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Tempting the Heiress

Page 7

by Martha Kennerson

  * * *

  “I think this is a lovely thing that you and your friends are doing. Not many young people would make such a wonderful sacrifice,” the older nurse explained.

  “Thank you, Nurse Tina,” Griffin replied, reading her name tag. “We’re doctors in training. We know how important it is to help people in need and to look out for our futures. Cancer can destroy the body, but it doesn’t have to destroy one’s spirit. If you can offer a solution, I think you should. That’s all we’re doing.” Griffin made his passion clear.

  “That’s very noble,” she said on a small laugh. “Although a couple of your friends are here for the money. They make donations a lot.”

  Griffin smirked and shook her head. “I’m not surprised.”

  “Well, Mr. Kaile. All of your paperwork seems to be in order,” Nurse Tina said, closing the file and reaching for a specimen kit. “You ready?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Room C is available.” Tina walked him to the door. “There are magazines and movies in there if you need help,” she explained.

  “Thank you. I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” Griffin walked into the room and closed the door.

  * * *

  Griffin took a deep breath, releasing it slowly before taking another sip of his drink. He pushed the past out of his mind and shook his head. Griffin pulled out his phone and dialed his friend and personal lawyer, Cooper Johnson, for some much needed advice.

  “Griffin, do you know what time it is?” Cooper asked.

  “It’s time for you to start earning that big fat retainer of yours,” Griffin responded.

  Cooper laughed. “Dude, didn’t I just leave you at your event where I also gave you a big fat check?”

  “Are you sober? Because I need some advice.”

  “Of course. What’s going on?” Cooper’s tone instantly turned serious.

  “You’re not going to believe this.” Griffin spent the next forty-five minutes bringing Cooper up to speed on everything he knew about what Valerie had done and Felicia’s role as he understood it so far.

  “I’ll swing by your place in the morning and pick up a copy of the letter and report, but if all this is true, you should be on solid legal ground with whatever you decide to do,” Cooper assured him confidently. “Everything I told you when you explained what you did back in the day still stands. I have all your original paperwork from that decision with your will.”


  “Should I even try and convince you to stay away from Felicia until you hear back from me? You are paying me a big fat retainer for this advice,” Cooper said sarcastically.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Griffin ended the call.

  Looks like Felicia and I will have a future together after all. Too bad it’s not in the way I hoped. “Damn you, Valerie. How could you do such a thing?”

  Chapter 10

  “Felicia,” Farrah called out as she entered her sister’s bedroom, drying her hair with a thick, thirsty towel. She had changed into a pair of white leggings and a long, white T-shirt. Felicia’s glassy eyes met her sister’s gaze and offered her a small, tight smile.

  “Honey, you okay?”

  When no answer was forthcoming, Farrah tossed her towel across the bed, allowing her long hair to hang down her back as she made her way across the room.

  “No. No, I’m not,” she cried, throwing herself into her sister’s arms.

  “Oh, Felicia,” she whispered, walking her sister to her bed where they both sat in silence for several minutes. “You’re not still upset about Griffin, are you?”

  “Maybe,” she murmured then nodded, her head now resting on her sister’s shoulders. “This whole thing is a mess and Alyia’s caught in the middle of it.”

  “Baby sis, it really isn’t, and my beautiful niece is just fine. Griffin will come around, share his medical history and sign off on you having sole custody, just like you want. He doesn’t have the time or the desire for a baby, especially an unplanned, basically stolen baby, at that. He did donate his sperm, after all. Anyway, he has what’s-her-name whenever he is ready for a family.”

  Felicia sat up and took a deep breath. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand. “I hope you’re right. Although—”

  “No, you don’t. You tried the nice approach and he shut you down.”

  “Come on, Farrah. Griffin has every right to be shocked. Hell, I’m still in shock and I’ve had a few weeks to deal with it.”

  “Shocked, not rude.” Farrah reached over and switched on the light sitting on the nightstand. “That’s better. Look, I know you still have a thing for Griffin, and deep down in that ungrazed and inexperienced heart of yours, you’re hoping things might work out somehow between you two.”

  Felicia sat straighter. “Don’t be ridiculous. This isn’t about some schoolgirl crush I had a million years ago. We’re talking about a child.”

  “Yes, one we’re both pretty sure he won’t want,” Farrah declared.

  “You don’t know that, and it’s not fair to make that assumption based on a knee-jerk reaction,” Felicia acknowledged, pulling some of her clothes from the dresser drawer.

  Farrah lay across her sister’s bed, resting her face on her left hand. “Whatever you say, sugarplum princess. Let’s just wait for his response or the response from his attorney, which is more likely.”

  Felicia shook her head. “I’m going to go take a shower so I can get in the bed. Alyia will be up before you know it.”

  Farrah flicked a glance at a digital clock. “It’s not even ten yet. Besides, Ms. Ellen will have Alyia.”

  “How can I learn to be her mother if I’m not watching and learning how to take care of her? Most women have nine months to prepare, but I didn’t get to do any of that. In all those books I’ve read about becoming a mother to an adoptive child, my so-called maternal instincts should have fully kicked in by now, but they haven’t yet.”

  “What are you talking about? You’re great with Alyia.” Farrah ran her hand through her hair. “And Ms. Ellen’s got your back. She’s doing a great job. At least Valerie did something right.”

  “I know, but I’m her mother. At least I’m trying to be,” she whispered. “By the way, don’t you have a husband to call?”

  “What do you think I was doing before I came to check on you?”

  “Showering.” Her eyes zeroed in on Farrah’s damp hair.

  Farrah presented her sister with a wicked smile and made her eyebrows dance. “Why do you think I needed a shower after talking to my sexy husband?” she said, laughing so hard that she almost rolled onto the floor.

  “Get your crazy, still-wet-hair-having butt off my bed,” Felicia demanded, trying but failing to hide her amusement. “And go to your room.”

  Farrah stood. “Don’t hate. Seriously, are you going to be all right?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just been an emotional day.”

  Farrah kissed her sister on the cheek. “Well, I’m here if you need me. Night-night.”


  * * *

  Felicia woke to the smell of fresh roasted coffee wafting through the suite and the animated sounds of a Saturday morning cartoon coming from a television. She pulled herself out of bed, gathered up her things and headed to the bathroom. Me still having a thing for Griffin after everything that’s happened...don’t be ridiculous. So what if I am having nightly sex dreams about Griffin and fantasizing about us having a family together? That’s hormones and circumstance.

  Felicia showered, pulled her hair into a high ponytail and wrapped her body in her silk robe. She made it to the living room, where she spotted her sister sitting at the dining room table eating pancakes and eggs as she read the USA TODAY newspaper. Ms. Ellen was feeding a smiling Alyia, who
was sitting in a high chair, oatmeal smeared around the edges of her mouth.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Felicia said, pouring herself a big cup of coffee. She added two drops of cream before taking a seat next to Alyia. Their eyes met and Alyia started jumping in her chair and laughing. Felicia reached over and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, taking in the sweet smell of her shampoo. “How did she sleep?” she asked Ms. Ellen.

  “Like an angel, as usual. She woke up at eight on the dot. Like a clock, this one,” Ms. Ellen responded, brushing several long curls from Alyia’s face.

  “Felicia, that child needs a haircut bad,” Farrah offered, putting her newspaper aside.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Felicia said, brushing her hand through Alyia’s hair, removing it from her face. Alyia bent her head to the side and smiled as though welcoming her mother’s touch.

  They all laughed.

  Farrah’s eyes swerved from Felicia to Alyia. “I can’t get over how much she seems to look like you, even though you didn’t actually give birth to her.”

  Felicia smiled at her sister. “It’s all those dark curls.” She turned her attention to her daughter. “Are you done, my beautiful, messy girl?”

  Alyia threw her hands up and giggled, a clear indication that she wanted to be picked up. Felicia laughed, pulled out a wet wipe from the disposable package that sat on the bar and quickly wiped Alyia’s face. Alyia shook her head, sending black curls flying everywhere.

  Felicia freed Alyia from her high chair, held her close, inhaling her skin’s baby-powder-sweet smell before kissing her cheeks. “Such a sweet girl,” she murmured as she stood slowing rocking her in her arms. She adored her baby and was going to do everything in her power to keep her safe and happy.

  Maybe those instincts have kicked in, after all.

  “I’ll go clean this little one up and put on that cute little pink-and-yellow-flowered dress for the trip to the museum, if you don’t mind,” Ms. Ellen said, reaching for Alyia.

  “Not at all.” Felicia reluctantly handed over her baby.

  “Well, I better go get dressed myself. I have a quick meeting before we head back to Texas.”

  Farrah stood, tossed her napkin over her empty plate and picked up her newspaper. She had nearly caught up with Ms. Ellen when she stopped, looked over her shoulder and said, “I ordered you some breakfast a few minutes ago. They should—” There was a knock on the door. “Right on time,” Farrah said, continuing on to her bedroom.

  Felicia grabbed a pen from the bar so she could sign for her breakfast and opened the door. “Good—”

  “Good morning to you, too,” a baritone voice replied, its bearer smiling down at a wide-eyed Felicia who was using the door to keep herself upright. “We need to talk,” Griffin said, sending familiar waves of desire through Felicia’s body.

  Felicia had to blink a couple of times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Lord knows how many ways the man standing before her draped in a gray Givenchy suit had appeared in her erotic dreams last night.

  Chapter 11

  “Can I come in?” Griffin asked, standing with his hands in the pockets of his expertly tailored pants. His eyes swept over Felicia’s body. Griffin’s mouth curved up when Felicia tightened her robe, trying to hide her erect nipples, which were pressing against the silk robe.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked with a slight frown.

  “I told you, we need to talk. You drop a bombshell on me and you think that’s it? That I’d just let my attorney handle it?” he asked, trying to control his anger and the sudden flash of desire for the woman standing before him. “Can I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” Felicia stepped aside, allowing him access.

  Griffin crossed the threshold and entered the living room. His eyes scanned the room, landing on the empty high chair next to the table littered with dirty dishes. He angled to face Felicia. “Is the child here?” he asked, his tone slightly hard.

  “Yes, she’s here,” Felicia said with a disapproving set to her jaw.

  There was a knock on the door. “Expecting company?” he asked, and for some reason the words held a possessive edge he couldn’t explain.

  “Not that that’s any of your business, but I’m sure that’s my breakfast,” she said, moving past him to get to the door. Felicia signed the invoice and accepted the tray before turning her attention to Griffin. “Look—”

  “Don’t let me stop you. Please, eat. I can wait.” Griffin took a seat on the sofa and focused on the woman in front of him. He had always thought Felicia was exquisite, but this fresh-faced, confident, barefoot woman was a vision and wreaking havoc on his senses.

  “I don’t think—”

  Farrah entered the room adjusting her earrings. She’d changed into a gray pantsuit and her hair was pulled back into a tight bun. “Look, sis, if Griffin...” Farrah dropped her hands and stopped speaking at the sight of the man rising from his seat. “Well, well, look what the dog dug up,” she said, placing her right hand on her hip.

  “Farrah, please,” Felicia admonished, standing with her hands in her robe pockets.

  “Ms. Blake,” Griffin greeted.

  “Mrs. Gold, actually. I expected to hear from your attorney. What are you doing here?”

  What am I doing here? Is she serious? “I thought your sister and I should talk. Without attorneys being involved. No offense.” He raised his right hand.

  “Well, offense taken.”

  “Farrah, please...”

  “We’re all set for our trip to the children’s museum,” Ms. Ellen announced as she entered the room with a smiling Alyia who was holding a rattling toy.

  Griffin’s eyes zeroed in on the child. He felt like he’d just been hit in the chest.

  “Excuse me, I didn’t realize someone was here.” Ms. Ellen handed Felicia her phone. “It was playing that special work ringtone, so I thought you might need it.”

  The air in the room seemed to have been sucked out and Griffin was sure his face had lost some of its coloring. He watched as the happy child with eyes exactly like his own made her long black curls dance. She was bending her body from side to side, squirming in the woman’s arms. She clearly didn’t want to be held any longer. Griffin felt himself being pulled forward and he took a step toward the child, a move that didn’t go unnoticed.

  Farrah matched Griffin’s steps. “Ms. Ellen, can you take—”

  “No,” Felicia said, taking her eyes off her text message. “It’s all right, Farrah. Ms. Ellen, we need to delay our trip a bit. I’m still not even dressed and we’ve had a surprise visitor. Ms. Ellen, this is Griffin Kaile. Alyia’s father,” Felicia introduced.

  “Pleased to meet you,” she replied, giving him a wan smile.

  “And you...too. I mean, I’m pleased to meet you, as well,” he clarified, shaking his head.

  Ms. Ellen offered a small nod in return. “Why don’t I just put Baby Girl down in her playpen for a while?” she offered.

  “Great idea.” Felicia turned to Griffin. “Please have a seat. You and Ms. Ellen can keep an eye on Alyia while I change and deal with this call.”

  “Sure,” Griffin said, finally finding his voice and losing a little of his heart to his daughter. “No problem.”

  * * *

  Watching Griffin and Alyia together made her heart expand. Maybe we can... Stop it. He’s here about Alyia. Just stay in the moment. Let’s just find out what he wants. “Farrah, can I speak to you for a moment?” Felicia pulled Farrah down the hall and into her bedroom before she could answer. “Look, I know you mean well, but I’ve got everything under control.”

  “Sure you do,” Farrah said, standing with her weight on her right leg and her hands on her hips.

  Felicia went to her closet and snatched out a multicolored scoop-nec
ked shirt and a pair of tattered jeans. “This is something I think Griffin and I are going to have to work out ourselves,” she explained as she quickly changed out of her nightclothes and into the shirt and jeans.

  “I just think—”

  “I know what you think, but before we get lawyers involved I’d like—”

  “I know.” Farrah shook her head, grumbling, “You want to see if you two can come up with some type of agreement.”

  “That would be best for Alyia,” Felicia added.

  “Well, it’s nice to see our sisterly connection is back on point.” Farrah lowered her hands to her sides.

  “Look, you have a meeting to get to and I have a call to make, so go. I’ll be just fine.” Felicia dismissed her with a wave. “Don’t worry. I won’t sign off on anything.”

  Farrah gave her a hard glare then sighed. “All right, I’ll let you deal with the good doctor, but I won’t be long.” Farrah left her sister to finish getting dressed.

  Felicia sat on the edge of her bed and dialed a number that was all too familiar to her.

  “Good morning, Steven.”

  Steven Daniel was head of the CIA’s Office of Medical Services, which was responsible for tracking potential medical threats to the United States. He and his team worked in collaboration with a number of different agencies, including the World Health Organization, and he was Felicia’s boss.

  “Good morning, Felicia. I need—”

  “I know you need my answer, but I told you I need a little more time,” she said more sharply than she’d intended.

  “Stop trying to read my mind,” he replied, his voice slightly rising. “I’m not one of your sisters.”


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