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The Wishing Stone

Page 10

by Allison Smith

  He smiled and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “No, never.”


  An hour later, Lucien was frolicking naked in the warm ocean water with Lara, each trying to dunk the other. Spewing salt water, she surfaced after he’d caught her unaware, tripping her so that she went in over her head.

  “No fair!” she cried out in indignation.

  “What do you mean? I dunked you fair and square,” he announced.

  He didn’t care that they sounded like children. What mattered to him was that they were together and thoroughly enjoying themselves.

  As Lara took up a defiant stance, Lucien hooked his foot around her ankle, pulling her feet out from under her. Her head disappeared again under the frothy surface of the water. When she didn’t come up right away, Lucien began to panic. Diving under, he frantically searched for her slim form among the dark shadows.

  Not finding her and running out of air, Lucien kicked his way to the surface. He shook off the excess water that blurred his vision and scanned the water.

  From behind him, a splash alerted him just before she flung herself on his back and yanked him off his feet, taking them both under the swelling water.

  Relief flooded Lucien as he gave into her playful antics and shifted until he held her in his arms. Lifting her out of the water, his mouth firmly covered her soft pink lips. Her arms clasped tightly around his neck.

  Carrying her back up to the sandy beach, Lucien lowered her onto the blanket they had brought down with them. Descending with her, he continued to ply his lips to a different task of licking the glistening drops of water off her skin. He traced her curving brows, then her pert nose, trailing a line down her body.

  Lara’s hand strayed to his hard erection. Delicately, her hand closed over his throbbing shaft, causing him to suck in his breath. Her fingers glided up to the tip where a small drop was poised, ready to fall. Her finger swiped at the moisture and lifted to her tongue.

  Aroused beyond belief, Lucien parted her legs and directed his shaft home.

  As he filled her, Lara had the sensation that he was at the opening of her womb. The images of a baby that shared Lucien’s features urged her to raise her hips, taking him in deeper, silently praying she might someday bear his child.

  His seed spilling inside her, they tumbled over the edge of oblivion, their bodies humming with the descent.

  Sometime later, they shook out the blanket, wrapped it around their naked bodies, and advanced toward the darkened house. Lara laughed as she ran naked down the hallway to their room, leaving Lucien to follow carrying the blanket.

  Upon entering their suite, Lara immediately went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Quickly, she entered the stinging spray to rinse off the clinging sand that coated parts of her body.

  Stepping aside to give Lucien room as he climbed in, Lara admired his lean, taut buttocks as she helped him remove the stubborn sand. Her hands cupped the firm skin, and she kissed his back while rubbing his bottom.

  Glancing over his shoulder, Lucien chuckled. “It might help if you used soap.”

  “I just want to admire you, first.”

  “That’s just a small part of me you’re admiring.”

  “Uh-huh,” she purred. “It’s the part that first attracted me.”

  A skeptical brow rose as he seemed to ponder her response. “I was facing toward you, when you first saw me.”

  Her face heated as she recalled the truth in what he was saying. “I...well, you know.” Turning her back to him, she opened the shower door and escaped without any real explanation.

  Grabbing a clean towel, she headed into the bedroom. She opened the closet and slipped her lightweight pink cotton robe off the wooden hanger. Sliding her arm through one sleeve, Lara watched as Lucien dried off his body.

  Tossing the damp towel into the hamper, he walked toward her with a purpose in his stride.

  “Now tell me what fascinates you so much about my backside.” Stopping in front of her, he effectively cut off any retreat she might have taken.

  The truth was the only thing that could save her now. “You were right when you said I saw the front of you first, but whenever I am behind you, I can’t stop myself from admiring your backside. You might say I have a butt fetish, but only for the small tight ones. Like yours.”

  “It’s hard for me to believe that women watch men’s backsides.” Lucien glanced heavenward for some logical explanation.

  “Don’t you agree that men are interested in the size of a woman’s chest?” she queried.

  “Of course, it’s only natural,” he reluctantly admitted.

  “Well, it’s only natural for a woman to scrutinize a man’s butt.” She pointed a finger at his unclad backside.

  “The ladies never did such a thing in my day. They behaved themselves and kept their eyes only on their husbands.”

  Lara turned away from him. “Now you’re sounding like a prude.”

  Lucien reached out and swung her around to face him. “Are you trying to tell me that you stare at other men and compare their...butts?” He sounded appalled at the idea that a lady would do such a thing.

  “No, of course not; why should I when you have the most exquisite one?”

  The compliment appeared to swell his chest as he considered her opinion. “As it should be,” he concluded with a nod.

  Aware that she would have to put up with his antiquated beliefs, Lara figured she could always start updating them a little bit at a time.


  Awakening, Lara was surprised she had ever fallen asleep last night. The idea that her wedding day was the next day had kept her wide awake most of the night, mentally planning what she would wear. Finally, she decided on her delicate lace dress that she had worn only for Lucien.

  Stretching, she moved away from her lover’s sleeping side, and tenderly adjusted the covers up and under his chin. She scanned the contents of the closet, searching for the dress so she could iron out any creases. Unable to locate it, she finally went through each item one at a time. The dress was no longer here. What had happened to it?

  Lara threw on a sundress and collected her purse and shoes and headed out the door. In the kitchen, she briefly asked Margaret if she happened to know where the dress was. At her negative response, Lara knew her only option was to ask Ethan to take her down into Lahaina.

  Glumly settling back onto the plush leather seat, she asked him to take her to a dress boutique where she would be able to buy an outfit for her wedding. The roar of the engine and the wind tugging at her hair finally snapped her out of her depressed mood. Tonight, she would marry the man she loved and nothing or no one was going to destroy their happiness.

  Pulling the black car to a stop in front of an exclusive store, Ethan rounded the car to open the passenger door.

  Standing on the sidewalk, Lara stared at the window display and then silently shook her head. At Ethan’s questioning glance, she spoke, somewhat embarrassed. “I can’t afford these clothes. Isn’t there somewhere else you can take me?”

  Taking her elbow, Ethan gently guided her into the exclusive quiet shop. “Just find the perfect outfit, and I will take care of the rest,” he whispered.

  “B-but...” she sputtered.

  “Lucien told me long ago that whatever you want is yours.”

  Lucien’s generosity brought tears to Lara’s eyes as she turned toward the evening gowns. She fingered the material, almost groaning aloud at the buttery softness. The satins, chiffons and velvets called to her, but Lara only had eyes for the lace dress that hung alone at the back of the store. The dusky blue reminded her of the night she first saw Lucien standing in her room, silently staring out into the night with the moon outlining his shape against the sky.

  Grabbing up the garment, she told Ethan to wait while she hurried into the dressing room, hoping that the dress would fit. Luck was with her as she turned this way and that to study her in the full-length mirror. The neckline dipped low enough
to give a hint of the lushness of her breasts, while the back was cut down low to show off her tanned back, stopping just above the swell of her bottom.

  Opening the door, she called Ethan over for his opinion. A wolf whistle was his only response, causing Lara to beam with happiness. She had found the perfect dress for her wedding.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lara tossed and turned on the bed. In her dream she was with Lucien in a field of flowers. He held her hand as they walked. Birds sang and bees buzzed from flower to flower. Lucien pulled her into his arms, and she laughed.

  A sinister air darkened the day and broke them apart. They drifted further and further from each other. Lara desperately called his name, yet her lover didn’t respond.

  With Lucien’s name still on her lips, Lara jerked awake. A cold sweat covered her body and her face was wet with salty tears. Lying on top of the bed coverings, she shivered at the realness of the dream and thanked God it was only a nightmare.

  Leaving the bed and all the unpleasantness that was in it, Lara struck out for the bathroom. She washed the remaining wisps of that nightmare away in the bathtub. Several minutes later, she dried her body then rubbed lotion over her skin, giving it a smooth and supple texture. Finished, she applied her favorite perfume scent to her pulse points. The smell of lilacs rose to her nose, causing her to sigh in pleasure at the freshness of the scent.

  She headed back into the bedroom to apply her makeup. Staring into the mirror, she wondered what Lucien was doing at this very moment. The digital clock read eleven thirty.

  Thirty more minutes and she would be Mrs. Lucien Saint; Lara hugged that knowledge to herself. No more sleeping alone. No more being alone. Now they would have each other.


  Rising when the sun lowered in the sky, Lucien dressed and anticipated the coming ceremony. He had finally found a woman to share eternity—her eternity. His was never ending.

  First, he had to pay a visit to several hospitals. It would be a very long night and the extra feeding would give him the strength to hold his baser instincts in control.

  Arriving at a large hospital in Florida, he found two gangs with a score to settle had met up, and it appeared a number of their members were beyond medical help.

  Besides, clearing the streets of these hoodlums satisfied Lucien. They would not be missed by society since they had nothing to contribute except violence.

  The essence of roses filtered through the smell of death, alerting Lucien to Marissa’s presence. Lucien ground his back teeth together. Then their eyes met, and he waited for her to reveal her expectations.

  Marissa touched the whimpering youths as she passed. “They do appear to be a captive audience. Isn’t this just a little tame for you?” She stopped to speculate over one heavy body, and then continued, “You were always noted for your skill at hunting. Now I find you sacrificing the helpless, which I personally find detestable. Speaking of detestable, what is your little mortal doing while you’re off hunting?”

  Aware that she was trying to provoke him, Lucien remained silent.

  A vicious smile spread across her face, prickling the hairs on the back of his neck. Then she disappeared, eliciting a sigh in relief as he set about finishing what he came to do.


  Under the full moon, Lara stood before the minister and spoke her vows to Lucien. Tears welled in her eyes. When she finished, Lucien recited his then slipped a heavy gold ring on her finger. After pronouncing the couple man and wife, the minister completed the brief ceremony. Margaret and Ethan were the only witnesses.

  Lara felt breathless as Lucien gathered her in his arms. He captured her lips in a loving kiss, only to break apart at the chuckles and good-natured ribbing from the others.

  “Come along. We worked hard, and you don’t want the food to be cold,” Margaret laughingly chided.

  The group entered the formally set dining room. Lucien escorted his bride to the two chairs at the head of the table. When Ethan, Margaret and the minister stood beside their chairs, Lucien lifted a glass of champagne.

  “May I toast my beautiful wife?” Everyone cheered and Lara blushed. “To all of my close friends; may you always know this same happiness.” He lifted the glass to his mouth and sipped.

  The celebration continued. At two in the morning, the minister tiredly said his farewells and wished the couple his best.

  Lucien took Lara’s hand and led her to his private den. He unlocked the door and held it for her to enter ahead of him.

  Lara’s gaze scanned the room, noting that it was as richly decorated as the rest of the house. However, the room was windowless. The beautifully framed painting above an ornate desk held her attention. She intently studied the face staring back at her.

  “You did this?” she asked breathlessly.

  Coming up behind her, Lucien slipped his arms around her waist while his mouth softly kissed her nape. “I had it commissioned the first time I saw you. I’ve kept the door locked. I didn’t want you to run away in fright, thinking that you were living with a madman.”

  She spied the small porcelain figurine resting atop the credenza, directly below the portrait. It was the same figurine that her grandmother had given her years ago. Lara’s hand went to her mouth as she stared at it.

  “How...when?” she whispered, turning to face him.

  “I know how much you treasure family. I also knew how much this particular item meant to you.”

  “You keep giving me reasons to love you more. I’m especially flattered that you did this.” She pointed to the canvas. Lara wound her arms around his neck and brought his mouth to hers in a sensual kiss. He pulled back, grasped her hand, and led her down the hallway to their suite; leaving the study doors unlocked and standing wide open.


  Sleepy, sated and curled up in Lucien’s arms, Lara took a long look at her wedding ring. Large diamonds and emeralds were set in an intricate pattern on a gold band. The ring dwarfed her slim finger. “Where did you find such a beautiful ring?”

  “This is my family’s crest. I have kept it throughout the years in the hopes that I would find you someday. You’ll have to get it sized. I have asked Ethan to take you to the jeweler tomorrow.”

  He rose from the bed, crossed the room, and glanced over his shoulder. “I want to give you your bride’s present.”

  Lucien extracted an old box from the drawer in the bedside table. He lifted the lid and took a pin from the interior then he set the box back in the drawer. “This was my mother’s, passed down to each female of the family. She would have wanted you to have it.”

  Lara’s throat closed over any words that she would have voiced. The diamond pin was the exact replica of her crucifix necklace, only larger. “It’s just like the image of the necklace Edna left me,” Lara murmured. Catching sight of his sheepish smile, she threw her arms around him, and placed small kisses all over his face.

  Lucien laughed and pinned her to the mattress. “I didn’t know how else to give it to you. They were my mother’s favorite pieces of jewelry. I also plan to present you with the rest of the Saint family jewels. You can show then off at the many great affairs I will take you to while I show off my bride.”

  “I love you, Lucien,” she whispered, staring up into his eyes.

  “And I love you,” he answered softly, while his hold tightened on her.

  Lara smiled as she fell asleep with Lucien’s arms wrapped around her.


  As twilight marred the sky, Lucien awoke with a disquieting feeling that something bad was about to happen. He sat up, aware that her side of the bed was empty.

  Searching his mind for any trace of her, Lucien finally relaxed when he read her thoughts. She was with Margaret in the kitchen, thinking about a big juicy apple. Settling back into the pillows, he sighed with relief. But he knew it was only temporary since he still had an unsettling urgency to protect her.

  He had already made the decision to send her away from him and a
ny possible threat. He also didn’t want Ethan involved in any possible altercations. It was time to put his plan for the hospital into motion. Stretching to ease his muscles, his eyes locked on the bedroom door. Lara entered, eating a ripe apple. Juice moistened her lips. She broke into a smile and crossed the room. “You’re awake.” She sat at the foot of the bed and played with one of his toes. “How did you sleep?”

  “Like the dead,” he joked, without thinking.

  Tears filled her eyes. The swirling of various thoughts and wishes in her mind had Lucien frowning in concern. He gathered her in his arms while she repeatedly apologized for her lack of control. He sensed the feelings of inadequacy bombarding her, prompting Lara to cry even harder.

  When the sobs finally slowed down to watery hiccups, Lucien held her face between his palms, kissing away the remaining tears. Softly, he related the excuse he formulated to keep her safely away from him and their home. Lucien spoke of the help she would be doing for him, and the hospital that needed her now more than ever.

  Hiccupping while he talked, Lara nodded her head in agreement.

  Dressing, while Lara talked of all her own ideas for the hospital and its patients, Lucien was relieved that she was quickly taking control of the job he assigned her and not questioning any of his motives.

  Leaving the bedroom, they went in search of Ethan to discuss what Lucien wanted. He told Ethan about the job without mentioning the true reason for the spur of the moment trip.

  Lara made a list of the items she would check on while they were at the hospital, along with the list of manufacturers that produced the larger equipment that would be needed.

  “So, when do we all leave?” Lara asked, glancing up from the pieces of paper in her hands.

  The men regarded each other. Lucien cleared his throat. “You and Ethan will be traveling together, love. I’ll wait here for you to return.”

  Her brown eyes turned stormy. “I refuse to go without you.”

  Prepared that she would react this way, Lucien was ready for the arguments. “You can do this one thing for me and for all the suffering people who will surely die without the equipment.”


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