Love's Obsession
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JRS to Dale Trendall, 4 June 1945, Australian Institute of Archaeology archives.
The Australian Institute of Archaeology archives contain most relevant correspondence between Beasley, Stewart and Trendall.
Winifred Lamb to Dale Trendall, 25 April 1946, Australian Institute of Archaeology archives.
Alan Arkell to JRS, 1 February 1946, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Alan Arkell to JRS, 12 February 1946, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Alan Arkell to JRS 10 June 1946, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Chambers Encyclopaedia folder, DES archive.
Hetty Goldman to JRS, 8 March 1947, DES archive.
Service record (Army number P/142100), Army Personnel Centre, Glasgow.
JRS to Eve Dray, 10 June 1947, DES archive.
DES archive.
For a complete history of this Medieval hoard see Michael Metcalf, ‘The fate of the Stavrokonnou Hoard’, in D.M. Metcalf, Coinage as Evidence for the Changing Prosperity of Cyprus in Byzantine and Medieval Times, Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia, 2003, pp. 25–37.
JRS to Eve Dray, 17 September 1946, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 28 October 1946, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 22 October 1946, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 17 November 1946, DES archive.
JRS to Olaf Vessberg, correspondence between 29 November 1946 and 1 April 1947, Medelhavstmuzeet archives, Stockholm. Also JRS to Gjerstad, 29 November 1946, Lund University archive.
Einar Gjerstad to JRS, 14 December 1946, Stewart papers, CAARI archive.
Jack Hamson to JRS, 18 December 1946, DES archive
CHAPTER 6—Australia, 1947–50
JRS to Eve Dray, 30 May 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 8 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 1 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 30 May 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 1 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 27 May 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 1 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 16 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 20 (month missing) 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 13 August 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 20 August 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 26 June 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 15 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 21 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 March (or July) 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 25 September 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 14 September 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 1 September 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 24 October 1947, DES archive.
Mary Ann Fishbourne (née Meagher), pers. comm., 2010.
JRS to Eve Dray, 20 December 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 5 September 1947, DES archive.
Sydney Morning Herald, Monday 8 December 1947, p. 2.
JRS to Eve Dray, 12 November 1947, DES archive.
Sunday Telegraph, 11 May 1952, p. 2: ‘A Greek “gave” Sydney this vase in 272 B.C.’
JRS memo to Dale Trendall, 23 August 1952, Nicholson Museum archives, University of Sydney.
JRS to Eve Dray, 15 August 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 20 December 1947, DES archive.
J. R. Stewart, ‘The Freshman’s Guide to the University: The Nicholson Museum’, in The Union Recorder, vol. XL, no. 25, Thursday 20 October 1960, pp. 226–7.
Suzanne Kelly (née Snelling), pers. comm., 6 February 2010.
JRS to G. Hanfmann, 19 January 1950, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 18 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 7 August 1947, DES archive.
Eve Dray to JRS, 12 September 1947, DES archive.
Eve Dray to JRS, 31 October 1947, DES archive.
A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw to JRS, 30 November 1947, DES archive.
Eve Dray to JRS, 5 November 1947, DES archive.
Australian Institute of Archaeology archives.
Australian Cyprus Expedition, 8 August 1947, DES archive.
George Hill to Clauson, 29 July 1947 and G.L.M.C. to Lord Mersey, 23 April 1947, National Archives, London, CO 927/32/2.
JRS to Eve Dray, 15 July 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 6 October 1947, DES archive.
Eve Dray to JRS, 19 November 1947, DES archive.
Eve Dray to JRS, 25 November 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 19 December 1947, DES archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 20 December 1947, DES archive.
Joan du Plat Taylor to Eve Dray, 18 December 1949, DES archive.
Joan du Plat Taylor to Eve Dray, 1 December 1949, DES archive.
Bec Moore to Eve Dray, 11 March 1950, DES archive.
Tom Dray to Eve Dray, 6 July 1948, DES archive.
Hans Helback to Eve Dray, 10 December 1948, DES archive.
Kurt Bittel to JRS, 10 March 1949, DES archive.
Dr Kay Prag, pers. comm., 2009.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 30 July 1948, DES archive.
Arne Furumark to JRS, 23 February 1949, DES archive.
Suzanne Kelly (née Snelling) pers. comm., 2010.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 7 November 1950, DES archive.
Mary Ann Fishbourne (née Meagher), pers. comm., 2010.
Professor Basil Hennessy, pers. comm., 2010.
Dale Trendall and JRS to the Hon. R.G. Menzies, MLA, 9 January 1951, University of Sydney archives.
University of Sydney archives, 6 February 1951.
JRS to Eve Dray, 18 June 1947, DES archive.
Dr Stephen Bourke, pers. comm., 2010.
Arne Furumark to JRS, 11 July 1951, DES archive.
JRS to Paul Åström, 22 April 1959, DES archive.
JRS to Albert Baldwin, 22 May 1957, A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd archives (courtesy of Edward Baldwin).
E. Stewart & J. Stewart, Vounous 1937–38: Field Report on the Excavations Sponsored by the British School of Archaeology at Athens, C.W.K. Gleerup, Lund, 1950.
Medelhavsmuzeet archives, Stockholm.
Arne Furumark to JRS, 11 July 1951, DES archive.
Saul S. Weinberg, ‘Review of Vounous 1937–38: Field-Report on the Excavations Sponsored by the British School of Archaeology at Athens by Eleanor Stewart and James Stewart’, American Journal of Archaeology, 1953, p. 29.
P. Dikaios, ‘Review of Vounous 1937–38 by E. and J Stewart’, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 72 (1952), pp. 151–2.
R.M. Cook review in The Classical Review, vol 2, issue 2, 1952, p. 115.
JRS to Prof. K. Setton, 22 November 1951, DES archive.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 6 March 1949, DES archive.
CHAPTER 7—Mount Pleasant, 1951–54
JRS to Eve Dray, 18 June 1947, DES archive.
Alex Diamantis, pers. comm., 2010.
Peter Stewart, pers. comm., 2012.
The entry on J.R.B. Stewart for the Australian Dictionary of Biography says A.A. Stewart was a marine engineer. The heritage entry for Lymdale, the house in Wentworth Falls, gives his background as electrical engineer with the English Electric Co. of King Street, Sydney, and director of building suppliers, the Nepean Sand and Grave Co and Kandos Cement (Ian Jack, Blue Mountains Historical Society, Heritage citation, SHI 1170318).
The Leys School archives.
DES to Christopher Blunt, 2 July 1982, DES archive.
The entry for J.R.B. Stewart in the Australian Dictionary of Biography says that she was English, as does the Sydney Morning Herald, 25 February 1899. On JRS’s military application he says she was South African.
Laila Hag
lund and Basil Hennessy both tell this story, which was one that Jim obviously relished.
DES to Christopher Blunt, 11 July 1982, DES archive.
Mary Nicholson to DES, 20 May 1962, DES archive.
Letter from Helen Heney, whose parents lived in Lymdale, to Nancy Douglas, 1984, Blue Mountains Historical Society.
In 1938 the editor of England’s premier modelling magazine devoted editorial space to the Stewart collection and the cover of the magazine featured the test pond in its 1941 edition. The collection was ultimately sold to the Museum of Arts and Sciences, and many of the large static models remain on display in what is now the Powerhouse Museum, in Sydney, Powerhouse Museum archive.
JRS to Eve Dray, 4 July 1947, DES archive.
Minutes of the Technological Museum Advisory Committee, 6 December 1934, Powerhouse Museum archive.
His application to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, lists Egerton House, London (1923), Hayfield School, Carlingford, NSW (1924), and Pembroke House, Middlesex, England (1925–27), Trinity Hall archives.
The Kings School Newsletter; a complete set of newsletters is available on CD Rom from the school archives. All quotes are from these newsletters.
The Kings School Newsletter, May 1929, pp. 15,16.
The Kings School Newsletter, September 1939, p. 38.
See Christopher Morgan, Castle, Kit Bag and Cattle Truck: The Australian Women’s Land Army at Abercrombie House, Bathurst, Runciman Press, 2001.
JRS to Judith Stylianou, 10 October 1952, DES archive.
Tom Dray to DES, 11 March 1953, DES archive.
Tom Dray to DES, 8 August 1952, DES archive.
DES to JRS, 16 November 1957, DES archive.
JRS to DES, 21 April 1959, DES archive.
Suzanne Kelly (née Snelling), pers. comm., 2010.
Laila Haglund, pers. comm., 16 October 2011.
Judy Birmingham, pers. comm., 2010.
DES to Robert Merrillees, 17 July 1981, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy, pers. comm., 2010.
Ruth Hennessy, pers. comm., 24 October 2011.
Dr Judy Birmingham, pers. comm., 2010.
Paul Hockings, pers. comm., 2010.
Eve Stewart, taped interview with Dr Laila Haglund, late 1990s.
James R. Stewart, ‘The Early Cypriote Bronze Age’, in Swedish Cyprus Expedition Vol. IV, Pt A, The Stone Age and Early Bronze Age, eds Porphyrios Dikaios and James R. Stewart, Swedish Cyprus Expedition, Lund, 1962, p. 207.
Winifred Lamb to JRS, 6 March 1950, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 11 December 1950, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 27 February 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 30 March 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 7 April 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to DES, 15 September 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 6 June 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 3 October 1951, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 19 April 1951, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 9 July 1952, DES archive.
JRS to Christopher Blunt, 1 October 1952, DES archive.
Report of Senate Committee concerning Mount Pleasant, Bathurst, University of Sydney archives (7473), 14 March 1953.
Denman Chambers to Bruce Stevenson, University of Sydney archives (7473), 8 September 1953.
Judy Webb, Bathurst, pers. comm.. 2010.
JRS to Joan du Plat Taylor, 2 March 1955, DES archive.
CHAPTER 8—Travels, 1955–56
DES diary letter to Margery Dray, 19 September 1955, DES archive.
DES to Margery Dray, 30 August 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 8 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 30 August 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 2 September 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 28 August 1955, DES archive.
DES to Margery Dray, 3 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 8 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 11 August 1955, DES archive.
DES to Margery Dray, 19 September 1955, DES archive.
Eve’s diary letter to her mother 1955; JRS to Basil Hennessy, 20, 25 September 1955, DES archive.
Correspondence file in A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd’s archive, courtesy Edward Baldwin, 2012.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 20 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 22–24 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 20 September 1955, DES archive.
DES to Margery Dray, 19 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 8 November 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, diary letter begun 11 October, University of New England (UNE) archives.
Lawrence Durrell, Bitter Lemons, Faber and Faber, London, 1959 edition, p. 35.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 17 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, diary letter, UNE archives.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 20 October 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 8 November 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 26 November 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 3 December 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 26 November 1955, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 28 March 1956, DES archive.
DES diary letter to mother, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, diary letter, UNE archives.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 8 November 1955, DES archive.
J.R. Stewart, ‘The Melbourne Cyprus Expedition, 1955’, University of Melbourne Gazette, vol. XIII, no. 1, pp. 1–3.
DES Introduction in J.B. Hennessy, K.O. Eriksson, I.C. Kehrberg, Ayia Paraskevi and Vasilia: Excavations by J.R.B. Stewart, Paul Åström Forlag, Göteburg, 1988, p. 41.
Donald Harden to JRS, 18 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, diary letter, UNE archives.
JR to A.A. Stewart, 8 November 1955, DES archive.
Hennessy, Eriksson & Kehrberg, p. 40.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 24 November 1955, DES archive.
Quoted in Hennessy, Eriksson & Kehrberg, pp. 38, 39.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 6 December 1955, DES archive.
DES diary letter to Margery Dray, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 14 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 6 December 1955, DES archive.
DES to Margery Dray, 1–13 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 14 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 16 June 1956, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 18 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 16 January 1956, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 15 May 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 20 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 16 January 1956, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 15 September 1955, DES archive.
JRS to Paul Åström, 5 December 1957, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 15 January, 15 February, 4 March, 20 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 28 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Hector Catling, 25 June 1956, DES archive.
Hector Catling, pers. comm., 2010.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 20 January 1956, DES archive.
DES diary letter to Margery Dray, covering the period of travel in 1955 and 1956.
Major-General Giles Mills, pers. comm., 2010.
Andreas Stylianou to JRS, 31 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to DES, 6 August 1956, DES archive.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 24 March 1956, 28 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to A.A.
Stewart, 24 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 24 March 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 16 January 1956, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 8 April 1956, DES archive.
CHAPTER 9—Mount Pleasant and Sydney, 1957–60
Paul Åström, nd., DES archive.
JRS to Olaf Vessberg, 16 October 1956, Medelhavsmuseet archives, Stockholm.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 21 August 1956, 19 January 1957, DES archive.
Aunt Ethel to DES, 8 October 1956, DES archive.
Tom Dray to DES, 5 October 1956, DES archive.
Gordon Childe to O.G.S. Crawford, 9 August 1957, quoted in Tom Griffiths, Hunters and Collectors: The Antiquarian Imagination in Australia, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 90.
Letter from Gordon Childe to W.F. Grimes, 20 October 1957, published in the editorial, Antiquity, 54, 1980.
O.G.S. Crawford to JRS, 14 November 1957, DES archive.
JRS to Hector Catling, 24 October 1958, DES archive.
JRS to Paul Åström, 4 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 6 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
Paul Åström to JRS, 24 March 1958, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 4 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 6 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 29 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 6 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 29 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden..
JRS to Paul Åström, 5 January 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden.
JRS to Paul Åström, 4 April 1957, personal papers, Göteburg, Sweden. Jim thinks Vessberg knows nothing of Near Eastern archaeology.
JRS to Paul Åström, 25 May 1959, DES archive.
JRS to Porphyrios Dikaios, 20 February 1958, DES archive.
JRS to Basil Hennessy, 9 March 1958, DES archive.
Basil Hennessy to JRS, 25 November 1958, DES archive.
R.S. Merrillees, Diplomatic Digs, Echo Books, West Geelong, 2012, pp. 39, 42.
JRS to A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw, 25 May 1959, DES archive.
JRS to Professor McRae, 7 August 1958, University of Sydney archives.
JRS to A.A. Stewart, 22 May 1958, DES archive.
JRS to Hector Catling, 7 May 1958, DES archive.
A.H.S. (Peter) Megaw to JRS, 19 August 1958, DES archive.