbing manhood at her dew-drenched opening. As his strong grip clasped her hips, he drove into her.

  “Oh, my God!” Lara cried out as the tip of his length touched the very depths of her womb.

  Tightening his jaw, Lucien embedded his entire shaft into her throbbing body. Her muscles squeezed him tight, and he strived to control his desire. Slowly, he withdrew and, just as slowly, reentered until he felt compelled to answer Lara’s insistent pleas.

  As the tempo increased, she rotated her hips to add to the tumultuous friction their joining created. Crying out her release, she arched her back, and he followed, giving his seed for her to nurture. Together, they collapsed on the bed, each gasping for air.

  After a time, Lara lay nestled in Lucien’s embrace. “Did you finish all of your business?”

  At the reminder of his night, he grimaced but pushed the unpleasant occurrences from his mind and turned to her. “I plan on spending the entire night with you. What would you enjoy doing?”

  At her seductive look, he hastened to add, “Besides that. Do you think I’m a machine?”

  Lara laughed. “Did you remember to stop at my apartment?”

  “Of course,” he assured her. “Your clothes are resting alongside of mine in the closet.” Standing, he leaned over and kissed her bared bottom. “Come on, before you tempt me too far again. I want to take my lady out and show her off to everyone.”

  Pulling her back into the bathroom, Lucien turned on the shower. He ushered her inside, lathered up his hands, and began to wash her body. When his soapy hand eased over her breasts, her nipples tightened. His fingers circled them and then traveled lower. Her head fell back as his fingers explored the sensitive flesh between her legs.

  He continued to manipulate her quivering body. As the soap washed away, Lucien felt the moistness from her body on his hand, leaving it slick. He plunged his fingers into her and held her trembling body against his own while she writhed with her release.

  Lucien soothed her with his hands until she could stand on her own again.

  Lara’s legs trembled as she stood under the pulsating water. Opening her eyes, she nuzzled her face in the crisp black hairs on his chest and tried to quiet her rapid heartbeat. Feeling his hands begin to wash her hair, Lara murmured, “I thought you wanted to wait until later.”

  The rumble in his chest preceded his deep chuckle. “I do. I just wanted to give you a taste of what to expect later. Now rinse your hair, we have a date.” Grabbing up the bar of soap, he quickly washed himself while prodding Lara along.

  Giggling, they stumbled from the shower, dripping water on the tiled floor as they went. Lara grabbed one of the two thick towels nearby, and wrapped her hair in its soft folds, trying to squeeze the excess moisture from her locks while Lucien briskly rubbed his body with the other towel.

  Finished, he began to dry her legs, stopping at her nest of curls, fondling her still sensitive flesh.

  Knowing she was again succumbing to his touch, Lara begged him to stop. His erection pulsed with the need to burrow in her sweet depths, to leave her smugly happy and enjoying the same effects her body had on him.

  After blow-drying her hair himself, Lucien marched her into the bedroom where he halted her in front of the closet doors.

  Throwing them open, he grinned at her astonished gasp.

  “You brought all my clothes here. did you do it?”

  “When I set my mind to do something, I almost always succeed in my goal.” He hugged close. “Now there is no reason for you to return to your apartment. You will stay here, with me.”

  His arm fell away when Lara spun around to confront him. “I can’t just live with you.” She indignantly thrust out her jaw, to show her resolve.

  “Why not,” Lucien asked, thoroughly confused.

  “It’’s just not right. What would Margaret and Ethan think?” Leaving out the words, of me, she sputtered, embarrassed.

  Realization dawned on his face. “Then we’ll just get married. I have to warn you though, I will take my vows very seriously, and I’ll expect you to obey me in all things.” His dark brows lifted in a sly wiggle.

  Not wanting to dampen his spirits, Lara omitted telling him that that particular part of the vows had been dropped from the ceremony. She would just make a mental note to include it in, because she would most likely follow any of his directives since her faith in him was sealed with her love.

  Lucien pulled her into his embrace, kissing the top of her head. “You are the only woman for me. I have waited centuries for you, and I will not lose you now.” Staring down into her eyes, he formally asked, “Lara, will you marry me?”

  Tears of happiness fell from her eyes as she gazed up at him. The honor he offered her was more than she could have ever hoped for. Her previous marriage...

  “Steven,” she mouthed, praying that the mere thought wouldn’t bring her ex any nearer. “I just know he will ruin our lives together.” Her tormented gaze locked with Lucien’s dark one.

  “I promise you,” Lucien pledged. “He will have no effect on our lives together. This, I swear to you on my life.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dressed in a dark charcoal-colored suit, Lucien escorted Lara into the dimly lit restaurant where they had previously dined.

  She was beautiful. Elegantly attired in the lace dress he knew she had purchased on her shopping spree, he was still amazed that he accompanied the most desirable woman in the establishment.

  Seating her at a secluded table, Lucien sat in the chair next to her so he could touch her anytime he wanted and assure himself that she was indeed real. He felt like a schoolboy on his first date, only this was different. He was a fully grown man with the woman he truly loved and had patiently waited
for. They would have the rest of her life together, and Lucien was going to make certain that she lived to be a very old and very happy woman.

  Ordering a vintage bottle of wine, he settled back to enjoy Lara and their evening ahead. With a sip of the red liquid, he tried to pretend he was indeed a normal man, but the taste made him grimace in disgust.

  Thankfully, he had fed earlier so it was easier to relax and not have to worry about leaving Lara alone later. Their meal was set in front of them, and Lara exclaimed her satisfaction over the tenderness and size of the lobster tail.

  Staring down at the sea creature on his plate, Lucien finally admitted to himself that ever since he became a vampire that he was not a normal man anymore and being a vampire could not stomach the smell or taste of food. Rather distastefully, he moved the plate aside and watched the pleasure on his companion’s face as she dipped a delicate lobster morsel into melted butter.

  Slipping the bite of lobster into her mouth, Lara closed her eyes in obvious enjoyment. He caught a lone drop of butter that nestled in the cleft of her chin with his finger. Startled, her eyes snapped open. She snatched the linen napkin off her lap and daintily dabbed at her mouth and chin.

  Lucien smiled at her look of chagrin and purposely lifted his butter-coated finger to his mouth, letting his tongue swirl and licking all traces of the liquid away. “I told you, my love, that later tonight I will pleasure you until you beg me to stop.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking?” she asked.

  “I obtained the gift of reading minds when I was made into the unfortunate creature you see before you,” he finished, graciously inclining his head.

  She took his hand and lifted it to her lips.

  Understanding her gesture made Lucien’s love for her swell even more. Normally, people would run away from anyone with such a strange history, but the love he felt radiating from her assured him that he had indeed been wise to confide in her.

  Their waiter brought the check and cleared away the dishes. Extracting the currency from his pants pocket, Lucien accidentally dropped the stone she’d given him on the floor. Bending over, he picked it up and set it on the table while he settled the bill.

  The sight of the wishing stone brought a smile to Lara’s face, knowing he did indeed treasure it. Picking it up before he could, Lara turned the stone over and over in her hand. “I’m delighted to see you carry the stone. I know the fable that came with it sounds rather silly, but I wanted you to have it.”

  “I would treasure anything you gave me, regardless of any fairy tale that accompanied it.” Slipping his hand over hers, he brushed his lips across hers. “Besides, I have not been without it since you gave it to me.”

  “Shall we return home?” She already envisioned the feel of his body on hers.

  Lucien tugged her to her feet and headed out of the restaurant before she could persuade him any differently. Not that she wanted to.

  Pulling her along, he headed for the nightclub they had found the last time.

  At the front door, Lara began to shake her head and back away from the portal, ignoring the small groups of people chatting outside the club.

  “It’s all right. I’m with you, and you don’t have anything to be frightened of,” he whispered repeatedly into her soft hair.

  “I don’t want to run into Steven again. He really scared me,” Lara admitted, shakily.

  “I’m sure you won’t see him again. In fact, I’ll make certain of it,” he vowed.

  A terrible thought suddenly struck Lara as she listened to his reassuring voice. “Lucien, we can’t marry. Don’t you see? If Steven should learn of our plans, he could stir up trouble for us? What if he finds out your secret?”

  That idea alone sent chills down her back, remembering how mean her ex-husband had turned when she encountered him.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you or destroy our happiness.” Firm resolve filled her as she stepped into his comforting hold and tightened her arms around the man she loved.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.” Settling his hand on small of her back, Lucien opened the door to the lively nightclub.

  The music swirled around the pair until they finally found an empty table. Nervously, Lara scanned the room for that one familiar face. Not seeing it, she smiled at Lucien and began to enjoy the night.

  When a slow song began to play, Lucien escorted her onto the dance floor, holding her gently in his arms as they swayed to a soft love song.


  In a far back corner of the room, Marissa watched Lucien and his mortal. Settling back against the wall near Steven, she struck up a conversation with a young vacationing college student while keeping a sharp eye on the two on the dance floor.

  Steven had brought Marissa here for the past several days, hoping they would catch Lara alone again. Since she had never shown up, they had to find other prey. Now that their objective was definitely in sight, Marissa’s volatile temper began to fray. She hated the way Lucien fairly fawned over the other woman.

  “Damn him,” she snarled. “He knows no one can have him but me.”

  A cocky grin plastered itself on Steven’s face. “And you haven’t had him in quite some time, have you? How many centuries has it been?”

  Marissa bared her fangs. “Don’t make me take my revenge out on you.”

  Steven backed down. “I brought you here, didn’t I?” He whined. “I could have just as easily taken her life myself, only I knew how much you wanted her.”

  Turning back to watch the dancing couple, Marissa contemplated the best way to pay Lucien back for his obvious infidelity tonight.


  The last sounds of music faded away as Lucien stared into Lara’s eyes. “I think it’s time we went home.”

  Her big brown eyes lit up with excitement, and Lucien held back his laughter until they exited the building.

  “I swear you have the most expressive eyes. And the dirtiest mind to go along with them.” Lucien took her hand and led her toward the parking area. “And I love it.”

  In truth, he had barely contained his own lust as their bodies rubbed against each other while they danced. And he knew Lara had felt the rigid length of him pressed against her belly. Now all he wanted to do was take his love home and show her just how much he treasured her.

  The fragrant breeze from the ocean cooled his ardor very little on their walk back to the restaurant’s parking lot. They both waited impatiently for the valet to bring their car around. When they were safely on their way, it took all Lucien’s willpower to stay within the speed limit.

  Parking at the front entrance of their home, Lucien escorted her from the car, bypassing the front door to lead her down to the beach. Slipping off his shoes and socks, he helped relieve her of her delicate sandals. Evidence of the earlier hot sun still warmed the granules beneath their bare feet.

  “You never did answer me,” Lucien commented softly.

  Confusion drew Lara’s brows together until comprehension finally dawned, his marriage proposal.

  Stepping in front of him, she lightly chided, “You tell me you’re a mind reader, right? Well, you should already know my answer.”

  As his eyes silently studied her, Lara threw up her hands. “Yes! How could you have any doubts about that? You know I love you more than anything in this world.”

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, Lucien asked roughly, “How can you be so certain? You know very little about me and my unnatural lifestyle. I would never want to see you hurt, Lara.”

  Lara led him to the piece of driftwood and gently urged him to sit next to her. “I have wanted to know everything there is to know about you, but I also haven’t wanted to stir up any unhappy memories for you.”

  Staring out at the crashing waves, Lucien brooded over his words and Lara waited patiently.

  “I was a much tormented young man after my parents and brother was killed in a carriage accident. I went to all of the obligatory even
ts, to show everyone that I was still alive and well, but I always left shortly after I arrived. One night, I angered a woman who thought everyone should bow down to her demands, and of course, I hadn’t. I’ve already told you all the sordid details of her revenge.”

  At her silent nod, Lucien continued, “I have gone through the centuries searching for a cure for this nightmare.”

  A disheartened laugh broke past his lips. “I even looked for ways to die, to end this torment once and for all. Not by my own hand, heaven forbid. It’s a sin to take one’s own life according to my religious beliefs. No matter what they term me now, I am still a God-fearing man.” Despair lowered his broad shoulders.

  The heaviness of his burden made Lara want to weep, but that wouldn’t help either of them. Deciding on a practical, realistic approach, she began listing the pros and cons of a marriage between them, starting with the cons. “Let’s think of all the reasons why we shouldn’t marry.”

  At Lucien’s frown, she promptly supplied the first. “You don’t socialize.” She tapped her fingernail against her teeth as she pretended to mull that one over. “The only problem with that is I don’t socialize either. So let’s cross that one off the list.”

  Realizing her game, Lucien joined in. “I positively abhor bright sunny days.”

  Smiling up at him, Lara said, “I do, too. The sun is bad for my skin, and I usually burn.”

  “As the story goes, I also a crisp.” Lucien’s laughter rang, and she joined in. They were still laughing after several further attempts to foresee problems that didn’t exist.

  As they calmed down, she glanced over at his dark shape. “Well, I guess we can’t think of any legitimate reasons not to marry. So let’s make a list of the positive things.”

  “I like to spend time with the woman I love,” he murmured, while leaning over to nuzzle her ear.

  “How can I concentrate on my list if you keep doing that?” Lara teasingly reprimanded him. “Now you’ve made me lose my train of thought.”


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