Love's Obsession
Page 28
O’ Hea, Margaret, ‘The Archaeology of Somewhere-else: A Brief Survey of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology in Australia’, Australian Archaeology, no. 50, 2000, pp. 7580.
Craig Barker, Aphrodite’s Island: Australian Archaeologists in Cyprus: The Cypriot collection of the Nicholson Museum, University of Sydney, 2012.
Eve Dray to JRS, 18 October 1947, DES archive.
Undated letter from JRS to Eve Dray, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, ‘Wednesday’, otherwise undated, 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 16 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 24 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 16 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 27 May 1947, DES archive.
Jim Stewart’s usual signature in letters to Eve.
CHAPTER 1—England, Egypt and Cyprus, 1914–36
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., June 2010, Bisterne.
Eve Stewart to Nicole Hirschfield, 4 July 1997, DES archive.
Thomas Dray’s date of birth is variously given as 1879 and 1880. The date appearing on his birth certificate is 1879.
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., June 2010, Bisterne.
The passages quoted here and below were written by Thomas Dray in a leatherbound notebook but are undated. The title of the work, ‘H.T.R. Dray’s biography’ was added by Eve Stewart, DES archive.
See note 6.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., June 2010, Bisterne.
Margery Dray diary, personal papers, Mills family, Bisterne.
The Times, 12 April 1924.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Margery Dray diary, 28 August 1921, personal papers, Mills family, Bisterne.
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., June 2010, Bisterne.
This and following quotes come from an undated description written by Eve Stewart called ‘I remember life in days gone by’, DES archive.
Eve Stewart to Nicole Hirschfield, 4 July 1997, DES archive.
Margery Dray to Eve Dray, 17 October 1934, DES archive.
Rita Severis, ‘The English Parikia (1900–1960)’, unpublished manuscript.
Rina Catselli, Kyrenia: A Historical Study, Kyrenia Flower Show, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1974.
Dorothyann Betts, The Old British Cemetery Kyrenia: Shadows of Empire, Soylem Publishing, British Cemetery Committee, Mersin, 2010.
Franklin Lushington, Cottage in Kyrenia, Ernest Benn, London, 1952, p. 203.
ibid., p. 229.
Margery Dray diary, 24 October 1931, personal papers, Mills family, Bisterne.
E. Dray diary, DES archive.
E. Dray composition book, 3 February 1928, DES archive.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Eve Stewart, 60 years on. 1933–1993, letter to Royal Holloway College, 8 February 1993, DES archive.
Undated reference from French lecturer, N. McWilliam, DES archive.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Undated reference from Principal, Janet Bacon, DES archive.
Mortimer Wheeler, Still digging: Interleaves from an Antiquary’s Notebook, Michael Joseph, London, 1955, p. 89.
Quoted in Jacquetta Hawkes, Mortimer Wheeler: Adventurer in Archaeology, Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd, 1982, p. 99.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
R.E.M. Wheeler, Maiden Castle, Dorset, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, no. XII, The Society of Antiquaries, Oxford, 1943, p. 3.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., 2010.
CHAPTER 2—England and Cyprus, 1936–39
DES to Nicola Hirschfeld, 4 July 1997, DES archive.
British Museum, How to Observe in Archaeology: Suggestions for Travellers in the Near and Middle East, 1920, Introduction.
See Ellen Herscher’s lecture ‘From plunder to Partnership: American adventures in the archaeology of Cyprus’, 18 January 2012, Cesnola was encouraged by Pierides, whose grandson would support the Swedish Cyprus Expedition. When art tastes changed in the 1920s, the Cesnola collection was removed from display at the Metropolitan Museum and some objects were sold. Not until 2000 did Cypriot objects again go on display in the museum.
Porphyrios Dikaios, A guide to the Cyprus Museum, Nicosia Printing Works, Nicolaou & Sons Ltd, 3rd edn, 1961.
Einar Gjerstad, Ages and Days in Cyprus, Paul Åströms Forlag, Göteborg, 1980, Introduction.
State Archives, Nicosia, Cyprus, SA1: 500/1936.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
8. Dr Laila Haglund, pers. comm., 2011.
See Jo Anne van Tilburg, Among Stone Giants: The Life of Kathleen Routledge and the Remarkable Expedition to Easter Island, Scribner, New York, 2003.
DES to Nicola Hirschfeld, 4 July 1997, DES archive.
Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 15 December 1938, p. 23.
DES to Nicola Hirschfeld, 4 July 1997, DES archive.
CHAPTER 3—England, Cyprus and the Near East, 1930–38
Reference from G.M. Barker, Headmaster, The Kings School, September 1930, Trinity Hall archives, Cambridge.
The school report is quoted by Robert Merrillees in ‘Professor James R. Stewart: a biographical lecture’, On Opium, Pots, People and Places. Selected Papers: An Honorary volume for Robert S. Merrillees, Paul Åströms Forlag, Savedalen, 2003, p. 144. The Leys School has no copy.
The Leys School year book, 1931.
Headmaster of The Leys School to Reverend G.A. Chase, Trinity Hall, 16 March 1931, Trinity Hall archives, Cambridge.
Florence Beatrice Landseer Stewart, probate documents, 13660 Probate packets, New South Wales Records Office.
Four typed letters from JRS to A.A. Stewart covering the period 19–28 August 1932, together with a packet of photographs, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 21 September 1932, DES archive.
A popular report of this work was published by Penguin Books: Ur of the Chaldees. Seven Years of Excavation by Leonard Woolley, nd.
Margery Dray diaries, personal papers, Mills family, Bisterne.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 23 September 1932, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 28 September 1932, DES archive.
Glyn Daniel, Some Small Harvest: The Memoirs of Glyn Daniel, Thames & Hudson, London, 1986, p. 57.
ibid., p. 78.
The Kings School Newsletter, May 1934, p. 27.
The Kings School Newsletter, May 1935, pp. 30, 32.
The Times, 11 June 1934.
This is suggested in a letter from Eve Stewart to Robert Merrillees, 17 July 1981, DES archive.
Argus, Tuesday 6 August 1935.
R.E.M. Wheeler, Maiden Castle, Dorset, Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, no. XII, The Society of Antiquaries, Oxford, 1943, p. 112.
ibid., p. 74.
Petrie diairies, Petrie Museum, University College, London.
Letter from JRS to W.B. Emery, 8 November 1959, Nicholson Museum archives.
JRS to Paul Åström, 28 July 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
A.A. Stewart applied for leave from the Board of the Sydney Technical Museum Advisory Committee in October 1933, Powerhouse Museum archive, Sydney. To be fixed by typesetter
Park Cottage is now a listed house. See
The Times, 30 January 1935, 5 June 1936.
The Kings School Newsletter, September 1935, p. 20.
JRS to Alan Wace, 19 August 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 1 September 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
Man, October 1940, vol. XL, pp. 179–80.
JRS to Alan Wace, 15 October 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
Argus, Tuesday 6 August 1935.
JRS to Alan Wace, 16 September 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 5 November 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 20 November 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 5 December 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 25 December 1935, personal papers, Cambridge.
The Wilkins Fellowship gave Jim £40 for travel and expenses. By comparison, an agricultural labourer in England in 1936 earned £1/12/9 a week. See
JRS to Alan Wace, 2 January 1936, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 13 January 1936, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS unpublished travel story, 1936, CAARI archive.
JRS to Alan Wace, 26 April 1936, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 24 May 1936, personal papers, Cambridge.
JRS to Alan Wace, 25 May 1936, personal papers, Cambridge.
David W. Gill, ‘A rich and promising site’: Winifred Lamb (1894–1963): Kusura and Anatolian archaeology’, Anatolian Studies, vol. 50, 2000, pp. 1–10.
Nature, 27 February 1937, p. 361. See also Gill.
Winifred Lamb, ed. David Gill, ‘The inspector interferes’ in The Treasure Hunters, Centre for Egyptology and Mediterranean Archaeology, Swansea University, 2008, pp. 55–72.
JRS to Alan Wace, 26 May 1936 (a long diary-like letter written over many days), personal papers, Cambridge.
Undated referee report by Winifred Lamb for JRS, DES archive.
JRS to Paul Åström, 20 August 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
David W.J. Gill, ‘Winifred Lamb 1894–1963’, in Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists, eds Getzel M. Cohen & Martha Sharp Jukowsky, University of Michigan Press, 2006, p. 444.
See reference in
E. Stewart & J. Stewart, Vounous 1937–38: Field Report on the Excavations Sponsored by the British School of Archaeology at Athens, C.W.K. Gleerup, Lund, 1950, p. 9.
Sir John Myers to JRS, 28 December 1936, CAARI archive.
V. Gordon Childe to JRS, 16 February 1937, CAARI archive.
State Archives, Nicosia, Cyprus, SAI 1622/1936.
It’s worth noting, however, a letter from JRS to Alan Wace (29 June 1936), which mentions that ‘wander and sondage’ permits had existed at one time, but that ‘they are suspended now because the American Cilician expedition and Gjerstad abused the terms of theirs’.
State Archives, Nicosia, Cyprus, SAI 1622/1936.
See, for example, JRS to Walter Beasley, 26 August 1947, Australian Institute of Archaeology.
E. Stewart & J. Stewart, Vounous 1937–38, p. 40.
Alex Diamantis, pers. comm., October 2010.
Stewart & Stewart, Vounous 1937–38, p. 7.
Alex Diamantis, pers. comm., October 2010.
Margery Dray, undated description of a visit to Asinou, CAARI archive.
DES to Robert Merrillees, 20 May 1981, DES archive.
Virginia Grace to JRS, 10 August 1937, CAARI archive.
Stewart & Stewart, Vounous 1937–38, p. 7.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s. See further, DES to Robert Merrillees, 20 May 1981, DES archive.
CHAPTER 4—War, 1940–45
Kim Collingride, later Kim Wheeler, quoted in Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday 15 December 1938, p. 23.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Postcards from Eve Dray to Margery Dray, 31 August 1939, 2 September 1939, CAARI archive.
Service record (Army number W/20608), Army Personnel Centre, Glasgow.
Kurt Bittel to JRS, 17 March 1939, CAARI archive.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 10 October 1939, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 30 November 1939, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 13 March 1940, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Details and quotes below from undated notebooks filed as ‘British Council Expedition’, DES archive.
Undated notebook filed as ‘British Council Expedition’, DES archive.
A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw to JRS, 8 December 1939, DES archive.
Alan Wace to JRS, 22 March 1940, CAARI archive.
British Council to JRS, 1 February 1940, DES archive.
University College, London, special collections.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 30 October 1939, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 5 February 1940, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Service record (Army number P/142100), Army Personnel Centre, Glasgow.
Alex Diamantis, pers. comm., 17 October 2010.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 14 May 1940, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Communist Party of Cyprus.
Georgios Kazamias, ‘Military recruitment and selection in a British colony: the Cyprus Regiment 1939–1944’, in E. Close, M. Tsianikas & G. Couvalis (eds), Greek Research in Australia: Proceedings of the Sixth Biennial International Conference of Greek Studies, Flinders University June 2005, Flinders University Department of Languages—Modern Greek, Adelaide, pp. 333–42.
British Cyprus Expedition, DES archive.
Anthony Beevor, Crete: The Battle and the Resistance, John Murray, London, 1991, p. 5.
Named after the Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos (1864–1936), the term refers to liberal nationalists who were opposed to the monarchy and supported the idea of a Greater Greece.
Undated letter from JRS to Virginia Grace. This is also mentioned in Appendix G to his proposal, CAARI archive.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Beevor, pp. 3, 4. American archaeologists also joined clandestine organisations. For details, see Susan Heuck Allen, Classical Spies: American Archaeologists with the OSS in World War II Greece, University of Michigan Press, 2011.
Undated POW notebook filed under British Council Expedition, DES archive.
Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
See in particular Beevor.
Jack Hamson, ‘Liber in Vinculis’, Trinity College, Cambridge, 1989, p. 61.
Undated POW notebook filed under British Council Expedition, DES archive.
Hamson, p. 58.
Yiannis Cleanthous, pers. comm., Cyprus, 2009.
Draft in pencil of a letter from JRS to Virginia Grace (no date), Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Eve Stewart, recorded interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
Major A.T. Casdali, diary P436, Imperial War Museum, London.
H.C.F. Harwood, ‘On Threats of Hell: The Diary of a Prisoner of War’, Imperial War Museum diary [Lieutenant Harwood 84/33/1]. Although Ironside, along with nearly sixty others, escaped in June 1943, all were recaptured and Ironside ended the war in Colditz.
DES to Robert Merrillees, 20 May 1981, DES archive.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 3 September 1941, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 28 December 1943, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 14 June 1942, DES archive.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 28 December 1943, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
O.G.S. Crawford to JRS, 22 April 1942, DES archive.
JRS to Alfirios Westholm, 5 January, 194(? date lost), Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
RS to Eleanor Stewart, 10 May 1943, DES archive.
This and previous references are from an undated notebook filed as ‘British Council Expedition’, DES archive.
CHAPTER 5—England and Cyprus, 1945–47
Laila Haglund, pers. comm., 16 October 2011.
Bec Moore to DES, 15 June 2004, DES archive.
Maureen Walker, London 1945: Life in the Debris of War, John Murray Publishers, London, 2004.
Joan Pender and Dorothy Richards, recollections quoted in Walker.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 18 June 1945, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
A.W. Lawrence to JRS, 19 June 1945, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Donald Harden to JRS 1 July 1945, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Sir John Myers to JRS, 20 May 1945, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw to Sir Charles Woolley, Government House, Nicosia, 25 July 1945, State Archives, Nicosia, Cyprus, SA1/849/1945_Cyprus regiment and archaeology.
Eleven of the seventeen members of AKEL’s Central Committee were former members of the Cyprus Regiment and seven hundred ex-servicemen were also Communists. See T.W. Adams, Akel: The Communist Party of Cyprus, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University Press, 1971, p. 27.
State Archives, Nicosia, Cyprus, 7 July 1945, SA1/849/1945_Cyprus regiment and archaeology.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 October 1945, DES archive.
Jack Hamson to JRS, 20 June 1945, DES archive.
Alan Wace to JRS, 20 November 1945, CAARI archive.
Winifred Lamb to Jim and Elinor (sic) Stewart, no date.
A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw to JRS, 11 June 1946, DES archive.
Arne Furumark to JRS, 2 February 1947, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Einar Gjerstad to JRS, 14 December 1946, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
JRS to Olaf Vessberg, 11 September 1946, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Trendall was a student at the school in 1933–34 and Stewart 1934–35, British School at Athens records.
Peter Donovan (School of Mathematics, University of New South Wales) and John Mack (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sydney), ‘Sydney University, T.G. room and codebreaking in WWII’,, 2002. This is substantially the contents of a two-part article published in the Gazette of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2002.