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Everything for Her

Page 25

by Alexa Riley

  “And you didn’t stop to think about what I want? Oz, I’ve told you I need you to respect my space when it comes to my career. I know you’re the one who gave me the scholarship, but I worked my ass off for my grades. I know what I earned, and I don’t want that taken from me so you can give me some fluffed-up desk job so that I’m closer to you. This is bullshit.”

  I actually stomp my foot on the last word, but I don’t care. I may sound like an ungrateful brat, but he can’t push me around like this. He told me he wouldn’t do the very thing he’s doing.

  Oz puts his hands in his pockets like he’s trying very hard not to grab me, probably knowing I’ll pull back from him. He hates it when I do that.

  “I understand how this might look, but I promise you, I’ve got a plan and I need your help with it. I had the office up here converted months ago, but I’ve been unable to hire the right person for the job. Then I saw the production rate that you and Skyler were working at and I think you’d be perfect for this position.”

  He’s taken some of the wind out of my sails at his statement. Now I’m interested, but I don’t want to give up my stance.

  “Couldn’t we have done this job from the floor we were already on?” I snap, a little sharper than I intend to.

  “Actually, no.” His voice is smug, and he’s acting as if he’s won this round. “The project will require you both to work with me and my admin closely. Whoever I hire for the position will have this office, no matter if it’s you and Skyler or someone else. I think you both could do this project a lot of good. I want someone I can trust.”

  I let my arms fall down to my sides, interested in where this is going, even if I’m still a little pissed. Oz is like a steamroller, and way too good at making me give in to what he wants. But if there’s a real chance for a real job and not an internship, then I’m very interested.

  He reaches out, grabbing my hand and pulling me from the office and back toward him. Jay jumps up from her chair as we approach.

  “Coffee, sir?” she asks, and Oz shakes his head.

  “No one in,” he tells her as he pulls me into his office, sealing us in. The sound of the lock turning echoes in the room.

  “What are you doing?” I try to pull my hand from his, but he grips me by the hips, lifting me up and carrying me over to the sofa next to his desk. He sits down with me straddling him. I try to move, but he tightens his hold. The action both turns me on and pisses me off. My body reacts to him like it always does when he becomes controlling.

  “As was discussed at our private lunch yesterday, I found out that my inheritance came at a price. And though I’ve made that money back a hundredfold, I don’t like knowing that it began from something...” He pauses as if trying to think of the best word. “Unsavory.”

  I nod, understanding. I wouldn’t want to have anything of mine tied to someone I despised. But I can’t help but wonder how ill-gotten the money was. What horrible things had to take place to earn it?

  “For a long time I sought revenge, and though a part of me still hates him, I think my energy is better spent taking care of those I love.”

  My stomach does a little flip at his words. The idea that maybe I’ve made him want to put his focus somewhere else warms me.

  “I’ve decided to invest a large portion of my money in philanthropic projects. I need two people I can trust to sort out who’s in need of money and where it should go. I’ve seen what you and Skyler can do with numbers, and I trust you with everything I have, Mallory. I’d like for you to head this project and help me do some good with everything that I’ve been given.”

  “You want us to run your company’s charities?” My mind suddenly races with ideas.

  “Yes. I think between you and Skyler, you could do a lot of good and make sure the money goes to all the right places. I want to really make a difference in children’s lives. Ones who maybe don’t have a support system to help them along the way.”

  “Like me,” I say, looking into his eyes.

  “Like you,” he confirms. “I hate my father, but I wonder if I would’ve found you without him. And that’s something I can’t hate him for. So instead of investing all my energy in revenge, I want to invest some of it in something good. Giving back what was given to me.”

  His words are sweet, and I want this. Badly. I look away from him, not sure what to say. He eases his grip on my hips and turns my face to make me look at him.

  “Oz.” I lean into his hand as he cups my cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth. “You have to talk to me. Not run me over with what you want.”

  “I know,” he says. I can hear a trace of guilt in the two simple words. “I’m trying. I want what’s best for you, and I’d be lying if that also didn’t include you being as close to me as possible. But I promise I’m trying.” His hand slips around to my back and he pushes me closer to him. “I could have moved your apartment stuff like I did the office.” He half smiles, but I roll my eyes, biting the inside of my cheek. “See? I’m trying.”

  I have an inner battle going on inside me. Part of me wants to stand on my own two feet, and the other part wants to fall into Oz. I want to enjoy being taken care of for once in my life. I don’t even know why I’m fighting for control with him, when deep down I like the idea of letting him take over. That really the struggle isn’t for control, it’s the fear of losing him. I’m afraid to enjoy something that could be taken away from me. I should know better than anyone how possible that is. I might not remember my parents, but I’ve seen pictures and have photo albums tucked away in my closet at home. We look happy in them. Like a normal family. Then poof, they were gone. Knowing how perfect things could be with Oz makes me so happy and so scared at the same time.

  “I’m being serious,” I scold, but find myself wiggling against him.

  “I am, too, sweetheart. I’ll work better with you close. The security on this floor is the best in the building.” His hand moves to my belly and slides along it. I know what he’s thinking. He’s been doing this since we spoke about the possibility of my being pregnant. “I need you close.”

  Then his fingers find the edge of my loose dress, sliding up my thighs and around to my ass. “When I know you’re near, I can breathe better. As crazy as that sounds.”

  His sweet and powerful words are my undoing. I only move in a little and he’s on me, flipping me over onto my back and coming down over me. His mouth covers mine in a devouring, intense kiss as he works his hand between us. It only takes him a moment before he’s sliding my panties to the side and filling me with himself.

  I moan into his mouth as he thrusts into me hard. Each plunge jerks me against him. His strokes are deep and long, and he takes me as if he hasn’t had me in days. As if we didn’t make love an hour ago.

  “Fuck, I get so hard when I make you mine,” he grunts, pulling away from my mouth. “When I know you’re sinking into me a little more. Day by day. Bit by bit. Letting me have you.” His mouth goes to my neck, and I lean to the side to give him what he wants.

  He uses one hand to brace himself over me, the other holding my hip to keep me in place for his hard thrusts.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you. Get close enough. I keep thinking if I have more, some of this obsession will cool. But I think it’s only growing,” he rasps in my ear. I clench around him at his words, getting off on being his obsession.

  “You like it, don’t you? Knowing how fucking crazy I am for you. That I can’t breathe without you.”

  “Yes,” I admit. The word falls past my lips before I realize it. I didn’t mean to say it out loud.

  “I love you.” He says the words, and it sparks my orgasm, sending me over. I feel his release deep inside me, and the warmth of him and his love fills me.

  “I love you, too,” I say, not trying to hold back anymore. I don’t want to fight this.
I don’t care how crazy everything is. I’m only complete when I’m with him. Like I’m finally whole. If Oz wants to consume me, I think I might let him.

  He jerks against me. “Say it again.”

  “I love you.” It comes so easily from my lips because it feels right. Perfect.

  He nuzzles against me, and I don’t know how long we lie there, but he gets hard again.

  “Oz.” I wiggle beneath him, knowing I should get back to my desk and figure out what I need to be doing.

  He slips free from me, moaning as he does. The mixture of our passion coats my thighs as my panties slide back into place. His hand runs along them, then cups my pussy before pulling my dress back down to cover me.

  I watch him as he rights his own clothes, tucking his still-hard cock back into his slacks, then straightening his shirt and tie. The sight has me wanting to pull him back on top of me. He looks like he had hard, rough sex in a hurry, which I guess he did. I like the idea that it was me who gave him that look.

  “You keep looking at me like that and you’re never getting out of here.” He stares down at me with that familiar hungry expression. I giggle and jump up, looking down to make sure my dress is in place and I don’t look like I had sex in his office.

  I move toward the door, but he grabs me by the wrist, pulling me back to him. Then he plants a kiss on my mouth that knocks the wind out of me. I don’t know how he does it, but with each kiss it’s like he’s devouring me, but doing so with infinitely soft sweetness.

  All too soon he’s pulling away.

  “Go, or we’ll be back on the couch.” I hear the locks click on the door, and I make my escape, heading back to my new office, where Skyler is once again typing away on the computer at her desk. Her head pops up when she hears me enter.

  “I’ve got so many ideas!” she says, popping up from her chair as I make my way over to my new desk and sit down. I have to admit it’s nice not being in a cubicle anymore. The first thing I notice is a picture of Oz and me on my desk. It’s from the weekend. I’m lying in bed, half-asleep on his chest. I don’t even remember him taking it. It makes me smile that he thought to do something so adorable, and I wonder if he has one on his desk, too.

  I open my top drawer to see if I have a notepad, but slam it shut when Skyler leans up against my desk. Oh, God, I hope she didn’t see what was inside—a freaking copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting! She cocks her head to the side, clearly knowing I was trying to hide something.

  Then she glances at my desk and picks up the framed picture. She studies it for a moment.

  “People are whispering,” she says, putting the picture back down. “I think it’s better we’re up here, even without the kick-ass project.”

  I groan, thinking about the office gossip, but it is what it is. Our relationship was bound to come out sooner or later.

  “How bad is it?” I ask, unable to help myself.

  “The gossip’s not really about you. More about Miles,” she admits, piquing my interest. “Guess the word is Mr. Osbourne doesn’t date. Like, ever.”

  I think back to all the times Oz has whispered to me how long he’s waited for me. That there has never been anyone since the moment he saw me. If that were the case, then I could see people saying that.

  “And how he is with you. Or what people have caught anyway.” She drops her eyes, like she doesn’t want to say the next part too loud. “He’s always been kind of cold and never even cracked a smile. Now he’s walking around dreamy-eyed.”

  “He is not.” I laugh. I’m not sure I’d call Oz’s eyes dreamy. Intense, sure. Okay, maybe they’re soft and sweet a lot, but I like the idea that I’m the one getting that from him. That I’m the only one who can do it. The thought makes my stomach flutter for the millionth time today.

  Skyler shrugs. “Yeah, he seems more caveman to me, but I’ve also seen him punch a guy over you, so my view may be skewed.” She glances around the office. “An awesome caveman, though.” She whispers the last part like Oz might hear her. She really wants to keep this office.

  “What do you have?” I nod toward the papers in her hands.

  “I’m thinking bigger than donations and events. With the budget we’ve got, we can afford to.” She drops the papers in front of me. “We can make a big difference, Mallory.” I look down at them.

  “Now I see why the White House wanted you.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  * * *

  “I’m having some things delivered to your office today.”

  I turn around to see Oz standing behind me in my bedroom while I pick out clothes for work.

  “More singing telegrams?” I ask over my shoulder, then turn back to my closet.

  His warm hands cup my ass. I’ve got on a gray lacy thong and matching bra, which Oz is feeling up appreciatively.

  He laughs a little and gives me a playful smack before sitting down on my bed. “Sadly, not this time. We’ve got an event tomorrow, and I know you won’t have time to shop, so I’m having some dresses brought up for you to look at.”

  Turning around, I put my hands on my hips. “Tomorrow? And you’re just now telling me? What the hell, Miles?”

  “I know when you say my real name you’re angry.” He knows I’m mad, but that stupid grin is still on his face. “Besides, you promised me you’d go. So I’m being helpful.”

  He takes a sip of his coffee and I stand there in my underwear, trying to think back to when I said I would go to anything like an event. Then suddenly a small memory of a text from him saying that I had to go with him flutters through my mind. He’s right, but it seems like a lifetime ago that he said it.

  “Oz.” I stomp my foot, knowing he’s right. “You could have given me some notice. What’s the event for?”

  “Baby, I’ve got it all taken care of. You only have to show up and stay glued to my side. You always look stunning, so that won’t be a problem.”

  I roll my eyes, trying to ignore his sweet words. “Oz,” I say, this time with a warning edge to it.

  “There’s a silent auction that benefits The New York Foundling. It’s a charity dedicated to helping provide families with safe housing and educational support.”

  My heart warms at his words. “Okay,” I say quietly, and turn to grab a dress.

  “Okay?” he repeats.

  I slip on a navy blue shift, and Oz comes to stand behind me. He gives me a kiss between my shoulder blades before zipping my dress up.

  “Yes. I’ll go with you. I wish I had more notice so I could get prettied up.”

  He turns me around so I’m facing him and wraps me in his arms. “You, my love, are going to be the most gorgeous woman in the room, no matter if you try or not.” He leans down, giving my neck a kiss, and tells me he loves me.

  “I love you, too,” I say, unable to stop my smile.

  His warm amber and honey scent surrounds me, and I lean into his suit. The dark navy is nearly identical to mine, and it makes me smile. We’re both way too crazy about one another, but I roll with it. It makes me feel cherished and I don’t ever want to let it go.

  “Now let’s get to work before I take this pretty dress off you and rip another pair of your panties.”

  * * *

  “Here we go,” Skyler says, sitting back in her chair.

  I’d told her when I got to work today that there would be a delivery. I didn’t expect it to come two seconds after I walked in the door.

  I shoot a rubber band at her, and she dodges, giving me a smug face.

  Jay holds the double doors open as a young woman with dark hair and dark skin comes in wheeling a huge rack of clothes. She’s wearing a bright yellow wrap dress that accentuates all her curves and looks so pretty against her flawless skin. I immediately like her look and hop
e she’s got something on that rack that will look half as nice on me.

  Standing up, I greet her, extending my hand. I’m nervous but excited.

  “Hi, I’m Mallory.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Kimmi Ford.”

  Skyler peeks over my shoulder practically clawing to get at the clothes and waves at Kimmi. “I’m Skyler, and I’m a size four.”

  “Ignore her,” I say, elbowing her in the ribs.

  Kimmi laughs and waves to the dresses. “I’ve got nothing but twelves on this one. Sorry, babe.” She winks at Skyler, and then looks me up and down. “You’re going to be fun to dress. Great cleavage, nice hips. Yep. Let’s get rolling.”

  I look over at Skyler, who rubs her hands together like this is the greatest day ever.

  “Are you shy?” Kimmi asks, looking around for a private section of our office.

  I laugh. “No. I lived in an all-girls dorm for four years. I’m good.” Then I think for a second and look over at Skyler. “I’ll change on the other side of the racks. Jamie looks like she could snap my neck without even trying.”

  Skyler laughs and picks up her phone, no doubt to tell Jamie exactly what I said. But I don’t want to be disrespectful to their relationship, and I know Jamie is very protective of her.

  Kimmi wheels the rack over to a sitting area, and I stand on the other side, blocking my view of the two of them. I strip off my dress, and Kimmi points to where I should start.

  The whole rack is nothing but long gowns that look as if they’re meant for something really fancy. Am I meeting the president or going to a silent auction? I guess I have to trust that Miles and Kimmi know what they’re doing.

  I try on three dresses, and every time I walk around the rack, Kimmi shakes her head. It’s like I don’t even have an opinion, but again I’m going to trust her. The fourth dress I grab is gold and looks metallic. I have to take off my bra and panties to put it on, but when I do, the cool material feels so nice against me. And it fits me like a second skin.


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