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The Wishing Stone

Page 9

by Allison Smith

  Lucien growled. “I can give you something else to mull over.”

  “Let’s just face it. There is nothing I can think of that would have me not marry you,” Lara insisted.

  “Then it’s settled. We’re getting married!” Lucien regally declared before sealing their engagement with a kiss. When they broke for air, he hauled her to her feet to begin the walk back to the house.

  Glancing at him through her lashes, Lara hesitantly asked, “Would you tell me the stories behind Margaret and Ethan?” At his lowering brows, she hastily added, “That is, if you want to.”

  “Love, I’ve already told you I would answer any questions you ask.” Lucien began the tale, first with Margaret. “I am sure she told you about her husband and how she ended up with no place to live. Well, to be honest, I needed a housekeeper, and she needed someone to watch out for her. So you could say we struck up a mutual agreement and have never regretted it to this day.”

  Staring up at the stars, he continued, “Ethan...his is a different kind of tale. I only met his mother once, but his father, Damien, I have known for a few centuries and he is a very good friend.”

  Startled, Lara interrupted him, “You mean his father is a vampire, too?”

  “Unfortunately, for his sake, that part is true. His mother was a mere mortal who just happened to fall in love with a very powerful vampire. They mated and she became pregnant, which was a surprise in itself. They continued their affair, regardless. After the boy was born, and it was verified that he was not to be condemned to the life of a night stalker, they celebrated.

  “A couple of years went by and when Damien returned one night to his lover, all he found was the boy. It appeared he had been all alone there for days. But before Damien left to go in search of her, he asked me to watch over the lad because he knew the boy wouldn’t be safe with him since he had too many known enemies. When it was discovered that an unknown assailant killed her, Damien and I both decided the boy should stay with me and that I would raise him. All vampires young and old feared Damien and his temper, with reason. Many had tried to break him and his rules, but they were never seen again. As far as Damien was concerned, they all survived by a code and woe be to those who chose to flaunt it. “

  A mist of tears filled Lara’s eyes. “So Ethan is a mere mortal.”

  “No, that’s not quite true. The only thing different between Ethan and his father are that Ethan doesn’t need to consume blood to sustain his life and that he can come and go whenever and wherever he wants, even during daylight hours. He doesn’t have to rely on the night to cloak him. He does age, although it is a very slow process. Would you believe he is actually a little over one century old?”

  The one important question Lara had wanted to ask now appeared to be answered. “Then I can become pregnant,” she whispered in a sigh and with a warm glow on her face.

  Lucien’s chest tightened as he pondered her statement. “Are you pregnant?” he asked, afraid to show his joy at the mere idea.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Truthfully, I have no idea. I’ve been under a lot of strain lately, and that’s been known to sometimes affect my body’s normal cycle. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  Pulling her closer to him, Lucien kissed the top of her head, and together they climbed the path back to the front door.

  Entering their bedchamber, he softly closed the door behind him and turned to the woman he held so dear. Softly, his mouth touched hers, fanning the flames that had briefly died down, recreating the inferno that sparked between their bodies.

  Lara’s dress silently slipped from her body as Lucien eased her toward their bed. She busily worked on the buttons that closed his shirt. Their tongues parried while their hands sought more of each other. A look of satisfied triumph lit her brown eyes as she successfully divested him of his shirt. Her hand trailed lazily down his hard flat stomach until it reached the closing of his trousers.

  Stopping just short of undoing the zipper, her hand moved lower to the hard shaft that strained against the woolen material. Closing her hand over the hardness of him, she edged the zipper down, and then slipped the pants over his tight buttocks. His white briefs followed.

  Pushing Lucien onto his back, Lara managed to evade his embrace as her lips traveled down his chest. Her tongue outlined his nipples, and as the flat masculine nipples began to harden, she reveled in the control he had over himself and their lovemaking. Laving her tongue over the hard male nubs elicited a groan from Lucien.

  Moving down his chest, she planted moist kisses on each part of his anatomy until she reached the base of his desire. Letting her tongue glide up the long length of him, she captured the glistening drop that appeared at the tip. Savoring his taste, she encircled her lips around him and began to explore the soft skin that encased his throbbing hard member.

  Lara took him fully in her mouth, and Lucien groaned again. His hands delved into her silky hair and pulled her away from him, then turned her onto her back. Following her, Lucien imprisoned her body under his and began to slowly worship all of her. His strong hands cupped her breasts, molding them in his powerful embrace. His mouth descended on one peak, then the other. Her nipples puckered as he teased and suckled them.

  Almost savagely, they made love until together they climbed to their release, shouting out their love for each other.

  Chapter Eleven

  Contentedly, Lara slept most of the day nestled in Lucien’s strong arms. Awakening with him, she had time to leisurely study his sleeping face and marvel at how such a handsome and compassionate man could be so totally alone.

  The one thing she had to grow accustomed to was not hearing and feeling the soft thump of a heartbeat when she was snuggled against his chest, but that didn’t really matter to her. Whenever her gaze lit on him, she would offer up a fervent prayer asking God to fulfill both of their pleas and that they would be allowed to be together for a longer period of time. Because her thoughts brought tears to her eyes, Lara shook off her worries and rose from the bed, careful not to disturb Lucien’s slumber.

  Dressing quickly in a blouse and shorts, she headed out to the kitchen for a light snack.

  Entering the bright kitchen, Lara found Margaret busily at work on their dinner. Margaret poured Lara a cup of coffee and urged her to sit. She retrieved a bowl of fruit from the refrigerator and set it before Lara.

  “How was your night out?” the older woman asked over her shoulder.

  “It was magical.” Then with a sheepish grin, Lara bit into a pineapple chunk. “I know I always say that, but it truly was.”

  “Let me tell you,” the housekeeper confided, with a grin. “I have never seen Mr. Saint happier than since he met you. I swear you have made that man constantly wear a smile.”

  Pleasure at the news shot through Lara, making her feel so giddy she almost crowed with delight. “What’s for dinner this evening?”

  “I thought I would make a chicken recipe that I picked up at the store. It’s supposed to be an old Hawaiian specialty.”

  “Great. I want to plan a really romantic evening for Lucien.” The effects of last night were still with Lara, and she couldn’t contain her news. “Last night he asked me to marry him.”

  Tears filled Margaret’s eyes as she rushed over to embrace Lara. “I had hoped he would for quite some time now. I can’t wait to tell Ethan. When is the special day going to be?”

  “We haven’t set a date yet. But I can promise you that you will be one of the first to hear it,” Lara promised before heading back to the bedroom and Lucien.

  Entering the still darkened room, she set about picking up their discarded clothing from the previous night, while replaying the night in her mind. She didn’t hear the whisper of sheets, and squealed when Lucien’s hands encircled her waist. As his lips moved over the nape of her neck, Lara closed her eyes, enjoying his sensual ministrations.

  He pulled her down on the bed with him. “We’ll get married within the next few days.”
/>   “How...? Did you listen in on my conversation with Margaret?”

  “Remember, I know what you’re thinking,” Lucien’s lips swept down her throat.

  “Oh.” She moaned as his lips drifted lower and his hands parted the front of her blouse. “What am I thinking now?”

  “I’ll show you.” He groaned as his mouth fastened onto one nipple and began to suckle.

  Arching her back, Lara eagerly pressed herself into his mouth and threaded her fingers through his dark hair. “I’m beginning to believe you.”

  Slowly he began to undress the rest of her, his lips searing every uncovered inch of her as he went.

  Grinding her hips against his, she urged him on.

  Finally, having stripped off all her clothing, Lucien flipped her onto her stomach, ignoring her many attempts to fondle him. Setting his hand on her rounded bottom, he trailed his fingers between the crevice that separated the two globes and then dove into the crisp curling hairs that shielded his goal. Dipping his fingers into her honeyed pot, Lucien slightly lifted her hips and positioned his shaft at her moist opening and plunged in.

  Lara arched her back and pushed her hips back against him. He slid further in until he was fully engulfed in her sweetness.

  Slowly, he began to move. He smoothed his hands under her to tease her nipples, rolling the sensitive swollen peaks between his fingers.

  Wildly, Lara thrust against him, wanting to move faster toward release, but his firm hold on her hips affirmed that he was the one now in command and intended that she savor each moment.

  Cries and moans escaped her as she rode every wave. Still, he moved within her, bringing another wave crashing down, before he joined her in the pleasurable ride to release.

  Lara tried to scrub the tears from her face as Lucien settled beside her. Glaring up into his twinkling eyes, Lara sputtered, “Next time it will be you.”

  “Are you trying to tell me you didn’t enjoy my lovemaking?” Lucien asked with a feigned wounded air.

  Blushing, she sought an answer to put him in his place but finally gave up. “I have never had as much pleasure as you have given me.”

  Puffing out his chest, Lucien nodded his head, his grin insufferable.

  Not liking his superior attitude, Lara laid her hand on his thigh. “Want to try again?”

  “Are you kidding?” he sputtered in turn. “You should know that a man can only do so much. Maybe in a few hours we will.” At her eager nod, he emphasized, “I said maybe in a few hours. The key word here is maybe.”

  Good thing. There was no way she could handle any sort of lovemaking for a while.

  “Ah ha!” he shouted triumphantly. “I knew you had to be joking with me. There is no way you could have survived another bout that soon.”

  An inelegant snort was Lara’s only response as she padded off to the shower.

  Lucien soon joined her in the shower in an attempt to get back in her good graces, but she was having no part of his devil-may-care flirting as he nibbled on her neck. She was still annoyed that he had indeed been reading her mind.

  How dare he? Now she wouldn’t be able to have any thoughts of her own that he wouldn’t already be privy to.

  Lucien slipped a finger under her chin, tilting her face up toward his. He cupped her face between his palms and kissed her eyes. “I promise that I will never intrude on your thoughts again. From now on you can think of whatever pleases you without worrying about me spying on your thoughts.”

  Feeling foolish for bringing such sorrow into his voice, Lara asked, “I’m sorry, please forgive me. I was acting like a child and pouting that you caught me in my own attempt at humor.”

  Holding her against him, Lucien rubbed her back. “Don’t be upset. This is our time together and all I want is for you to smile. After all, we’re getting married soon.”

  “When,” Lara asked, breathlessly.

  Resting his chin on top of her head, Lucien replied, “I’ll have my solicitor handle all of the arrangements. I’ll even leave a message for him to get with Margaret and have her plan a small celebration for us.”

  “I can’t wait,” Lara said dreamily.

  Lucien chuckled. “Let’s finish with our shower before the hot water runs out.”


  Lara pulled on a pair of worn jeans and a dingy red shirt that skimmed the top of the jeans. Tying the laces on her scuffed sneakers, Lara waited by the bed as Lucien finished dressing. As he walked toward her, Lara’s belly did a flip at the sight of his tall, evenly muscled body encased in his completely black attire. Yes, he would look just as virile in anything he wore.

  “I have to go out for a while,” he said. “I want you to go find Margaret and have your dinner. When I return, we’ll spend the rest of the night together.”

  Recognizing this was a part of his routine; Lara smiled, gave him a light kiss, and sent him off.

  Entering the kitchen, Lara was delighted to find Ethan and Margaret sitting at the table, having dinner.

  “Would you mind some company?” she asked, hesitantly.

  Rising to his feet, Ethan pulled out a chair. Margaret set another plate in front of the chair.

  “Since you’re part of the family, your place is here with us.” Margaret blushed in embarrassment. “What I mean is, you have the run of the house and anything you want is yours.”

  Chuckling, Lara confided, “I liked the first way you said it better. I’m proud that I am going to be part of this family.”


  Stealthily, Marissa and Steven moved about Lucien’s bedroom while keeping an ear cocked for the sound of anyone approaching.

  “They must have been pretty busy earlier. You can still smell the sex,” Steven idly commented to Marissa as he opened the closet doors.

  The sight of Lara’s clothing hanging neatly alongside of Lucien’s sent Marissa’s anger raging.

  “That bitch!” She pulled a dress off a hanger. Ripping the material in two, she still wasn’t satisfied. The years hadn’t quelled her desire for Lucien, and she wasn’t ready to let him go, especially to this mortal.

  “Her blood is mine, and mine alone!” She asserted vehemently, and began tossing all of Lara’s clothing on the floor.

  Standing behind her, Steven patiently restored each garment on its hanger until the closet was nearly back in its original condition. When Marissa moved to rip them out again, he swung her around to face him.

  “You want her?” Steven glared down into her eyes. “Then don’t let Lucien suspect we’ve been here, otherwise, he’ll carry her off somewhere else and we’ll just have to start searching all over again.”

  Only slightly placated, Marissa paced the room, kicking aside the ripped dress she had thrown on the floor earlier. “Where is she?” She snarled.

  “I told you, she’s in the kitchen with the other mortals. We can’t just barge in there and take her,” Steven wearily replied.

  “Why not, I could show her exactly what I plan to do with her by using the others as an example.” Marissa smiled maliciously, as she thought of all the different ways in which she wanted to end the other woman’s life.

  “Just keep in mind that we won’t be able to bring Lucien around to your way of thinking if we anger him by destroying all of his friends. This way, if we just hold the bitch, he will be yours to command. All you have to do is remind him that he holds her life in his hands and the longer he pleases you, the longer she will remain alive.”

  “I want her dead!” Marissa grumbled, knowing he was right.

  “I promise you, she will be begging for death before I’m finished with her,” Steven pleasantly guaranteed.

  The longer their prey stayed in the kitchen, the more restless Marissa became. “We will have to take her another night. It’s getting late and Lucien may be returning any moment. I don’t want him to suspect that we’ve been here.”

  Taking Marissa’s hand in his, Steven snatched up the torn garment. “Let’s go feed.”

; Together they vanished, removing all indications that they had been there.


  Strolling down the hallway, humming an old Neil Diamond tune, Lara entered the bedchamber, hoping that Lucien had finally returned. The quiet, empty room stilled the song on her lips as she sank onto the big empty bed. Lying back, she decided to find out just how far Lucien’s mind-reading abilities stretched.

  With a wicked smile, she began to think, I need a man! There’s only one man that can satisfy my hunger, and I want him now! I need to feel his arms around me and his lips on mine.

  Then she waited, but not for long.

  In the blink of an eye, Lucien stood at the foot of the bed, his arousal evident in his snug-fitting jeans.

  Ready to fling off his clothes, Lucien took in the sight before him. Fully clothed and casually sitting cross-legged on the bed with a gleeful smile, Lara lovingly watched him. He was struck anew at how much he loved this woman and couldn’t get enough of her.

  “You should be ashamed of yourself, teasing me the way you did, especially since you’re fully aware that I’ve been a very lonely man for centuries.” He growled as he bent to gather her in his arms and then sat with her cradled on his lap. “Are you disappointed in me?”

  “Why should I be?” She lifted her head to look up into his eyes.

  “For not keeping my promise about reading your thoughts,” he guiltily replied.

  A giggle burst forth as Lara’s love for Lucien intensified because of his effort to keep his word. “No, of course not; I wanted you to read them. Who else would I be thinking of?”

  A wry brow kicked up as he studied her. “I was hoping it was me you were thinking of.”

  Kissing the underside of his jaw, Lara answered, “You are the only man for me.”

  Folding her in his arms, Lucien nuzzled her neck. “That’s good because midnight tomorrow we will become husband and wife.”

  Lara could only sputter, “To...tomorrow?”

  “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No, of course not; are you?”


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