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Tempting the Heiress

Page 6

by Martha Kennerson

  Real smooth, Felicia.

  “I’m Farrah, Felicia’s older sister. The lawyer.” Farrah offered her hand.

  Griffin accepted her hand and gave it a shake. “Yes, of course. I remember you had a couple of sisters...triplets,” he said to Felicia, who smiled. “Pleased to meet you, Farrah.”

  Farrah went to take a seat on one of the small chairs facing the couple.

  “What are you doing here?” His confused look was almost charming. “Excuse my shock, but when I didn’t hear from you I thought... Never mind what I thought. I don’t recall seeing your name on the invite or the RSVP list,” he explained.

  “It was a last-minute decision. We’re in town to handle some family business and when Tim Barry invited us to be his guest to celebrate your new assignment...well, I couldn’t say no,” Felicia explained, hoping she wasn’t as red as she felt. Thankfully her brain had kicked back into gear and she was able to bring forward the story she and Farrah had finally come up with. One that didn’t have her simply blurting out the truth as Farrah would have preferred: ripping the baby bandage right off, so to speak.

  “Well, I’m pleased you didn’t.” Griffin took Felicia’s left hand and slowly brought it up to his lips while never taking his exotic eyes off hers. He kissed it gently. “It’s wonderful to see you again. You look absolutely—”

  “Different,” she said, glancing downward at the dress Farrah had talked her into. “Not quite how you’re used to seeing me.”

  “Oh, brother, you can’t even take a compliment,” Felicia heard her sister murmur.

  Griffin laughed. “No, but what I was going to say is that you look absolutely beautiful. Although I’ve always thought you were stunning.” Their eyes collided and an electric current passed between them.

  Felicia quickly pulled her hands free. “Thank you. You’re looking pretty handsome yourself.”

  Farrah cleared her throat. “Now that the pleasantries are out of the way,” she offered, clearly giving Felicia the opening she needed.

  Felicia was starting to regret her sister’s interference and the offer she’d originally made to join her on this excursion.

  “Yes, please allow me to show you to your table.” Griffin reached for Felicia’s hand again, gifting her with a sexy smile, and squeezing it slightly, a move that erased every thought from her mind at that moment. “Maybe later, after I’m done with all the speeches and whatnot, we can meet for a drink...catch up on things. Are you staying at the hotel?” His eyes widened slightly and his tone rose an octave.

  The untapped woman inside the brilliant, closed-off doctor was ready to accept when she noticed the ring box he still held in his left hand; all of those pleasant feelings came to a complete halt. It was like being hit in the face with a bucket of ice water. Felicia extracted her hand and took a step back. Griffin’s nearness and whatever siren-calling cologne he wore were making her dizzy.

  “That would be great,” she admitted. If you weren’t about to get engaged. “But the truth is, I’ve been trying to reach you about an urgent matter that we need to discuss. When we heard and saw your father leave you alone, I figured now was the time, especially since my calls and emails—”

  “And flowers, let’s not forget those damn flowers,” Farrah added, garnering an angry glare from Felicia—one she ignored. Clearly, Farrah was enjoying how things were starting to unfold; she tapped her index finger on her clutch as a reminder that she had the necessary paperwork and was prepared to take over if need be.

  Griffin’s glare bounced between the sisters. “What calls? What emails? I certainly never saw any flowers you might have sent.”

  “Not might. Did send,” Farrah stressed and her irritation didn’t go unnoticed by Griffin, who frowned.

  “My apologies. Did send,” he amended. “However, I never received anything from you, Felicia.” Griffin’s eyes hardened and his smile disappeared. “I would’ve called you back. In fact...” he stated, breaking eye contact.

  “In fact what?” Felicia asked barely above a whisper.

  “I’ve often wondered how you were, where you were at any given time. I’ve followed your career...your accomplishments. I know you work for our government,” he explained, his smile returning as he put the ring box in his jacket pocket.

  Felicia’s heart flipped until the next words fell from his beautiful lips. “A research scientist for the CIA...impressive. That must be very fascinating and fulfilling work. I’d love to hear more about it sometime. That is, if you don’t have to kill me,” he said, offering up a small laugh.

  Her heart sank. It was just like old times. Griffin was more interested in the work and not her. Get a grip, girl. The man’s about to get engaged. Skip to the point.

  “That would be nice, and at some point I’m sure we’ll catch up on our work. However, the reason I’ve been trying to reach you is of a more personal nature.”

  “All the more reason we should find time to meet later tonight,” he insisted. “So...are you? Staying here at the hotel?”

  “No, we’re staying at the Four Seasons, but—”

  “That’s great.” Griffin checked his watch. “I better get out there before my mother sends out the National Guard, and that’s not an exaggeration. Their chief is an invited guest. Let’s meet in their main bar...say, ten thirty?”

  “Well...” Felicia bit her bottom lip and glanced over at her sister.

  “Great. What’s the topic of this important personal discussion, anyway?” Griffin asked, moving toward the door and adjusting his pocket handkerchief.

  Felicia looked over at Farrah, who offered her a supportive nod. She turned back to Griffin. “Alyia Blake Kaile Washington, your daughter. Our daughter, actually.”

  Griffin froze and flinched under the power of those words. A shadow of disbelief and shock flittered across his face.

  So much for not ripping the bandage off.

  * * *

  Griffin slowly turned to face Felicia, knowing he must have misunderstood the last words that slipped from her beautifully inviting lips. As many times that he’d dreamed about taking Felicia to bed, he most certainly would have remembered if he actually had.

  “Run that by me one more time.”

  “Alyia Blake Kaile Washington,” she said. “Our daughter. Let me explain.”

  All this time he had envisioned her to be brilliant, strong and adventurous; not once did it cross his mind that she was mentally imbalanced.

  “Felicia, we both know that’s not possible.” Griffin’s voice had taken on a harsh tone that had Farrah sitting up in her seat.

  “Actually...” Farrah started to explain when both Griffin and Felicia shot her a look that clearly meant she should stop speaking.

  “I’ll handle this,” Felicia stated, holding up her right hand.

  “Yes, someone handle it.” Griffin stood staring down at Felicia.

  A more subdued Felicia matched Griffin’s stance. “Look, Griffin, I realize this comes as a shock.”

  “Shock! Not even close. It’s impossible.” Griffin shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out and either strangling Felicia for coming to try to run some type of game on him, tonight of all nights, or kissing her senseless because he still wanted her so damn bad.

  “It’s not, actually.”

  “Yes, it is. You and I have never had sex of any kind...ever.”

  Felicia’s eyes drifted downward and she slowly shook her head. Griffin thought he’d cleared whatever fog she was dealing with or simply stopped her game in its tracks. “Now, this has been...interesting, but I have an event to attend. Under the circumstances, I think it would be best if you didn’t stay. Of course, I can’t make you leave, but I’d appreciate it—”

  “Wait just one damn minute,” Farrah demanded, coming to stand near them.

  Felicia tightened her grip. “I got this, Farrah.”

  “Then get it before I do.”

  What’s with these two? “Look, I’m not sure what you two are after or if you’re just delusional, Felicia, but I don’t have time for this foolishness.”

  “Delusional? My sister is a brilliant physician,” Farrah declared, her tone hard and hostile.

  “I know a lot of brilliant but delusional physicians,” Griffin countered, giving her glare measure for measure.

  Felicia gifted Griffin with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. He noticed Felicia using her free hand to squeeze her sister’s forearm. “I’m not after anything, Griffin. And I’m sure you do think I’m crazy, but I promise you that I’m not. If you let me explain, you’d understand. However, there is one thing that I do need.”

  Griffin’s shoulders dropped and his expression shifted from annoyance to mocking. “Here we go. How much?”

  “Money? You think she’s after your money?” Farrah bellowed. “So much for you keeping up with her life. Besides working for the CIA, you do realize she’s an heir to our family’s multibillion-dollar company, right?” She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “You might want to look us up.”

  “Farrah,” Felicia admonished.

  “Then what is it that you need?” he asked, his arms folded across his wide chest.

  Felicia raised her chin, meeting his glare. “Your medical history. For Alyia—”

  “Not that again,” Griffin grumbled. “How far are you going to take this?”

  Felicia heaved a sigh and dropped her sister’s arm. “Give it to him,” she told Farrah.

  Farrah reached into her long, crystal-covered purse and pulled out a white envelope and a business card. “Here’s the letter from Valerie Washington’s attorney, along with a copy of the DNA results, as well as my card. As Felicia explained earlier, I’m not only her sister, I’m her attorney. Have yours call me...soon!”

  Griffin’s eyes widened slightly, a move that Felicia hadn’t missed. “Valerie Washington...what does she have to do with any of this?”

  “Read the letter. It explains everything,” Felicia said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Well, enough of it, anyway.”

  Griffin accepted the card and envelope from Farrah while keeping his eyes on Felicia. The lone tear that fell from her beautiful face told him that somehow she actually believed this ridiculous story was true. Not only was Griffin sure that he and Felicia had never had sex, he was just as sure he’d never touched Valerie Washington...

  They seemed harmless enough, but maybe he should be calling security to remove them from the premises.

  Farrah grabbed Felicia’s hand and pulled her toward the door.

  Felicia stopped long enough to say, “Sorry about all of this. I know the timing sucks. Congratulations on your engagement. I wish you nothing but the best.”

  “My engagement?” Griffin’s hand flew to the pocket of his jacket. Before he could respond, the sisters were through the door, down the hall and heading for the exit. Griffin stood in the doorway and watched their retreat.

  What the hell just happened?

  Chapter 9

  “There you are,” Griffin heard Jia call from behind.

  He turned to face her, his expression tight. “Your parents are freaking out. Everyone’s asking for you and it’s almost time for your speech.”

  “Yes, of course,” he said, glancing down at the envelope and card he still held.

  “What’s that?” Jia asked, offering up a megawatt smile.

  Griffin quickly folded the envelope and placed it and the card in the inside pocket of his jacket. “Nothing that can’t wait.”

  “You sure?” she asked, straightening his tie. “You look upset. Did something happen?”

  “Nothing I want to talk about right now, anyway.” He planted a quick kiss on her cheek, a move that suddenly didn’t feel right. Griffin took Jia by the elbow and guided her toward the ballroom but not before glancing over his shoulder in the direction Felicia had vanished.

  Jia stopped Griffin before they made it to the ballroom doors. “Look, I don’t want you to do anything tonight or ever, until you’re absolutely ready.” Jia smoothed out the lapels on his jacket. “I know your mother is only doing what she thinks is best. However, this is our life and we have to do what’s best for us and the family I hope to share with you one day.”

  Griffin’s hand seemed to move to his pocket on its own accord and he smiled. “I appreciate you saying that, but I know exactly what I have to do. We’ll talk after my speech.”

  Jia’s face lit up with excitement and she gave a breathy, “Of course.”

  Griffin knew that if what Felicia claimed was even remotely possible, his life would change completely.

  How much was yet to be determined.

  * * *

  Felicia slid the black security key card down the door’s lock for the third time, only to be hit with another blinking red light. “Dammit!”

  “Just knock. Ms. Ellen will let us in,” Farrah said, leaning against the wall in the small circular foyer.

  “I don’t want to wake Alyia. And, besides, where’s your key?” she said, sliding the card again to no avail.

  “I left it on the dresser. May I?” Farrah asked, reaching for the card.

  “Fine!” Felicia huffed, releasing a frustrated sigh but complying all the same.

  Farrah took the card, swiped it and smiled when the green light appeared. She opened the door and stood aside to let her sister enter. “The younger, more irritated sister...” she began in a taunting tone that matched one of a news reporter. Then she waved her hand, gesturing Felicia forward. “Before the wonderful sister,” Farrah added, laughing, walking over the threshold, sidestepping her sister’s playful nudge.

  Felicia moved through the living room and down the hall to a large, corner-bedroom suite. She slowly opened the door to a dimly lit room to find Ms. Ellen slowly rocking Alyia in a glider rocker, her eyes closed, humming a tune she didn’t recognize.

  “Ms. Ellen,” she whispered, noticing the smell of baby powder throughout the room.

  Ms. Ellen opened her eyes but continued to hum as she smiled. “You’re home early,” the dark-eyed, gray-haired beauty said, continuing to stroke the back of her young charge.

  “Things didn’t go exactly as planned.” Felicia took a seat in a small chair across from the glider. “Has she been sleeping long?”

  “Not at all. Care to take her?” she asked, leaning forward.

  “No... I mean, I don’t want to disturb her. I guess I just wanted to check on her.”

  “Of course you did,” Ms. Ellen said, smiling. “She’s your daughter.”

  “I guess I’m still trying to get used to the fact that I even have a daughter. Well, at least she will be.”

  “Honey, you know she’s already yours. All you have to do is look in her face whenever you’re near her. The way her eyes light she smiles and reaches for you. She’s your daughter. You may not have given birth to her, but she’s definitely your child. Even her eyes are similar to yours.”

  The corner of Felicia’s lips rose slightly. “Actually, those came from her father, although his are lighter.”

  “I bet they’re lovely.”

  “Yes, they are,” Felicia said, dropping her smile, remembering the hard glint in them when she’d left him tonight.

  “You sure you don’t want to hold her before I put her down?” Ms. Ellen asked, brushing her hand across Alyia’s hair.

  “No. I think I’ll just go get out of this ridiculous outfit and get ready to call it a night.” Felicia stood and smoothed out her dress. “Do you have everything you need?” she inquired, glancing around the room full of stuffed animals and the so
ft toys littering the floor between the daybed-style crib and Ms. Ellen’s queen-size bed. There was more than enough entertainment to keep a nine-month-old busy.

  “Oh, yes, my dear. I’ll put this little one down and watch one of my movies on that nice iPad you gave me, before calling it a night myself.”

  “Well, thanks again. For everything. I really don’t think I could’ve handled this adjustment alone.”

  She smiled. “Child, you’re not alone. Between your family and me, you’re already several steps ahead of the game. The way you’ve handled this whole thing has been commendable.”

  Felicia offered the older woman a tight smile before reaching down and kissing Alyia on the crown of her head. “Good night.”

  Felicia made her way across the hall to her own bedroom suite, which was illuminated by the lights of the city as the floor-to-ceiling drapes had been left open. The big inviting king-size bed had been turned down and the hotel’s complimentary bathrobe was placed across the bottom of the bed. Felicia tossed her purse on the bed and went to stand in front of the window. “Commendable...right.”

  Felicia couldn’t think of one commendable thing about this whole mess, especially how she’d handled things with Griffin.

  * * *

  After seeing a disappointed Jia back to her place after the party, Griffin made his way home. He sat back in his favorite chair in front of his bedroom’s fireplace, nursing a glass of twenty-year-old single-malt Scotch whiskey. He hated hurting Jia, but even before Felicia’s visit, Griffin knew he couldn’t marry her.

  Griffin knew he should feel a sense of, even, but that was the furthest thing from his mind. He had done what he’d set out to do—raise two million dollars for the hospital’s children’s cardiac wing. Unfortunately the only thing he’d been able to think about was Felicia and what had now turned out to be her much-founded charges.

  Griffin reread the one line in the DNA report that stood out and would change his life forever. “‘There is a 99.9% certainty that donor G00088987K, aka Griffin Kaile Jr., is the biological father of baby girl Alyia Blake Kaile Washington,’” he read out loud. It was as if hearing himself speak the words would make the reality of the situation sink in. The fact that Valerie explained how she used Griffin’s sperm donation to confirm paternity didn’t make this news any easier to swallow. Griffin took another sip of his drink before allowing his mind to travel back to the day he’d made a decision that was now taking a different and unexpected direction.


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