Second Chance Guy

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Second Chance Guy Page 9

by Marsh, Nicola

  “You love him, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’m just tired of letting him know and getting it thrown back in my face.”

  “Have you actually told him? Used the exact words?”

  Lori shook her head. “It’s too soon. He’d run a million miles in the opposite direction.”

  “Like he already has?”

  “Touché.” Lori sighed and fiddled with the cutlery. “What do you think I should do? And I want some credible advice this time, not some stupid scheme.”

  Jane poked her tongue out though her eyes retained their sparkle. “If you’ve tried telling him in so many words, why don’t you show him?”

  “Wasn’t that what your last little scheme was about?”

  “I mean, really show him.” Jane reached for the salt and pepper shakers on the table, pushed them against one another and made strange puckering noises.

  “By using seasoning?” Lori tried to act puzzled and failed dismally as she laughed at her friend’s antics.

  “S.E.X.” Jane spelled it out as if it were the easiest thing in the world. “Actions louder than words?”

  “I’ve tried that,” Lori said, recalling the few times they’d kissed and wondering how much further they could’ve gone if he hadn’t pulled back each and every time.

  Jane shook her head. “No, you haven’t. He’s had an out each time you’ve tried. It’s time to confront him without giving him that option.”

  “But how? He’s not even here anymore.”

  “Simple. Go to Sydney for the weekend. I assume he’s left his contact details if you want to get in touch regarding Adam?”

  Lori stared at Jane as if she’d lost her mind. “You’re nuts. I have responsibilities.”

  Jane waved her hands around as if shooing away her protests. “I’ll look after your darling son for the weekend. Go. Do this. Make it happen.”

  And just like that, the tiny seed of an idea Jane planted took root and sprouted.

  “I still think you’re nuts,” Lori said, already mentally sorting her wardrobe and coming up with nothing remotely suggesting seduction.

  “You can thank me later.” Jane folded her arms, her mission complete. “Like after your wedding.”


  Flynn reclined in his chair, clasped his hands behind his head, and looked out over the sky-high view of Sydney, spread out like a glittering carpet forty levels below. One advantage of having money these days was the luxurious accommodation he could afford and he hadn’t tired of it yet. After his poor upbringing and frugal army life, anything else was pure indulgence.

  He sipped at his soda, thankful all that was in the past now. He could look forward to the future—with Lori and Adam—without qualms, without regrets. She’d been more than patient with him. In fact, she’d shown the patience of a saint and he doubted he would’ve been as understanding in her position.

  Sure, he’d given her hints how much she meant to him but after their last altercation before he left he’d had serious misgivings his luck had run out.

  Then on the way to the airport the call he’d been waiting for had finally come through from his commanding officer and his jaunt to Sydney to solve a training center problem had morphed into so much more…

  He had one more loose end to tie up and he could tell Lori the truth—and hope to God that she still wanted him enough to become his wife.

  The doorbell rang, surprising him out of his reverie. He glanced down at his boxers and hoped the turndown service would be satisfied with a quick brush off from behind the door.

  He padded across the suite, opened the door and peered around it, carefully shielding his lower half.


  He stared at Lori in disbelief. Maybe he was more tired than he thought and was hallucinating? She couldn’t be standing at his hotel door, dressed in black pants and a low-cut shimmery red top, carrying a small overnight bag and looking up at him with the solemnity of an orphan arriving on a foster family’s doorstep for the first time.

  “What are you doing here?”

  She hesitated before her defiant gaze met his. “I came to see you.” She hoisted her overnight bag higher and shook it in his direction, in case he didn’t get it. “To spend some one-on-one time with you.”

  O-kay. He didn’t understand her rationale for showing up but he wasn’t complaining. One-on-one time with the woman he loved sounded pretty damn fine now he was free to pursue a future.

  He hated seeing Pop in the last stages of dementia, confined to bed and almost comatose, but visiting him before his flight to Sydney had cemented his decision. Joining the army had been his way of giving back to Pop for walking away from the career he loved to raise him. He’d wanted to make Pop proud, to show him his sacrifices were appreciated and respected and the catalyst for Flynn’s career choice.

  But Pop didn’t know him anymore and his obligations were done. He’d paid his dues.

  Time to do what he wanted.

  “How did you get up here without a keycard?”

  She blushed. “I had your room number after you texted me the details in case I needed to get in touch with you about Adam, so I hung around the lobby ’til someone checked into a room on the fortieth floor, then followed them into the lift and let them swipe their card.”

  “Resourceful.” He smiled at this amazing woman, impressed by her audacity.

  “Crazy more like it.” She shifted her weight from side to side, as if uncertain about her reception. “Adam’s with Jane, in case you were wondering.”

  “How is he?”

  “Good.” She gnawed on her bottom lip, indecision clouding her eyes. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”


  He hesitated only a moment before opening the door wider. Wasn’t like she hadn’t seen it all before.

  Her eyebrows lifted a fraction as her gaze swept his body.

  “Nice boxers.”

  “I wasn’t expecting company.” He turned away and rummaged in the wardrobe for clothes, feeling foolish standing there in his black cotton underwear.

  Her hand on his shoulder stopped him.

  “Don’t get dressed on my account.”

  Her touch scorched his skin, the radiant heat from her palm branding him as hers.

  As he turned to face her, he wondered how a simple touch could say so much? Or was his libido taking control of his brain yet again when it came to her?

  “If I don’t put some clothes on in the next two seconds I won’t be responsible for my actions,” he said softly, his gaze never leaving hers for a second.

  Despite his best intentions, he wasn’t a saint. He’d waited too long for this moment and it felt like a frigging lifetime. He wanted her with an intensity that made his chest ache.

  “About time you ditched the rigid army act and lost control.” She dropped her bag on the floor and wrapped her hands around his neck.

  This time, Lori wouldn’t settle for anything less than the two of them pleasuring each other all night long.

  Thankfully, Flynn didn’t resist, and Lori plastered her body against his, knowing this time there’d be no turning back.

  As his lips met hers she ignited, desire ripping through her body at lightning speed. Her hands skimmed his arms, his chest, exploring every inch of skin she yearned for.

  His body jerked as she scraped her nails lightly down his back and he groaned, guiding her toward the bed before she knew it had happened.

  “One of us is way overdressed,” he murmured, fumbling with the buttons on her top as he nipped the tender flesh at the base of her throat.

  “Let me help.” She shucked out of her pants and kicked them away as he peeled her top off and tossed it on the floor.

  He stepped back, his gray eyes darkening to sable as his gaze traveled the length of her body, studying it in minute detail.

  “You’re more beautiful now than you were at eighteen,” he murmured, the reverence in his eyes staggering in its i

  “I’ve got stretch marks,” she blurted, unable to cope with his reconnaissance a moment longer.

  Her body blazed beneath his stare and if he didn’t assuage her need soon she’d melt on the spot.

  “Like I said, beautiful.” He knelt at her feet and placed a soft, open-mouthed kiss on her stomach, shredding the last of her inhibitions concerning the changes to her body following Adam’s birth.

  Her hands tangled in his hair as he went wild, lavishing her navel with mini kisses, licking and blowing on the skin around it until she thought she’d faint.

  “Love me,” she whispered, her body tightening as he continued his erotic exploration lower.

  And he did.

  Without holding back, Flynn ran his hands over her satiny skin, his mouth following a similar path, tasting every delicious inch of her. He didn’t know when they sank onto the bed, how he lost his boxers or how long it took.

  All he was aware of was the woman he’d loved forever pliant in his arms and urging him to make love to her.

  And though he’d like nothing better than to douse the flames that threatened to consume them both he wanted to take it slow, to prolong the exquisite agony of their mutual passion.

  They lay side by side, her eyes round as saucers in her face as she stared at him, the need he read there matching his own.

  “Now, Flynn.”

  “Patience, sweetheart.” He ran a finger down her body, starting at her neck, circling her breasts, across her abdomen and stopping short of where he so desperately wanted to be.

  His hand splayed against her skin, stroked the curve of her waist, the roundness of her butt, as she arched toward him and trembled under his hand. She made small, sexy sounds that begged for more, and he gritted his teeth against the urge to take her quickly.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long,” he said, enveloping her in his arms, their bodies plastered against one other the entire length.

  “I’ve wanted you longer,” she whispered, raining a smattering of light kisses across his chest.

  Flynn buried his face in her hair, inhaled her unique fragrance and silently thanked God he’d come home.

  * * *

  Lori opened her eyes, stretched and looked around the room, slightly disoriented. It took a moment to recognize her surroundings, another before her well-kissed lips eased into the grin of a well-satisfied woman.

  It wasn’t the surroundings that brought a smile to her face as much as the room’s occupant and what he’d done to her last night.

  Correction, what they’d done to each other last night. Repeatedly.

  She glanced across at the empty space beside her and wondered where Flynn had disappeared. She couldn’t hear the shower and experienced a fleeting panic. What if he regretted last night?

  Hating her insecurities despite what had happened between them, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and clutched the sheet to her chest. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to disturb her? Maybe he still took an early morning walk like he used to?

  However, the longer she sat there, a whole host of maybes and what ifs popped into her head, each one hammering a nail in her heart.

  Resisting the urge to pummel her pillow she ditched the sheet, grabbed her overnight bag and headed for the shower. She needed to present a fresh, confident image when he returned because Lord knew she was a quivering mess inside. Now they’d cemented their relationship she needed to know exactly where things stood between them.

  No more word games, no more holding her at arm’s length. Flynn wasn’t that good an actor and he’d shown his true feelings last night. Now all she wanted was to hear it from him in the cold light of day and she’d be the happiest woman on the planet.

  Humming a soppy love song, she showered and dressed in record time, eager to face Flynn and their future together. Had a nice ring to it: together.

  Heat flushed her cheeks as she picked the clothes she’d worn last night off the floor. Her body still tingled at the recollection of his hands, his mouth and the consummated skill with which he’d wielded both, leaving her sated beyond her wildest dreams. To think, she could look forward to that every day for the rest of her life.

  She sank onto the bed and covered her burning cheeks with her hands, reminding herself to thank Jane for her gentle shove in the right direction. Her friend had been right. Why sit around moping and waiting for a guy to come to his senses when she could grab him with both hands, so to speak?

  She’d never done anything remotely daring in her life yet the last few weeks with Flynn had her doing some crazy things, all in the effort to win him over. Now that she had, maybe her life as the staid schoolteacher and respectable mother could return to normal.

  Who was she trying to kid? Her life would never be staid or normal ever again. And she could kiss the man responsible for it.

  “Good morning.” Flynn stepped into the room and her heart thudded at the sight of him.

  While she hated that uniform and all it stood for—potential loss and loneliness and devastation—she had to admit it made him look irresistibly lethal.

  “It’s a great morning.” She beamed like a moron but couldn’t help it. She’d never been any good at hiding her feelings and this morning proved to be no exception. Especially this morning.

  “Would you like breakfast?” He glanced around the room as if searching for something. “I’ll find the menu and ring room service if you like.”

  Her smile waned.

  Don’t panic. He’s probably feeling as awkward as you are and doesn’t know how to broach the subject of what happens from here.

  “Are you going to join me?”

  “Sorry, can’t stay. Meeting with my CO.”

  Of course a meeting with his commanding officer would be more important than her. The army had always come first and always would. How foolish she’d been in thinking just because they’d finally reconnected on a deeper level last night that it meant anything.

  “I would’ve rescheduled but this meeting needs to happen today.” He rummaged around in the wardrobe, threw a few items of clothing into a duffel bag and zipped it.

  So much for gazing into her eyes and professing his undying love.

  So much for happily ever after.

  She’d always been a sucker for fairy tales and it looked like her Prince Charming had turned into a toad.

  “Fine,” she said, though it wasn’t. Not by a long shot.

  He slung the duffel over his shoulder and finally looked at her, the tenderness in his gaze snatching her breath. “About last night—”

  “Let’s not get into it right now.” She held up her hand, wishing he’d leave so she could break down in private. “I can see you have places to be.”

  A tiny frown of concern creased his brow. “I hate to rush off but have no idea how long this meeting will take. Why don’t you order breakfast, take your time and leave when you’re ready?”

  The splinter in her heart drove in deeper, opening a fissure long healed. “So I won’t see you ’til we’re back in Melbourne?”

  “Uh-huh.” He glanced at his watch, his brusqueness at complete odds with the attentive lover a few hours earlier.

  “Well then, don’t let me keep you.” She hated how churlish she sounded, when he’d done nothing but revert to type. She was the stupid one for reading more into their encounter. Like he might actually give a damn.



  “Last night was incredibly special. Don’t second guess yourself.” He slanted a lingering kiss on her lips and tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. “We’ll talk when I get back, promise. Take care of yourself and Adam.”

  She almost said, “don’t make promises you can’t keep,” but he’d already walked out, leaving her alone, the way she’d always been.

  * * *

  Flynn would’ve loved to stick around earlier that morning and plan his future with Lori.

  She’d shocked him by showing up at his room
last night but the minute she’d set foot inside he’d known they’d reached the turning point.

  Rather than push her away until every last loose end was tied up in his life—like he’d planned—he’d succumbed, unable to resist her. The sex had been incredible, so much more fulfilling than the experience they’d shared before. Lori the young girl had been lovely; Lori the woman was incomparable.

  She’d captured his heart over a decade earlier and though he’d done his damnedest to break it, here he was, falling in love with her all over again and grateful for the opportunity.

  However, he couldn’t tell her the whole truth until he completed his business here in Sydney. Yesterday, he’d taken care of training center business. And he’d made peace with Pop, even if the old guy hadn’t comprehended half the stuff he’d said. It annoyed him, that he’d left it so late when Pop couldn’t understand. Flynn should’ve confronted his demons many years ago, when he’d jumped through metaphorical hoops to thank the guy for giving up his life to raise him, rather than articulating his gratitude, as he should’ve.

  Flynn couldn’t remember his mom much beyond pictures Pop had secreted away, couldn’t remember much before Pop had taken him in at three years of age. But he did remember growing up with an angry, bitter man who ran his home like an army camp. He remembered tiptoeing around Pop, learning to read his moods, striving for good grades to impress him.

  Pop hadn’t been cruel but growing up in an emotionless environment had taken its toll. Ironic, following Pop’s footsteps in the army had been about gratitude and obligation initially, but the brusque surroundings had suited him too.

  He’d held Pop’s hand yesterday and told him all of it. About why he’d joined, how the army became his family, how he now had a son of his own. And he’d thanked the man who’d taken him in, who’d sacrificed the only life he knew, to care for an orphaned boy.

  It had been cathartic, releasing years of repressed resentment. Pop may not have responded, and never would, but it had allowed him to take a giant step forward toward his future.


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